While many other windowing libraries opt for a classical approach to event handling, where you would create a class that inherits their window, and overload virtual functions for different events, in CrossWindow we opt to use an Event Queue.
xwin::EventQueue eventQueue;
You can pass an event queue to a window for events from that window to be exposed to that eventQueue. This way you can either have 1 event queue that manages all events each window receives, or only listen to events from a specific Window by creating queues for each.
bool isRunning = true;
while (isRunning)
// Update the event queue with each window and the application's events
// Iterate through that queue:
while (!eventQueue.empty())
const xwin::Event event = eventQueue.pop();
case xwin::EventType::MouseMove:
xwin::MouseData* mouse = static_cast<xwin::MouseData*>(e.data);
//mouse.x, mouse.y
case xwin::EventType::Close:
// Do nothing