title | description |
Deployment - JavaScript/TypeScript |
Deploy your Kinetix ML pipeline to JavaScript or TypeScript in less than 5 minutes. |
Kinetix ML should be installed as a node module using the command below.
yarn add kml-pipe-ts
First start by importing the module.
import { KMLPipeline } from 'kml-pipe-ts';
Create the pipeline object using your API Key and project name.
var pipeline = new KMLPipeline("[Your Project Name]", "[Your API Key]");
Initialize the pipeline.
await pipeline.initialize();
To execute the pipeline you need to run the execute method with the required input data.
await pipeline.execute([]) // the [] should be replaced with your list of inputs
The pipeline will need a data source for each of its inputs. A common input is image data for nodes such as PoseDetection2D. For these nodes you should first create a video source element.
<video id="webcam" autoplay />
Now we need to make a function that we can call for every frame
let outputs = []
let processing = false
async function runInference() {
if (!processing) {
processing = true;
outputs = await pipe.execute([videoSource]);
processing = false;
document.getElementById("webcam").requestVideoFrameCallback(runInference); // run inference on every frame
Then, to use your webcam, run the following function which will ask the user for webcam permission, start playing the video, and start inference.
async function startWebcam() {
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true });
document.getElementById("webcam").srcObject = stream;
await document.getElementById("webcam").play();