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Scripting dynamic actions
kromster80 edited this page Jan 5, 2025
96 revisions
Actions are written in a form Actions.ACTION_NAME(ACTION_PARAMETERS);
like so:
if States.StatArmyCount(0) <= 3 then
Actions.PlayerDefeat(0); // Defeat 1st player
Most of action parameters are numeric (except houses, units and some others when mentioned).
Version column description:
"-" Means this action was added from the start.
"5678" Means this action was introduced in revision 5678.
"-5678" Means this action was removed in revision 5678.
- CampaignChapterSetup
- CampaignMissionResult
- CampaignMissionSetup
- CampaignMissionUnlock
- CampaignMissionWon
- CampaignProgress
- CampaignSelect
- CampaignSetup
- CinematicBarsHide
- CinematicBarsShow
- CinematicBegin
- CinematicEnd
- CinematicFadeIn
- CinematicFadeOut
- CinematicSpeechBubble
- CinematicSpeechBubbleUnit
- CinematicSubtitle
- CinematicTalkingHead
- CinematicTalkingHeadWithButtons
- CinematicText
- CinematicViewMoveTo
- CinematicViewMoveToEx
- CinematicViewReset
- CinematicViewRevert
- CinematicViewSetTo
- CinematicViewSetToDefault
- CinematicViewSetToEx
- CinematicViewStore
- FenceAdd
- FenceRemove
- FogCoverAll
- FogCoverCircle
- FogCoverRect
- FogRevealAll
- FogRevealCircle
- FogRevealRect
- GiveGroup
- GiveHouse
- GiveUnit
- GiveWares
- ❌ GiveWeapons
- GroupBannerDisplay
- GroupOrderAttackHouse
- GroupOrderAttackUnit
- GroupOrderFood
- GroupOrderHalt
- GroupOrderLink
- GroupOrderSplit
- GroupOrderStorm
- GroupOrderWalk
- GroupOwnerChange
- GroupSetFormation
- HouseAddDamage
- HouseAddRepair
- ❌ HouseAddWaresTo
- ❌ HouseAllow
- HouseDestroy
- HouseOwnerChange
- HouseRepairEnable
- HouseTrainQueueAdd
- HouseTrainQueueRemove
- ❌ HouseUnlock
- HouseWareAdd
- HouseWareInBlock
- HouseWareRemove
- HouseWaresInBlock
- HouseWeaponsOrderSet
- HouseWoodcutterMode
- InteractionMarkerAdd
- InteractionMarkerAddOnUnit
- InteractionMarkerBob
- InteractionMarkerRemove
- InteractionMarkerUpdate
- MissionHighscore
- PlanAddField
- PlanAddHouse
- PlanAddOrchard
- PlanAddRoad
- PlanRemove
- PlayerAIArmyCompositionReset
- PlayerAIArmyCompositionSet
- ⚠ PlayerAIDispositionAdd
- PlayerAIDispositionAdd
- PlayerAIDispositionRemove
- ⚠ PlayerAIDispositionUIDAdd
- PlayerAIDispositionUIDAdd
- PlayerAIDispositionUIDRemove
- PlayerAllianceChange
- PlayerColorChange
- PlayerDefeat
- PlayerGoalsSetDefault
- PlayerHouseBlock
- PlayerHouseGrant
- PlayerMessage
- ❌ PlayerMessageFormatted
- ❌ PlayerMessageGoto
- ❌ PlayerMessageGotoFormatted
- ❌ PlayerMessageOpen
- PlayerMessageWithButtons
- PlayerMissionResultString
- PlayerNameSet
- PlayerObjectiveAdd
- PlayerObjectiveUpdateStatus
- PlayerObjectiveUpdateText
- PlayerOverlayAppend
- ❌ PlayerOverlayAppendFormatted
- PlayerOverlaySet
- ❌ PlayerOverlaySetFormatted
- PlayerShareFog
- PlayerTradeAllow
- PlayerWareDistribution
- PlayerWin
- PlayWAV
- PlayWAVAtLocation
- RoadAdd
- RoadRemove
- StockpileAdd
- StockpileAt
- StockpileSetCount
- TerrainHighlightDelete
- TerrainHighlightFill
- TerrainHighlightLine
- TerrainObjectRemoveTile
- TerrainObjectRemoveVert
- TerrainObjectSet
- TerrainObjectSetEx
- TerrainObjectStateChange
- TerrainParticleEmitterAdd
- TerrainParticleEmitterDelete
- TerrainTriggerAdd
- TerrainTriggerDelete
- UnitAnimalSteer
- UnitCarryGive
- UnitCarryTake
- UnitDamageSet
- UnitDirectionSet
- UnitFlagColorOverride
- UnitHitpointsChange
- UnitHitpointsMax
- UnitHitpointsRestorePace
- UnitHitpointsSet
- UnitHungerChange
- UnitHungerSet
- UnitKill
- UnitMoraleOverride
- UnitNameSet
- UnitOrderWalk
- UnitOwnerChange
- UnitSightSet
- UnitSpeedSet
- UnitUnlock
- UnitWagonOrderEnterHouse
- UnitWagonOrderHalt
- UnitWagonOrderWalk
- WeatherAmbColorSet
- WeatherSkyColorSet
- WeatherSunColorSet
- WeatherSunPositionSet
Ver sion |
Action description | Parameters and types |
Returns |
8250 |
CampaignChapterSetup Sets up campaign chapter info in campaign menu. Campaign-only action! |
aChapter: Integer; // chapter index to set up aTitle: string; // text to display for the chapter title aShortTitle: string; // text to display for the chapter short title aBackgroundImg: string; // sprite to be used for the chapter background map (*.png) |
8794 |
CampaignMissionResult Sets up mission result in campaign menu. Campaign-only action! |
