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# Pyre type checker
+# For mac users
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+### Contents overview
+- :snake: :package: `narps_open/` contains the Python package with all the pipelines logic.
+- :brain: `data/` contains data that is used by the pipelines, as well as the (intermediate or final) results data. Instructions to download data are available in [INSTALL.md](/INSTALL.md#data-download-instructions).
+- :blue_book: `docs/` contains the documentation for the project. Start browsing it with the entry point [docs/README.md](/docs/README.md)
+- :orange_book: `examples/` contains notebooks examples to launch of the reproduced pipelines.
+- :microscope: `tests/` contains the tests of the narps_open package.
\ No newline at end of file
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# How to contribute to NARPS Open Pipelines ?
-General guidelines can be found [here](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/contributing-to-projects) in the GitHub documentation.
+For the reproductions, we are especially looking for contributors with the following profiles:
+ - 👩🎤 SPM, FSL, AFNI or nistats has no secrets for you? You know this fMRI analysis software by heart 💓. Please help us by reproducing the corresponding NARPS pipelines. 👣 after step 1, follow the fMRI expert trail.
+ - 🧑🎤 You are a nipype guru? 👣 after step 1, follow the nipype expert trail.
-## Reproduce a pipeline :keyboard:
-:thinking: Not sure which one to start with ? You can have a look on [this table](https://github.com/Inria-Empenn/narps_open_pipelines/wiki/pipeline_status) giving the work progress status for each pipeline. This will help choosing the one that best suits you!
+# Step 1: Choose a pipeline to reproduce :keyboard:
+:thinking: Not sure which pipeline to start with ? 🚦The [pipeline dashboard](https://github.com/Inria-Empenn/narps_open_pipelines/wiki/pipeline_status) provides the progress status for each pipeline. You can pick any pipeline that is in red (not started).
-Need more information ? You can have a look to the pipeline description [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FU_F6kdxOD4PRQDIHXGHS4zTi_jEVaUqY_Zwg0z6S64/edit?usp=sharing). Also feel free to use the `narps_open.utils.description` module of the project, as described [in the documentation](/docs/description.md).
+Need more information to make a decision? The `narps_open.utils.description` module of the project, as described [in the documentation](/docs/description.md) provides easy access to all the info we have on each pipeline.
When you are ready, [start an issue](https://github.com/Inria-Empenn/narps_open_pipelines/issues/new/choose) and choose **Pipeline reproduction**!
-### If you have experience with NiPype
+# Step 2: Reproduction
+## 🧑🎤 NiPype trail
We created templates with modifications to make and holes to fill to create a pipeline. You can find them in [`narps_open/pipelines/templates`](/narps_open/pipelines/templates).
@@ -21,9 +25,9 @@ Feel free to have a look to the following pipelines, these are examples :
| 2T6S | SPM | Yes | [/narps_open/pipelines/team_2T6S.py](/narps_open/pipelines/team_2T6S.py) |
| X19V | FSL | Yes | [/narps_open/pipelines/team_X19V.py](/narps_open/pipelines/team_2T6S.py) |
-### If you have experience with the original software package but not with NiPype
+## 👩🎤 fMRI software trail
-A fantastic tool named [Giraffe](https://giraffe.tools/porcupine/TimVanMourik/GiraffePlayground/master) is available. It allows you to create a graph of your pipeline using NiPype functions but without coding! Just save your NiPype script in a .py file and send it as a new issue, we will convert this script to a script which works with our specific parameters.
## Find or propose an issue :clipboard:
Issues are very important for this project. If you want to contribute, you can either **comment an existing issue** or **proposing a new issue**.
@@ -64,3 +68,7 @@ Once your PR is ready, you may add a reviewer to your PR, as described [here](ht
Please turn your Draft Pull Request into a "regular" Pull Request, by clicking **Ready for review** in the Pull Request page.
**:wave: Thank you in advance for contributing to the project!**
+## Additional resources
+ - git and Gitub: general guidelines can be found [here](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/contributing-to-projects) in the GitHub documentation.
