From d791d506eb49cfcd4b0410adffb4416c3859b1b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Julian Berman Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 14:37:50 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Add a test which doesn't work. I have no idea why yet. --- spec/edit_spec.lua | 22 +++++++ spec/fixtures/example-project/Test/Lsp.lean | 64 +++++++++++++++++++ .../example-project/Test/Motions.lean | 10 +++ 3 files changed, 96 insertions(+) create mode 100644 spec/edit_spec.lua create mode 100644 spec/fixtures/example-project/Test/Lsp.lean create mode 100644 spec/fixtures/example-project/Test/Motions.lean diff --git a/spec/edit_spec.lua b/spec/edit_spec.lua new file mode 100644 index 00000000..304b4bf1 --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/edit_spec.lua @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +---@brief [[ +--- Tests for LSP-based editing extensions. +---@brief ]] + +local fixtures = require 'spec.fixtures' +local helpers = require 'spec.helpers' + +require('lean').setup {} + +describe(']m / [m', function() + vim.cmd.edit(fixtures.project.child 'Test/Motions.lean') + + it('moves to the end of the declaration', function() + helpers.move_cursor { to = { 5, 4 } } + ' have : 2 = 2 := rfl' + + vim.cmd.normal ']m' + require('lean.edit').declaration.goto_end() + + { 8, 3 } + end) +end) diff --git a/spec/fixtures/example-project/Test/Lsp.lean b/spec/fixtures/example-project/Test/Lsp.lean new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c04608d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/fixtures/example-project/Test/Lsp.lean @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +/- Delete me once this hopefully gets merged into batteries (or even into the holy land). -/ + +import Lean + +open Lean Server Lsp FileWorker RequestM + +/-- Is this the `SyntaxNodeKind` of a tactic syntax? Currently a very crude heuristic. -/ +def Lean.SyntaxNodeKind.isTactic (kind : SyntaxNodeKind) : Bool := + Name.isPrefixOf `Lean.Parser.Tactic kind + +/-- In the given syntax stack, find the first item satisfying the condition `cond` +and run `code` on it. Return `none` if no such item exists. -/ +def Lean.Syntax.Stack.find? (stack : Syntax.Stack) (cond : Lean.Syntax → Bool) {m : Type → Type} [Monad m] {α : Type} + (code : Lean.Syntax → m (Option α)) : m (Option α) := do + for (stx, _) in stack do + if cond stx then + return ← code stx + return none + +def mkRpcAtMethod {α : Type} [RpcEncodable α] [Inhabited α] + (cond : Lean.Syntax → Bool) (body : Syntax → (map : FileMap) → Option α) (params : TextDocumentPositionParams) : + RequestM (RequestTask <| Option α) := do + let doc ← readDoc + let text := doc.meta.text + let hoverPos := text.lspPosToUtf8Pos params.position + withWaitFindSnap doc (fun s => s.endPos > hoverPos) (notFoundX := pure none) fun snap => do + let some stack := snap.stx.findStack? (·.getRange?.any (·.contains hoverPos)) | return none + stack.find? cond fun stx ↦ return body stx text + + +def mkRpcRangeAtMethod (cond : Lean.Syntax → Bool) := + mkRpcAtMethod cond fun stx map ↦ return stx.getRange?.map fun rg ↦ rg.toLspRange map + +@[server_rpc_method] +def rpcDeclarationRangeAt := mkRpcRangeAtMethod (·.getKind = `Lean.Parser.Command.declaration) + +@[server_rpc_method] +def rpcTacticRangeAt := mkRpcRangeAtMethod (·.getKind.isTactic) + +@[server_rpc_method] +def rpcTacticSeqRangeAt := mkRpcRangeAtMethod (·.getKind = `Lean.Parser.Tactic.tacticSeq) + + +@[server_rpc_method] +def rpcBinderRangeAt := + mkRpcAtMethod (·.getKind ∈ [`Lean.Parser.Term.explicitBinder,`Lean.Parser.Term.implicitBinder]) fun stx map ↦ return stx.getRange?.map fun rg ↦ (stx.getKind, rg.toLspRange map) + + +deriving instance Repr for Lsp.Position +deriving instance Repr for Lsp.Range + +@[server_rpc_method] +def syntaxStack (p : TextDocumentPositionParams ) : + RequestM (RequestTask <| Option String) := do + let doc ← readDoc + let text := doc.meta.text + let hoverPos := text.lspPosToUtf8Pos p.position + withWaitFindSnap doc (fun s => s.endPos > hoverPos) (notFoundX := pure "No snapshot found") fun snap => do + let some stack := snap.stx.findStack? (·.getRange?.any (·.contains hoverPos)) | return "No syntax stack found" + let mut res := "" + for (stx, _) in stack do + let some rg := stx.getRange? | continue + res := s!"{res}\n\n{stx.getKind}\n{stx}\n{repr <| rg.toLspRange text}" + return some res diff --git a/spec/fixtures/example-project/Test/Motions.lean b/spec/fixtures/example-project/Test/Motions.lean new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0398aad9 --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/fixtures/example-project/Test/Motions.lean @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +import Test.Lsp + +def foo : 5 = 5 := by + have : 1 = 1 := rfl + have : 2 = 2 := rfl + have : 3 = 3 := rfl + have : 4 = 4 := rfl + rfl + +def bar := 12