Raspberry Pi Zero W* / supported alternatives:
Micro SD Card (16 - 64 GB tested) link
DC-DC Adjustable Step Up Power Module (5V->12V) e.g. LM2587S or HW-637
Multi Coin Acceptor (programmable, e.g. Coin Acceptor 616 or this)
Display with HAT / supported alternatives:
Micro USB cable link
Jumper cable link
A good USB power supply. Power adapter or power pack with 2 amps.
- Push Button (Recommended option!). Optionally with LED (3V) e.g. this example. For the LED you will also need a resistor.
- Lockout Relay Module (Makes sense!) e.g. HW-482 or KY-019
- Raspberry Pi Camera 5MP OV5647
- ATM Case (self printing DXF files or STL files for Pocket Edition plus threaded insert or buy from Fulmo)