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Image Processing

This set of workflows includes various image processing tasks:

Global Optional Parameters

Argument Default Description
--fiji_macro_container Docker container for image processing Fiji macros
--exm_synapse_dask_container Docker container for Dask-based processing scripts
‑‑exm_neuron_segmentation_container Docker container for neuron segmentation scripts
--spark_work_dir $workDir/spark Path to directory containing Spark working files and logs
--workers 4 Number of Spark workers to use for Spark jobs
--worker_cores 4 Number of cores allocated to each Spark worker
--gb_per_core 15 Size of memory (in GB) that is allocated for each core of a Spark worker. The total memory usage for Spark jobs will be workers worker_cores gb_per_core.
--driver_memory 15g Amount of memory to allocate for the Spark driver
--driver_stack_size 128m Amount of stack space to allocate for the Spark driver

ROI cropping

Crops a TIFF series in x/y/z based on an x/y ROI and start and end z slices.


./pipelines/ --input_dir INPUT_DIR --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR --roi_dir ROI_DIR --crop_start_slice START_SLICE --crop_end_slice END_SLICE --crop_format uncompressedTIFF

Required Parameters

Argument Description
--input_dir Directory containing input TIFF slices
--output_dir Directory where output TIFF slices will be saved
--roi_dir Directory containing the region-of-interest in Fiji ROI format
--crop_start_slice Index of first Z slice to include in the output
--crop_end_slice Index of the last Z slice to include in the output

Optional Parameters

Argument Default Description
--crop_format uncompressedTIFF Output format, one of: ZIP, uncompressedTIFF, TIFFPackBits_8bit, or LZW
--crop_cpus 24 Number of CPUs to use for cropping process
--crop_mem_gb 16 Amount of memory (GB) to allocate for cropping process

3D component connection

Converts an input TIFF series into a block-based format, then runs a connection algorithm, and then converts back to TIFF series.


./pipelines/ --input_dir INPUT_MASK_DIR --shared_temp_dir SHARED_TEMP_DIR --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR

Required Parameters

Argument Description
--input_dir Path to directory containing your neuron mask
--shared_temp_dir Path to a directory for temporary data (shared with all cluster nodes)
--output_dir Path where the final fully-connected mask should be generated

Optional Parameters

Argument Default Description
--mask_connection_distance 20 Connection distance in voxels
‑‑mask_connection_iterations 4 Number of connection interations (i.e. connect components 20 vx apart four times)
--threshold Optional pixel intensity threshold to apply before connecting mask
--clean_temp_dirs true Remove temporary files created inside --shared_temp_dir after a successful pipeline run
--convert_mask_cpus 32 Number of CPUs to use for importing mask
--convert_mask_mem_gb 45 Amount of memory (GB) to allocate for importing mask
--connect_mask_cpus 1 Number of CPUs to use for connecting mask
--connect_mask_mem_gb 10 Amount of memory (GB) to allocate for connecting mask

Pixel intensity thresholding

Applies an intensity thresholding operation to a TIFF series.


./pipelines/ --input_dir INPUT_DIR --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR --threshold THRESHOLD

Required Parameters

Argument Description
--input_dir Directory containing input TIFF slices
--output_dir Directory where output TIFF slices will be saved
--threshold Intensity threshold

Optional Parameters

Argument Default
--threshold_cpus 24 Number of CPUs to use for thresholding mask
--threshold_mem_gb 16 Amount of memory (GB) to allocate for thresholding mask

Connected Components Analysis

Uses n5-spark to find and label all connected components in a binary mask extracted from the input N5 dataset, and saves the relabeled dataset as an uint64 output dataset. This process also saves statistics on the component sizes. Includes options to Apply a Pixel Intensity Threshold and to Apply a Component Size Threshold.


./pipelines/ --runtime_opts="-B INPUT_DIR" --input_n5 INPUT_N5 --input_dataset /c0/s0 --connected_dataset /connected/s0

Required Parameters

Argument Description
--input_n5 Path to input N5

Optional Parameters

Argument Default Description
--input_dataset /s0 Input data set to process
--connected_dataset /connected/s0 Output data set
--connected_pixels_shape box Connects +/- 1 pixel in X,Y,Z, and diagonally (alternative: diamond (connects +/-1 pixel in X,Y,Z)
--min_connected_pixels 2000 Components below this number of pixels are removed
--connected_pixels_threshold .8 Intensity threshold. Pixels below this threshold are discarded. This process is applied before size thresholding.
‑‑connected_comps_block_size 128,128,64 Block size used for generating connected components
--connected_comps_pyramid false If true generates multiscale pyramids for connected components

TIFF Converter

The TIFF converter pipeline operates on TIFF series, and converts the data in various ways. Note that any Spark-based tool still requires the bind mounts to be set explicitly using --runtime_opts.


Generate a maximum intensity projection (MIP):

./pipelines/ --input_dir INPUT_TIFF_DIR --mips_output_dir OUTPUT_DIR

Convert from TIFF to N5 format:

./pipelines/ --input_dir INPUT_TIFF_DIR --output_n5 OUTPUT_N5 --output_dataset /s0

Convert from TIFF to VVD format (uses a fork of n5-spark -- see Global Optional Parameters for Spark-specific parameters):

./pipelines/ --input_dir INPUT_TIFF_DIR --vvd_output_dir OUTPUT_DIR 

Required Parameters

Argument Description
--input_dir Directory containing input TIFF slices
--output_n5 Path where output N5 will be saved
--mips_output_dir Directory where MIPs will be saved
--vvd_output_dir Directory where output VVD files will be saved

Optional Parameters

Argument Default Description
--create_mip_cpus 24 Number of CPUs to use for generating the MIP
--create_mip_mem_gb 8 Amount of memory (GB) to allocate for generating the MIP
--output_dataset /s0 N5 data set
--partial_volume Comma delimited coordinates defining a bounding box for the partial volume. If set, only this partial volume is processed.
--block_size 512,512,512 Block size used for n5 output.
--vvd_block_size 256,256,256 Block size to use for VVD output.
--vvd_data_type uint16 Coerced data type for the VVD output. You can set this to the empty string to use the input data type, but VVD cannot read certain data types like uin64, which is why the default here is uint16.
--vvd_min_threshold Minimum value of the input range to be used for the conversion (default is min type value for integer types, or 0 for real types)
--vvd_max_threshold Maximum value of the input range to be used for the conversion (default is max type value for integer types, or 1 for real types).
--vvd_min_scale_factor 0 Minimum downsampling factor for the VVD multiscale pyramid.
‑‑vvd_max_scale_factor 10 Maximum downsampling factor for the VVD multiscale pyramid.
--vvd_pyramid_level 5 Number of levels in the multiscale pyramid.
--vvd_scale_levels Explicit downsampling factors, delimited by colons (:). When specifying multiple factors, each factor builds on the last. This cannot be used with --vvd_min_scale_factor, --vvd_max_scale_factor, and --vvd_pyramid_level.

N5 Converter

The N5 converter pipeline operates on N5 containers, and converts the data in various ways. All of the options can be enabled at once if desired. Note that any Spark-based tool still requires the bind mounts to be set explicitly using --runtime_opts.


Add a multiscale pyramid to an existing N5:

./pipelines/ --runtime_opts="-B INPUT_DIR" --input_dir INPUT_N5 --multiscale_pyramid=true

Convert N5 to TIFF:

./pipelines/ --runtime_opts="-B INPUT_DIR" --input_dir INPUT_N5 --tiff_output_dir OUTPUT_DIR

Generate MIPs, saving the MIPs inside the N5 container:

./pipelines/ --runtime_opts="-B INPUT_N5" --input_dir INPUT_N5 --mips_output_dir INPUT_N5/mips

Convert N5 to VVD, saving the VVD files inside the N5 container:

./pipelines/ --runtime_opts="-B INPUT_N5" --input_dir INPUT_N5 --vvd_output_dir INPUT_N5/vvd

Required Parameters

Argument Description
--input_dir Path to input N5

Optional Parameters

Argument Default Description
--input_dataset /s0 N5 data set to process
--multiscale_pyramid false Generate multiscale pyramid (i.e. /s1, /s2, etc.)
--resolution=”0.104,0.104,0.18 --powerOfTwo" All multiscale pyramid downsampling factors are forced to be powers of two. If necessary, adjust pixel resolution (in um).
--tiff_output_dir Directory where output TIFF slices will be saved
--mips_output_dir Directory where MIPs will be saved
--vvd_output_dir Directory where output VVD files will be saved
--use_n5_spark_tools true Set to false to use Dask tools when possible. They're much faster than the Spark tools, but not as well tested.
--vvd_block_size 256,256,256 Block size to use for VVD output.
--vvd_data_type uint16 Coerced data type for the VVD output. You can set this to the empty string to use the input data type, but VVD cannot read certain data types like uin64, which is why the default here is uint16.
--vvd_min_threshold Minimum value of the input range to be used for the conversion (default is min type value for integer types, or 0 for real types)
--vvd_max_threshold Maximum value of the input range to be used for the conversion (default is max type value for integer types, or 1 for real types).
--vvd_min_scale_factor 0 Minimum downsampling factor for the VVD multiscale pyramid.
‑‑vvd_max_scale_factor 10 Maximum downsampling factor for the VVD multiscale pyramid.
--vvd_pyramid_level 5 Number of levels in the multiscale pyramid.
--vvd_scale_levels Explicit downsampling factors, delimited by colons (:). When specifying multiple factors, each factor builds on the last. This cannot be used with --vvd_min_scale_factor, --vvd_max_scale_factor, and --vvd_pyramid_level.
--tiff2n5_cpus 24 Number of CPUs to use for TIFF to N5
--tiff2n5_memory 126 Amount of meory (GB) to allocate for TIFF to N5
--n52tiff_cpus 24 Number of CPUs to use for Dask-based n5 to TIFF (only used if --use_n5_spark_tools=false)
--n52tiff_memory 126 Amount of memory (GB) to allocate for Dask-based n5 to TIFF (only used if --use_n5_spark_tools=false)

Post VVD Neuron Segmentation Processing Workflow


./pipelines/ --input_dir INPUT_MASK_DIR --shared_temp_dir SHARED_TEMP_DIR --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR --mask_connection_distance=20 --mask_connection_iterations=4 --connect_mask_mem_gb=100 --output_n5 OUTPUT_N5 --with_connected_comps=true --runtime_opts="-B <OUTPUT_DIR> -B <parent of OUTPUT_N5>"

This is the post-VVD Viewer semi-automatic neuron segmentation workflow. Runs thresholding, 3D mask connection, TIFF to n5 conversion, and n5 connected components.

Required Parameters

Argument Description
--input_dir Path to directory containing your neuron mask
‑‑shared_temp_dir Path to a directory for temporary data (shared with all cluster nodes) -- THIS WILL BE DELETED SO BE SURE TO MAKE A UNIQUE DIRECTORY FOR TEMP FILES
--output_dir Path where the final fully-connected mask should be generated as a TIFF series
--output_n5 Path where final n5 should be generated (if this is empty, no N5 will be generated which means connected components will not run)

Optional Parameters

Argument Default Description
--with_connected_comps Generated connected components (see Connected Components pipeline for other parameters). Accepted valued: true or false
--mask_connection_distance 20 Connection distance
‑‑mask_connection_iterations 4 Number of iterations
--threshold Optional intensity threshold to apply before connecting mask
--threshold_cpus 24 Number of CPUs to use for thresholding mask
--threshold_mem_gb 16 Amount of memory (GB) to allocate for thresholding mask
--convert_mask_cpus 32 Number of CPUs to use for importing mask
--convert_mask_mem_gb 45 Amount of memory (GB) to allocate for importing mask
--connect_mask_cpus 1 Number of CPUs to use for connecting mask
--connect_mask_mem_gb 10 Amount of memory (GB) to allocate for connecting mask