aMission: Integer; // mission index to set up aResult: string; // text to display for the mission result |
8250 |
CampaignMissionSetup Sets up all of the campaign mission info in campaign menu. Campaign-only action! |
aMission: Integer; // mission index to set up aUnlocked: Boolean; // Should it be available for selection and play aWon: Boolean; // should it be marked as won aFlagImgLocked: string; // sprite to be used for the locked state flag (*.png) aFlagImgNormal: string; // sprite to be used for the normal state flag (*.png) aFlagImgWon: string; // sprite to be used for the won state flag (*.png) aFlagPosX: Integer; // flag X position on the campaign map aFlagPosY: Integer; // flag Y position on the campaign map aTitle: string; // text to display for the mission title aBriefing: string; // text to display for the mission briefing |
8261 |
CampaignMissionUnlock Sets up unlocked status of a campaign mission in a campaign menu. Campaign-only action! |
aMission: Integer; // mission index to unlock aUnlocked: Boolean; // Should it be available for selection and play |
8722 |
CampaignMissionWon Sets up won status of a campaign mission in a campaign menu. Campaign-only action! |
aMission: Integer; // mission index to set up aWon: Boolean; // Won status |
8261 |
CampaignProgress Sets up progress campaign info in campaign selection menu. Campaign-only action! |
aProgress: string; // campaign progress displayed in the campaign selection menu | |
11581 |
CampaignSelect Sets up which mission will be selected in campaign selection menu. Campaign-only action! |
aMissionNext: Integer; // which mission will be selected by default to be played next | |
11581 |
CampaignSetup Sets up generic campaign info in campaign selection menu. Campaign-only action! |
aProgress: string; // campaign progress displayed in the campaign selection menu aNodeImg: string; // sprite to be used for the nodes between mission flags (*.png) |
8155 |
CinematicBarsHide Hides cinematic black bars around the screen |
8155 |
CinematicBarsShow Shows cinematic black bars around the screen |
8155 |
CinematicBegin Starts cinematic mode. Blocks all viewport controls |
8155 |
CinematicEnd Ends cinematic mode. Unblocks viewport controls |
8155 |
CinematicFadeIn Gradually reveals the screen from full black |
aDurationSec: Single; // effect duration in seconds | |
8155 |
CinematicFadeOut Gradually darkens the screen to full black |
aDurationSec: Single; // effect duration in seconds | |
8585 |
CinematicSpeechBubble Shows speech bubble at specified location and height over terrain |
aX, aY: Single; aHeight: Single; aScale: Byte; aText: string; aDurationSec: Single; |
12776 |
CinematicSpeechBubbleUnit Shows speech bubble for specified unit |
aUnitID: Integer; aScale: Byte; aText: string; aDurationSec: Single; // for how many game seconds to show this bubble |
8155 |
CinematicSubtitle Shows the subtitles |
aText: string; | |
12776 |
CinematicTalkingHead Shows an avatar with a message |
aImage: string; // image name (needs to be .png) aText: string; // message text aSound: string; // sound to play |
12947 |
CinematicTalkingHeadWithButtons Shows an avatar with a message and buttons player can choose from. Note that button clicks may return a few ticks later |
aImage: string; // image name (needs to be .png) aText: string; // message text aSound: string; // sound to play aButtons: array of string; aTags: array of Integer; // tags returned by the buttons pressed in OnScriptButtonClick |
8155 |
CinematicText Shows the text in the middle of the screen |
aText: string; aScale: Byte; // Text scale 1..16 |
8155 |
CinematicViewMoveTo Moves the camera |
aX, aY: Single; aHeading: Single; aZoom: Single; aDurationSec: Single; // move duration in seconds |
8155 |
CinematicViewMoveToEx Moves the camera with more control over the setup |
aX, aY: Single; aHeading: Single; aPitch: Single; aDist: Single; aFOV: Single; aDurationSec: Single; // move duration in seconds |
8155 |
CinematicViewReset Resets the camera to default orientation and zoom |
8155 |
CinematicViewRevert Restores player viewport setup (position, orientation, zoom) |
8155 |
CinematicViewSetTo Sets the camera |
aX, aY: Single; aHeading: Single; aZoom: Single; |
8166 |
CinematicViewSetToDefault Sets the camera X and Y. Heading and zoom are set to default |
aX, aY: Single; | |
8155 |
