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File metadata and controls

164 lines (145 loc) · 7.33 KB

Python Cheat Sheet:

Builtin Methods:

  • input([prompt]) -> str
    • Read a string from standard input. The trailing newline is stripped. The prompt string, if given, is printed without a trailing newline before reading.
  • abs(x) -> number
    • Return the absolute value of x.
  • chr(i) -> character
    • Return a string of one character whose ASCII code is the integer i. For example, chr(97) returns the string 'a'. This is the inverse of ord().
  • int(x) -> int
    • Convert x to an integer, if possible. A floating point argument will be truncated towards zero.
  • len(x) -> int
    • Return the length of the list, tuple, dict, or string x.
  • max(iterable) -> object
  • max(a, b, c, ...) -> object
    • With a single iterable argument, return its largest item. With two or more arguments, return the largest argument.
  • min(iterable) -> object
  • min(a, b, c, ...) -> object
    • With a single iterable argument, return its smallest item.
    • With two or more arguments, return the smallest argument.
  • ord(c) -> int
    • Given a string of length one, return an integer representing the Unicode code point of the character when the argument is a unicode object, or the value of the byte when the argument is an 8-bit string. For example, ord('a') returns the integer 97
  • print(value, ..., sep=' ', end='\n') -> NoneType
    • Prints the values. Optional keyword arguments:
    • sep: string inserted between values, default a space.
    • end: string appended after the last value, default a newline.
  • open(name[, mode]) -> file open for reading, writing, or appending
    • Open a file. Legal modes are "r" (read), "w" (write), and "a" (append).
  • range([start], stop, [step]) -> list-like-object of int
    • Return the integers starting with start and ending with stop - 1 with step specifying the amount to increment (or decrement).
    • If start is not specified, the list starts at 0. If step is not specified, the values are incremented by 1.


  • D[k] -> object
    • Produce the value associated with the key k in D.
  • del D[k]
    • Remove D[k] from D.
  • k in d -> bool
    • Produce True if k is a key in D and False otherwise.
  • D.get(k) -> object
    • Return D[k] if k in D, otherwise return None.
  • D.keys() -> list-like-object of object
    • Return the keys of D.
  • D.values() -> list-like-object of object
    • Return the values associated with the keys of D.
  • D.items() -> list-like-object of tuple of (object, object)
    • Return the (key, value) pairs of D, as 2-tuples.

file open for reading:

  • F = open('workfile', 'r')
    • open a file for reading
  • F.close() -> NoneType
    • Close the file.
  • -> str
    • Read until EOF (End Of File) is reached, and return as a string.
  • F.readline() -> str
    • Read and return the next line from the file, as a string. Retain newline.
    • Return an empty string at EOF (End Of File).
  • F.readlines() -> list of str
    • Return a list of the lines from the file. Each string ends in a newline.
  • Loop through file printing every line:
for line in f:
        print line

file open for writing:

  • F = open('workfile', 'w')
    • open a file for writing
  • F.close() -> NoneType
    • Close the file.
  • F.write(x) -> int
    • Write the string x to file F and return the number of characters written.


  • x in L -> bool
    • Produce True if x is in L and False otherwise.
  • L.append(x) -> NoneType
    • Append x to the end of the list L.
  • L.extend(iterable) -> NoneType
    • Extend list L by appending elements from the iterable. Strings and lists are iterables whose elements are characters and list items respectively.
  • L.index(value) -> int
    • Return the lowest index of value in L.
  • L.insert(index, x) -> NoneType
    • Insert x at position index.
  • L.pop() -> object
    • Remove and return the last item from L.
  • L.remove(value) -> NoneType
    • Remove the first occurrence of value from L.
  • L.reverse() -> NoneType
    • Reverse IN PLACE.
  • L.sort() -> NoneType
    • Sort the list in ascending order IN PLACE.


  • x in s -> bool
    • Produce True if and only if x is in s.
  • str(x) -> str
    • Convert an object into its string representation, if possible.
  • S.count(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int
    • Return the number of non-overlapping occurrences of substring sub in string S[start:end].
    • Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.
  • S.find(sub[, i]) -> int
    • Return the lowest index in S (starting at S[i], if i is given) where the string sub is found or -1 if sub does not occur in S.
  • S.index(sub) -> int
    • Like find but raises an exception if sub does not occur in S.
  • S.isalpha() -> bool
    • Return True if and only if all characters in S are alphabetic and there is at least one character in S.
  • S.isdigit() -> bool
    • Return True if all characters in S are digits and there is at least one character in S, and False otherwise.
  • S.islower() -> bool
    • Return True if and only if all cased characters in S are lowercase and there is at least one cased character in S.
  • S.isupper() -> bool
    • Return True if and only if all cased characters in S are uppercase and there is at least one cased character in S.
  • str.join(sequence) -> string
    • The method join() returns a string in which the string elements of sequence have been joined by str separator.
  • S.lower() -> str
    • Return a copy of the string S converted to lowercase.
  • S.lstrip([chars]) -> str
    • Return a copy of the string S with leading whitespace removed.
    • If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.
  • S.replace(old, new) -> str
    • Return a copy of string S with all occurrences of the string old replaced with the string new.
  • S.rstrip([chars]) -> str
    • Return a copy of the string S with trailing whitespace removed.
    • If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.
  • S.split([sep]) -> list of str
    • Return a list of the words in S, using string sep as the separator and any whitespace string if sep is not specified.
  • S.strip([chars]) -> str
    • Return a copy of S with leading and trailing whitespace removed.
    • If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.
  • S.upper() -> str
    • Return a copy of the string S converted to uppercase.

Some Common Exceptions:

except SomeException:
    tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
    raise OtherException(...).with_traceback(tb)
  • exception TypeError

Raised when an operation or function is applied to an object of inappropriate type. The associated value is a string giving details about the type mismatch.

  • exception ValueError

Raised when a built-in operation or function receives an argument that has the right type but an inappropriate value, and the situation is not described by a more precise exception such as IndexError.

  • exception ZeroDivisionError

Raised when the second argument of a division or modulo operation is zero. The associated value is a string indicating the type of the operands and the operation.

  • exception FileExistsError

Raised when trying to create a file or directory which already exists. Corresponds to errno EEXIST.

  • `exception FileNotFoundError'

Raised when a file or directory is requested but doesn’t exist. Corresponds to errno ENOENT.