By: Team Concierge™
Since: Aug 2018
Licence: MIT
- 1. Setting up
- 2. Design
- 3. Implementation
- 3.1. Undo/Redo feature
- 3.2. Adding a Booking
- 3.3. Rooms List Feature
- 3.4. Find Feature
- 3.5. Room Check-in/Checkout feature
- 3.6. Expense, Expenses and ExpenseType
- 3.7. Money
- 3.8. ServiceCommand
- 3.9. Login and Logout
- 3.10. Autocomplete: kbd:[Ctrl], kbd:[Alt]
- 3.11. [Proposed] Command Archive feature
- 3.12. [Proposed] Data Encryption
- 3.13. Logging
- 3.14. Configuration
- 4. Documentation
- 5. Testing
- 6. Dev Ops
- Appendix A: Product Scope
- Appendix B: User Stories
- Appendix C: Use Cases
- Appendix D: Non Functional Requirements
- Appendix E: Glossary
- Appendix F: Product Survey
- Appendix G: Market Survey
- Appendix H: Instructions for Manual Testing
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When you are ready to start coding,
Get some sense of the overall design by reading Section 2.1, “Architecture”.
Take a look at [GetStartedProgramming].
[NOTE] The diagrams in this section are intended to be updated only in v.1.5.
The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the App. Given below is a quick overview of each component.
The .pptx files used to create diagrams in this document can be found in the diagrams folder. To update a diagram, modify the diagram in the pptx file, select the objects of the diagram, and choose Save as picture .
has only one class called MainApp
. It is responsible for,
At app launch: Initializes the components in the correct sequence, and connects them up with each other.
At shut down: Shuts down the components and invokes cleanup method where necessary.
represents a collection of classes used by multiple other components. Two of those classes play important roles at the architecture level.
: This class (written using Google’s Event Bus library) is used by components to communicate with other components using events (i.e. a form of Event Driven design) -
: Used by many classes to write log messages to the App’s log file.
The rest of the App consists of four components.
Each of the four components
Defines its API in an
with the same name as the Component. -
Exposes its functionality using a
{Component Name}Manager
For example, the Logic
component (see the class diagram given below) defines it’s API in the
interface and exposes its functionality using the
The Sequence Diagram below shows how the components interact for the scenario where the user issues the command delete 1
Note how the Model simply raises a ConciergeChangedEvent when Concierge data are changed, instead of asking the Storage to save the updates to the hard disk.
The diagram below shows how the EventsCenter
reacts to that event, which eventually results in the updates being saved to the hard disk and the status bar of the UI being updated to reflect the 'Last Updated' time.
Note how the event is propagated through the EventsCenter to the Storage and UI without Model having to be coupled to either of them. This is an example of how this Event Driven approach helps us reduce direct coupling between components.
The sections below give more details of each component.
The UI consists of a MainWindow
that is made up of parts e.g.CommandBox
, ResultDisplay
, PersonListPanel
, StatusBarFooter
, BrowserPanel
etc. All these, including the MainWindow
, inherit from the abstract UiPart
The UI
component uses JavaFx UI framework. The layout of these UI parts are defined in matching .fxml
files that are in the src/main/resources/view
folder. For example, the layout of the MainWindow
is specified in MainWindow.fxml
The UI
Executes user commands using the
component. -
Binds itself to some data in the
so that the UI can auto-update when data in theModel
change. -
Responds to events raised from various parts of the App and updates the UI accordingly.
uses theConciergeParser
class to parse the user command. -
This results in a
object which is executed by theLogicManager
. -
The command execution can affect the
(e.g. adding a guest) and/or raise events. -
The result of the command execution is encapsulated as a
object which is passed back to theUi
Given below is the Sequence Diagram for interactions within the Logic
component for the execute("delete 1")
API call.
The Model
stores a
object that represents the user’s preferences. -
stores Concierge data.
exposes an unmodifiable
that can be 'observed' e.g. the UI can be bound to this list so that the UI automatically updates when the data in the list change. -
does not depend on any of the other three components.
The Storage
can save
objects in json format and read it back. -
can save Concierge data in xml format and read it back.
This section describes some noteworthy details on how certain features are implemented.
Diagrammatic references to "AddressBook" are intended to be removed in v.1.5. ==== Current Implementation |
The undo/redo mechanism is facilitated by VersionedConcierge
It extends Concierge
with an undo/redo history, stored internally as an conciergeStateList
and currentStatePointer
Additionally, it implements the following operations:
— Saves the current Concierge state in its history. -
— Restores the previous Concierge state from its history. -
— Restores a previously undone Concierge state from its history.
These operations are exposed in the Model
interface as Model#commitConcierge()
, Model#undoConcierge()
and Model#redoConcierge()
Given below is an example usage scenario and how the undo/redo mechanism behaves at each step.
Step 1. The user launches the application for the first time. The VersionedConcierge
will be initialized with the initial Concierge state, and the currentStatePointer
pointing to that single Concierge state.
Step 2. The user executes delete 5
command to delete the 5th guest in Concierge. The delete
command calls Model#commitConcierge()
, causing the modified state of Concierge after the delete 5
command executes to be saved in the conciergeStateList
, and the currentStatePointer
is shifted to the newly inserted Concierge state.
Step 3. The user executes add n/David …
to add a new guest. The add
command also calls Model#commitConcierge()
, causing another modified Concierge state to be saved into the conciergeStateList
If a command fails its execution, it will not call Model#commitConcierge() , so Concierge state will not be saved into the conciergeStateList .
Step 4. The user now decides that adding the guest was a mistake, and decides to undo that action by executing the undo
command. The undo
command will call Model#undoConcierge()
, which will shift the currentStatePointer
once to the left, pointing it to the previous Concierge state, and restores Concierge to that state.
If the currentStatePointer is at index 0, pointing to the initial Concierge state, then there are no previous Concierge states to restore. The undo command uses Model#canUndoConcierge() to check if this is the case. If so, it will return an error to the user rather than attempting to perform the undo.
