This code was created with propuse of learn the languege Python and I try to do something funny that you can play and look the code.
- Class: This code contains a class called Npcs that his functions is very simple, output of the dialogues of some npcs in the game, in the file called,
class Npcs:
"""Class Npc contains all persons of the games, return dialogues and contain the information of the enemies"""
- Functions: There are some functions, one in the folder that contains the choices for two paths:
def choice_right_for_the_forest(
weapon: list, answer_weapon: list, skills_attacks: dict, spells_atacks: dict
) -> str:
"This method prints the choices made by the user, killing a enemy, talking the right path"`
and another with his use is the same.
- There is another funtions that makes a new file .txt that contains information about your inventory in the end of the history:
def inventory_file():
"Make a ner file .txt with your inventory in the end of the history"
- Elections: This adventure you only to select the options that the program says. Do not write something different to the options
- You need to have install python 3.0 or higher
- If you write a invalid option maybe the code could repeat the question, but is something that you do not need to be worry about it.
Thanks to Tech with Tim, for the idea of this project. Here is his channel if you want to check out: Tech with Tim
Email: [email protected] GitHub: Galvez121