- See: Original repository
OpeningHoursParser handles parsing of opening_hours=* tag. It only supports basic version of the tag, as we don't need full implementation for public transport hours. Based on ubahnverleih implementation, edited to use vanilla JS syntax
string The opening_hours=* value
Get the parsed value as a table
Returns Object The hours, as { day: [ hours ] }
OpeningHoursBuilder allows to create a clean value for OSM tag opening_hours\=*
Array<Object> List of periods (objects like { days: [ "mo", "tu", "we" ], hours: [ "08:00-15:00", "19:30-22:50" ] })options
Object? Other parameters
Get as OSM opening_hours value
Returns string The OSM tag value
Is a given period valid ?
Object The period to check
Returns boolean True if valid
Converts a single list of days into opening_hours syntax
Returns string The opening_hours syntax for these days
Converts a list of hour ranges into opening_hours syntax
Returns string The opening_hours syntax for these ranges
Convert a time string like "12:00" into minutes from midnight (0 for 00:00, 720 for 12:00, 1440 for 24:00)
string The string to convert
Returns int The amount of minutes since midnight
Converts an amount of minutes since midnight into time string like "12:00". This is the revert operation of TimeToMinutes.
int The amount of minutes since midnight
Returns string The corresponding hour, in format HH:MM
TransportHours is the main class of the library. It contains all main functions which can help managing public transport hours.
Converts OpenStreetMap tags into a ready-to-use JS object representing the hours of the public transport line. Parsed tags are : interval=*, opening_hours=* and interval:conditional=*
Object The list of tags from OpenStreetMap
Returns Object The hours of the line, with structure { opens: opening hours table, defaultInterval: minutes (int), otherIntervals: interval rules object, otherIntervalsByDays: list of interval by days (structure: { days: string[], intervals: { hoursRange: interval } }), allComputedIntervals: same as otherIntervalsByDays but taking also default interval and opening_hours }. Each field can also have value "unset" if no tag is defined, or "invalid" if tag can't be read.
Converts a JS array of periods (object like { days: [ "mo", "tu" ], intervals: { "08:00-15:00": 15 }) into a set of OpenStreetMap tags (opening_hours, interval and interval:conditional).
Array<Object> List of periods to parse (same format as allComputedIntervals from tagsToHoursObject function) -
Throws any Error If input data is invalid
Returns Object Parsed tags
Reads an interval:conditional=* tag from OpenStreetMap, and converts it into a JS object.
string The interval:conditional tag
Returns Array<Object> A list of rules, each having structure { interval: minutes (int), applies: opening hours table }
Converts an interval=* string into an amount of minutes
string The interval string -
Throws Error If interval is invalid
Returns number The amount of minutes (can be a decimal values if seconds are used)
Converts an amount of minutes into an interval=* string
number The amount of minutes
Returns string The interval string, in HH:MM:SS format