The following sequence diagram shows how the undo operation works:
The redo
command does the opposite — it calls Model#redoConcierge()
, which shifts the currentStatePointer
once to the right, pointing to the previously undone state, and restores Concierge to that state.
If the currentStatePointer is at index conciergeStateList.size() - 1 , pointing to the latest Concierge state, then there are no undone Concierge states to restore. The redo command uses Model#canRedoConcierge() to check if this is the case. If so, it will return an error to the user rather than attempting to perform the redo.
Step 5. The user then decides to execute the command list
. Commands that do not modify Concierge, such as list
, will usually not call Model#commitConcierge()
, Model#undoConcierge()
or Model#redoConcierge()
. Thus, the conciergeStateList
remains unchanged.
Step 6. The user executes clear
, which calls Model#commitConcierge()
. Since the currentStatePointer
is not pointing at the end of the conciergeStateList
, all Concierge states after the currentStatePointer
will be purged. We designed it this way because it no longer makes sense to redo the add n/David …
command. This is the behavior that most modern desktop applications follow.
The following activity diagram summarizes what happens when a user executes a new command:
Alternative 1 (current choice): Saves the entire Concierge.
Pros: Easy to implement.
Cons: May have performance issues in terms of memory usage.
Alternative 2: Individual command knows how to undo/redo by itself.
Pros: Will use less memory (e.g. for
, just save the guest being deleted). -
Cons: We must ensure that the implementation of each individual command are correct.
Alternative 1 (current choice): Use a list to store the history of Concierge states.
Pros: Easy for new Computer Science student undergraduates to understand, who are likely to be the new incoming developers of our project.
Cons: Logic is duplicated twice. For example, when a new command is executed, we must remember to update both
Alternative 2: Use
for undo/redo-
Pros: We do not need to maintain a separate list, and just reuse what is already in the codebase.
Cons: Requires dealing with commands that have already been undone: We must remember to skip these commands. Violates Single Responsibility Principle and Separation of Concerns as
now needs to do two different things.
The add
command is used by the receptionist to add the guest to the hotel,
and assign him a room.
We currently accept a Guest
, RoomNumber
and BookingPeriod
as parameters for the AddCommand
constructor. An example of its usage:
add n/Madith p/83141592 e/[email protected] r/041 from/29/11/2018 to/ 03/12/2018
The parsing of the AddCommand
is very similar to what was already
implemented in AddressBook4. More parameters were added, namely the
and BookingPeriod
. These are parsed to create the respective
objects - Guest
, RoomNumber
and BookingPeriod
In v2.0, users can enter a start date and duration to specify their booking period.
As in AddressBook4, the Logic
component parses the AddCommand
, and the
handles its execution.
In the
, theGuest
is no longer added to Concierge. It was previously the case in AddressBook4. -
A new
object is created with theGuest
as its parameters. -
is then added to theRoom
with theRoomNumber
specified. EveryRoom
maintains aSortedSet<Booking>
which is encapsulated in theBookings
(plural) class.
An Activity Diagram for the execution of AddCommand#execute
is shown below.
The AddCommandParser already checks that ROOM_NUMBER is a valid
string from 001 to 100 , and the initialisation of Concierge checks that
there are 100 rooms. The RoomNotFoundException is not expected to occur
for any user input, but is left there as a defensive measure.
Outdated bookings are those which have a start date before today. Concierge
disallows users to add
outdated bookings.
Alternative 1 (current choice): Do the check in
Pros: Very easy to implement. A parameter check in the
method will suffice. Will only affect theAddCommandSystemTest
. -
Cons: The actual
does not do any check on theBookingPeriod
being outdated, opening the possibly of outdatedBooking
s being added from via other commands.
Alternative 2: Do the check in
Pros: Centralises exceptions thrown related to bookings in the
class. Increases the cohesiveness of this class. -
Cons: All the existing tests and sample data calling the
method with outdated bookings have to be changed. It also becomes difficult to do unit tests on checking in bookings which are outdated but not expired, since these bookings can no longer be added to the model.
Semantically, we can observe a strong coupling and dependency between Room
and Guest
. A Room
contains a Guest
, and a Guest
also has a Room
Maintaining this coupling allows for very quick lookup both ways, either
given a Guest
(which is common at the reception desk) or given a Room
(which is common for housekeeping).
Alternative 1 (current choice): Add
as a field inRoom
Pros: An efficient way for managing bookings. Receptionist can quickly determine if the
is free to book. Lookup time forGuest
not expected to increase greatly, sinceRoom
s are not expected to have a large number of advanced bookings made. -
Cons: Difficult to find the
given theGuest
. When aGuest
has made an advanced booking and wishes to cancel it, we have to search through all theRoom
s. Nevertheless, we expect most guests to be aware of their rooms.
Alternative 2: Add
as a field inGuest
Pros: Very customer-centric design. Centralises all the information about the
, includingBooking
s made andExpense
s incurred. -
Cons: Making a new
with a newGuest
is highly inefficient.Booking
information is now scattered across individualGuest
[v1.4] On top of the list of rooms, we maintain a separate list of checked-in guests. This list does not retain any booking information, as it is meant to for a quick lookup of the guests' particulars.
The rooms list feature builds upon, and reuses functions from the ;originally implemented ListCommand.
The Activity UML Diagram for the current implementation of ListCommand is as follows:
The list function is facilitated by a modified ListCommand
class, of which the input from the CommandBox is parsed by a ListCommandParser
The list function now requires a flag after the 'list' command. Below are the two allowed list commands:
list -g
- Lists all guests. -
list -cg
- Lists all checked-in guests. -
list -r
- Lists all rooms.
A ListCommandParser
class was created to obtain and compare the flags from inputs, which required a different approach to the rest of the commands. The input string is simply split using a String function, obtaining an array of strings, of which the flags will be at index 1.
Modification of existing FXML files, and creation of new FXML files was done to achieve separate listing of guests and rooms, and the browser panel was replaced with a panel to focus on, and display more detailed information on the selected guest/room.