CinematicViewSetToEx Sets the camera with more control over the setup |
aX, aY: Single; aHeading: Single; aPitch: Single; aDist: Single; aFOV: Single; |
8155 |
CinematicViewStore Saves player viewport setup (position, orientation, zoom) |
8461 |
FenceAdd Set a fence on terrain X,Y: Tile where the fence should be set |
X, Y: Word; aDir: Word; // Side of the tile (only N, E, S and W are allowed) aFenceType: TKMFenceType; // Type of the fence aPlayer: Integer; // Owner of the fence |
Boolean // Success or fail |
8461 |
FenceRemove Remove fence from terrain X,Y: Tile from which the fence should be removed |
X, Y: Word; aDir: Word; // Side of the tile (only N, E, S and W are allowed) |
- |
FogCoverAll Cover whole map with fog of war for specified player |
aPlayer: Integer; | |
- |
FogCoverCircle Cover circle with fog of war to fully dark Circle will have a GPU assist for 10 ticks fading out in 30 ticks after that Note that covering inside active area (e.g. town) will not work and/or flicker as the fow gets immediately re-reveled by houses/units |
aPlayer: Integer; X, Y: Word; aRadius: Word; |
- |
FogCoverRect Cover rectangle with fog of war to fully dark Note that covering inside active area (e.g. town) will not work and/or flicker as the fow gets immediately re-reveled by houses/units |
aPlayer: Integer; X1: Word; Y1: Word; X2: Word; Y2: Word; |
- |
FogRevealAll Reveal whole map |
aPlayer: Integer; | |
- |
FogRevealCircle Reveals a circle in fog of war Circle will have a GPU assist for 10 ticks fading out in 30 ticks after that |
aPlayer: Integer; X, Y: Word; aRadius: Word; |
- |
FogRevealRect Reveal rectangle |
aPlayer: Integer; X1: Word; Y1: Word; X2: Word; Y2: Word; |
- |
GiveGroup Gives warriors group to a player |
aPlayer: Integer; aUnitType: TKMUnitType; X, Y: Word; aDir: Word; aCount: Word; aColumns: Word; |
Integer // UID of the group on success |
4433 |
GiveHouse Places house on terrain, removing removable objects below it (trees and such) If there are units below - placement fails |
aPlayer: Integer; aHouseType: TKMHouseType; X, Y: Word; aFace: TKMHouseFace; |
Integer // UID of the house on success |
- |
GiveUnit Gives unit to a player Should be a citizen unit. For warriors - use GiveGroup |
aPlayer: Integer; aUnitType: TKMUnitType; X, Y: Word; aDir: Word; |
Integer // UID of the unit on success |
- |
GiveWares Try to give wares to the player. Wares will be added to the first suitable house |
aPlayer: Integer; aWareType: TKMWareType; aCount: Word; |
-12605 |
GiveWeapons ❌ Removed Method was removed, use GiveWares instead |
aPlayer: Integer; aWareType: TKMWareType; aCount: Word; |
r14230 |
GroupBannerDisplay Hides or shows groups banner for the specified group |
aGroupID: Integer; aShow: Boolean; |
- | GroupOrderAttackHouse | aGroupID: Integer; aHouseID: Integer; |
- | GroupOrderAttackUnit | aGroupID: Integer; aUnitID: Integer; |
- | GroupOrderFood | aGroupID: Integer; | |
- | GroupOrderHalt | aGroupID: Integer; | |
- |
GroupOrderLink Order the group to link to another group (if possible) |
aGroupID: Integer; aDestGroupID: Integer; |
- | GroupOrderSplit | aGroupID: Integer; | Integer // UID of the separated group |
- | GroupOrderStorm | aGroupID: Integer; | |
- | GroupOrderWalk | aGroupID: Integer; aX, aY: Word; aDirection: Word; |
6982 |
GroupOwnerChange Change owner of the group. Technically it kills old units and creates new ones with the same basic properties (type, position, direction, hp, condition). All the advanced props and states do not get copied over. If old group was moving/fighting, it is not guaranteed that new group units will be placed on the same positions |
aGroupID: Integer; aPlayer: Integer; |
Integer // UID of new group |
- | GroupSetFormation | aGroupID: Integer; aNumColumns: Byte; |
- | HouseAddDamage | aHouseID: Integer; aDamage: Word; // number of hitpoints to take from the house |
- | HouseAddRepair | aHouseID: Integer; aRepair: Word; // number of hitpoints to give to the house |
-7981 |
HouseAddWaresTo ❌ Removed Method was removed, use HouseWareAdd instead |
aHouseID: Integer; aWareType: TKMWareType; aCount: Word; |
-10696 |
HouseAllow ❌ Removed Method was removed, use PlayerHouseBlock instead Allow or block the house from being built |
aPlayer: Integer; aHouseType: TKMHouseType; aAllowed: Boolean; |