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-## Table of contents
-- [Project presentation](#project-presentation)
-- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- - [Contents overview](#contents-overview)
- - [Installation](#installation)
- - [Contributing](#contributing)
-- [References](#references)
-- [Funding](#funding)
## Project presentation
-Neuroimaging workflows are highly flexible, leaving researchers with multiple possible options to analyze a dataset [(Carp, 2012)](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2012.00149/full).
-However, different analytical choices can cause variation in the results [(Botvinik-Nezer et al., 2020)](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2314-9), leading to what was called a "vibration of effects" [(Ioannidis, 2008)](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18633328/) also known as analytical variability.
+**The goal of the NARPS Open Pipelines project is to create a codebase reproducing the 70 pipelines of the NARPS study (Botvinik-Nezer et al., 2020) and share this as an open resource for the community**.
-**The goal of the NARPS Open Pipelines project is to create a codebase reproducing the 70 pipelines of the NARPS project (Botvinik-Nezer et al., 2020) and share this as an open resource for the community**.
+We base our reproductions on the [original descriptions provided by the teams](https://github.com/poldrack/narps/blob/1.0.1/ImageAnalyses/metadata_files/analysis_pipelines_for_analysis.xlsx) and test the quality of the reproductions by comparing our results with the original results published on NeuroVault.
-To perform the reproduction, we are lucky to be able to use the [descriptions provided by the teams](https://github.com/poldrack/narps/blob/1.0.1/ImageAnalyses/metadata_files/analysis_pipelines_for_analysis.xlsx).
-We also created a [shared spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FU_F6kdxOD4PRQDIHXGHS4zTi_jEVaUqY_Zwg0z6S64/edit?usp=sharing) that can be used to add comments on pipelines (e.g.: identify the ones that are not reproducible with NiPype).
+:vertical_traffic_light: See [the pipeline dashboard](https://github.com/Inria-Empenn/narps_open_pipelines/wiki/pipeline_status) to view our current progress at a glance.
-:vertical_traffic_light: Lastly, please find [here in the project's wiki](https://github.com/Inria-Empenn/narps_open_pipelines/wiki/pipeline_status) a dashboard to see pipelines work progresses at first glance.
+## Contributing
-## Getting Started
+NARPS open pipelines uses [nipype](https://nipype.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html) as a workflow manager and provides a series of templates and examples to help reproduce the different teams’ analysis.
-### Contents overview
-- :snake: :package: `narps_open/` contains the Python package with all the pipelines logic.
-- :brain: `data/` contains data that is used by the pipelines, as well as the (intermediate or final) results data. Instructions to download data are available in [INSTALL.md](/INSTALL.md#data-download-instructions).
-- :blue_book: `docs/` contains the documentation for the project. Start browsing it with the entry point [docs/README.md](/docs/README.md)
-- :orange_book: `examples/` contains notebooks examples to launch of the reproduced pipelines.
-- :microscope: `tests/` contains the tests of the narps_open package.
+There are many ways you can contribute 🤗 :wave: Any help is welcome ! Follow the guidelines in [CONTRIBUTING.md](/CONTRIBUTING.md) if you wish to get involved !
### Installation
To get the pipelines running, please follow the installation steps in [INSTALL.md](/INSTALL.md)
-### Contributing
-:wave: Any help is welcome ! Follow the guidelines in [CONTRIBUTING.md](/CONTRIBUTING.md) if you wish to get involved !
+## Getting started
+If you are interested in using the codebase to run the pipelines, see the [user documentation (work-in-progress)].
## References
@@ -64,7 +45,7 @@ To get the pipelines running, please follow the installation steps in [INSTALL.m
## Funding
-This project is supported by Région Bretagne (Boost MIND).
+This project is supported by Région Bretagne (Boost MIND) and by Inria (Exploratory action GRASP).
## Credits
diff --git a/docs/README.md b/docs/README.md
index 8c4fd662..f9f6d193 100644
--- a/docs/README.md
+++ b/docs/README.md
@@ -11,4 +11,5 @@ Here are the available topics :
* :microscope: [testing](/docs/testing.md) details the testing features of the project, i.e.: how is the code tested ?