In order to stack the UI elements on top of one another to reuse and display the separate lists under the same column, modifications were made to the MainWindow.fxml
The GuestListPanel and RoomListPanel each has a "VBox" element encapsulating them, which visibility is toggled and the element itself enabled or disabled based on the flag that was obtained from the parser. This feature extends to the GuestDetailedPanel and RoomDetailedPanel and is achieved in the same way.
Alternative 1 : Maintain two columns on the MainWindow UI to display both rooms and guests
Pros: Easier to modify UI by adding on instead of modifying and replacing, and modifications in the future will not be too tedious.
Cons: UI looks cluttered with an empty column when not displaying the other, not an efficient use of screen space.
Alternative 2 (current choice): Separately display the two lists within the same MainWindow UI space/column.
Pros: Cleaner looking, fully utilises empty spaces. Better visual feedback from commands as inputs.
Cons: Requires heavy modification of MainWindow UI files, future features must stick with the restriction of having a list of either guests or rooms.
The Find feature expands upon the originally implemented FindCommand, allowing for the searching of both rooms and guests, with several filters.
The Activity UML Diagram for the current implementation of FindCommand is as follows:
The find function is facilitated by a modified FindCommand
class, of which the input from the CommandBox is parsed by a FindCommandParser
The find function now has the ability to find either guests or rooms. The starting commands for the find function with flags are as follows:
find -g
- Find guests. -
find -cg
- Find checked-in guests. -
find -r
- Find rooms.
The above command must be followed up by at least 1 filter, and they are as follows:
Guest Filters (-g):
n/ - Name
p/ - Phone Number
e/ - Email Address
t/ - Tags
Room Filters (-r):
r/ - Room Number
c/ - Capacity
t/ - Room Tags
n/ - Name of guest with bookings
The following are filters for room bookings. The flags cannot be mixed. The flags can be used independently, or with a from/to specified date. Input dates must be in DD/MM/YY format.
-hb - Has Bookings Flag
-nb - No Bookings Flag
from/ - Booking Start Date
to/ - Booking End Date
The FindCommandParser uses a tokenizer to obtain the individual arguments/filters, whether the filter is present or not. If a filter is present, the input that precedes the filter prefix will be used to create the individual predicate class.
These predicate classes are collected into a list of predicates before they are combined and merged in the FindCommand class. The combined final predicate is then passed to the Model Manager to filter the guest/room list, and a listingChangedEvent is called to update the UI elements.
When searching, a few things have to be considered. Does the filter specified have an OR relationship with one another, or an AND relationship. An example is this: find -g n/Alex t/VIP, this can be interpreted in two ways. Finding guests with name as "Alex" AND with tag "VIP", or name "Alex" or tag "VIP.
The room check-in and checkout features makes use of UniqueRoomList
The logic that supports the check-in and checkout operations mainly reside in the Concierge
and Room
— Checks in the first booking of the room identified by the given room number -
— Checks out the first booking of the room identified by the given room number -
UniqueRoomList#checkout(RoomNumber, LocalDate)
— Checks out the room’s booking whose start date matches the given date
Active booking refers to a booking that includes today’s date. First booking refers to the earliest (i.e. first in chronological order). |
A room can be checked out regardless of its checked-in status. Thus, checkout doubles as a command to delete bookings.
These operations are exposed in the Model
interface as Model#checkInRoom
and Model#checkoutRoom
Given below is an example usage scenario and how the check-in/checkout mechanism behaves at each step.
Assuming there is a booking already added to room 001,
The user executes
checkin r/001
when the guest arrives.-
command takes in aRoomNumber
argument and callsModel#checkInRoom
as such:Model.checkInRoom(roomNumber)
(which implements Model) will callVersionedConcierge#checkInRoom
will callUniqueRoomList#getRoom
to get the room using its RoomNumber -
will callRoom#checkIn
if the room has no bookings -
if the room’s first booking is expired -
if the room’s first booking is not active -
if the room’s first booking is already checked in -
update the first booking as checked-in if no exceptions were thrown, and replace the room with its updated version that has the first booking checked-in
will callVersionedConcierge#addCheckedInGuestIfNotPresent
will add the guest of the checked-in booking to the checked-in guest list if he/she is not already in it
The user executes
checkout r/001
when the guest leaves.-
command takes in aRoomNumber
argument and callsModel#checkoutRoom
as such:Model.checkoutRoom(roomNumber)
(which implements Model) will callVersionedConcierge#checkoutRoom
will callUniqueRoomList#getRoom
to get the room using its RoomNumber -
will callRoom#getBookings#getFirstBooking
to get the first booking of the room -
will call its own overloaded method, which callsRoom#checkout
with the first booking -
if the room’s booking does not exist -
delete the room’s first booking
will callVersionedConcierge#removeCheckedInGuest
to remove the guest from the checked-in guest list if he/she does not have any other bookings -
will callVersionedConcierge#addGuest
to add the guest to the archived guest list if he/she does not already exists in it
The following sequence diagram shows how CheckInCommand#execute
The following activity diagram shows how Concierge#checkInRoom
Alternative 1 (current choice):
a room by creating a new copy of the room with theisCheckedIn
flag of the first booking set to true.-
Pros: Debugging is easy. Consistent with the rest of the application.
method becomes unintuitive, since a new room is returned from the operation, instead of a void method simply setting the instance property.
Alternative 2:
a room by setting theisCheckedIn
flag of the first booking to true.-
Pros: Check-in method is intuitive, and does not return a new room.
Cons: Harder to debug. Tests also become troublesome since changes are made to the same referenced room.
Alternative 1 (current choice): Use
to delete any booking.-
doubles as a delete booking feature, so no need for adeletebooking
command. -
Cons: Not very natural, as
implies checking out a checked-in booking.
Alternative 2: Use
to delete only active booking, and create new commanddeletebooking
to delete expired and upcoming bookings.-
Pros: More natural,
can only do what its name implies. -
Cons: Need to implement new command and more methods, to support the same deletion operation but with a different name.
