This site is based on this project ———— kugga-app.
Clone this repository to your machine.
git clone [email protected]:Kugga-OSS/Kugga.git
cd Kugga
if you just want to test this project in your windows machine, set these environment variables firstly,
DATABASE_HOST="localhost" // mysql server host
DATABASE_PORT="3306" // mysql server port
DATABASE_USERNAME="root" // mysql server user
DATABASE_PASSWORD="123" // mysql server password
REDIS_HOST="localhost" // redis server id
REDIS_PORT="6379" // redis server post
JWT_SECRET_KEY="random_string" // json web token`s secret key
OSS_ENDPOINT="" // aliyun OSS Bucket` endpoint
ALI_KEY_ID="" // aliyun RAM Key Id
ALI_KEY_SECRET="" // aliyun RAM Key Secret
BUCKET_NAME="" // OSS Bucket name
AVATAR_FOLDER_URL="" // avatar storage location on ${BUCKET_NAME},for example
—— "avatar/"
if you want to deploy it to a linux machine, you can modify the
(on the root of the project) to your own setting, and transfer this file to your
linux machine. Then run the following commands.
chmod u+x
You need
- JDK1.8 environment
- Maven 3+
- MySQL database(and create a database named
) - Redis server
I recommend you could install MySQL and Redis with docker or just use remote linux machine.
Basic way After finishing all the prepare works, run the following command to init your mysql database and start server !!!
cd kugga-services
mvn flyway:migrate
cd kugga
mvn clean install
cd kugga-starter/target
java -jar kugga-starter-1.0.0.jar
If you don`t want to interactive with open examlpe/client.html
in your browser, you could use this demo to interactive with this server.
Use Docker Docker-compose is preparing!
More development plan, you could see in here.
MIT License.