* :package: [ci-cd](/docs/ci-cd.md) contains the information on how continuous integration and delivery (knowned as CI/CD) is set up.
* :writing_hand: [pipeline](/docs/pipelines.md) tells you all you need to know in order to write pipelines
+* :compass: [core](/docs/core.md) a list of helpful functions when writing pipelines
* :vertical_traffic_light: [status](/docs/status.md) contains the information on how to get the work progress status for a pipeline.
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+# Core functions you can use to write pipelines
+Here are a few functions that could be useful for creating a pipeline with Nipype. These functions are meant to stay as unitary as possible.
+These are intended to be inserted in a nipype.Workflow inside a [nipype.Function](https://nipype.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/generated/nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.html#function) interface, or for some of them (see associated docstring) as part of a [nipype.Workflow.connect](https://nipype.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/generated/nipype.pipeline.engine.workflows.html#nipype.pipeline.engine.workflows.Workflow.connect) method.
+In the following example, we use the `list_intersection` function of `narps_open.core.common`, in both of the mentioned cases.
+from nipype import Node, Function, Workflow
+from narps_open.core.common import list_intersection
+# First case : a Function Node
+intersection_node = Node(Function(
+ function = list_intersection,
+ input_names = ['list_1', 'list_2'],
+ output_names = ['output']
+ ), name = 'intersection_node')
+intersection_node.inputs.list_1 = ['001', '002', '003', '004']
+intersection_node.inputs.list_2 = ['002', '004', '005']
+print(intersection_node.run().outputs.output) # ['002', '004']
+# Second case : inside a connect node
+# We assume that there is a node_0 returning ['001', '002', '003', '004'] as `output` value
+test_workflow = Workflow(
+ base_dir = '/path/to/base/dir',
+ name = 'test_workflow'
+ )
+ # node_1 will receive the evaluation of :
+ # list_intersection(['001', '002', '003', '004'], ['002', '004', '005'])
+ # as in_value
+ (node_0, node_1, [(('output', list_intersection, ['002', '004', '005']), 'in_value')])
+ ])
+> [!TIP]
+> Use a [nipype.MapNode](https://nipype.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/generated/nipype.pipeline.engine.nodes.html#nipype.pipeline.engine.nodes.MapNode) to run these functions on lists instead of unitary contents. E.g.: the `remove_file` function of `narps_open.core.common` only removes one file at a time, but feel free to pass a list of files using a `nipype.MapNode`.
+from nipype import MapNode, Function
+from narps_open.core.common import remove_file
+# Create the MapNode so that the `remove_file` function handles lists of files
+remove_files_node = MapNode(Function(
+ function = remove_file,
+ input_names = ['_', 'file_name'],
+ output_names = []
+ ), name = 'remove_files_node', iterfield = ['file_name'])
+# ... A couple of lines later, in the Worlflow definition
+test_workflow = Workflow(base_dir = '/home/bclenet/dev/tests/nipype_merge/', name = 'test_workflow')
+ # ...
+ # Here we assume the select_node's output `out_files` is a list of files
+ (select_node, remove_files_node, [('out_files', 'file_name')])
+ # ...
+ ])
+## narps_open.core.common
+This module contains a set of functions that nearly every pipeline could use.
+* `remove_file` remove a file when it is not needed anymore (to save disk space)
+from narps_open.core.common import remove_file
+# Remove the /path/to/the/image.nii.gz file
+* `elements_in_string` : return the first input parameter if it contains one element of second parameter (None otherwise).
+from narps_open.core.common import elements_in_string
+# Here we test if the file 'sub-001_file.nii.gz' belongs to a group of subjects.
+elements_in_string('sub-001_file.nii.gz', ['005', '006', '007']) # Returns None
+elements_in_string('sub-001_file.nii.gz', ['001', '002', '003']) # Returns 'sub-001_file.nii.gz'
+> [!TIP]
+> This can be generalised to a group of files, using a `nipype.MapNode`!
+* `clean_list` : remove elements of the first input parameter (list) if it is equal to the second parameter.
+from narps_open.core.common import clean_list
+# Here we remove subject 002 from a group of subjects.