In Concierge, users will be given the feature of tracking the expenditure of each individual
guest, in order to facilitate checkout charges. Hence, the three classes, Expenses
, Expense
and ExpenseType
have been created for this purpose. In addition, the hotel also has a
of goods and services available.
objects are essentially immutable objects that represent a single item or service
being sold at the hotel. An ExpenseType
object contains information about its menu number,
usual price, and description. The main purpose of this class is for convenience; users may
charge a customer by simply providing the menu number of the item and the cost and description
of the item will be able to be referenced. ExpenseType
information is stored in a Menu
object, which is then stored on the hard disk, since users should have the ability to modify
the menu manually. The Menu
object is internally represented with a HashMap<String, ExpenseType>
with the menu number as keys and the ExpenseType
objects as values.
Alternative 1: Use a List<ExpenseType> to store the menu. While there may be negligible differences for a small menu, searching for an
object still takes linear time and there may be significant performance drops for a large menu.
An Expense
object contains information about one individual expenditure by a guest. An
object encapsulates the cost, ExpenseType
of the item bought, and the date and time
of expenditure.
The Expenses
object is essentially a List<Expense>
. Every room contains an Expenses
object, to represent the collection of all the expenses of the guests in the room.
Alternative 1: Use a
object: Defining theExpenses
class allows us to restrict access to the collection, and only allow certain methods such as adding anExpense
or displaying on screen. -
Alternative 2: Use a
object: Having the expenses ordered (e.g. chronologically) will be useful for generating a nice view of all the expenses incurred.
Here is a simple UML describing the roles of these classes.
While it is conceivable that the items sold may change from time to time,
for various reasons such as unpopularity or seasonal products, giving users
the ability to add and remove items from the menu may result in more
problems than benefits. We expect that alterations to the menu will not be
performed frequently, and that the majority of our users, receptionists,
will not be required to add and remove items to the menu. The menu also does
not have to be altered during operational hours. Hence, by making
immutable, we eliminate the possibility of making accidental or
unwarranted changes to the menu. The only method to modify Menu
thus be through the XML file, which we believe is suitable for these
The ExpenseType
object is meant to hold the default values of the name and
price of each item. In other words, since an Expense
object references an
object, the Expense
object is allowed to have a cost that
is different from the cost in the corresponding ExpenseType
object, to
account for cases such as the guest having a personalised discount due to
the usage of vouchers or certain credit cards. Thus, ExpenseType does not
need to be modified by users in the application. Nonetheless, it is still
possible to modify the default information through editing the XML file.
Alternative 1 (current choice): Assign
to eachRoom
Pros: Suitable for current architecture. Each
only has oneGuest
, and eachGuest
will only stay in oneRoom
. Makes more sense to assign toRoom
such that it represents the expenditure of the entireRoom
and not oneGuest
, since the occupants of theRoom
can only contribute to one singleExpenses
is a more natural choice overBooking
is meant to encapsulate booking information such as timing andRoom
. Not much difference in implementation no matter which one of the three classes it is assigned to. -
Cons: May be confusing to implement. Need to ensure that there are no expenses for rooms that have no guests.
Alternative 2: Assign
to eachGuest
Pros: Can track
of eachGuest
, can find out who are the heavy spenders. Can use this information for promotional activities such as vouchers or membership. -
Cons: Not all guests that will stay in the hotel are registered in the guest list, since each
only requires the name of oneGuest
, regardless of theRoom
. Will require a major refactoring of theadd
command. Complications may also arise if aGuest
has multiple bookings simultaneously and there is a need to track theExpenses
over different rooms.
Alternative 3: Assign
to eachBooking
Pros: Can allow tracking of the booker’s expenditure, less confusing to implement than
, can allow for expenses to be recorded before the guest checks in. -
Cons: May violate SRP, since
should ideally only deal with booking information.
is a class used to store monetary values. This class was created to
enforce the restriction that monetary values should always have at most two
decimal places, which could be inconvenient if using Java data types such
as double
or BigDecimal
. Money
objects can be created by the user
through the service
command (details in the next section).
The Money
class contains two main attributes, dollars
and cents
, both
of which are int`s, since it is unlikely that the cost of any one item will
exceed `Integer.MAX_VALUE
The main method of creating Money
objects is through the service
with the Money
class parsing a string to convert into a Money
The method isValidMoneyFormat()
handles the checking of the string format,
and the list of requirements are as follows:
Can be negative.
Format of the string should be {1 to 10 digits}.{2 digits}, e.g.
are not allowed. -
section can be 0 but cannot have leading 0, i.e. 0.12 is allowed but 01.23 is not allowed. -
section should not exceedInteger.MAX_VALUE
. -
Cannot have characters that are not digits or
The service
command is used for charging expenses to rooms. This
functionality is the main reason that the classes Expenses, Expense,
ExpenseType, Menu and Money were implemented. The format for the service
command is as such:
The cost is made optional for the convenience of the user. We expect that
most of the time, the cost of items are more or less fixed. Instead of
having the user type in the same cost all of the time, the field is made
optional. This functionality is enabled by the use of ExpenseType
, which stores the default cost of items. If the cost is not specified,
the default cost of the item will be used.
As in AddressBook4, the ConciergeParser (aka AddressBookParser) will parse
the user input and create a ServiceCommandParser
object to parse a service
command. The ServiceCommandParser
is responsible for checking that the
and cost (a Money
object) are in the correct format. Note that
the item number is not checked here, since the Menu
object of Concierge
has to be available in order to check that the given item number is a valid
item. Hence, any string will be accepted by the parser. Since ServiceCommand
has access to the Model
and thus the Menu
, the checking is given to
instead. A successful parse will then return a
ServiceCommand(RoomNumber roomNumber, String itemNumber, Optional<Money> itemCost)
The following flowchart describes what happens when the execute
of a ServiceCommand
is called.