- | HouseDestroy | aHouseID: Integer; aSilent: Boolean; // Wherever to play the sound and leave rubble on terrain or not |
5194 |
HouseOwnerChange Change owner of the House. Technically it destroys old House and creates a new one with the same basic props (type, position, direction, hp, ..). All the advanced props and states do not get copied over. Wares do not get copied over yet. |
aHouseID: Integer; aPlayer: Integer; |
Integer // UID of new House |
- | HouseRepairEnable | aHouseID: Integer; aRepairEnabled: Boolean; |
4820 |
HouseTrainQueueAdd Train units in the house (School/Fort/Barracks) |
aHouseID: Integer; aUnitType: TKMUnitType; aCount: Integer; |
Integer // number of units added to the queue |
4820 |
HouseTrainQueueRemove Try to remove units from training queue in the house (School/Fort/Barracks) |
aHouseID: Integer; aQueueIndex: Integer; // Should be in 0..5 range |
-10696 |
HouseUnlock ❌ Removed Method was removed, use PlayerHouseGrant instead Allow the house to be built irregardless of preceeding houses availability |
aPlayer: Integer; aHouseType: TKMHouseType; |
7981 |
HouseWareAdd Adds wares to specified house |
aHouseID: Integer; aWareType: TKMWareType; aCount: Word; // number of wares to add. Gets trimmed to not exceed house max storage |
7021 |
HouseWareInBlock Set spacious house ware delivery policy. Works only for spacious houses (Camp, Fort, Store, Barracks) |
aHouseID: Integer; aWareType: TKMWareType; aBlock: Integer; // 0 - allow, 1 - block, 2 - evacuate |
7985 |
HouseWareRemove Removes wares from specified house. Works only on complete houses |
aHouseID: Integer; aWareType: TKMWareType; aCount: Word; // number of wares to take |
Word // number of wares that were actually taken |
10399 |
HouseWaresInBlock Set common house ware delivery policy. Works only for common houses |
aHouseID: Integer; aBlock: Integer; // 0 - allow, 1 - block |
- | HouseWeaponsOrderSet | aHouseID: Integer; aWareType: TKMWareType; aAmount: Integer; |
8900 |
HouseWoodcutterMode Modes are: 0 - cut and plant, 1 - chop only, 2 - plant only |
aHouseID: Integer; aChopMode: Byte; |
12950 |
InteractionMarkerAdd Adds interaction marker |
aMarkerType: TKMInteractionType; // type of the marker aX, aY: Single; |
Integer // unique ID of the created marker |
12950 |
InteractionMarkerAddOnUnit Adds interaction marker on to a unit |
aMarkerType: TKMInteractionType; // type of the marker aUnitID: Integer; // UID of the unit |
Integer // unique ID of the created marker |
13777 |
InteractionMarkerBob Updates interaction marker property |
aMarkerID: Integer; aBob: Boolean; // enable or disable bobbing of the marker |
12950 |
InteractionMarkerRemove Removes interaction marker |
aMarkerID: Integer; // identifier of the marker | |
12950 |
InteractionMarkerUpdate Updates interaction marker properties |
aMarkerID: Integer; // identifier of the marker aColor: Integer; // new RGB color of the marker. Pass -1 to reset to default aGlow: Boolean; // enable or disable glow around the marker aHeight: Single; // new height of the marker (must be within range 0 .. 2.0). Pass -1 to reset to default |
8775 |
MissionHighscore Sets the mission score Score can be set only for single-player Campaign and Story missions that have Highscores enabled in MapEd. Timed missions can have highscores too, but the score there is supplementary. Good highscore mission are: - Single-Player, so other players can not affect the outcome - Story, so player can not choose weaker or stronger AI opponents - If it is in a campaign - not affected by previous campaign missions - Have no random or dynamic difficulty or difficulty/bonuses choice via script Thus, only mapmaker can tell if mission should be scored or not, and it can be done by calling this action |
aScore: Integer; // number between -1 and 99999. -1 will keep highscore calculation to the default game formula | |
- | PlanAddField | aPlayer: Integer; X, Y: Word; |
Boolean // success or fail |
4433 |
PlanAddHouse Places house plan on terrain, removing removable objects below it (trees and such) |
aPlayer: Integer; aHouseType: TKMHouseType; X, Y: Word; aFace: TKMHouseFace; |
Boolean // success or fail |
- | PlanAddOrchard | aPlayer: Integer; X, Y: Word; |
Boolean // success or fail |
- | PlanAddRoad | aPlayer: Integer; X, Y: Word; |
Boolean // success or fail |
- |
PlanRemove Removes any house or fieldwork plan |
