- Commit the changes
- Tag with the version number, e.g.,
git tag -a -m "Release 0.2.0" 0.2.0
. - Verify setuptools_scm picks up the version number using
python -m setuptools_scm
. - Build sdist and wheel using
python build .
. - Upload to test server via twine
twine upload -r testpypi dist/*
. - Create test env:
conda create -n test python
. - Install in test env:
conda activate test
python -m pip install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ --extra-index-url https://pypi.org/simple psiaudio pytest
cd <src folder>/tests
- Verify downloaded version was used:
python -c "import psiaudio; print(psiaudio.version.version)"
. - Verify downloaded package was used:
python -c "import psiaudio; print(psiaudio.__file__)"
. - Upload to actual server via twine
twine upload dist/*