The model.addExpense()
method call was not illustrated in detail in the flowchart,
thus it is illustrated in this sequence diagram.
Alternative 1 (current choice): Use
to edit `Expense`s.-
Pros: Simply keying in `Expense`s with negative values is easy to implement, and does not stray far from real-life implementations, e.g. receipts often contain cost subtractions for discounts and promotions.
Cons: May not be elegant,
may become cluttered if there’s too many corrections.
Alternative 2: Create new commands to edit and delete `Expense`s.
Pros: The
will contain all the `Expense`s at their correct prices. -
Cons: More effort to implement, difficult to implement, e.g. may need to implement listing out all
Expense`s of a `Room
with thelist
command in order to select theExpense
to delete or edit. Information on discounts and corrections will also be lost.
The login
feature allows hotel managers to tag commands entered with a
specific user, creating a blame history to trace rogue commands. Managers
can also control which receptionists have full access to Concierge.
Currently, login
is implemented as a
dynamic feature,
so users are not prompted to sign in upon starting Concierge. Instead, they
only have to sign in when executing commands which would mutate the data,
such as add
, checkin
, checkout
, reassign
, service
and clear
Given the nature of the login
command being dynamic (can be entered at any
point in time, between any commands), it is then natural to implement it like
a normal command, extending the abstract Command
class. The logout
is also implemented in this way.
The model handles the signing-in, using its attribute LogInManager
The Class Diagram of the login module is shown below.
uses an optional username
to keep track of whether
the user is currently signed in. The passwordReferenceList
provides an
immutable key-value lookup for usernames and passwords.
implements the following operations.
- checks if the user is currently signed in. -
LogInManager#signIn(String, String)
- attempts to sign in with the given username and hashed password. This is handled by thePasswordHashList
. A case-insensitive comparison is used on the hash. -
- signs out of Concierge.
A new method resetUndoRedoHistory
was added to the
(used for the Undo/ Redo feature). This is used to clear
the command history upon a logout
command, so users cannot undo important
commands or redo accidental bad commands after signing out.
The passwords.json
file is read when Concierge is first opened (i.e. in
), and is never written to again. The storage function is
managed by the JsonPasswordsStorage
class. Intuitively, the usernames and
passwords are stored as key-value pairs for
quick look-up.
A SHA-256 hash was used in building this feature. In future, this hashing algorithm can be changed to a HMAC hash, which adds a username salt. Then, different users will not know if they have chosen the same passwords.
does the
checks for whether a command requires a sign in,
and whether the model is signed in.
The Command
class exposes a new requiresSignIn()
method that returns
false by default. To make new command require signing-in, one only has to
overwrite this method in that command.
Alternative 1 (current choice): Login is needed only for some features
Pros: Manager can implement some level of access control within Concierge, especially since some of the more commonly used Concierge features (
) are read-only features. This is quicker than mandating a sign-in at the start and creating different user views based on the account privilege (admin vs normal). -
Cons: Not very intuitive to users. They have to enter commands before being told they need to sign in. The
check takes place after the parsing of the command, so a user can is told they cannot execute the command without a sign-in after their command is parsed correctly.
Alternative 2: Login is needed for all features
Pros: Very easy to check login validity. This only occurs when Concierge is first loaded. Subsequent commands can be executed without additional checks on the sign-in requirement.
Given that sign-in is only required for some commands, the priority in designing this aspect is the ability to easily mandate/ disable compulsory the login requirement for current and future commands.
Alternative 1 (current choice): Do the check in
Pros: Ensures that commands are checked before any execution. Users will not inadvertently change the model before doing the sign-in checks.
Cons: Unable to implement commands that can do some actions without sign-in. For example, a future developer may want to make the
command such that when the user is not signed-in, the booking is still added but a tag is added to theGuest
, reminding the manager to verify the booking.
Alternative 2: Do the check in
Pros: Increases cohesiveness of
class. The compulsory sign-in is an attribute of aCommand
, so these checks can be done internally.Command
can implement a methodcheckSignIn(Model)
, and commands which require sign-ins can call this method in their respectiveexecute
methods. -
Cons: While increasing cohesion, this implementation makes less semantic sense. The logical misstep comes because one is executing the method, then checking if the method can be executed, then "reversing" the execution.
The password file is currently read at MainApp#init
, and saved once.
Unlike the Concierge data, this file is no longer referred to when Concierge
is in use.
Alternative 1 (current choice): Store passwords in JSON file
Pros: JSON is very easy to work with.
Able to utilise existing
methods used by theUserPrefs
classes. -
Easily parse data into key-value pairs, which semantically matches our needs.
file is not completely suitable for a data type that has potentially an unlimited number of entries, since this utility serialises the data to match the class attributes.
Alternative 2: Store passwords in same XML file as all other Concierge data.
Pros: Centralises data storage in Concierge. There is only one single source of truth for all data.
Cons: The XML file is too complicated for the needs of password storage.
Concierge does not need to write the the passwords file when in use.
is constantly being written to, which is an unnecessary and possibly unsafe feature for the passwords component. -
Creating a new password entry is difficult since once has to add all the layers of XML tags involved. Nevertheless, users are not expected to be adding new accounts on a regular basis.
The Autocomplete feature allows the user to seamlessly type in the full command and prefixes without having to worry if he/she missed out on any prefix. This feature helps the user by prompting the correct format. This is useful as some of the commands require several inputs from the user and hence this will save time and commands can be executed faster.
A quick-clear has also been added as part of this feature, so that
the user can again, save time.Press kbd:[Alt] to quick-clear the
(saves time for user when he wants to clear the box).
The command box before kbd:[Alt] is pressed:
The command box aft kbd:[Alt] is pressed:
Step 1: Launch application
Step 2: User enters a
in CommandBox
then presses kbd:[Ctrl].
compares input
through the list of
initCommandKeyWords`and proceeds to display the command in the
because a
is an applicable COMMAND_WORD
After kbd:[Ctrl] has been pressed, it automatically inserts the
first prefix PREFIX_NAME
in the command line.
