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According to @KoshiroRobot (YT video), the 60 fps of the camera seems to be the limiting factor for a ball bouncing controller.
I like this project and I'm thinking to make something similar, very likely with stepper motors and silent stepper drivers (to avoid getting kicked out of the family while working on this).
Before buying the material I looked into the code, to answer the question "is it preferable a Raspberry Pi 5 + V1 camera or a Raspberry Pi 4b is enough ... perhaps in combination with a more recent camera version?"
I made some tests with components borrowed from other projects: Raspberry Pi 4b 2Gb with different PiCamera versions, namely V3 wide, V2 and a V1 clone.
While trying to increase the camera fps, I monitored the FOV (horizontal and especially vertical) to be as per this project setup.
Result with the original code:
Rpi4 + V1 --> img_fps 62 (camera fps as per original project)
With some little code's changes:
Rpi4 + V1 --> img_fps 62 (I could not speed up the camera)
Rpi4 + V2 --> img_fps 83 (30% faster camera)
Rpi4 + V3 wide --> img_fps120 (90% faster camera)
Conclusion: For this project, I'm going to buy a Raspberry Pi 4b 2Gb and a V3 wide camera.
The total cost will be rougly the same :-( . Below some notes:
V3 wide camera at 120fps has quite some crop, yet the reduced FOV overlaps the one of V1 camera at 62fps.
By increasing the camera fps the robot controller increases the load to the cpu, yet the Rpi 4b keeps up with the camera's fps. I believes it's beneficial a synchronization between the threads, but this is a fully different topic.
I have no clues whether the higher fps will be sufficient to be able to bounce the ball, perhpas I'll know it soon...
If anyone is interested in these changes to the code, please let me know by adding a comment to this post and I will summarize them here; Otherwise I will proceed with the project and see how far I get.
EDIT 23/06/2024: Changes at the camera_Class file (new, changed or integrated parts have '#AF#' comment)
from picamera2 import Picamera2
from libcamera import controls
import cv2
import numpy as np
import threading
lock = threading.Lock()
import os #AF# os libray
os.environ["LIBCAMERA_LOG_LEVELS"] = "2" #AF# with "2" libcamera prints WARN, ERROR, FATAL feedback ("1" adds INFO)
ret = os.system(f"v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl wide_dynamic_range=0 -d /dev/v4l-subdev0") #AF# sets the camera HDR to off
class Camera:
def __init__(self):
self.picam2 = Picamera2()
self.height = 480
self.width = 480
self.scale = 0.5 #AF# scaling down factor
self.interp_method = cv2.INTER_AREA #AF# interpolation method resamples using pixel area relation
focus_dist_m = 0.3 #AF# focus distance in meters
focus_dist = 1/focus_dist_m if focus_dist_m > 0 else 3 #AF preventing zero division
#AF# settings for V3 wide camera @120fps
self.main = {"format": 'RGB888', "size": (self.height, self.width)} #AF# RGB instead of XRGB
lores = {"size": (self.width, self.height), "format": "YUV420"} #AF# low res (with Rpi5 it could be RGB instead!)
