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AntiCaptcha2 🤖

A simple NodeJS package for solving almost all types of captchas using

Table of contents


API key

Before using this package you should recharge the balance and get API-key. Step by step:

  • Create account at
  • Recharge the balance (Finance > Add Funds).
  • Create API-key (Settings > API setup).
  • That's all.


[TODO: add text]

new Anticaptcha(apikey, [proxy])

The class creates an object that wraps the anti-captcha API. apikey - API key, which can be obtained in account settings proxy - is an optional parameter that specifies the default proxy. See Proxy.

const Anticaptcha = require('anticaptcha2');
const Proxy = Anticaptcha.Proxy;

let anticaptcha = new Anticaptcha('API_KEY', new Proxy({...}));


Method to get the default proxy. If no proxy is specified, it will return null.


Method to set the default proxy. proxy - either an instance of the class Proxy or an object with parameters like the class of Proxy

anticaptcha.method(method, [data, [isPrivate]])

Method for calling the custom anti-captcha API method. Returns Promise.

  • method - string method name
  • data - object with data. (Default: {})
  • isPrivate - whether you need to add an api-key to the request. Only needed for private methods. (Default: false)


Method to fetch account balance. Returns Promise.

  .then(balance => {
    console.log(`Balance: ${balance}$`);


This method allows to define if it is suitable time to upload new task. Results are cached for 10 seconds. Returns Promise. queueId - id of the queue. The following queues are available:

  • 1 - standart ImageToText, English language
  • 2 - standart ImageToText, Russian language
  • 5 - Recaptcha NoCaptcha tasks
  • 6 - Recaptcha Proxyless task
  • 7 - Funcaptcha
  • 10 - Funcaptcha Proxyless
  .then(stats => {
      waiting: 242,
      load: 60.33,
      bid: "0.0008600982",
      speed: 10.77,
      total: 610


Field Description
waiting Amount of idle workers online, waiting for a task
load Queue load in percents
bid Average task solution cost in USD
speed Average task solution speed in seconds
total Total number of workers

anticaptcha.solve(task, [opts])

It's a fast and simple alias for methods anticaptcha.createTask(task, opts) and anticaptcha.getTaskResult(taskId).

anticaptcha.createTask(task, [opts])

This method creates a task for solving selected captcha type. Returns ID of the created task.

  • task - task-object (plain object with key-values) or Task instance.
  • opts - optional object with extra params:
    • softId - ID of your application from out AppCenter
    • languagePool - Sets workers pool language. At the moment the following language pools are available:
      en (default) - English language queue
      rn : group of countries: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazahstan
    • callbackUrl - web address were will send result of captcha/factory task processing. Contents are sent by AJAX POST request and are similar to the contents of anticaptcha.getTaskResult method.

anticaptcha.getTaskResult(taskId, [opts])

Request task result. If the task is not completed, the status will be processing. Returns Promise.

  • taskId - ID of the task.
  • opts - optional object with extra params:
    • extended - If true method will return extended result of task (with cost, ip et.c.). Otherwise - only solution. (Default: false)
    • wait - set to true to wait for a solution of the task. (Default: false)
    • waitTime - if wait is true, then this parameter can specify timeouts to check the result of the task. It's an 2-elements array: first element - first request delay, second - second and next request. Numbers in ms. (Defaults: [5000, 2000] )
// Task is not ready
anticaptcha.getTaskResult(1).then(res => {
  // undefined

// Task is not ready
anticaptcha.getTaskResult(1, { extended: true }).then(res => {
  // { status: 'processing' }

// Task is ready
anticaptcha.getTaskResult(1).then(res => {
  /* {
    gRecaptchaResponse: '03ADlfD18SShzn11....',
    gRecaptchaResponseMD5: 'dd32a86659c94097f5d63c6557aa2fb9'
  } */

// Task is ready
anticaptcha.getTaskResult(1, { extended: true }).then(res => {
  /* {
  status: 'ready',
  solution: {
    gRecaptchaResponse: '03ADlfD18S....',
    gRecaptchaResponseMD5: 'dd32a86659c94097f5d63c6557aa2fb9'
  cost: '0.002200',
  ip: '',
  createTime: 1543247549,
  endTime: 1543247573,
  solveCount: 0
  } */

// Waiting
// The promise will be fulfilled when the status of the task is "fulfilled".
// By default first try in 5 sec, second and next - in 2 sec.
anticaptcha.getTaskResult(1, { wait: true }).then(res => {
  /* {
    gRecaptchaResponse: '03ADlfD18SShzn11....',
    gRecaptchaResponseMD5: 'dd32a86659c94097f5d63c6557aa2fb9'
  } */