Step 3: After the user fills up the PREFIX_NAME
field, he can press
kbd:[Space] to move on to the next prefix. After pressing kbd:[Space], then
he can press kbd:[Ctrl]. At this point, AutoCompleteManager()
called again but this time instead of calling the getAutoCompleteCommands()
it calls getAutoCompleteNextMissingParameter
since it will detect
the presence of the PREFIX_NAME
This is the expected outcome before pressing kbd:[Ctrl]
This is the expected outcome after pressing kbd:[Ctrl]
Step 4: The user repeats Step 3 until all parameters are input by the user
and then presses kbd:[Enter] to execute the command.
Note: For AddCommand
, the final parameter PREFIX_TAG
is optional, so
the user can just delete it if he chooses not to add a tag.
This is the expected outcome after all the parameters are filled.
Press kbd:[Enter] to execute the command.
Given below is the activity diagram for the Autocomplete feature.
Activity Diagram :
Activity Diagram demonstrates what happens when user presses kbd:[Ctrl]
The Autocomplete mechanism is facilitated by AutoCompleteManager
, which
can be found in LogicManager
. It supports the auto completion of incomplete
commands by providing a list of auto completed commands from a given incomplete
An underlying Trie
data structure is used to facilitate the AutocompleteManager
only supports autocompletion of commands that are provided by the
. The CommandParameterSyntaxHandler
that is found in
supports the autocompletion of parameters for commands.
Given below is the class diagram for the Autocomplete feature.
Autocomplete Class Diagram :
The CommandBox
interacts with the AutocompleteManager
using LogicManager
When the user presses kbd:[Ctrl] in the command box, the CommandBox
handle the Ctrl key press event and will execute the AutoCompleteUserInput()
Given below is the sequence diagram for the Autocomplete feature.
Autocomplete Sequence Diagram :
Alternative 1 (current choice): Use a manager (
) to handle the autocomplete helper methods.-
Pros: Allows for better usability and more code abstraction.
Cons: The amount of time taken for a new developer to to understand all the interaction between methods will be longer.
Alternative 2: Iterate through all possible commands to find match prefix.
Pros: Implementation of this alternative would be easier.
Cons: If there are too many commands being input consecutively, the application might start to lag due to possible loss of performance.
Alternative 1 (current choice): Trie Data Structure
Pros: Performance of application will be better.
Cons: The complexity of implementation is higher.
Alternative 2: Iterate through all possible commands to find match prefix.
Pros: Implementation of this alternative would be easier.
Cons: If there are too many commands being input consecutively, the application might start to lag due to possible loss of performance.
Given below is the UML diagram for the CommandArchive
Given below is the UML diagram for the CommandHistory
The Command Archive mechanism is facilitated by CommandArchive
It utilises the userInputHistory
to extract the latest command that the user
has input and passes the inputString`to `stringToFile
method in CommandArchive
class. The inputString
is then appended to the CommandFile.txt
Additionally, it implements the following operations:
— The main operations of theStringBuilder
are theappend
methods which can be overloaded to accept data of any type. Theappend
method always adds these characters at the end of the builder.This operation can be found inCommandHistory
. -
— Converts the StringBuilder object into a string namedinputString
so it can be passed to theCommandArchive
class. This operation can be found inCommandHistory
— CreatesLOGGER
so that it can log anyIOExceptions
that are caught in the catch blocks of the methods found instringToFile
method ofCommandArchive
. -
— Extracts the latest command from theuserInputHistory
. This is required because theuserInputHistory
appends all the older commands into the LinkedList as well. This is done by looking for the first newLine character occurrence of theinputString
. The substring is then extracted aslatestUserCommand
. This operation can be found inCommandArchive
. -
— Creates atimeStamp
in DD/MM/YYY format that can later be appended tolatestUserCommand
. This operation can be found inCommandArchive
. -
— Writes the stream of characters (which islatestUserCommand
) tocommandHistory
file. This will eventually be the output that is written intocommandFile.txt
. ThePrintWriter
also appendstimeStamp
to the latest entry (which is eventuallytimeStamp
). This operation can be found in CommandArchive`.This command requires a login.
Alternative 1 (current choice):
is first put into astringBuilder
and then converted to string to then pass toCommandArchive
Easy to implement because
can utiliseappend
methods, which can be overloaded to accept any data. -
Faster than
under most implementations. -
StringBuilder is mutable while String is immutable.
Cons: String is more optimised especially if you don’t need the extra features of
Alternative 2: Create a KeyLogger class that implements KeyListener to capture userInput.
Pros: It is more secure and can only be accessed for audits and other administrative access purposes and is hidden from the user.
If implemented wrongly, it will become a global KeyLogger that captures userInput outside of application.
Does not utilise the existing infrastructure and data found in the base level program class
and hence would require more effort to implement.
We are using java.util.logging
package for logging. The LogsCenter
class is used to manage the logging levels and logging destinations.
The logging level can be controlled using the
setting in the configuration file (See Section 3.14, “Configuration”) -
for a class can be obtained usingLogsCenter.getLogger(Class)
which will log messages according to the specified logging level -
Currently log messages are output through:
and to a.log
Logging Levels
: Critical problem detected which may possibly cause the termination of the application -
: Can continue, but with caution -
: Information showing the noteworthy actions by the App -
: Details that is not usually noteworthy but may be useful in debugging e.g. print the actual list instead of just its size
We use asciidoc for writing documentation.
We chose asciidoc over Markdown because asciidoc, although a bit more complex than Markdown, provides more flexibility in formatting. |
See UsingGradle.adoc to learn how to render .adoc
files locally to preview the end result of your edits.
Alternatively, you can download the AsciiDoc plugin for IntelliJ, which allows you to preview the changes you have made to your .adoc
files in real-time.
See UsingTravis.adoc to learn how to deploy GitHub Pages using Travis.
We use Google Chrome for converting documentation to PDF format, as Chrome’s PDF engine preserves hyperlinks used in webpages.
