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version License: GPL v3 made-with-bash


In silico command line tool for typing Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC)


APECtyper is a Bash shell script that classifies Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) based on the revised APEC pathotyping scheme developed by Johnson et al. in prep. Preassembled partial or complete genome assemblies are run through two E. coli typing tools (namely, ECTyper and mlst) and a report is generated summarizing the results of both programs along with the APEC pathotype classification. APECtyper also screens input assemblies for 46 APEC virulence genes compiled in a custom APEC database and generates a summary report.



Install the latest version directly from GitHub:

git clone

Check Installation

Check APECtyper version:

./ -v

Check that dependencies are installed in your path:

./ -d


Input Requirements

  • assembly in FASTA format or directory containing multiple assemblies in FASTA format (can be multiple contigs)
  • directory name to output the results (to be created during run)

Command Line Options

% ./
Usage: [OPTIONS] -f [FASTA or DIR] -o [DIR]
	-h	print this usage message
	-v	print the version
	-r	print citation
	-d	check for dependencies
	-f	FASTA contig file or directory containing multiple FASTA files
	-o	output directory
        -i      minimum blast % identity [default: 90]
	-c      minimum blast % coverage [default: 90]
	-t      number of threads to use [default: 1]
	-s      combine reports from multiple samples into single TSV file

Basic Usage

Input is a single FASTA file:

./ -f data/assemblies/sample1.fasta -o sample1_output

Input is a directory containing multiple FASTA files:

./ -f data/assemblies -o multisample_output


Within the user-defined output directory, there will be three directories – serotype, mlst, and blast – containing the individual output files from ECTyper, mlst, and blastn, respectively. There will also be two TSV files per sample:

  • pathotype_results_[SAMPLE].tsv: A tab-separated file summarizing the outputs from ECtyper and mlst, as well as the pathotype classification.
  • blast_results_[SAMPLE].tsv: A tab-separated summary of the blastn results against the custom APEC virulence gene database.
  • report.log: A log file for summary report generation.

If the -s flag is included when running, two additional files will be generated that are compilations of all blast reports and all pathotype reports: blast_results_summary.tsv and pathotype_results_summary.tsv.

Pathotype output

The pathotype_results_[SAMPLE].tsv file has the following columns:

Column Example Description
Sample sample1 Name of input assembly file with file extension removed
Species Escherichia coli Species identified by ECTyper
Serotype O25:H4 Serotype identified by ECTyper
SerotypeQC PASS (REPORTABLE) QC message produced by ECTyper (See ECTyper page for a description of all possible QC codes)
ST 131 Sequence type identified by mlst
APEC_plasmid Present Whether or not APEC plasmid markers hlyF and ompT were found
Pathotype High Risk APEC Pathotype classification (possible values include High Risk APEC, APEC, High Risk non-APEC, non-APEC, or Not E. coli) *

*NOTE: Occasionally, the ST or O-type cannot be determined. In these situations, there will be an added note in the 'Pathotype' column indicating that it is unknown whether the isolate is 'High Risk'.

APEC virulence gene output

The blast_results_[SAMPLE].tsv file has the following columns:

Column Example Description
Sequence contig00218 Name of input assembly or specific assembly contig
Gene papC|Pap_pili|CP000468.1 APEC virulence gene name
GeneLength 2520 Length of gene (in bp)
AlignmentLength 2520 Length of sequence overlap (in bp)
Mismatches 1 Number of mismatches in the alignment
Gaps 0 Number of gaps in the alignment
SequenceStart 2955 Start of alignment in sequence
SequenceEnd 5474 End of alignment in sequence
GeneStart 1 Start of alignment in gene
GeneEnd 2520 End of alignment in gene
Identity 99.96 Percent of identical matches
Evalue 0 Expect value (see definition here)
Bitscore 4649 Bit score
Coverage 100 Percent coverage of the gene ( (AlignmentLength - Gaps) / GeneLength * 100 )


./ -r

If you use APECtyper in your work, please cite:

  • Johnson TJ, Miller EA, Flores-Figueroa C, Munoz-Aguayo J, Cardona C, Fransen K, Lighty M, Gonder E, Nezworski J, Haag A, Behl M, Kromm M, Wileman B, Studniski M, Strain E, McDermott P, Singer RS. Refining the definition of the avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) pathotype through inclusion of high-risk clonal groups. Poultry Science (2022) 101(10):102009. doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2022.102009

Please also cite:

  • Bessonov K, Laing C, Robertson J, Yong I, Ziebell K, Gannon VPJ, Nichani A, Arya G, Nash JHE, Christianson S. ECTyper: in silico Escherichia coli serotype and species prediction from raw and assembled whole-genome sequence data. Microb Genom. (2021) 7(12):000728. doi: 10.1099/mgen.0.000728
  • Seemann T, mlst Github
  • Jolley KA, Bray JE, Maiden MCJ. Open-access bacterial population genomics: BIGSdb software, the website and their applications. Wellcome Open Res. (2018) 3:124. doi: 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.14826.1