self.config = self.picam2.create_video_configuration(
main = self.main,
lores = lores, #AF# added low resolution
display = "lores", #AF# added display stream (low resolution)
"FrameDurationLimits": (8333,8333),
"ExposureTime": 8000,
"FrameRate": 120, #AF# added FrameRate control
"AfMode": controls.AfModeEnum.Manual, #AF# added Manual Focus control
"LensPosition": focus_dist, #AF# added Focus distance control
"NoiseReductionMode": controls.draft.NoiseReductionModeEnum.Fast #AF# added fast noise reduction
self.picam2.align_configuration(self.config) #AF# added align_configuration, ensuring higher performances
# 蛍光ピンクのHSV範囲を定義
self.lower_pink = np.array([140, 150, 50]) # H: 約140度から
self.upper_pink = np.array([180, 255, 255]) # H: 約170度まで
image = self.take_pic(resize=False) #AF# one image from the camera is taken
h, w = image.shape[:2] #AF# image height and width
self.ww = int(w * self.scale) #AF# scaled image width (reused at for consistency)
self.hh = int(h * self.scale) #AF# scaled image height (reused at for consistency)
self.min_area = (self.ww * self.hh)//200 #AF# minimum ball area, based on image area
self.max_area = (self.ww * self.hh)//6 #AF# maximum ball area, based on image area
def take_pic(self, resize = True): #AF# added resize argument
image = self.picam2.capture_array('main') #AF# with a Raspberry Pi 5 this could use 'lores' instead
if resize: #AF# case resize is set True
#AF# image is scaled to increase fps (lower resolution for ball position, i assume still enough)
image = cv2.resize(image, (self.ww, self.hh), interpolation = self.interp_method)
return image
def show_video(self, image, wait=1):
cv2.imshow("Live", image)
def find_ball(self, image):
ball_presence = False #AF# added presumption of no ball is found
# HSV色空間に変換
image_hsv = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
# 色範囲に基づくマスクを作成
mask = cv2.inRange(image_hsv, self.lower_pink, self.upper_pink)
# 輪郭を見つける
contours, _ = cv2.findContours(mask, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
if contours:
# 最大の輪郭を見つける
largest_contour = max(contours, key=cv2.contourArea)
# 最小外接円を取得
(x, y), radius = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(largest_contour)
area = cv2.contourArea(largest_contour) # 面積を計算
if self.max_area > area > self.min_area: # ノイズを無視するための閾値 #AF# ball area thresholds based on image area
ball_presence = True #AF# ball is found
# 円を画像に描画, (int(x), int(y)), int(radius), (0, 255, 0), 2)
d = radius*2
h = 10000/d
# 中心を修正
# x -= self.height / 2 #AF# commented out
# y -= self.width / 2 #AF# commented out
x -= self.hh / 2 #AF# Ball CM coordinate x
y -= self.ww / 2 #AF# Ball CM coordinate y
x, y = -y, x
return int(x), int(y), int(area) # 画像と座標、面積を返す
if not ball_presence: #AF# added case no ball is detected
self.show_video(image, wait=20) #AF# image is shown, at 50Hz
return -1, -1, 0 # ボールが検出されなかった場合 #AF return when no ball is detected
def clean_up_cam(self):
And those at (again, changes have the '#AF#' comments):
import class_BBRobot
import class_Camera
import class_PID
import time
import threading
import numpy as np
# 画像サイズ(高さ、幅)とチャンネル数(ここでは3チャンネル = RGB)
camera = class_Camera.Camera()
# height = 480 #AF# commented out (duplicate of data at camera Class)
# width = 480 #AF# commented out (duplicate of data at camera Class)
height = camera.hh #AF# height is retrieved from the first image, at camera init
width = camera.ww #AF# width is retrieved from the first image, at camera init
channels = 3
# 空の画像を作成(全てのピクセルが0)
image = np.zeros((height, width, channels), dtype=np.uint8)
ids = [1, 2, 3]
K_PID = [0.015, 0.0001, 0.0051] #0.015, 0.0001, 0.0051
k = 1
a = 1
Robot = class_BBRobot.BBrobot(ids)
pid = class_PID.PID(K_PID, k, a)
pz_ini = Robot.ini_pos[2]
# frame_count = 0 #AF# moved into the functions, removing a global variable
# start_time = time.time() #AF# moved into the functions, removing a global variable
fps = 0 # 初期値として0を設定
img_fps = 0
rob_fps = 0
fps_check = 120 #AF# variable for fpf check and printout
x = -1
y = -1
area = -1
goal = [100, 0]
xx = -1 #AF# initial ball coordinate x, that will be corrected by image scaling