+clean_list(['002', '005', '006', '007'], '002')
+* `list_intersection` : return the intersection of two lists.
+from narps_open.core.common import list_intersection
+# Here we keep only subjects that are in the equalRange group and selected for the analysis.
+equal_range_group = ['002', '004', '006', '008']
+selected_for_analysis = ['002', '006', '010']
+list_intersection(equal_range_group, selected_for_analysis) # Returns ['002', '006']
+## narps_open.core.image
+This module contains a set of functions dedicated to computations on images.
+ * `get_voxel_dimensions` : returns the voxel dimensions of an image
+# Get dimensions of voxels along x, y, and z in mm (returns e.g.: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]).
diff --git a/docs/status.md b/docs/status.md
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# Access the work progress status pipelines
The class `PipelineStatusReport` of module `narps_open.utils.status` allows to create a report containing the following information for each pipeline:
+* a work progress status : `idle`, `progress`, or `done`;
* the software it uses (collected from the `categorized_for_analysis.analysis_SW` of the [team description](/docs/description.md)) ;
* whether it uses data from fMRIprep or not ;
* a list of issues related to it (the opened issues of the project that have the team ID inside their title or description) ;
-* a work progress status : `idle`, `progress`, or `done`.
+* a list of pull requests related to it (the opened pull requests of the project that have the team ID inside their title or description) ;
+* whether it was excluded from the original NARPS analysis ;
+* a reproducibility rating :
+ * default score is 4;
+ * -1 if the team did not use fmriprep data;
+ * -1 if the team used several pieces of software (e.g.: FSL and AFNI);
+ * -1 if the team used custom or marginal software (i.e.: something else than SPM, FSL, AFNI or nistats);
+ * -1 if the team did not provided his source code.
This allows contributors to best select the pipeline they want/need to contribute to. For this purpose, the GitHub Actions workflow [`.github/workflows/pipeline_status.yml`](/.github/workflows/pipeline_status.yml) allows to dynamically generate the report and to store it in the [project's wiki](https://github.com/Inria-Empenn/narps_open_pipelines/wiki).
@@ -55,22 +63,31 @@ python narps_open/utils/status --json
# "softwares": "FSL",
# "fmriprep": "No",
# "issues": {},
-# "status": "idle"
+# "excluded": "No",
+# "reproducibility": 3,
+# "reproducibility_comment": "",
+# "issues": {},
+# "pulls": {},
+# "status": "2-idle"
# },
# "0C7Q": {
# "softwares": "FSL, AFNI",
# "fmriprep": "Yes",
# "issues": {},
+# "excluded": "No",
+# "reproducibility": 3,
+# "reproducibility_comment": "",
+# "issues": {},
+# "pulls": {},
# "status": "idle"
# },
# ...
python narps_open/utils/status --md
-# | team_id | status | softwares used | fmriprep used ? | related issues |
-# | --- |:---:| --- | --- | --- |
-# | 08MQ | :red_circle: | FSL | No | |
-# | 0C7Q | :red_circle: | FSL, AFNI | Yes | |
-# | 0ED6 | :red_circle: | SPM | No | |
-# | 0H5E | :red_circle: | SPM | No | |
+# ...
+# | team_id | status | main software | fmriprep used ? | related issues | related pull requests | excluded from NARPS analysis | reproducibility |
+# | --- |:---:| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+# | Q6O0 | :green_circle: | SPM | Yes | | | No | :star::star::star::black_small_square:
+# | UK24 | :orange_circle: | SPM | No | [2](url_issue_2), | | No | :star::star::black_small_square::black_small_square:
# ...
diff --git a/narps_open/core/__init__.py b/narps_open/core/__init__.py
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e40d4e9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/narps_open/core/common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+""" Common functions to write pipelines """
+def remove_file(_, file_name: str) -> None:
+ """
+ Fully remove files generated by a Node, once they aren't needed anymore.
+ This function is meant to be used in a Nipype Function Node.