aPlayer: Integer; X, Y: Word; |
Boolean // success or fail |
5374 |
PlayerAIArmyCompositionReset Reset the rate at which AI should equip new warriors to 0 |
aPlayer: Integer; | |
5374 |
PlayerAIArmyCompositionSet Change the rate at which AI should equip new warriors (units per hour) |
aPlayer: Integer; aUnitType: TKMUnitType; aWarriorsPerHour: Word; |
5735 |
PlayerAIDispositionAdd ⚠ Changed Method was changed |
aPlayer: Integer; X, Y: Word; aDir: Word; aGroupType: TKMGroupType; aGuardRadius: Word; aNumUnits: Word; aUnitsPerRow: Word; |
Boolean |
15205 |
PlayerAIDispositionAdd Add disposition for players AI |
aPlayer: Integer; X, Y: Word; aDir: Word; aGroupType: TKMGroupType; aNumUnits: Word; aUnitsPerRow: Word; aGuardRadius: Word; |
Boolean // Success or fail (due to bad parameters or already existing position) |
5735 |
PlayerAIDispositionRemove Remove disposition |
aPlayer: Integer; aX, aY: Word; |
Boolean // Success or fail |
15082 |
PlayerAIDispositionUIDAdd ⚠ Changed Method was changed |
aPlayer: Integer; X, Y: Word; aDir: Word; aGroupType: TKMGroupType; aGuardRadius: Word; aNumUnits: Word; aUnitsPerRow: Word; |
Integer |
15205 |
PlayerAIDispositionUIDAdd Add disposition for players AI |
aPlayer: Integer; X, Y: Word; aDir: Word; aGroupType: TKMGroupType; aNumUnits: Word; aUnitsPerRow: Word; aGuardRadius: Word; |
Integer // Returns disposition UID in case of success or 0 on fail (due to bad parameters or already existing position) |
15082 |
PlayerAIDispositionUIDRemove Remove disposition |
aPlayer: Integer; aDispositionUID: Integer; |
Boolean // Success or fail |
4053 |
PlayerAllianceChange Change alliance between players. Always symmetrical |
aPlayer1: Integer; aPlayer2: Integer; aAllied: Boolean; // Ally or enemy aShareFOW: Boolean; // Start sharing FOW between players |
5422 |
PlayerColorChange Change players color. Note that animals have their own colors on the minimap |
aPlayer: Integer; // Player index (0..N-1) aColor: Integer; // New color |
- |
PlayerDefeat Set player defeated |
aPlayer: Integer; | |
- |
PlayerGoalsSetDefault Add default multiplayer goals for a player - to kill all enemies. |
aPlayer: Integer; // Player index (0..N-1) aBuildings: Boolean; // destroy core houses too |
10696 |
PlayerHouseBlock Block the house from being built irregardless of preceeding houses availability If house is both granted and blocked - it will be blocked |
aPlayer: Integer; aHouseType: TKMHouseType; aBlock: Boolean; |
10696 |
PlayerHouseGrant Allow the house to be built irregardless of preceeding houses availability If house is both granted and blocked - it will be blocked |
aPlayer: Integer; aHouseType: TKMHouseType; aGrant: Boolean; |
8180 |
PlayerMessage Send a message to the player. Message gets stored in message log |
aPlayer: Integer; // can be -1 to send the message to all the players aText: string; // text with libx codes to substitute aOpen: Boolean; // should the message be opened to the player at once |
-8131 |
PlayerMessageFormatted ❌ Removed Method was removed, Formatted messages can be made with Utils.Format() |
aPlayer: Integer; aText: string; Params: array of const; |
-8180 |
PlayerMessageGoto ❌ Removed Method was removed, Goto messages should be done with Actions.PlayerMessageWithButtons |
aPlayer: Integer; aX, aY: Word; aText: string; |
-8131 |
PlayerMessageGotoFormatted ❌ Removed Method was removed, Formatted messages can be made with Utils.Format() |
aPlayer: Integer; aX, aY: Word; aText: string; Params: array of const; |
-8180 |
PlayerMessageOpen ❌ Removed Method was removed, Adjoined with PlayerMessage with a boolean key |
aPlayer: Integer; aText: string; |
9746 |
PlayerMessageWithButtons Send a message to the player with options (buttons) player can choose from Message result will return asynchronously in the OnScriptButton event from each player (possibly even in different tick).In multiplayer games, event might be several ticks later due to lag. When you need to show several modal messages - spread them over different ticks, to avoid piling up. In rare cases, when player cheats, he can miss the message altogether (e.g. by viewing different Hand during message invocation). AI players can receive modal messages, but can not react to them in meaningful manner. The messages will be just ignored and written in to log as warnings |
