diff --git a/src/app/dashboard/innovation/[id]/page.tsx b/src/app/dashboard/innovation/[id]/page.tsx
index 3fadf9d..d2a293f 100644
--- a/src/app/dashboard/innovation/[id]/page.tsx
+++ b/src/app/dashboard/innovation/[id]/page.tsx
@@ -25,12 +25,11 @@ import {
-} from "@/lib/hooks";
-import { embedDashboard } from "@superset-ui/embedded-sdk";
-import { dashboardId, fetchGuestTokenFromBackend, getToken, supersetUrl } from "@/utils/embedSuperset";
+} from "@/lib/hooks"; 
 import CommentsContainer from "@/components/commentsContainer";
 import CommentsForm from "@/components/commentsForm";
 import CustomAvatar from "@/components/ui/custom-avatar";
+import SupersetEmbed from "@/components/supersetEmbed";
 type InnovationDetailPageProps = {
@@ -39,8 +38,6 @@ type InnovationDetailPageProps = {
 const InnovationDetailPage = ({ params }: InnovationDetailPageProps) => {
   const { id } = params;
   const handleLike = useLikeInnovation(id);
@@ -57,46 +54,7 @@ const InnovationDetailPage = ({ params }: InnovationDetailPageProps) => {
     error: errorGettingInnovation,
   } = useInnovationsFetchOneQuery(id);
-  const dashboardRef = useRef(null);
-  useEffect(() => {
-    const embedSuperset = async () => {
-      const container = document.getElementById("superset-container")
-      container && embedDashboard({
-        // TODO: Add embed ID
-        id: innovation?.embed_id,  // given by the Superset embedding UI
-        supersetDomain: supersetUrl,
-        mountPoint: container, // html element in which iframe render
-        fetchGuestToken: () => fetchGuestTokenFromBackend(),
-        dashboardUiConfig: {
-          hideTitle: false,
-          hideChartControls: true,
-          hideTab: true,
-          filters: {
-            expanded: true,
-          },
-        }
-      });
-    }
-    console.log("ref: ", dashboardRef.current)
-    if (dashboardRef.current !== null) {
-      console.log("embeding")
-      embedSuperset()
-      const iframe = document.querySelector("iframe")
-      console.log(iframe);
-      if (iframe) {
-        iframe.style.width = '100%'; // Set the width as needed
-        iframe.style.minHeight = '70vw'; // Set the height as needed
-        iframe.style.overflow = 'hidden'
-        iframe.style.border = "0"
-      }
-    } else {
-      console.log("Not embeding")
-    }
-  }, [fetchGuestTokenFromBackend, getToken])
   return isGettingInnovation ? (
@@ -188,8 +146,7 @@ const InnovationDetailPage = ({ params }: InnovationDetailPageProps) => {
         {/* Superset Dashboard display */}
-        <div id="superset-container" ref={dashboardRef} className="w-full">
-        </div>
+        <SupersetEmbed embed_id={innovation?.embed_id} />
       {/* Comments Form */}
diff --git a/src/components/supersetEmbed.tsx b/src/components/supersetEmbed.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0442c18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/supersetEmbed.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'
+import { embedDashboard } from "@superset-ui/embedded-sdk";
+import { dashboardId, fetchGuestTokenFromBackend, getToken, supersetUrl } from "@/utils/embedSuperset";
+const SupersetEmbed = ({ embed_id }: { embed_id?: string }) => {
+    const dashboardRef = useRef(null);
+    useEffect(() => {
+        const embedSuperset = async () => {
+            const container = document.getElementById("superset-container")
+            container && embedDashboard({
+                // TODO: Add embed ID
+                id: embed_id,  // given by the Superset embedding UI
+                supersetDomain: supersetUrl,
+                mountPoint: container, // html element in which iframe render
+                fetchGuestToken: () => fetchGuestTokenFromBackend(),
+                dashboardUiConfig: {
+                    hideTitle: false,
+                    hideChartControls: true,
+                    hideTab: true,
+                    filters: {
+                        expanded: true,
+                    },
+                }
+            });
+        }
+        console.log("ref: ", dashboardRef.current)
+        if (dashboardRef.current !== null) {
+            console.log("embeding")
+            embedSuperset()
+            const iframe = document.querySelector("iframe")
+            console.log(iframe);
+            if (iframe) {
+                iframe.style.width = '100%'; // Set the width as needed
+                iframe.style.minHeight = '70vw'; // Set the height as needed
+                iframe.style.overflow = 'hidden'
+                iframe.style.border = "0"
+            }
+        } else {
+            console.log("Not embeding")
+        }
+    }, [embed_id])
+    return (
+        <div id="superset-container" ref={dashboardRef} className="w-full">
+        </div>
+    )
+export default SupersetEmbed