+ Parameters:
+ - _: input only used for triggering the Node
+ - file_name: str, a single absolute filename of the file to remove
+ """
+ # This import must stay inside the function, as required by Nipype
+ from os import remove
+ try:
+ remove(file_name)
+ except OSError as error:
+ print(error)
+def elements_in_string(input_str: str, elements: list) -> str: #| None:
+ """
+ Return input_str if it contains one element of the elements list.
+ Return None otherwise.
+ This function is meant to be used in a Nipype Function Node.
+ Parameters:
+ - input_str: str
+ - elements: list of str, elements to be searched in input_str
+ """
+ if any(e in input_str for e in elements):
+ return input_str
+ return None
+def clean_list(input_list: list, element = None) -> list:
+ """
+ Remove elements of input_list that are equal to element and return the resultant list.
+ This function is meant to be used in a Nipype Function Node. It can be used inside a
+ nipype.Workflow.connect call as well.
+ Parameters:
+ - input_list: list
+ - element: any
+ Returns:
+ - input_list with elements equal to element removed
+ """
+ return [f for f in input_list if f != element]
+def list_intersection(list_1: list, list_2: list) -> list:
+ """
+ Returns the intersection of two lists.
+ This function is meant to be used in a Nipype Function Node. It can be used inside a
+ nipype.Workflow.connect call as well.
+ Parameters:
+ - list_1: list
+ - list_2: list
+ Returns:
+ - list, the intersection of list_1 and list_2
+ """
+ return [e for e in list_1 if e in list_2]
diff --git a/narps_open/core/image.py b/narps_open/core/image.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35323e45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/narps_open/core/image.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+""" Image functions to write pipelines """
+def get_voxel_dimensions(image: str) -> list:
+ """
+ Return the voxel dimensions of a image in millimeters.
+ Arguments:
+ image: str, string that represent an absolute path to a Nifti image.
+ Returns:
+ list, size of the voxels in the image in millimeters.
+ """
+ # This import must stay inside the function, as required by Nipype
+ from nibabel import load
+ voxel_dimensions = load(image).header.get_zooms()
+ return [
+ float(voxel_dimensions[0]),
+ float(voxel_dimensions[1]),
+ float(voxel_dimensions[2])
+ ]
diff --git a/narps_open/data/description/analysis_pipelines_comments.tsv b/narps_open/data/description/analysis_pipelines_comments.tsv
index 93cd4f24..5ebf2405 100644
--- a/narps_open/data/description/analysis_pipelines_comments.tsv
+++ b/narps_open/data/description/analysis_pipelines_comments.tsv
@@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
teamID excluded_from_narps_analysis exclusion_comment reproducibility reproducibility_comment
-50GV no N/A ? Uses custom software (Denoiser)
-9Q6R no N/A
-O21U no N/A
-U26C no N/A
-43FJ no N/A
-C88N no N/A
-4TQ6 yes Resampled image offset and too large compared to template.
-T54A no N/A
-2T6S no N/A
-L7J7 no N/A
-0JO0 no N/A
-X1Y5 no N/A
-51PW no N/A
-6VV2 no N/A
-O6R6 no N/A
-C22U no N/A ? Custom Matlab script for white matter PCA confounds
-3PQ2 no N/A
-UK24 no N/A
-4SZ2 yes Resampled image offset from template brain.
-9T8E no N/A
-94GU no N/A ? Multiple software dependencies : SPM + ART + TAPAS + Matlab.
-I52Y no N/A
-5G9K no N/A ? ?
-2T7P yes Missing thresholded images. ? ?
-UI76 no N/A
-B5I6 no N/A
-V55J yes Bad histogram : very small values.
-X19V no N/A
-0C7Q yes Appears to be a p-value distribution, with slight excursions below and above zero.
-R5K7 no N/A
-0I4U no N/A
-3C6G no N/A
-R9K3 no N/A
-O03M no N/A
-08MQ no N/A
-80GC no N/A
-J7F9 no N/A
-R7D1 no N/A
-Q58J yes Bad histogram : bimodal, zero-inflated with a second distribution centered around 5.
-L3V8 yes Rejected due to large amount of missing brain in center.