aPlayer: Integer; aText: string; // Message text aButtons: array of string; // Array of button captions. Can be up to 8 aImages: array of string; // Array of button image names (need to be .png) aTags: array of Integer; // Array of button tags (need to be > 0. Will be passed back in click event) aOpen: Boolean; // Opens the message and sets the game on pause after current tick is done aBlockAfterClick: Boolean; // Block buttons after a click aModal: Boolean; // Block "close" and "prev/next" buttons, forcing player to choose one of the message options |
8742 |
PlayerMissionResultString Sets a message shown to the player on mission result. Typically used in campaign and story missions. Can be set at any moment and is shown for any mission outcome. Available size is around 18 by 8 characters. |
aPlayer: Integer; aText: string; |
5027 |
PlayerNameSet Rename a player (works only in Singleplayer and for AIs in Multiplayer) Note: renaming a player updates texts for all affected objectives created from goals |
aPlayer: Integer; aName: string; |
3026 |
PlayerObjectiveAdd Add objective for the player |
aPlayer: Integer; aObjectiveType: TKMObjectiveType; // type of the objective (see TKMObjectiveType for details) aPriority: Integer; // Affects objective position in the list. Smaller numbers come first. Otherwise objectives keep order in which they were added aStatus: TKMObjectiveStatus; // status of the objective (see TKMObjectiveStatus for details) aCaption: string; // text displayed |
Integer // UID of the objective |
3026 |
PlayerObjectiveUpdateStatus Update objective status |
aPlayer: Integer; aObjectiveId: Integer; aStatus: TKMObjectiveStatus; |
- |
PlayerObjectiveUpdateText Update objective text displayed in GUI. Color-coding is supported |
aPlayer: Integer; aObjectiveId: Integer; aText: string; |
4947 | PlayerOverlayAppend | aPlayer: Integer; aText: string; |
-8131 |
PlayerOverlayAppendFormatted ❌ Removed Method was removed, Formatted messages can be made with Utils.Format() |
aPlayer: Integer; aText: string; Params: array of const; |
4947 | PlayerOverlaySet | aPlayer: Integer; aText: string; |
-8131 |
PlayerOverlaySetFormatted ❌ Removed Method was removed, Formatted messages can be made with Utils.Format() |
aPlayer: Integer; aText: string; Params: array of const; |
- |
PlayerShareFog Start or stop sharing FOW between players. This can be done assymetrically True means that aPlayer1 shares his FOW with aPlayer2 (in other words, P1 allows P2 to see his FOW |
aPlayer1: Integer; aPlayer2: Integer; aShare: Boolean; |
8460 |
PlayerTradeAllow Allows or forbids trading of certain ware in Marketplace |
aPlayer: Integer; aWareType: TKMWareType; aAllowed: Boolean; |
- |
PlayerWareDistribution Change ware distribution between players houses |
aPlayer: Integer; aWareType: TKMWareType; aHouseType: TKMHouseType; aAmount: Byte; // Sets how many wares of the type can be a maximum in the house type. Allowed values (0..5) |
- |
PlayerWin Sets all player IDs in aVictors to victorious. All other players are set to defeated. |
aVictors: array of Integer; aTeamVictory: Boolean; // If all teammates win too |
- |
PlayWAV Play WAV file |
aPlayer: Integer; aFilename: string; // Name of the file from the map folder, without a path. Must have ".wav" extension. aVolume: Single; // Playback volume. From 0.0 to 1.0 |
- |
PlayWAVAtLocation Play WAV file at specified location on map |
aPlayer: Integer; aFilename: string; // Name of the file from the map folder, without a path. Must have ".wav" extension. aVolume: Single; // Playback volume. From 0.0 to 1.0 X: Word; // X tile coordinate Y: Word; // Y tile coordinate |
10523 |
RoadAdd Set a road on terrain |
X, Y: Word; aPlayer: Integer; // Owner of the road |
Boolean // Success or fail |
10523 |
RoadRemove Remove road from terrain |
X, Y: Word; | |
4586 |
StockpileAdd Add stockpile on the map |
aWareType: TKMWareType; // Ware type aX, aY: Word; aCount: Word; // Ware count. Must be in range 1 .. 10 |
Integer // UID of the stockpile in case of success |
12776 |
StockpileAt Returns stockpile UID at location |
aX, aY: Word; | Integer // UID of the stockpile in case of success |
4586 |
StockpileSetCount Change number of wares in a stockpile. Stockpile must be not empty |
aStockpileID: Integer; // UID of the stockpile aCount: Word; // New ware count. If zero, stockpile will be removed |
