StudentVUE is a tool for students to access classroom information from their institution or district. It uses a SOAP API, sending data in the form of XML. But, to access XML as usable data, it must be parsed which can be a tedious process. Thus, this library was created to let you use StudentVUE's API without needing to worry about parsing XML.
Some methods will throw an error because some properties may be county-specific (See jwmarb#4). If you encounter a method that does not work, please open an issue or create a pull request fixing your issue. (See CONTRIBUTING)
npm install studentvue
yarn add studentvue
To get started, we must first log in to start using the API.
import StudentVue from 'studentvue';
const DISTRICT_URL = 'https://...';
const USERNAME = '...';
const PASSWORD = '...';
const client = await StudentVue.login(DISTRICT_URL, { username: USERNAME, password: PASSWORD });
Once we are logged in, we can access any method within the API. Refer to Client documentation to see valid methods
Distributed under MIT © Joseph Marbella