-SM54 no N/A
-1KB2 no N/A
-0H5E yes Rejected due to large amount of missing brain in center.
-P5F3 yes Rejected due to large amounts of missing data across brain.
-Q6O0 no N/A
-R42Q no N/A ? Uses fMRIflows, a custom software based on NiPype.
-L9G5 no N/A
-DC61 no N/A
-E3B6 yes Bad histogram : very long tail, with substantial inflation at a value just below zero.
-16IN no N/A ? Multiple software dependencies : matlab + SPM + FSL + R + TExPosition + neuroim
-46CD no N/A
-6FH5 yes Missing much of the central brain.
-K9P0 no N/A
-9U7M no N/A
-VG39 no N/A
-1K0E yes Used surface-based analysis, only provided data for cortical ribbon. ? ?
-X1Z4 yes Used surface-based analysis, only provided data for cortical ribbon. ? Multiple software dependencies : FSL + fmriprep + ciftify + HCP workbench + Freesurfer + ANTs
-I9D6 no N/A
-E6R3 no N/A
-27SS no N/A
-B23O no N/A
-AO86 no N/A
-L1A8 yes Resampled image much smaller than template brain. ? ?
-IZ20 no N/A
-3TR7 no N/A
-98BT yes Rejected due to very bad normalization.
-XU70 no N/A ? Uses custom software : FSL + 4drealign
-0ED6 no N/A ? ?
-I07H yes Bad histogram : bimodal, with second distribution centered around 2.5.
-1P0Y no N/A
+50GV No N/A 3 Uses custom software (Denoiser)
+9Q6R No N/A 2
+O21U No N/A 3
+U26C No N/A 4 Link to shared analysis code : https://github.com/gladomat/narps
+43FJ No N/A 2
+C88N No N/A 3
+4TQ6 Yes Resampled image offset and too large compared to template. 3
+T54A No N/A 3
+2T6S No N/A 3
+L7J7 No N/A 3
+0JO0 No N/A 3
+X1Y5 No N/A 2
+51PW No N/A 3
+6VV2 No N/A 2
+O6R6 No N/A 3
+C22U No N/A 1 Custom Matlab script for white matter PCA confounds
+3PQ2 No N/A 2
+UK24 No N/A 2
+4SZ2 Yes Resampled image offset from template brain. 3
+9T8E No N/A 3
+94GU No N/A 1 Multiple software dependencies : SPM + ART + TAPAS + Matlab.
+I52Y No N/A 2
+5G9K Yes Values in the unthresholded images are not z / t stats 3
+2T7P Yes Missing thresholded images. 2 Link to shared analysis code : https://osf.io/3b57r
+UI76 No N/A 3
+B5I6 No N/A 3
+V55J Yes Bad histogram : very small values. 2
+X19V No N/A 3
+0C7Q Yes Appears to be a p-value distribution, with slight excursions below and above zero. 2
+R5K7 No N/A 2
+0I4U No N/A 2
+3C6G No N/A 2
+R9K3 No N/A 3
+O03M No N/A 3
+08MQ No N/A 2
+80GC No N/A 3
+J7F9 No N/A 3
+R7D1 No N/A 3 Link to shared analysis code : https://github.com/IMTAltiStudiLucca/NARPS_R7D1
+Q58J Yes Bad histogram : bimodal, zero-inflated with a second distribution centered around 5. 3 Link to shared analysis code : https://github.com/amrka/NARPS_Q58J
+L3V8 Yes Rejected due to large amount of missing brain in center. 2
+SM54 No N/A 3
+1KB2 No N/A 2
+0H5E Yes Rejected due to large amount of missing brain in center. 2
+P5F3 Yes Rejected due to large amounts of missing data across brain. 2
+Q6O0 No N/A 3
+R42Q No N/A 2 Uses fMRIflows, a custom software based on NiPype. Code available here : https://github.com/ilkayisik/narps_R42Q
+L9G5 No N/A 2
+DC61 No N/A 3
+E3B6 Yes Bad histogram : very long tail, with substantial inflation at a value just below zero. 4 Link to shared analysis code : doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3518407
+16IN Yes Values in the unthresholded images are not z / t stats 2 Multiple software dependencies : matlab + SPM + FSL + R + TExPosition + neuroim. Link to shared analysis code : https://github.com/jennyrieck/NARPS
+46CD No N/A 1
+6FH5 Yes Missing much of the central brain. 2
+K9P0 No N/A 3
+9U7M No N/A 2
+VG39 Yes Performed small volume corrected instead of whole-brain analysis 3
+1K0E Yes Used surface-based analysis, only provided data for cortical ribbon. 1