Here are the steps to convert the project documentation files to PDF format.
Follow the instructions in UsingGradle.adoc to convert the AsciiDoc files in the
directory to HTML format. -
Go to your generated HTML files in the
folder, right click on them and selectOpen with
→Google Chrome
. -
Within Chrome, click on the
option in Chrome’s menu. -
Set the destination to
Save as PDF
, then clickSave
to save a copy of the file in PDF format. For best results, use the settings indicated in the screenshot below.
The build.gradle
file specifies some project-specific asciidoc attributes which affects how all documentation files within this project are rendered.
Attributes left unset in the build.gradle file will use their default value, if any.
Attribute name | Description | Default value |
The name of the website. If set, the name will be displayed near the top of the page. |
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URL to the site’s repository on GitHub. Setting this will add a "View on GitHub" link in the navigation bar. |
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One of: * Official SE-EDU projects only |
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The files in docs/templates
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These template files are written in a mixture of Ruby and Slim.
Modifying the template files in |
There are three ways to run tests.
The most reliable way to run tests is the 3rd one. The first two methods might fail some GUI tests due to platform/resolution-specific idiosyncrasies. |
Method 1: Using IntelliJ JUnit test runner
To run all tests, right-click on the
folder and chooseRun 'All Tests'
To run a subset of tests, you can right-click on a test package, test class, or a test and choose
Run 'ABC'
Method 2: Using Gradle
Open a console and run the command
gradlew clean allTests
(Mac/Linux:./gradlew clean allTests
See UsingGradle.adoc for more info on how to run tests using Gradle. |
Method 3: Using Gradle (headless)
Thanks to the TestFX library we use, our GUI tests can be run in the headless mode. In the headless mode, GUI tests do not show up on the screen. That means the developer can do other things on the Computer while the tests are running.
To run tests in headless mode, open a console and run the command gradlew clean headless allTests
(Mac/Linux: ./gradlew clean headless allTests
We have two types of tests:
GUI Tests - These are tests involving the GUI. They include,
System Tests that test the entire App by simulating user actions on the GUI. These are in the
package. -
Unit tests that test the individual components. These are in
Non-GUI Tests - These are tests not involving the GUI. They include,
Unit tests targeting the lowest level methods/classes.
Integration tests that are checking the integration of multiple code units (those code units are assumed to be working).
Hybrids of unit and integration tests. These test are checking multiple code units as well as how the are connected together.
See UsingGradle.adoc to learn how to use Gradle for build automation.
We use Travis CI and AppVeyor to perform Continuous Integration on our projects. See UsingTravis.adoc and UsingAppVeyor.adoc for more details.
We use Coveralls to track the code coverage of our projects. See UsingCoveralls.adoc for more details.
When a pull request has changes to asciidoc files, you can use Netlify to see a preview of how the HTML version of those asciidoc files will look like when the pull request is merged. See UsingNetlify.adoc for more details.
Here are the steps to create a new release.
Update the version number in
. -
Generate a JAR file using Gradle.
Tag the repo with the version number. e.g.
Create a new release using GitHub and upload the JAR file you created.
A project often depends on third-party libraries. For example, Concierge depends on the Jackson library for XML parsing. Managing these dependencies can be automated using Gradle. For example, Gradle can download the dependencies automatically, which is better than these alternatives.
a. Include those libraries in the repo (this bloats the repo size)
b. Require developers to download those libraries manually (this creates extra work for developers)
Target user profile:
has a need to manage a significant number of contacts
prefer desktop apps over other types
can type fast
prefers typing over mouse input
is reasonably comfortable using CLI apps
Value proposition: manage contacts faster than a typical mouse/GUI driven app
Priorities: High (must have) - * * *
, Medium (nice to have) - * *
, Low (unlikely to have) - *
Priority | As a … | I want to … | So that I can… |
receptionist |
retrieve the room number of a guest |
provide any kind of services to the guest in his/her room |
receptionist |
view the prices of different room types |
inform the guests of the prices of different rooms |
receptionist |
mark rooms in need of maintenance or cleaning |
prevent guests from staying in those rooms |
hotel manager |
know which rooms' guests are checking out on a certain day |
assign cleaning staff to those rooms |
receptionist |
look at the available rooms of a certain type in a certain time |
designate rooms for guests |
receptionist / hotel manager |
know the room services called by a guest |
charge the guest accordingly |
receptionist |
keep track of the particulars of guests such as home address, phone number, room number |
contact them in the event of emergencies before, during or after their stay |
receptionist |
be informed of the guests that checked out late |
charge them with a late check-out fee |
receptionist |
swap rooms for guests |
allow guests to change rooms if they report any damages |
receptionist |
manually reduce / extend the stay of a guest (including late check-out requests) |
allow guests to change their check-out timing |
receptionist |
modify a guest’s particulars |
correct errors without rewriting the entry |
receptionist / hotel manager |
remove a guest’s entry |
facilitate the check-out procedure |
receptionist |
reserve rooms for guests |
allow guests to place bookings |
receptionist |
cancel bookings on request |
let other guests occupy the room |
hotel manager |
export the guests' profiles |
keep an archive |
hotel manager |
look at all financial transactions made between guests and the hotel |
facilitate the monthly audit |
receptionist / hotel manager |
red flag problematic guests and write descriptions on them |
warn the staff of problematic guests |
receptionist |
filter rooms by type, occupancy status, number of guests, etc. |
understand the current state of occupancy |
hotel manager |
know the usage statistics of facilities |
plan for budget and staff allocation |
hotel manager |
adjust the room rates |
take advantage of seasonal pricing |
hotel manager |
send my guests a "Thank You" note upon check-out |
maintain good relations with them |
hotel manager |
backup my data |
prepare for data corruption accidents |
receptionists |
convert room rates to common global currencies |
help guests better understand the pricing |
hotel manager |
know the average amount spent by guests who checked out in the current month |
evaluate the effectiveness of short-term events |
hotel manager |
look at which receptionist last edited a reservation or stay |
hold the receptionists accountable if mistakes were made |
System: Concierge
, Actor: Receptionist
Receptionist checks the room rates for all room types
Receptionist checks available rooms (not occupied or reserved) of the type guest wants
Receptionist ensures that room has all necessary maintenance completed
Receptionist assigns room to Guest
Use case ends.
