Follow these setup to run the quick start example:
Get the code:
$ go get $ go get
Run the server:
$ $(go env GOPATH)/bin/server &
Run the client:
$ $(go env GOPATH)/bin/client Greeting: Hello world
For more details (including instructions for making a small change to the example code) or if you're having trouble running this example, see Quick Start.
- build grpc-demo server app
$ docker build -t grpc-demo-server:0.0.1 -f Dockerfile_Server .
- run grpc-demo server app with docker
$ docker run -d -p 50051:50051 grpc-demo-server:0.0.1
- run grpc-demo client app to test service service
$ go run client/main.go
- build grpc-demo server app
$ docker build -t grpc-demo-server:0.0.1 -f Dockerfile_Server .
- run grpc-demo server app with docker
$ docker run -d -p 50051:50051 grpc-demo-server:0.0.1
- run grpc-demo client app to test service service
$ go run client/main.go
- 登录阿里云Docker Registry
$ docker login --username=hins****
用于登录的用户名为阿里云账号全名,密码为开通服务时设置的密码。 您可以在访问凭证页面修改凭证密码。
- 从Registry中拉取镜像
$ docker pull[镜像版本号]
- 将镜像推送到Registry
$ docker login --username=hins****
$ docker tag [ImageId][镜像版本号]
$ docker push[镜像版本号]
go test ./cmd/... ./pkg/... -race -coverprofile=coverage.out -covermode=atomic
go test ./pkg/ingress/... -race -coverprofile=coverage.out -covermode=atomic
go test ./pkg/ingress/kube/annotations/... -race -coverprofile=coverage.out -covermode=atomic
GENERATE_API=1 make gen-client
docker build -t dubbo-provider-demo:0.0.1 .
docker build -t bazel-build:5.4.0 .
docker tag dubbo-provider-demo:0.0.1 hisoka/dubbo-provider-demo:0.0.1
docker run -it bazel-build:5.4.0
docker run --name nacos-standlone -p 8848:8848 nacos-standlone:1.0.0-RC3
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=higress-system
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=kruise-system
kind load docker-image dubbo-provider-demo:0.0.1 -n higress
kind load docker-image dubbo-provider-demo:0.0.x -n higress
kind load docker-image nacos-standlone:1.0.0-RC3 -n higress
kubectl apply -f workspace/k8s/nacos/nacos-1.0.0-RC3-pod.yaml
kubectl apply -f workspace/k8s/dubbo/demo-provider/demo-provider-pod.yaml
kubectl logs higress-controller-5d56fb5459-z7hnf higress-core -n higress-system
kubectl logs higress-gateway-667799d88f-6n4f6 -n higress-system
kubectl logs dubbo-demo-provider -n higress-system
kubectl logs grpc-server-demo -n higress-system
kubectl exec -it higress-controller-7c4549cc84-xgf7s -n higress-system -- curl localhost:15014/debug/registryz
kubectl exec -it higress-controller-5d56fb5459-9xggq -c higress-core -n higress-system -- curl localhost:15014/debug/configz
kubectl exec -it higress-gateway-667799d88f-6n4f6 -n higress-system -- /bin/sh
kubectl exec -it grpc-server-demo -n higress-system -- /bin/sh
kubectl port-forward nacos-standlone-rc3 8848:8848
kubectl port-forward grpc-server-demo 50051:50051
进gateway容器,curl localhost:15020/stats/prometheus,有个指标 envoy_wasm_envoy_wasm_runtime_v8_active 是活跃的插件 vm 数
ping nacos-standlone-rc3-service.higress-system.pod.cluster.local
protoc -I/Users/h/workspace/project/github/googleapis -I. --include_imports --include_source_info --descriptor_set_out=proto.pb helloworld/helloworld.proto
brew install protobuf
protoc -I${GOOGLEAPIS_DIR} -I. --include_imports --include_source_info --descriptor_set_out=proto.pb helloworld/helloworld.proto