// Waiting
// You can set timeouts. In this example: 1st - 2 sec, 2nd and next = 1 sec.
anticaptcha.getTaskResult(1, { wait: true, waitTime: [2000, 1000] }).then(res => {
  /* {
    gRecaptchaResponse: '03ADlfD18SShzn11....',
    gRecaptchaResponseMD5: 'dd32a86659c94097f5d63c6557aa2fb9'
  } */


Complaints are accepted only for image captchas. Your complaint will be checked by 5 workers, 3 of them must confirm it. Only then you get full refund. Note: If you have less than 20% confirmation ratio, your reports will be ignored.


This method reads request data, parses it and outputs as array. It also outputs post data in a raw format. You may use it for debugging your code. data - anything (string/number/object/array)

anticaptcha.test({a: "a"}).then(res => {
    Parsed input JSON:
    [a] => a
    Raw POST input:


At the moment almost all captcha services do not have protection from situations when the puzzle is solved on one IP address and form with captcha-response is submitted from another IP.

const Proxy = require('anticaptcha2').Proxy;

let proxy = new Proxy({
  type: 'http',
  port: '8080',
  agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 ...'

new Proxy(opts)

The constructor will not check the required fields. This is done so that you later set some fields (see Proxy.checkProxy())

Name Type Required Description
type String true Type of proxy.
  • http - usual http/https
  • socks4 - socks4
  • socks5 - socks5
address String true Proxy IP address ipv4/ipv6. Not allowed to use:
  • host names instead of IPs
  • transparent proxies (where client IP is visible)
  • proxies from local networks (192.., 10.., 127...)
port String true Port of proxy
login String false Login for proxy which requires authorizaiton (basic)
password String false Proxy password
agent String true Browser's User-Agent which is used in emulation. It is required that you use a signature of a modern browser, otherwise Google will ask you to "update your browser"
cookies String false Additional cookies which we must use during interaction with target page or Google.
Format: 'cookie1=value1; cookie2=value2'

Note: opts can by another instance of Proxy. Constructor will copy all parametrs.

proxy.set(opts, [reset])

The way to change the proxy settings. opts - like constructor's opts. reset - if false - then opts overwrite the previous parameters. Otherwise - previous ones will be erased and new ones will be recorded. (Default: false)


Returns proxy parametrs.

let proxy = new Proxy({
  type: 'http',
  address: '',
  port: '8080',
  login: 'user',
  password: 'pass',
  agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 ...',
  cookies: 'cookie1=value1; cookie2=value2'

  type: 'http',
  address: '',
  port: '8080',
  login: 'user',
  password: 'pass',
  agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 ...',
  cookies: 'cookie1=value1; cookie2=value2'


Returns JSON-object. If check = true check required proxy settings (Default: false).

let proxy = new Proxy({
  type: 'http',
  address: '',
  port: '8080',
  login: 'user',
  password: 'pass',
  agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 ...',
  cookies: 'cookie1=value1; cookie2=value2'

  proxyType: 'http',
  proxyAddress: '',
  proxyPort: '8080',
  proxyLogin: 'user',
  proxyPassword: 'pass',
  userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 ...',
  cookies: 'cookie1=value1; cookie2=value2'


Static method of the class Proxy for checking the required fields of the proxy. If some required field is not specified, it will throw the error. Will return true if all is good.

let proxy = new Proxy({
  type: 'socks4',
  address: '',
  port: '8080'

  type: 'socks4',
  address: '',
  port: '8080'
// Same as
// Same as

// All above throw Error('No agent');


For quick and easy use of api, use list of classes that implement all supported task types:

const Anticaptcha = require('anticaptcha2');

const ImageToTextTask = Anticaptcha.ImageToTextTask;
const NoCaptchaTask = Anticaptcha.NoCaptchaTask;
// etc ...

new <Task>(opts, [proxy])

Create new task (type of task is determined by the class name) with opts and proxy (if it's type of task support proxy mod).


Property that returns the task type. Note: you can not set type of task, it is determines automaticaly.


Getter/Setter that helps to get/set task opts.


Getter/Setter that helps to get/set proxy of the task. It's can be or Boolean (true/false) or Proxy instance ot proxy-object. If setted true, the proxy params before sending the request will be taken from the default proxy data from Anticaptcha instance. Note: if task supports proxy-mod, then type will automatically switched.


