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beaeel edited this page Feb 3, 2016 · 15 revisions

The aim of this repository is:

  • to release datasets on fees paid for Open Access journal articles by Swedish HEI sector under an Open Database Licence.

  • to demonstrate how reporting on fee-based Open Access publishing can be made more transparent and reproducible across institutions. This is an important aspect in the preparation for the transition from a subscription based marked to an open access publishing infrastructure.

  • This transition needs a valid empirical foundation and can only be realised by standardized reporting

  • Meet the demand from stakeholders: HEI, government, research organisations, funding organisations, libraries

Academic research on Open Science

koppling till SwePub -svag datakvalitet från lärosätena gällande oa, förstärkning behövs via open apc-databas

2010 då VRs krav om oa kom

Contributing institutions have only to provide DOI list and gross price per article

Use of external sources

External sources were used to compile the dataset. This allows for disambiguated information on publishers and journals in order to make cost data comparable. Shared identifiers for publications (e.g. PMID) are provided as well.




CrossRef publisher Title of Publisher CrossRef journal_full_title Full Title of Journal CrossRef issn International Standard Serial Numbers (collapsed) CrossRef issn_print ISSN print CrossRef issn_electronic ISSN electronic CrossRef license_ref License of the article CrossRef indexed_in_crossref Is the article metadata registered with CrossRef? (logical) EuropePMC pmid PubMed ID EuropePMC pmcid PubMed Central ID Web of Science ut Web of Science record ID DOAJ doaj Is the journal indexed in the DOAJ? (logical)

Determinationof OA percentage for institutional publication data

Analysis of OA percentage within disciplines

MONITOR establishing workflows for a transparent and efficient handling of APC costs "funding organizations, library consortia and other stakeholders need a valid data base to be able to evaluate Open Access funding policies or transformation strategies"

"combines a bibliometric analysis of fee-based Open Access publishing in academic institutions with establishing a standardised reporting and open data service for APC data"

standard workflows workflows for aggregation, use and reuse of APC data.

open access analytics vem betalar, när betalas det, var kommer pengarna ifrån (finansiärer via direkta oa-medel eller projektmedel, fakultetsmedel, oa-fond typ chalmers, forskaren själv)

in which fee based open access publishing is organised in an efficient and sustainable way

learn about the market for APCs and the development of both full open access journals and hybrid journals

to model different APC offsetting schemes which have been developed for our negotiations with publishers. By working with institutions to release it more widely, we hope to add greater value to this work and encourage debate about hybrid open access publishing.

  1. as many APC payments as possible should be publicly available;
  2. this data should be as standardised and well-structured as possible.

Demand for valid information about open access publishing with costs: – Stakeholders (universities, research organisations, libraries, funding organisations)

Viktig kunskap om utvecklingen av rena oa-tidskrifter respektive hybridtidskrifter God hjälp i etableringen av sk. offsetting-modeller

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