8166 |
TerrainHighlightDelete Delete highlight previously placed on terrain |
aUID: Integer; | |
8166 |
TerrainHighlightFill Add highlighted area to terrain |
aX, aY: Single; aWidth: Single; aHeight: Single; aColor: Cardinal; |
Integer |
8166 |
TerrainHighlightLine Add outline highlight to terrain |
aX, aY: Single; aWidth: Single; aHeight: Single; aThickness: Single; aColor: Cardinal; |
Integer // Id of the highlight (to be used in delete). -1 in case of fail |
13765 |
TerrainObjectRemoveTile Tries to remove an object from the terrain tile Function may fail if the object was used by someone in the game (e.g. grain being cut) |
aX, aY: Integer; | Boolean // Success or fail |
13765 |
TerrainObjectRemoveVert Tries to remove an object from the terrain vertice Function may fail if the object was used by someone in the game (e.g. tree being cut) |
aX, aY: Integer; | Boolean // Success or fail |
13765 |
TerrainObjectSet Tries to set an object on to the terrain (possibly replacing existing one) Consult with the MapEd to see which objects are tile-placed and vertice-placed Trees, grain fields and such are allowed and supported Function may fail if the tile/vertice was used by someone in the game (e.g. unit or a house) |
aX, aY: Integer; aRot: Byte; aObject: Word; |
Boolean // Success or fail |
14725 |
TerrainObjectSetEx Tries to set an object on to the terrain (possibly replacing existing one) Consult with the MapEd to see which objects are tile-placed and vertice-placed Trees, grain fields and such are allowed and supported Function may fail if the tile/vertice was used by someone in the game (e.g. unit or a house) |
aX, aY: Integer; aRot: Byte; aObject: string; |
Boolean // Success or fail |
14230 |
TerrainObjectStateChange Toggles map object to certain state |
aX, aY: Integer; aCoord: Byte; aNewState: Byte; // New state (as listed in MapEd) aSkipAnim: Boolean; // Change objects state without transition animation |
Boolean |
6620 |
TerrainParticleEmitterAdd Adds particle emitter on to terrain. Replaces any existing emitter on the spot |
aX, aY: Word; aType: Integer; |
6620 |
TerrainParticleEmitterDelete Remove particle emitter from terrain |
aX, aY: Word; | |
5094 |
TerrainTriggerAdd Adds rectangle trigger area on to terrain |
aLeft: Word; aTop: Word; aRight: Word; aBottom: Word; |
Integer // Id of the trigger in case of success. Otherwise -1. |
5094 |
TerrainTriggerDelete Remove trigger area from terrain |
aId: Integer; // Id of the trigger to be removed | |
9785 |
UnitAnimalSteer Tells animal to steer around a new spot. Note than this is only a hint, animal could be busy with other task or be restricted. |
aUnitID: Integer; // ID of the animal aAnchorX: Integer; // New anchor around which the animal will try to steer. -1 for none aAnchorY: Integer; // New anchor around which the animal will try to steer. -1 for none aGuardRadius: Integer; // New guard radius (only for agressive animals). How far from the anchor animal can actively attack foes. 0..255 aWanderRadius: Integer; // New wandering radius. How far from the anchor animal can wander. Needs to be >= than guard radius. 0..255 |
7968 |
UnitCarryGive Give wares to the unit (only Wagons supported yet) |
aUnitID: Integer; aWare: TKMWareType; aCount: Integer; |
Integer // number of wares Given (could be 0 or smaller than requested due to max Wagon capacity and ware type mismatch) |
2732 |
UnitCarryTake Take wares from the unit (only Wagons supported yet) |
aUnitID: Integer; aWare: TKMWareType; aCount: Integer; |
Integer // number of wares taken (0 if unsuccessfull) |
15091 |
UnitDamageSet Sets units damage Applicable to melee, ranged and agressive animals If unit changes owner, this setting will be carried over |
aUnitID: Integer; // ID of the unit aDamageMin: Integer; // Allowed values are 0 .. 100. Pass -1 to reset to default aDamageMax: Integer; // Allowed values are 1 .. 100. Pass -1 to reset to default |
- |
UnitDirectionSet Make idle unit face specified direction |
aUnitID: Integer; aDir: Integer; |
Boolean // success or fail |
14230 |
UnitFlagColorOverride Changed unit flag color to a custom one. Valid values are 0..$FFFFFF. Pass -1 to reset to default |
aUnitID: Integer; aColor: Integer; |
14498 |
UnitHitpointsChange Changes unit Hitpoints. If hitpoints reach zero, unit will die with animation |