Serialization task opts for API request.

Result of task

[TODO: add text]

new ImageToTextTask(opts)

Classic task convert text from image to textbox.

Params (otps):

Field Type Required Default Description
body String yes - File body encoded in base64. Make sure to send it without line breaks.
phrase Boolean no false false - no requirements
true - worker must enter an answer with at least one "space"
case Boolean no false false - no requirements
true - worker will see a special mark telling that answer must be entered with case sensitivity
numeric Integer no 0 0 - no requirements
1 - only number are allowed
2 - any letters are allowed except numbers
math Boolean no false false - no requirements
true - worker will see a special mark telling that answer must be calculated
length Array<Integer> no [0,0] Set min and max length of an answer. First element - min, second - max.
0 - no requirements
>1 - defines min/max length of the answer
comment String no '' Additional comment for workers like "enter letters in red color"


  text: "the answer",
  url: ""

new NoCaptchaTask(opts, [proxy])

Google's reCAPTCHA v2 (I'm not a robot). Note: supports proxy mod.

Params (otps):

Field Type Required Description
url String yes Address of target web page
sitekey String yes Recaptcha website key
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="THAT_ONE"></div>
stoken String no Deprecated
isVisible Boolean no Specify if Recaptcha is invisible


  gRecaptchaResponse: "3AHJ_VuvYIBNBW5yyv0zRYJ75VkOKvhKj9_xGBJKnQimF72rfoq3Iy-DyGHMwLAo6a3"
Field Type Description
gRecaptchaResponse String Hash string which is required for interacting with submit form on target website. It looks like this:
<textarea id="g-recaptcha-response" ..></textarea>

new GeeTestTask(opts, [proxy])

GeeTest captcha. Note: supports proxy mod.

Params (otps):

Field Type Required Description
url String yes Address of target web page
gt String yes The domain key
challenge String yes Changing token key. Make sure to grab fresh one for each captcha, otherwise you will be charged for error task.


  challenge: "3c1c5153aa48011e92883aed820069f3hj",
  validate: "47ad5a0a6eb98a95b2bcd9e9eecc8272",
  seccode: "83fa4f2d23005fc91c3a015a1613f803|jordan"
Field Type Description
challenge String Hash string which is required for interacting with submit form on target website
validate String Hash string which is required too
seccode String Another required hash string, we have no idea why there are 3 of them

new FunCaptchaTask(opts, [proxy])

FunCaptcha Note: supports proxy mod.

Params (otps):

Field Type Required Description
url String yes Address of target web page
publickey String yes Funcaptcha public key
<div id="funcaptcha" data-pkey="THIS_ONE"></div>


  token: "36859d1086acb06e7.08293101|r=ap-southeast-1|metabgclr=%23ffffff|guitextcolor=%23555555|metaiconclr=%23cccccc|meta=3|pk=3B24C079-2DF1-771D-913A-11F824CD5A7C|injs=|rid=11|cdn_url=|surl="
Field Type Description
token String Hash string which is required for interacting with submit form on target website.

new SquareNetTextTask(opts)

This type of tasks takes your image, adds custom grid on it and asks our worker to mark specified objects on it. Something like Google's pazzle (find car on pictures), but too old.

Params (otps):

Field Type Required Description
body String yes File body encoded in base64. Make sure to send it without line breaks
name String yes Name of the object. Example: banana


  cellNumbers: [4,6,7]
Field Type Description
cellNumbers Array<Integer> Array holding cell numbers which start from 0, left to right, top to the bottom.

new CustomCaptchaTask(opts)

This type of tasks is suitable for use when you need to describe what is on an image and you need workers to fill a custom form for this.


  • Read letters and numbers from a car license plate
  • Find a phone number on a commercial
  • Complete task like "count monkeys on a picture"
  • etc.