+X1Z4 Yes Used surface-based analysis, only provided data for cortical ribbon. 1 Multiple software dependencies : FSL + fmriprep + ciftify + HCP workbench + Freesurfer + ANTs
+I9D6 No N/A 2
+E6R3 No N/A 2
+27SS No N/A 2
+B23O No N/A 3
+AO86 No N/A 2
+L1A8 Yes Not in MNI standard space. 2
+IZ20 No N/A 1
+3TR7 No N/A 3
+98BT Yes Rejected due to very bad normalization. 2
+XU70 No N/A 1 Uses custom software : FSL + 4drealign
+0ED6 No N/A 2
+I07H Yes Bad histogram : bimodal, with second distribution centered around 2.5. 2
+1P0Y No N/A 2
diff --git a/narps_open/data/participants.py b/narps_open/data/participants.py
index a9cc65a5..835e834f 100644
--- a/narps_open/data/participants.py
+++ b/narps_open/data/participants.py
@@ -49,3 +49,11 @@ def get_participants(team_id: str) -> list:
def get_participants_subset(nb_participants: int = 108) -> list:
""" Return a list of participants of length nb_participants """
return get_all_participants()[0:nb_participants]
+def get_group(group_name: str) -> list:
+ """ Return a list containing all the participants inside the group_name group
+ Warning : the subject ids are return as written in the participants file (i.e.: 'sub-*')
+ """
+ participants = get_participants_information()
+ return participants.loc[participants['group'] == group_name]['participant_id'].values.tolist()
diff --git a/narps_open/utils/status.py b/narps_open/utils/status.py
index 6dced5bc..0058b40b 100644
--- a/narps_open/utils/status.py
+++ b/narps_open/utils/status.py
@@ -76,10 +76,18 @@ def generate(self):
# Get software used in the pipeline, from the team description
description = TeamDescription(team_id)
- self.contents[team_id]['softwares'] = \
+ self.contents[team_id]['software'] = \
self.contents[team_id]['fmriprep'] = description.preprocessing['used_fmriprep_data']
+ # Get comments about the pipeline
+ self.contents[team_id]['excluded'] = \
+ description.comments['excluded_from_narps_analysis']
+ self.contents[team_id]['reproducibility'] = \
+ int(description.comments['reproducibility'])
+ self.contents[team_id]['reproducibility_comment'] = \
+ description.comments['reproducibility_comment']
# Get issues and pull requests related to the team
issues = {}
pulls = {}
@@ -109,10 +117,11 @@ def generate(self):
self.contents[team_id]['status'] = '1-progress'
- # Sort contents with the following priorities : 1-"status", 2-"softwares" and 3-"fmriprep"
+ # Sort contents with the following priorities :
+ # 1-"status", 2-"softwares", 3-"fmriprep"
self.contents = OrderedDict(sorted(
- key=lambda k: (k[1]['status'], k[1]['softwares'], k[1]['fmriprep'])
+ key=lambda k: (k[1]['status'], k[1]['software'], k[1]['fmriprep'])
def markdown(self):
@@ -124,14 +133,23 @@ def markdown(self):
output_markdown += '
:red_circle: not started yet\n'
output_markdown += '
:orange_circle: in progress\n'
output_markdown += '
:green_circle: completed\n'
- output_markdown += '
The *softwares used* column gives a simplified version of '
+ output_markdown += '
The *main software* column gives a simplified version of '
output_markdown += 'what can be found in the team descriptions under the '
output_markdown += '`general.software` column.\n'
+ output_markdown += '
The *reproducibility* column rates the pipeline as follows:\n'
+ output_markdown += ' * default score is :star::star::star::star:;\n'
+ output_markdown += ' * -1 if the team did not use fmriprep data;\n'
+ output_markdown += ' * -1 if the team used several pieces of software '
+ output_markdown += '(e.g.: FSL and AFNI);\n'
+ output_markdown += ' * -1 if the team used custom or marginal software '
