Welcome to Cloud Development documentation! :ref:`Introduction to Cloud Development <introduction>`. Topic 1: :ref:`Setting up a Google Gmail account <setup_gmail>`. Topic 2: :ref:`Setting up a GitHub account <setup_github>`. Topic 3: :ref:`Setting up a Heroku account <setup_heroku>`. Topic 4: :ref:`Setting up a Cloud9 account <setup_cloud9>`. Topic 5: :ref:`Setting up other accounts <setup_other>`. Topic 6: :ref:`Creating a repository at GitHub <use_github>`. Topic 7: :ref:`Using Cloud9 for web development <use_cloud9>`. Topic 8: :ref:`Publishing Sphinxdocs on GitHub <use_sphinxdoc>`. Topic 9: :ref:`A Ruby on Rails sample application <use_rubyonrails>`. Topic 10: :ref:`Deploying a Rails App to Heroku <use_heroku>`. Search the site text on this :ref:`search`. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :glob: [0-9]*