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File metadata and controls

146 lines (87 loc) · 6.79 KB


Protocol Labs, who built IPFS, have developed an entire network for decentralized filesharing called Filecoin. In this section, we'll go through a Truffle Box which sets up a Filecoin environment on your computer.

Using the Filecoin Truffle Box

This quick start uses an already-created project to provide the base Truffle project structure and example contracts. In your workspace directory, run the following commands:

mkdir filecoin-example
cd filecoin-example
truffle unbox filecoin

Running Filecoin Ganache

Once installed, you can run Filecoin Ganache with the following command:

npx ganache filecoin

This creates 10 accounts, each loaded with 100 FIL, and displays both their account addresses and associated private keys.

Available Accounts
(0) t3rvcqmc5otc3sh3cngqg2ttzcu7ezpco466lbafzaoygxvnzsw7e7n2zbjwhiv5fdzhs6uxm2qckwt6lp5wga (100 FIL)
(1) t3s3la37547tijmoeiep7ktogws3tep2eqrralh7rhi2mpe46q574gceyy467356onblzvwf7ejlelo2rdsg4q (100 FIL)
(2) t3wk7a46e2dcqb7qxeuz2zq7wodwycdgtbgdpr37hhvelfilf5yvssg5xbsolgusqsumomtmtqhnobh4carhyq (100 FIL)

It also starts the Lotus and IPFS daemons running over http and ws respectively:

Lotus RPC listening on
IPFS  RPC listening on

Filecoin Ganache GUI

An alternative to running Filecoin Ganache via the CLI is to use Filecoin Ganche UI. As per the screenshot below, this exposes all the core Filecoin protocol elements as tabs which is particularly useful if you're just starting out.

Ganache GUI

Running the Filecoin Network Explorer

git clone
cd filecoin-network-inspector
git checkout ganache-changes
npm install
npm run start

Running Ethereum Ganache

npx ganache ethereum
RPC Listening on

Creating Storage Deals

A storage deal is an agreement between a client and a storage miner to store some data in the network for a given duration. Note that while in the case of Filecoin's mainnet, a deal must be secured with a miner before data is stored, in Filecoin Ganache a deal is reached automatically. Via the Filecoin Network Explorer

  1. The simplest way to store data, open the Filecoin Network Explorer and navigate to the "Market" tab.
  2. From here you can select a file by clicking "Choose File" followed by "Upload to the Filecoin Network".

Truffle Preserve

Truffle now has a preserve command which allows for the 'preservation' of files directly from the Truffle CLI. This is currently experimental and thus on specific branch; installation details available at here. Once installed, you'll be able to preserve your assets via the following command. Note that you'll need to include the environments object in your truffle-config.js to point at the respective node (although these are already preconfigured in the box).

truffle preserve --environment development ./assets/ --filecoin

For broader help with this command run truffle help preserve.

Via Curl (or equivalent) Lastly, you can send the following curl request directly to the Lotus RPC. Note that the you'll need to update both the wallet address (t3s3la3754...) and CID (QmZTR5bcpQ...).

curl -X POST \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"Filecoin.ClientStartDeal","params":[{"Data":{"TransferType":"graphsync","Root":{"/":"QmZTR5bcpQD7cFgTorqxZDYaew1Wqgfbd2ud9QqGPAkK2V"},"PieceCid":null,"PieceSize":0},"Wallet":"t3s3la37547tijmoeiep7ktogws3tep2eqrralh7rhi2mpe46q574gceyy467356onblzvwf7ejlelo2rdsg4q","Miner":"t01000","EpochPrice":"2500","MinBlocksDuration":300}]}' \    http://localhost:7777/rpc/v0

Minting an NFT

In the example below, we've already created a deal for the 3 assets (metadata, thumbnail, and the original asset respectively) that comprise our NFT. These are as follows, with their corresponding CIDs.

Assuming the local Ethereum Ganache node is running, you'll be able to open a console and mint a new NFT with the following steps. As the base URL is set to that of an IPFS gateway, we'll just need to pass in the CID to the asset metadata.

truffle migrate
truffle console
truffle(development)> const gallery = await MyGallery.deployed()
truffle(development)>[0], "QmS4t7rFPxaaNriXvCmALr5GYRAtya5urrDaZgkfHutdCG")

In the above example the owner of the NFT is set (via accounts[0]) to that of the first account generated by the mnemonic. If we want to transfer it to a new owner, we'll be able to do so with the following. Transferring Ownership

truffle console
truffle(development)> gallery.transferFrom(accounts[0], accounts[1], 1)

Gallery UI

Ganache GUI

A sample gallery interface is available here.​​ You can use the following steps to run this locally...

cd ui
npm install
npm run start

Off-chain Assets

Thus far we’ve been exclusively referring to data that will be stored on-chain. While this is logical for certain types of data in your dapp, what about other facets (such an underlying NFT asset or a web-based front-end)?

Ideally we can still take advantage of the benefits of decentralization without incurring the cost and performance overhead of trying to store on-chain. This is where services such as IPFS, Arweave, or Textile Buckets come in, along with complimentary storage solutions like Filecoin.

Storing with Truffle Preserve

Truffle has a built-in command called preserve that supports a number of the aforementioned services right out of the box. An example of it’s usage is follows, with ./path being the path to the directory you want to persist.

truffle preserve ./path

The above example assumes you have a locally running IPFS node, but if not you can leverage Infura’s gateway by adding the following to your truffle-config.js and then appending --environment production to the command.

environments: {
production: {
  ipfs: {
    address: ''

The resultant content identified (CID) will then be returned for you to then persist with a Filecoin storage deal or pinning service.

More detail can be found in the Truffle docs.