- Use a browser and log in to your dropbox account.
- Replace APP_KEY in the URL with the app_key from you apps setting page.
- Copy the URL to the browser and execute. Press -> Continue -> Allow.
- Copy the generated access code for later usage.
- Replace ACCESS_CODE, APP_KEY and APP_SECRET with your noted values in the command:
curl https://api.dropbox.com/oauth2/token -d code=ACCESS_CODE -d grant_type=authorization_code -d client_id=APP_KEY -d client_secret=APP_SECRET
- Execute you modified command in a Command Prompt:
- Finally copy the refresh token from the returned result.
... "token_type": "bearer", "expires_in": 14400, "refresh_token": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-1_bbbbbbbbb-y", "scope": "account_info.read files.content.read files.content.write files.metadata.read files.metadata.write", ...