aUnitID: Integer; // ID of the unit aValue: Integer; // Hitpoints change. Plus to add, Minus to reduce |
14505 |
UnitHitpointsMax Sets unit maximum Hitpoints |
aUnitID: Integer; // ID of the unit aValue: Integer; // Allowed values are 1 .. 500. Pass -1 to reset to default |
14505 |
UnitHitpointsRestorePace One hitpoint will be restored for the unit once every X ticks Note that hitpoint restoration is naturally paused when unit is taking damage If unit changes owner, this setting will be carried over |
aUnitID: Integer; // ID of the unit aRestorePace: Integer; // Allowed values are from 0 (no restoration) to 600 (once every minute). Pass -1 to reset to default |
14498 |
UnitHitpointsSet Set unit Hitpoints. If hitpoints are set to zero, unit will die with animation |
aUnitID: Integer; // ID of the unit aValue: Integer; // Hitpoints |
14498 |
UnitHungerChange Changes unit hunger level. If unit changes owner, this setting will be carried over |
aUnitID: Integer; // ID of the unit aHungerSec: Integer; // Hunger level change in seconds of unit life. Should be within 0 and 2700 (45min). Plus to add, Minus to reduce |
6692 |
UnitHungerSet Set unit hunger level. If unit changes owner, this setting will be carried over |
aUnitID: Integer; // ID of the unit aHungerSec: Integer; // Hunger level in seconds of unit life. Should be within 0 and 2700 (45min) |
- |
UnitKill Kills a unit Actual death could still take up to a couple of ticks, until all internal interactions are resolved Units in training can not die until they are trained. |
aUnitID: Integer; aSilent: Boolean; // Makes unit die without exiting house, death animation and sound |
15303 |
UnitMoraleOverride Override current unit morale |
aUnitID: Integer; aMorale: Integer; // New unit morale as a percentage between 0 and 100. Set to -1 to disable the override |
// UID of new unit |
15063 |
UnitNameSet Set unit name to be diplayed in HUD |
aUnitID: Integer; // ID of the unit aName: string; // Name of the unit. Pass empty string to reset to default |
- |
UnitOrderWalk Order a unit to walk to location. Can not order to animals. Only idle units can be ordered to walk. |
aUnitID: Integer; X, Y: Word; |
Boolean // success or fail |
5128 |
UnitOwnerChange Change owner of the unit. Technically it kills old unit and creates a new one with the same basic properties (type, position, direction, hp, condition, wares). All the advanced props and states do not get carried over. Warriors need to change owner via GroupOwnerChange (even single ones) |
aUnitID: Integer; aPlayer: Integer; |
Integer // UID of new unit |
15347 |
UnitSightSet Change unit sight radius. Measured in whole tiles from the units position If unit changes owner, this setting will be carried over Valid values are 1 .. 32. Pass -1 to reset to default |
aUnitID: Integer; aSight: Integer; |
15338 |
UnitSpeedSet Change unit speed. Measured in number of steps it takes to cross 1 tile Higher value means slower movement speed If unit changes owner, this setting will be carried over Valid values are 4 .. 32. Pass -1 to reset to default |
aUnitID: Integer; aSpeed: Integer; |
Alpha 11.2 |
UnitUnlock Allow the unit to be trained (if was blocked in a static script) |
aPlayer: Integer; aUnitType: TKMUnitType; |
r10636 |
UnitWagonOrderEnterHouse Order wagon to enter a building |
aWagonID: Integer; aHouseID: Integer; |
r10636 |
UnitWagonOrderHalt Order wagon to stop movement |
aWagonID: Integer; | |
r10636 |
UnitWagonOrderWalk Order wagon to move to destination |
aWagonID: Integer; aX, aY: Word; aDirection: Word; |
14230 |
WeatherAmbColorSet Sets new color for the ambient lighting |
aColor: Integer; // RGB color value. Use -1 to reset to default | |
14230 |
WeatherSkyColorSet Sets new color for the sky |
aColor: Integer; // RGB color value. Use -1 to reset to default | |
14230 |
WeatherSunColorSet Sets new color for the sun |
aColor: Integer; // RGB color value. Use -1 to reset to default | |
14230 |
WeatherSunPositionSet Sets new position for the sun |
aAzimuth: Single; // Setting the sun to shine from North is 0.0, from East is 90.0, from South is 180.0, from West is 270.0. Allowed range is 0.0 .. 360.0. Use < 0.0 to reset to default aAltitude: Single; // Sunset is at 0.0 degrees, Noon is at 90.0 degrees. Allowed range is -90.0 .. 90.0. Use < -90.0 to reset to default |