This is intended as a quick reference and showcase.
- Headers
- Emphasis
- Lists
- Links
- Images
- Image Gallery
- Blockquotes
- Backslash Escape
- Code Blocks
- Tables
- Inline HTML
- Line Breaks
# H1
## H2
### H3
#### H4
##### H5
###### H6
*This text will be italic*
_This will also be italic_
**This text will be bold**
__This will also be bold__
*You **can** combine them*
Strikethrough uses two tildes. ~~Scratch this.~~
#### Unordered
* Item 1
* Item 2
* Item 2a
* Item 2b
#### Ordered
1. Item 1
2. Item 2
3. Item 3
* Item 3a
* Item 3b
URLs and URLs in angle brackets will automatically get turned into links. There are different types of links:
External links. Use absolute URL:
. -
Anchor in the same page:
[link text](#validate-your-manifestjson)
Link to a page in the same section/folder:
[link text](page-name#validate-your-manifestjson)
Link to a page in different section/folder:
[link text](../api/page-name#validate-your-manifestjson)
If you want to display images in the site you can do it in two ways:
upload files directly to the repo using the "upload files" button. make sure to upload it to the
folder. -
Upload files to online services like
add images Inline-style: (hover to see the title text):

Or use HTML if you want to customize the size or other styles:
<img src="../assets/app-creation-process.svg" alt="process" width="800"/>
You can create an image gallery. When you click on an image it will popup in a light box. Each image can be linked to YouTube video or larger image.
<div class="box" data-slick='{"slidesToShow": 2}'>
<a data-fancybox="gallery" data-caption="LoLwiz" href="../assets/transparent-window.png">
<span class="thumb">
<img src="../assets/transparent-window.png" alt="DotaPlus">
<a data-fancybox="gallery" data-caption="PUBG Tracker" href="">
PUBG Tracker
<span class="thumb">
<img src="" alt="DotaPlus">
Regular blockquotew:
Supported admonition types are: caution, note, important, tip, warning.
:::note This is my custom title
A note.
A caution.
An important.
A tip.
A warning.
Markdown allows you to use backslash escapes to generate literal characters which would otherwise have special meaning in Markdown’s formatting syntax.
\*literal asteriks\*
Markdown provides backslash escapes for the following characters:
\ backslash
` backtick
* asterisk
_ underscore
{} [] braces
() parentheses
# hash mark
+ plus sign
- minus sign (hyphen)
. dot
! exclamation mark
Inline code has back-ticks around it. Example:
And code blocks like that:
var s = "JavaScript syntax highlighting";
{ "icon": "IconMouseOver.png" }
To add code blocks that contain links, please put this line one the top of the page, right after the sidebar_label section:
And define your code block using this tags:
<pre lang="no-highlight"><code>
You can create tables by assembling a list of words and dividing them with hyphens - (for the first row), and then separating each column with a pipe | :
| Tables | Are | Cool |
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| col 3 is | right-aligned | $1600 |
| col 2 is | centered | $12 |
| zebra stripes | are neat | $1 |
You can also use raw HTML in your Markdown, and it'll mostly work pretty well.
My basic recommendation for learning how line breaks work is to experiment and discover -- hit once (i.e., insert one newline), then hit it twice (i.e., insert two newlines), see what happens.