2a. System indicates that there are no rooms available
Use case ends.
4a. There are multiple Guests to be checked-in
4a1. Receptionist adds all Guests to System
Use case resumes at step 4.
System: Concierge
, Actor: Receptionist
Receptionist searches room number using Guest’s particulars (e.g. Name, ID, Phone Number, etc.)
System returns room number
Use case ends.
2a. System indicates that the Guest is not staying in the hotel.
Use case ends.
System: Concierge
, Actor: Receptionist
Receptionist retrieves room number of Guest (UC1.2)
Receptionist specifies what type of room service to send to Guest
System confirms room service sent to guest, with an ETA
Use case ends.
3a. System indicates that there are no available hotel attendants at the moment
3a1. Receptionist puts Guest on a waiting queue
Use case ends.
System: Concierge
, Actor: Receptionist
Receptionist views listing of available rooms (UC1.2)
Receptionist swaps guest’s room
System prompts to mark the vacated room for housekeeping
Receptionist sends for housekeeping service in vacated room
Use case ends.
System: Concierge
, Actor: Receptionist
Receptionist identifies Guest using personal particulars (e.g. name, ID, phone number)
Receptionist updates Guest details
Use case ends.
System: Concierge
, Actor: Receptionist
Receptionist views listing of available rooms (UC1.2)
Receptionist specifies reservation dates
Use case ends.
System: Concierge
, Actor: Hotel Manager
Hotel Manager checks the room rates for all room types
Hotel Manager specifies new room rate for a particular room type
Use case ends.
2a. Hotel Manager specifies an invalid room rate (has to be non-negative integer)
2a1. System displays an error message that no changes have been made
Use case ends.
System: Concierge
, Actor: Hotel Manager
Hotel Manager specifies periodicity of earnings to checked-in
Use case ends.
{More to be added}
Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java
or higher installed. -
Should be able to hold up to 1000 guests without a noticeable sluggishness in performance for typical usage.
Command Line Interface is the primary mode of input. There is a preference for typing over mouse actions or key combinations. One-shot commands are preferred over multi-step commands.
A user with above average typing speed for regular English text (i.e. not code, not system admin commands) should be able to accomplish most of the tasks faster using commands than using the mouse.
Incremental development: a reasonably consistent delivery rate is expected.
The data should be stored locally and should be in a human editable text file, so that advanced users can manipulate the data by editing the file.
The software should follow the Object-oriented paradigm.
The project will not use a DBMS.
The software should be platform-independent.
The software should work without requiring an installer.
{More to be added}
- Receptionist
Staff at the counter, in-charge of check-in and check-out procedures. They occasionally receive calls from potential guests
- Hotel Manager
The one guest in-charge of the entire hotel. Manages staff, guests and facilities
- Housekeeping
Staff in-charge of cleaning rooms and restoring them to the default configuration for a new Guest to stay
- Facilities
Facilities: Any form of services provided within the hotel. These include the spa, gym, game room, casino, laundry, bar, restaurants, etc
Easy to use: staff are able to learn how to operate the system with minimal training
Access to leading travel channels (e.g.
Custom payment options
Group analytics
Global currency support
eZee Frontdesk
Booking Engine, Channel Manager and Restaurant POS in one system
Rate management to maximise revenue through seasonal stay rates
Frontdesk Anywhere
Export guest profiles
Data encryption and privilege control for users
Sends "Thank You" letters to guests after their stay
Multi-device booking engine
Automatic back-up on the cloud
Access to archived night audit reports
Complete audit trail for all financial transactions
Guest history available
Hotel Rendezvous
Interviewed via phone about hotel operations
For instance, using Hotel Rendezvous as reference, we discovered that hotels only require 1 guest of a booking to provide identifications details, thus the responsibility of the guest(s) under that booking falls to him/her.
Given below are instructions to test the app manually.
add n/Pikachu p/81726354 e/[email protected] t/wheelchair r/047 from/20/11/2018 to/23/11/2018
Unable to execute command because you have not signed-in to Concierge.
login user/admin pw/passw0rd
Successfully signed-in to Concierge. The previous booking can be successfully
add n/Pikachu p/81726354 e/[email protected] r/049 from/20/11/2018 to/23/11/2018
Pikachu can make a new (inactive)** booking in the same time period but a
different room.
add n/Pikachu p/81726354 e/[email protected] r/049 from/16/11/2018 to/20/11/2018
Pikachu can make a new (active)** booking.
add n/Pikachu p/81726354 e/[email protected] r/047 from/19/11/2018 to/21/11/2018
Unable to make booking because it overlaps with the previous booking.
add n/Pikachu p/81726354 e/[email protected] r/047 from/14/11/2018 to/17/11/2018
Unable to make booking because it is outdated.
As of CS2103 Practical Exam which is expected to be on 16 November 2018.
Unable to clear because user is not signed in.
login user/peanuts pw/peanut0
Invalid login account.
login user/admin pw/passw0rD
Invalid password. Password is case-sensitive.
login user/admin pw/passw0rd
Successful login.
Able to clear Concierge.
Sign out of Concierge.
Unable to clear because user is not signed in.
Unable to undo because the revision history was erased.
These instructions only provide a starting point for testers to work on; testers are expected to do more exploratory testing. |
Initial launch
Download the jar file and copy into an empty folder
Double-click the jar file
Expected: Shows the GUI with a set of sample contacts. The window size may not be optimum.
Saving window preferences
Resize the window to an optimum size. Move the window to a different location. Close the window.
Re-launch the app by double-clicking the jar file.
Expected: The most recent window size and location is retained.
{ more test cases … }