yy = -1 #AF# initial ball coordinate y, that will be corrected by image scaling
def get_img():
global image, img_fps #, img_start_time #AF# removed one global
img_start_time = time.time() #AF# img_start_time from global to local variable
img_frame_count = 0
image = camera.take_pic()
img_frame_count += 1
if img_frame_count >= fps_check:
img_end_time = time.time()
img_elapsed_time = img_end_time - img_start_time
img_fps = int(round(fps_check / img_elapsed_time,0))
img_start_time = img_end_time
img_frame_count = 0
def cont_rob():
global x, y, area, rob_fps #, rob_start_time #AF# removed one global
rob_start_time = time.time() #AF# rob_start_time from global to local variable
rob_frame_count = 0
x, y, area = camera.find_ball(image)
rob_frame_count += 1
if rob_frame_count >= fps_check:
rob_end_time = time.time()
rob_elapsed_time = rob_end_time - rob_start_time
rob_fps = int(round(fps_check / rob_elapsed_time,0))
rob_start_time = rob_end_time
rob_frame_count = 0
camera_thread = threading.Thread(target=get_img)
rob_thread = threading.Thread(target=cont_rob)
i = 0 #AF# index to limit fps print-out
xx = int(x / camera.scale) #AF# coordinate x is corrected due to image scaling
yy = int(y / camera.scale) #AF# coordinate y is corrected due to image scaling
# Current_value = [x, y, area] #AF# commented out
Current_value = [xx, yy, area] #AF# corrected coordinates are used (for consistency with the PID constants)
if x != -1:
theta, phi = pid.compute(goal, Current_value)
pos = [theta, phi, pz_ini]
Robot.control_t_posture(pos, 0.01)
i += 1 #AF# index for fps printout is incremented
if i >= fps_check: #AF# case the index equals the threshold for fps printout
print(f"img_fps: {img_fps}, rob_fps: {rob_fps}, xx: {xx}, yy:{yy}") #AF# fps printout (only when ball detection)
i = 0 #AF# index to limit fps printout is set back to zero
else: #AF# added else case (no ball detection)
time.sleep(0.01) #AF# little sleep gives time to update image on screen
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
Silent stepper motors and drivers, i really like the "sound" of that ! I hope you'll succeed make it bounce a ball !! I will definitely follow up on your progress !!!
Very interested to follow. You might also consider the openMV module. Runs python too. has the high refresh rate circle transform built in. very impressive frame rates.
(Uses Hough transform)
According to @KoshiroRobot (YT video), the 60 fps of the camera seems to be the limiting factor for a ball bouncing controller.
I like this project and I'm thinking to make something similar, very likely with stepper motors and silent stepper drivers (to avoid getting kicked out of the family while working on this).
Before buying the material I looked into the code, to answer the question "is it preferable a Raspberry Pi 5 + V1 camera or a Raspberry Pi 4b is enough ... perhaps in combination with a more recent camera version?"
I made some tests with components borrowed from other projects: Raspberry Pi 4b 2Gb with different PiCamera versions, namely V3 wide, V2 and a V1 clone.
While trying to increase the camera fps, I monitored the FOV (horizontal and especially vertical) to be as per this project setup.
Result with the original code:
Rpi4 + V1 --> img_fps 62 (camera fps as per original project)
With some little code's changes:
Rpi4 + V1 --> img_fps 62 (I could not speed up the camera)
Rpi4 + V2 --> img_fps 83 (30% faster camera)
Rpi4 + V3 wide --> img_fps 120 (90% faster camera)
Conclusion: For this project, I'm going to buy a Raspberry Pi 4b 2Gb and a V3 wide camera.
The total cost will be rougly the same :-( . Below some notes:
If anyone is interested in these changes to the code, please let me know by adding a comment to this post and I will summarize them here; Otherwise I will proceed with the project and see how far I get.
EDIT 23/06/2024: Changes at the camera_Class file (new, changed or integrated parts have '#AF#' comment)
And those at (again, changes have the '#AF#' comments):
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: