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This repository contains the code used in the studies listed in the Citing section.


It is recommended to install this repository inside a conda virtual environment. To do so, run the following commands:

conda create -n haa python=3.11

For easier installation of openslide-python and pyvips libraries, it is recommended to install the following packages before installing the project:


There is no openslide-python and pyvips package for windows on conda-forge. To install it on windows you need to manually supply the openslide binary to C:/ProgramData/openslide and pyvips binary to C:/ProgramData/libvips.

conda install openslide-python pyvips -c conda-forge

Finally, the libhaa library is installable by running the following command:

pip install -e .

Additional options are available after installation, such as installing the library with the classification or segmentation modules. To do so, first make sure you have installed the base package, then install PyTorch and then run the following command. You can choose to instal one of the following options:

  • both modules by running the command with the all options.
  • only one module with either histo-seg or histo-class option.
# (e.g.) conda install pytorch==2.2.2 torchvision==0.17.2 torchaudio==2.2.2 pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia
# After this you can choose to install optional dependencies:
pip install -e .[all] # or [histo-seg] or [histo-class]

We provide the segmentation and classification model weights in the releases page.

Repository information

The libhaa folder contains code from this library, including segmentation and classification (wip) inference scripts.

The model_training folder contains the original code used during the segmentation and classification study.

Usage guide

For now a few scripts are available as cli commands after instalation:

  • build-collection: allows for building a custom artifact library from a set of WSIs with their annotations done in ASAP.

  • segment: allows for segmenting histopathology images with the segmentation model available in the releases page.

  • generate-dataset: allows for augmenting a chosen dataset with the previously generated artifact library and segmentations.

  • cut-patches-training: generates patches of training data from the chosen pyramid level of images from the augmented (or not) dataset.

  • cut-patches-inference: generates patches from a single WSI for inference of the classification model available in the releases page.

  • generate_mask_from_xml: generates masks from xml annotations, saving them as Pyramid TIFFs.

Typical workflow

To follow along download test_image.tiff from the releases page and replace the file data/test_data/images/dataset_name/replace_with_test_image.

Building a collection

First to build our artifact collection we run

build-collection --wsi-path data/test_data/images --annotations-path data/test_data/annotations --save-path data/test_collection --relative-paths
  • --wsi-path specifies our image directory.
  • --annotations-path specifies our annotation directories. Keep in mind that if we were to keep our annotations inside the image folder we can just supply the same path as to --wsi-path.
  • --save-path specifies where to save the collection.
  • --relative-paths tells our program to include the dataset_name folder when searching for annotations. If you had a folder structure where each of the image is inside a subfolder (like here) but the annotations are aggregated in a single folder then do not use this option.

This will create an artifact library in data/test_collection. It will consist of folders of artifact types and in each folder there will be artifact images and their annotation.

Segmenting images

Now before augmenting our images we also need to generate segmentations for our images, so the program will know where to place each artifact. To do so, first download the segmentation model weights and place them, e.g., in the data/models directory. Do not extract the downloaded file. Now we run:

segment --wsi-path data/test_data/images --model-weights data/models/weights_v11.07.2023.tar --save-path data/test_data/segmentations --openslide-level 4 --device 'cuda'
  • --wsi-path specifies our image directory.
  • --model-weights specifies our weights path.
  • --save-path specifies the save folder. Any subfolders in --wsi-path will be propagated here.
  • --openslide-level specifies the pyramid level to load. Running segment -h will give you recommended values for datasets used in the study.
  • --device can be a cpu or cuda. You can also specify which GPU to use by, e.g., cuda:2.

In our case this will create a folder data/test_data/segmentations/dataset_name with a test_image.xml file in it contianing the segmentation in ASAP format.

Generating segmented masks from xml annotations files

Sometimes we want to obtain segmented masks saved as Pyramid TIFFs. This step enables converting previusly generated xml annotation files to Pyramid TIFFs. You need to run:

python --annotations_dir data/test_data/segmentations/dataset_name --images_dir data/test_data/images --output_dir data/test_data/masks --xml_data_type pixels
  • --annotations_dir specifies our xml annotations directory.
  • --images_dir specifies our images directory.
  • --output_dir specifies our output directory for masks.
  • --xml_data_type specifies the unit of the given coordinates in the annotation files. Set it to pixels if you use annotations obtained with use of script.

Augmenting a dataset

Now we will augment our image with new artifacts.

generate-dataset --wsi-path data/test_data/images --segmentations-path data/test_data/segmentations --artifact-collection-path data/test_collection --save-path data/test_augmented --root-annotation data/test_data/annotations
  • --wsi-path specifies our image directory.
  • --segmentations-path specifies our previously generated segmentations.
  • --artifact-collection-path specifies our previously generated artifact collection.
  • --save-path specifies the save folder.
  • --root-annotation (optional). With this argument you can supply already present annotations. The new, augmented annotations will be merged with the existing ones.

This will generate a data/test_augmented/dataset_name folder containing our augmented image. You can inspect the before and after with ASAP software. Keep in mind not all already present artifacts in this particular image are annotated from the beginning as it is a simple example.


The classification model works a bit differently from the segmentation model. First we need to manually cut patches from the augmented image. To do so, we run:

cut-patches-inference --wsi-path data/test_augmented/dataset_name/test_image.tiff --save-path data/test_inference --patch-size 224 --openslide-level 1

Finally, we can classify our image. To do so, first download the classification model weights and unzip them. Place the chosen model ending in .ckpt in the data/models directory. Now we run:

classify --wsi-folder data/test_inference/test_image --save-path data/test_inference/infra --weights-path "data/models/ACR'.ckpt"

This will produce a data/test_inference/infra/test_image folder with the classification results in the form of a preds.csv file containing the class probabilities for each patch under the y_hat column.

In the future we plan to add a script that will merge the patch predictions into a single image.


If you find our work usefull, please cite:

  title = {Improving Quality Control of Whole Slide Images by Explicit Artifact Augmentation},
  author = {Jurgas, Artur and Wodzinski, Marek and D'Amato, Marina and {van der Laak}, Jeroen and Atzori, Manfredo and M{/"u}ller, Henning},
  year = {2024},
  month = aug,
  journal = {Scientific Reports},
  volume = {14},
  number = {1},
  pages = {17847},
  publisher = {Nature Publishing Group},
  issn = {2045-2322},
  doi = {10.1038/s41598-024-68667-2},
  urldate = {2024-08-27},
  copyright = {2024 The Author(s)},
  langid = {english},
  keywords = {Data processing,Machine learning,Quality control},

  title = {Artifact {{Augmentation}} for {{Learning-based Quality Control}} of {{Whole Slide Images}}},
  author = {Jurgas, Artur and Wodzinski, Marek and Celniak, Weronika and Atzori, Manfredo and Muller, Henning},
  year = {2023},
  month = jul,
  journal = {Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference},
  volume = {2023},
  pages = {1--4},
  issn = {2694-0604},
  doi = {10.1109/EMBC40787.2023.10340997},
  langid = {english},
  pmid = {38082977},
  keywords = {Algorithms,Artifacts,Humans,Image Processing Computer-Assisted,Neoplasms},

For segmentation:

  title = {Robust {{Multiresolution}} and {{Multistain Background Segmentation}} in {{Whole Slide Images}}},
  booktitle = {The {{Latest Developments}} and {{Challenges}} in {{Biomedical Engineering}}},
  author = {Jurgas, Artur and Wodzinski, Marek and Atzori, Manfredo and M{/"u}ller, Henning},
  editor = {Strumi{/l}{/l}o, Pawe{/l} and Klepaczko, Artur and Strzelecki, Micha{/l} and Boci{/k a}ga, Dorota},
  year = {2024},
  series = {Lecture {{Notes}} in {{Networks}} and {{Systems}}},
  pages = {29--40},
  publisher = {Springer Nature Switzerland},
  address = {Cham},
  doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-38430-1_3},
  isbn = {978-3-031-38430-1},
  langid = {english},
  keywords = {Computational pathology,Deep learning,Digital pathology Segmentation,Whole-slide images,WSI},