implements high performance classes for reading and writing BigWIG,
BigBED and TDF. You can use big
in any programming language running on the
JVM, but the public API is in part Kotlin-specific.
The latest version of big
is available on jCenter jcenter. If you're using
Gradle just add the following to your build.gradle
repositories {
dependencies {
compile ''
The following examples assume that all required symbols are imported into the current scope. They also rely on the helper function for reading TSV formated [chromosome sizes] chrom-sizes from UCSC annotations.
/** Fetches chromosome sizes from a UCSC provided TSV file. */
internal fun Path.chromosomes(): List<Pair<String, Int>> {
return Files.newBufferedReader(this).lineSequence().map { line ->
val chunks = line.split('\t', limit = 3)
chunks[0] to chunks[1].toInt()
fun wigToBigWig(inputPath: Path, outputPath: Path, chromSizesPath: Path) {
BigWigFile.write(WigFile(inputPath), chromSizesPath.chromosomes(), outputPath)
fun bigWigSummary(inputPath: Path, numBins: Int) { { bwf ->
println("Total: ${bwf.totalSummary}")
for (chromosome in bwf.chromosomes.valueCollection()) {
for ((i, summary) in bwf.summarize(chromosome, numBins = numBins).withIndex()) {
println("bin #${i + 1}: $summary")
fun bedToBigBed(inputPath: Path, outputPath: Path, chromSizesPath: Path) {
BigBedFile.write(BedFile(inputPath), chromSizesPath.chromosomes(), outputPath)
fun bigBedToBed(inputPath: Path) { { bbf ->
for (chromosome in bbf.chromosomes.valueCollection()) {
for ((chrom, start, end) in bbf.query(chromosome)) {
// See 'BedEntry' for a complete list of available
// attributes.
The build process is as simple as
$ ./gradlew assemble
No extra configuration is required for running the tests from Gradle
$ ./gradlew test
You can publish a new release with a one-liner
./gradlew clean assemble test generatePomFileForMavenJavaPublication bintrayUpload
Make sure to set Bintray credentials (see API key section
here) in $HOME/.gradle/
$ cat $HOME/.gradle/