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Installing the packaged version

Packages can be downloaded as iop-locnet from the IoP package repositories. The IoP repository is located at which you can configure to your package manager. E.g. on Ubuntu add something like below into your /etc/apt/sources.list.d

deb [arch=amd64] 16.04 main

and accept the repository keys with the following commands

gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 0CC9EB6DA69C84F4
gpg -a --export A69C84F4 | sudo apt-key add -

You can find more details about how to configure the repository at this document.

Starting the application

After you successfully installed or unpacked the binary distribution, you should start binary iop-locnetd. There are a lot of optional arguments, but also some mandatory options that you must specify. You can use the command line directly to do so, e.g. assuming GPS location of Budapest, application can be run with a minimal configuration of

iop-locnetd --nodeid YourNodeIdHere --latitude 48.2081743 --longitude 16.3738189

To persist configuration, you may save the same options into config file ~/.iop-locnet/locnet.conf with content

--nodeid YourNodeIdHere
--latitude 48.2081743
--longitude 16.3738189

and run the executable without any command line options. You can also have your config file at a custom path and use option --configfile to specify its location on the command line.

To help filling in these details automatically, we provide a small python script with the binaries. It will generate a unique node id and query a rough approximation of your GPS location based on your IP address. It will print generated options to the console, so you can copy-paste them to your command line or redirect them to your config file as > ~/.iop-locnet/iop-locnet.cfg

Note that the application will create its database and log files under ~/.iop-locnet by default. If application startup is successful, it will open three sockets and serve requests on them. By default port 16980 is used for node to node communication to build and maintain the network, 16981 for clients to discover the network and 16982 for local services to register or get the neighbourhood.

Please check available options using

iop-locnetd --help

Currently the following options are useful for configuring your instance:

--clientport ARG   TCP port to serve client (i.e. end user) queries. Optional,
                   default value: 16981

--configfile ARG   Path to config file to load options from. Optional, default
                   value: ~/.iop-locnet/iop-locnet.cfg

--dbpath ARG       Path to db file. Optional, default value:

--host ARG         Externally accessible IP address (ipv4 or v6) to be
                   advertised for other nodes or clients. Required for seeds
                   only, autodetected otherwise.

--latitude ARG     GPS latitude of this server as real number from range

--localport ARG    TCP port to serve other IoP services running on this node.
                   Optional, default value: 16982

--logpath ARG      Path to log file. Optional, default value:

--longitude ARG    GPS longitude of this server as real number from range

--nodeid ARG       Public node id, should be an SHA256 hash of the public key of
                   this node

--nodeport ARG     TCP port to serve node to node communication. Optional,
                   default value: 16980

--seednode ARG     Host name of seed node to be used instead of default seeds.
                   You can repeat this option to define multiple custom seed nodes.

Using the sources

For conventional usage, the preferred way of installing the software is using packages or installers created specifically for your operating system. We suggest compiling your own version for development or packaging for a new platform.


Though we mostly used different Ubuntu versions during development, we use only standard C++11 features and platform-independent libraries. Consequently, our sources should compile and work also on Windows or Mac OS with minimal efforts.

The project has multiple dependencies. Some of them are shipped with the sources, others has to be installed independently.

Some (mostly header-only) dependencies already included in directory extlib:

  • asio 1.10.8 standalone mode without Boost. Used for networking, download here. Note that this library is a candidate to be included in the C++ standard.
  • easylogging++ 9.95.3, used for logging in the whole source, download here
  • ezOptionParser 0.2.2 (with minimal changes to compile on Windows, see file history), used for handling options from command line and config files, download here
  • catch2 2.0.1, used only for testing, download here

Generated sources already included in directory generated:

  • ProtoBuf classes used for messaging, generated from the protocol definitions found here. Provided script generated/ also needs a protobuf compiler.

External dependencies to be manually installed on your system:

  • A C++11 compiler. Developed with g++-5 and g++-6, but sources are platform independent, should work with any standard compiler (maybe minimal changes to CMake project files are needed).
  • cmake used to generated Makefiles. 3.x preferred, but 2.8 still should be enough.
  • protobuf3 used for messaging between nodes and clients. Included sources are generated with 3.0, but using 2.x should not be hard after minimal changes (e.g. marking fields optional in the protocol definition). Unless present in your package manager, you have to download and compile cpp version manually from this page, currently the latest version is ProtoBuf 3.3
  • spatialite used to persist node data with locations, any recent version is expected to work. Available as an Ubuntu package or download and compile manually

Compile on Ubuntu

First, you have to install all external dependencies.
If you are on Ubuntu 17.04 you are lucky and just have to do:

apt-get install -y g++ cmake protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev libspatialite-dev

Otherwise, for others Ubuntu distributions from 14.04, you will have to compile a protobuf compiler by yourself:

apt-get install -y curl g++ cmake automake autoconf libprotobuf-dev libspatialite-dev  
curl -OL
tar zxvf protobuf-cpp-3.5.0.tar.gz
cd protobuf-3.5.0
make install

Once this done, go inside the folder where you cloned or uncompressed this project in order to start to type the build commands.

