This repository contains the material and content of the DevOps course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Registration: You must register to this course through the Swedish registration system
Next course start: March 2021 (Academic Period 4).
Past edition:
The schedule is at
If you can't see any schedule events on the HTML page
Change course rounds/groups in My settings or change the time period above so that it conforms to the course round.
Week 1: Introduction
- Preparatory reading: "DevOps principles" in
- Course introduction Martin Monperrus
- Your/our expectations
- Teaching philosophy, teaching values, flipped classroom
- Team
- Agenda
- Grading
- Communication
- Infrastructure
- Relation to Research in Testing & DevOps
- Testimonial from last year's student: Julius Colliander Celik (github) (linkedin) (twitter)
- Goals: watch the repo, find a first teammate, register one first task as a pull request on this repo.
- Technical Briefing (B. Baudry)
- Preparatory material Testing at scale
- Guest Lecture: Continuous Integration Mats Skoglund (Scania). Slides for the guest lecture
- Student presentations
- Technical Briefing (M. Monperrus)
- Guest Lecture: Containers Julien Bisconti
- Preparatory material: Docker tutorial and Awesome Docker
- Student presentations
- Technical Briefing (B. Baudry)
- Guest Lecture: MLOps Alex Nodet (King)
- Preparatory material: IaaS Explained and SaaS Vs PaaS Vs IaaS
- Slides
- Student presentations
- Technical Briefing (M. Monperrus)
- Guest Lecture: Supply-chain security Rhys Arkins (Whitesource)
- Preparatory material: A 'Worst Nightmare' Cyberattack: The Untold Story Of The SolarWinds Hack
- Student presentations
- Technical Briefing (B. Baudry)
- Guest Lecture: Everything is a Little Bit Broken
orThe Illusion of Control Heidi Waterhouse, LaunchDrakly - Student presentations
- Technical Briefing (M. Monperrus)
- Guest lecture: Devops in Sweden Jörgen Damberg (Zington)
- Browsing and Highlights of Demos
- Technical Briefing (B. Baudry)
- 10h15 Lecture: Devops at EA/Dice Cristian Deri, Vidir Reynisson
- Preparatory material:
- 11h15 Proposal and improvement festival for next year
- 12h15 Personalized feedback, final clarifications
To pass the course, the student has to collect 4 grades:
- The grades are in category: "presentation", "essay", "video demo", "executable tutorial", "contribution to open-source", "course automation", "feedback" (choose four out of them, at most one in the same category, it is not necessary to cover everything).
- The grading criteria page is the unique reference which explains how to pass / pass with distinction.
- The strict deadline for essays, tutorials, contributions to open-source, course automation is April 30, 23h59 Stockholm time; and "demo"; the strict deadline for repeated tasks (all) is May 31, 23h59 Stockholm time.
- The student proposes a category and a topic, which is discussed and accepted by the TA. The proposal is made as a pull-request on this repository. The four graded contributions must have little overlap.
- The same student cannot choose the same topic for two different tasks. The four tasks should cover different aspects of DevOps.
- 4 Pass means a final E, 3 Pass / 1 Distinction means a final D, 2 Pass / 2 Distinction means a final C, 1 Pass / 3 Distinction means a final B, 4 Distinction means a final A
- Group work is encouraged (max 3 persons) but you cannot be with the same persons for more than 2 projects. You can do a work alone for one or at most two projects.
- A failed task requires to pass it again at the end of the course, based on the feedback from the failure. A repeated task cannot be passed with distinction. A task can only be repeated once.
- If the whole course is failed, no grades are kept if the student registers again to the course the year after.
- After a proposal has been merged, the topic of that proposal cannot be changed.
Group Rules
- When you send a pull request for registration, please follow the name convention of using email addresses of two members to create the folder: email-email.
- We recommend 2 students. Three is also possible for ambitious essays, demos or contribution to open-source.
- All communication for the course DD2482 should be sent to
- you create issues here if you think the question is good to be discussed publicly, the rules of netiquette fully apply.
- the lectures will be streamed, the URLs will be posted on #316
- the recording and sharing of streamed lectures (full or fragments) is not allowed without explicit permission of the course professor and lecturer
- the lectures are recorded by the TA team, and privately shared over KTH Box
- questions are asked on shared gdoc (one TA is following the gdoc), no audio remote interruptions are allowed, the Zoom chat is not used.
Lab sessions:
- Lab slots do not require mandatory presence. They are designed for students to meet TA and discuss all questions in person
- During the planned lab time slot, please use this Queue for booking online meetings
- Specify your zoom meeting link when you register the queue
- Our TAs will reach you ASAP
- Prof. Martin Monperrus
- Prof. Benoit Baudry
- He Ye (TA)
- César Soto (TA)
- Deepika Tiwari (TA)
- Khashayar Etemadi (TA)
- KTH Social URL:
- Kopps URL: