This repository contains the MATLAB simulation for aerial manipuator with a fixed end-effector position (i.e., plug-pulling aerial manipulator) presented in [2021, ICCAS, Byun]. The aerial manipulator which is configured with a quad-rotor and a 2-DOF robotic manipulator with a gripper try to pull the plug out of the socket by tilting its body. The results of the simulation can be visualized with various plots and a simple 3D animation video.
- Clone this repository into your MATLAB workspace.
git clone
- Double click on main.m file in aerial_manipulator_8dor folder.
- If you want to watch the resultant video, please set the parameter named animation_view to true.
- Execute the simulation by press "F5" button.
1. main.m: The main file of a simulation about an aerial manipulator with a fixed end-effector position. It follows the control strategy introduced in [1].
2. parameters.m: Parameters utilized for constructing dynamics of the aerial manipulator.
3. utils
1) Rx.m: Rotation matrix with respect to x-axis.
2) Ry.m: Rotation matrix with respect to the y-axis.
3) Rz.m: Rotation matrix with respect to z-axis.
4) hat.m: The function making a se(3) matrix.
5) invhat.m: Inverse process of the hat.m function.
6) getQ.m: Calculates a Q matrix from the Euler angles.
7) getQdot.m: Calculates a Qdot matrix from the Euler rates.
8) constraint.m: Saturates the input value with the given minimum and maximum values.
4. dynamics
1) FF_dynamics_gen.m: By computing symbolic operations, it obtains the symbolic matrices of M, C, G, J_tau, A, and Adot which configure the Euler-Lagrange equation of the aerial manipulator system. Successively, it can also produce the following MATLAB functions which will be treated afterward.
2) getM.m: Calculates the M matrix from state values and parameters.
3) getC.m: Calculates the C matrix from state values, their time-derivative values, and parameters.
4) getG.m: Calculates the G matrix from state values and parameters.
5) getJ_tau.m: Calculates the J_tau matrix from state values and parameters.
6) getA.m: Calculates the A matrix from state values and parameters.
7) getAdot.m: Calculates the Adot matrix from state values, their time-derivative values, and parameters.
8) dynamics.m: From the previous state values and control inputs (Total thrust and body torque), it calculates the next step's state values using ode45.m function of MATLAB.
9) robotic_manipulator_control.m: In the actual experiment, the Dynamixel servo motor which is controlled by desired position angles will be utilized. This function makes the robotic manipulator's servo motors satisfactorily follow the desired angles.
5. controller
1) mixer.m: convert the force and torque generated by each motor to the total thrust and the body moments.
[1] Byun, Jeonghyun, and H. Jin Kim. "Robust Control of the Aerial Manipulator with a Fixed End-effector Position." 2021 21st International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). IEEE, 2021.