Params (otps):

Field Type Required Description
url String yes Address of an image
assignment String no Describe what worker must do in English
forms form/Object no Custom form object. It can be or JSON-object or instance of Form To build this object you have 3 options:


  taskId: 407533072,
  imageUrl: "",
  assignment: "Enter license plate number",
  status: "complete",
  answers: {
    license_plate: "TONFNTI",
    color: "grey"

[TODO: add text]


Form is created to create forms for CustomCaptchaTask. It has next fields:

  • TextField - simple plain text.
  • LinkField - button-link (HTML-tag: <a>).
  • ImageField - static image (HTML-tag: <img>).
  • TextboxField - textbox (HTML-tag: <input type="text"></input>).
  • TextareaField - textarea (HTML-tag: <textarea></textarea>).
  • CheckboxField - checkbox (HTML-tag: <input type="checkbox"></input>).
  • RadioField - list of radio inputs (HTML-tag: <input type="radio"></input>...).
  • SelectField - select (HTML-tag: <select><option>One</option>...</select>).
  • ImageUploadField - file uploader (HTML-tag: <input type="file"></input>).
const Form = Anticaptcha.Form;

// Creating form
let form = new Form();
form.add(new Form.TextField('Label of the field', 'Some text...'));
form.add(new Form.TextareaField('Enter some text', 'nameOfArea', {
    placeholder: 'Placeholder for texarea'
form.add(new Form.SelectField('Select HEX', 'nameOfSelect', {
    red: '#F00',
    black: '#000',
    white: '#FFF'

// Creating task
let customTask = new Anticaptcha.CustomCaptchaTask({
    url: '',
    assigment: 'Please answer on questions',
    form: form

// Sending task
anticaptcha.solve(customTask).then(res => {

[TODO: add image example]

new Form()

[TODO: add text]


Add new field to form. field - instance of any Field. Returns id of the added field.


Remove field from form. id - id of the previous added field. Returns true if field finded and removed, false - otherwise.


Stringify form to JSON object according to documentation.


Some points:

  • For all Fields first argument is label - description for the form field or content. Its type is String or Array<String> with two elements. If you passed Array then first element will be label, second - subtitle for label. Example: new TextField('Label') and new TextField(['Label', 'Subtitle'])
  • For all dynamic fields (TextboxField, CheckboxField, etc.) second arguments is name - like <input> attribute name. It's used to get values of CustomCaptchaTask's answers . Note: It's must be unique!

new TextField(label, text)

Plain text. It's static field. Compiled into:

<input type="textbox" value="{text}" disabled>
Field Type Required Description
text String yes Set text

new LinkField(label, url, text)

A link button. It's static field. Compiled into:

<a href="{url}">{text}</a>
Field Type Required Description
url String yes Sets link's url
text String yes Sets a body to link

new ImageField(label, url)

Image field displays an image with zoom function. It's static field. Compiled into:

<img src="{url}">
Field Type Required Description
url String yes Sets source url of the image

new TextboxField(label, name, [opts])

Single-line text input - textbox. It's dynamic field. Compiled into:

<input type"text" name="{name}" placeholder="{opts.placeholder}">
Field Type Required Description
opts.placeholder String no Sets input's placeholder
opts.width Integer no Sets width of the input in percents.
One number from 25, 33, 50 or 100

new TextareaField(label, name, [opts])

Multi-line text input - textarea. It's dynamic field. Compiled into:

<textarea name="{name}" placeholder="{opts.placeholder}" rows="{opts.rows}"></textarea>
Field Type Required Description
opts.placeholder String no Sets input's placeholder
opts.width Integer no Sets width of the input in percents.
One number from 25, 33, 50 or 100
opts.rows Integer no Sets number for lines

new CheckboxField(label, name, text)

Checkbox, single option input. It's dynamic field. Compiled into:

<input type="checkbox" name="{name}">{text}</input>
Field Type Required Description
text String yes Text label for checkbox

new RadioField(label, name, keyvals)

Set of radio buttons. It's dynamic field. Example: keyvals = {key1: "val1", key2: "val2", key3: "val3"} compiles into:

<input type="radio" name="{name}" value="key1">val1</input>
<input type="radio" name="{name}" value="key2">val2</input>
<input type="radio" name="{name}" value="key3">val3</input>
Field Type Required Description
keyvals Object yes Object with key-values. Each object key is a value, each keyvals value is a content of input.

new SelectField(label, name, keyvals)

Dropdown select box. It's dynamic field. Example: keyvals = {key1: "val1", key2: "val2", key3: "val3"} compiles into:

<select name="{name}">
  <option value="key1">val1</option>
  <option value="key2">val2</option>
  <option value="key3">val3</option>
Field Type Required Description
keyvals Object yes Object with key-values. Each object key is a value, each keyvals value is a content of option.

new ImageUploadField(label, name)

Image upload input. It's dynamic field.

<input type="file" name="{name}">


To catch all API errors use Bluebird's filtered catch.

const Anticaptcha = require('anticaptcha2');


  .then(res => {
  .catch(Anticaptcha.ApiError, err => {
      console.error('Anticaptcha API error:', err)