Optionally, you can regenerate the C++ sources from the protocol definitions in order to make sure these files are compatible with your protobuf version:

cd generated && ./ && cd ..

Finally, you can just run or perform the same steps as the script as follows:

First you have to generate build files with CMake, specifying the directory containing our main CMakeLists.txt file. We suggest running the build in a dedicated directory, the provided script uses directory build. Thus from the project root you can run

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

CMake should have successfully generated a Makefile, so you can just execute


Assuming the stars aligned luckily for your environment and you followed the suggested directory structure, you find the executable file src/iop-locnetd created under your build directory. If you also want to install the software to your system directories, you have to run

make install


So you were not so lucky and had problems, most probably compile errors. What to do?

If you encounter errors complaining about no file found for imported headers like #include <some/header.h> then you missed to deploy the shown dependent library. Make sure that all dependent libraries are properly installed and try again.

Most often you may encounter compile errors about some ProtoBuf definitions, usually in files located in directory generated. Whenever you see a ProtoBuf-related error, the reason may be that your ProtoBuf library version is slightly different from what we used to generate the files. To get rid of the problem, you have to regenerate these files for your version.

To do this, go back to the sources of the location-based network. In directory generated, simply run:


then try again compiling our source code.

Compile on Windows

You should already have a version of the Visual Studio C++ compiler installed, we do not detail this here. Please make sure that you have the directory of the 64bit binaries set on your PATH (usually <VisualStudioDirectory>\VC\bin\amd64), not the 32bit version of the compiler or the linker. You also have to install the Windows SDK, find binaries and instructions here.

Recent Visual Studio versions have a bundled Git, so you can easily clone the repository either from the IDE or from the command line as

git clone

We couldn't easily achieve Windows compilation with CMake, so we're using a custom build system called Maiken. Sources or some binaries are available here. After compiling or downloading binaries, you have to set up its configuration. You have to create file settings.yaml in directory <UserDir>/maiken set up with the proper directory paths to the Visual Studio and Windows SDK binaries. E.g. my host has the following directory paths and settings:

    C:/Program\ Files\ (x86)/Windows\ Kits/10/Include/10.0.14393.0/ucrt/
    C:/Program\ Files\ (x86)/Windows\ Kits/10/Include/10.0.14393.0/um
    C:/Program\ Files\ (x86)/Windows\ Kits/10/Include/10.0.14393.0/shared
    C:/Program\ Files\ (x86)/Microsoft\ Visual\ Studio\ 14.0/VC/include
    C:/Program\ Files\ (x86)/Windows\ Kits/10/Lib/10.0.14393.0/um/x64
    C:/Program\ Files\ (x86)/Windows\ Kits/10/Lib/10.0.14393.0/ucrt/x64
    C:/Program\ Files\ (x86)/Microsoft\ Visual\ Studio\ 14.0/VC/lib/amd64
- name: PATH
    mode: prepend
    value: C:/Program\ Files\ (x86)/Microsoft\ Visual\ Studio\ 14.0/VC/bin/amd64
- type: cpp:cxx:cc:c
    compiler: cl
    archiver: lib
    linker: link

Having the settings set up, all you have to do is to open a console in the directory of our cloned sources and start the build


Binaries will be created in directory bin\build. Note that DLLs still have to be copied from directory win\lib to near the generated executable.

Creating an install package for Linux

There are probably a lot of ways to do this, we preferred using the checkinstall package as an easy and minimalistic tool. As a summary, checkinstall simply runs make install in a sandbox and deploys every file into a generated Linux package instead of your filesystem. You just have to specify a few options to describe a few details of the generated package like format (deb, rpm, etc), name, package dependencies or developer email and you're done.

Directory package/locnet contains a few shell scripts that generate packages for a few Ubuntu versions. Based on these scripts it should be very easy to generate a package for your favourite Linux distribution.

Note that we used libprotobuf-dev 3.0 which is available in package repository only of the latest Ubuntu 16.10, not earlier. To support older releases, we had to manually create custom libprotobuf-dev 3.0 packages. For that purpose you can find some shell scripts also using checkinstall in directory package/libprotobuf3.