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Sa11y, the accessibility quality assurance tool.


Meet Sa11y, the accessibility quality assurance assistant. Sa11y is a customizable, framework-agnostic JavaScript plugin. Sa11y works as a simple in-page checker that visually highlights common accessibility and usability issues. Geared towards content authors, Sa11y straightforwardly identifies errors or warnings at the source with a simple tooltip on how to fix them. Sa11y is not a comprehensive code analysis tool; it exclusively highlights content issues.


  • Over 50 checks that encourage quality accessibility.
    • Checks for issues regarding images, headings, links, form labels, and more.
    • Toggleable/optional checks: readability analysis, contrast checking, and colour filters.
  • Automatic: checks content on page load.
  • Customizable: JSON-like props to fine tune the experience for content authors.
  • Focus on the issues: Turn off or hide irrelevant checks.
  • Scalable: Check every page for accessibility.
  • Support for checking items within web components/shadow DOM and headless checks.
  • Fully encapsulated user interface with dark mode.
  • Offered in various languages.


Want to help translate or improve Sa11y? Consider contributing! Translations may either be contributed back to the repository with a pull request, or translated files can be returned to: [email protected]


Have a question or any feedback? Email: [email protected]


Sa11y is a framework-agnostic JavaScript plugin. It's made with vanilla JavaScript and CSS, and its only dependency is Tippy.js - a highly customizable tooltip library that features a positioning system.

To install on your website, insert Sa11y right before the closing </body> tag. Sa11y consists of three files:

  • sa11y.css - The main stylesheet. Should be included in the <head> of the document (if possible).
  • lang/en.js - All text strings and tooltip messages. View supported languages.
  • sa11y.js - Contains all logic.


npm i sa11y

Example installation (modules)

<!-- Stylesheet -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/sa11y.min.css"/>

<!-- JavaScript -->
<script type="module">
  import { Sa11y, Lang } from '../assets/js/sa11y.esm.js';
  import Sa11yLangEn from '../assets/js/lang/en.js';

  // Set translations

  // Instantiate
  const sa11y = new Sa11y({
    checkRoot: "body",
    // Customize with props.

Example installation (regular script)

<!-- Stylesheet -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/sa11y.min.css"/>

<!-- JavaScript -->
<script src="/dist/js/sa11y.umd.min.js"></script>
<script src="/dist/js/lang/en.umd.js"></script>

<!-- Instantiate -->
  const sa11y = new Sa11y.Sa11y({
    checkRoot: "body",
    // Customize with props.


Please visit developer documentation for CDN installation instructions.

Development environment

A light server for development is included. Any change inside /src folder files will trigger the build process for the files and will reload the page with the new changes. To use this environment:

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Be sure you have node installed and up to date.
  3. Execute npm install
  4. In a terminal execute: npm run serve. Then open http://localhost:8080/docs/demo/en/ in your browser.