This sample shows how to translate incoming and outgoing text using a custom middleware and the Microsoft Translator Text API. This bot example uses restify
and dotenv
- Clone the repository
git clone
- In a terminal, navigate to experimental/javascript_typescript/multilingual-luis-bot
cd experimental/javascript_typescript/multilingual-luis-bot
- [Optional] Update the .env file under experimental/javascript_typescript/multilingual-luis-bot with your botFileSecret For Azure Bot Service bots, you can find the botFileSecret under application settings.
- Install modules and start the bot
Alternatively you can also use nodemon via
npm i & npm start
npm i & npm run watch
To consume the Microsoft Translator Text API, first obtain a key following the instructions in the Microsoft Translator Text API documentation.
Paste the key in the translationKey
setting in the .env file, or use your preferred configuration and update the following line in index.js with your translation key:
adapter.use(new TranslatorMiddleware(languagePreferenceProperty, process.env.translatorKey));
Microsoft Bot Framework Emulator is a desktop application that allows bot developers to test and debug their bots on localhost or running remotely through a tunnel.
Install the Bot Framework Emulator from here
- Launch Bot Framework Emulator
- File -> Open Bot Configuration and navigate to
folder - Select file
In order to run this sample, you must have TypeScript installed. To install TypeScript:
- Navigate to the TypeScript portal.
- Click the Download button.
- Follow the installation instructions for your development environment.
Navigate to LUIS portal.
Click the
Sign in
button. -
Click on
My Apps
. -
Click on the
Import new app
button. -
Click on the
Choose File
and select hoterReservation.json from theBotBuilder-Samples/experimental/javascript_typescript/multilingual-luis-bot/cognitiveModels
folder. -
Update file with your AppId, SubscriptionKey, Endpoint and Version. You can find this information under "Publish" tab for your LUIS application at LUIS portal. For example, for
- SubscriptionKey = YYYYYYYYYYYY
- Endpoint =
The Version is listed on the page. See an example .bot service configuration for using LUIS here.
Update file with your Authoring Key. You can find this under your user settings at Click on your name in the upper right hand corner of the portal, and click on the "Settings" menu option. Add this to your .bot file's service configuration as
.NOTE: Once you publish your app on LUIS portal for the first time, it may take some time to go live.
Your .bot file should now include an item in the services array that looks like this:
"name":"<some name>",
"appId":"<an app id>",
"version":"<a version number>",
"authoringKey":"<your authoring key>",
"subscriptionKey":"<your subscription key>",
"id":"<some number>"
- Update index.ts and set the
value to match thename
field in your service declaration.
Translation Middleware: We create a translation middleware than can translate text from from user to bot and apply some customizations like using a custon no-translate patterns or a custom vocab dictionary, allowing the creation of multilingual bots.
Language Understanding service (LUIS) allows your application to understand what a person wants in their own words. LUIS uses machine learning to allow developers to build applications that can receive user input in natural language and extract meaning from it.
The Microsoft Translator Text API, Microsoft Translator Text API is a cloud-based machine translation service. With this API you can translate text in near real-time from any app or service through a simple REST API call. The API uses the most modern neural machine translation technology, as well as offering statistical machine translation technology.
You can use the MSBot Bot Builder CLI tool to clone and configure any services this sample depends on.
To install all Bot Builder tools -
Ensure you have Node.js version 8.5 or higher
npm i -g msbot chatdown ludown qnamaker luis-apis botdispatch luisgen
To clone this bot, run
msbot clone services -f deploymentScripts/msbotClone -n <BOT-NAME> -l <Azure-location> --subscriptionId <Azure-subscription-id>