+ output_markdown += '(i.e.: something else than SPM, FSL, AFNI or nistats);\n'
+ output_markdown += ' * -1 if the team did not provided his source code.\n'
# Start table
- output_markdown += '| team_id | status | softwares used | fmriprep used ? |'
- output_markdown += ' related issues | related pull requests |\n'
- output_markdown += '| --- |:---:| --- | --- | --- | --- |\n'
+ output_markdown += '\n| team_id | status | main software | fmriprep used ? |'
+ output_markdown += ' related issues | related pull requests |'
+ output_markdown += ' excluded from NARPS analysis | reproducibility |\n'
+ output_markdown += '| --- |:---:| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |\n'
# Add table contents
for team_key, team_values in self.contents.items():
@@ -146,7 +164,7 @@ def markdown(self):
status = ':red_circle:'
output_markdown += f'| {status} '
- output_markdown += f'| {team_values["softwares"]} '
+ output_markdown += f'| {team_values["software"]} '
output_markdown += f'| {team_values["fmriprep"]} '
issues = ''
@@ -159,8 +177,15 @@ def markdown(self):
for issue_number, issue_url in team_values['pulls'].items():
pulls += f'[{issue_number}]({issue_url}), '
- output_markdown += f'| {pulls} |\n'
+ output_markdown += f'| {pulls} '
+ output_markdown += f'| {team_values["excluded"]} '
+ reproducibility_ranking = ''
+ for _ in range(team_values['reproducibility']):
+ reproducibility_ranking += ':star:'
+ for _ in range(4-team_values['reproducibility']):
+ reproducibility_ranking += ':black_small_square:'
+ output_markdown += f'| {reproducibility_ranking}
{team_values["reproducibility_comment"]} |\n'
return output_markdown
diff --git a/tests/core/__init__.py b/tests/core/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/tests/core/test_common.py b/tests/core/test_common.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3e00fd1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/core/test_common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+""" Tests of the 'narps_open.core.common' module.
+Launch this test with PyTest
+ pytest -q test_common.py
+ pytest -q test_common.py -k
+from os import mkdir
+from os.path import join, exists, abspath
+from shutil import rmtree
+from pathlib import Path
+from pytest import mark, fixture
+from nipype import Node, Function, Workflow
+from narps_open.utils.configuration import Configuration
+import narps_open.core.common as co
+TEMPORARY_DIR = join(Configuration()['directories']['test_runs'], 'test_common')
+def remove_test_dir():
+ """ A fixture to remove temporary directory created by tests """
+ rmtree(TEMPORARY_DIR, ignore_errors = True)
+ yield # test runs here
+ rmtree(TEMPORARY_DIR, ignore_errors = True)
+class TestCoreCommon:
+ """ A class that contains all the unit tests for the common module."""
+ @staticmethod
+ @mark.unit_test
+ def test_remove_file(remove_test_dir):
+ """ Test the remove_file function """
+ # Create a single file
+ test_file_path = abspath(join(TEMPORARY_DIR, 'file1.txt'))
+ Path(test_file_path).touch()
+ # Check file exist
+ assert exists(test_file_path)
+ # Create a Nipype Node using remove_files
+ test_remove_file_node = Node(Function(
+ function = co.remove_file,
+ input_names = ['_', 'file_name'],
+ output_names = []
+ ), name = 'test_remove_file_node')
+ test_remove_file_node.inputs._ = ''
+ test_remove_file_node.inputs.file_name = test_file_path
+ test_remove_file_node.run()
+ # Check file is removed
+ assert not exists(test_file_path)
+ @staticmethod
+ @mark.unit_test
+ def test_node_elements_in_string():
+ """ Test the elements_in_string function as a nipype.Node """
+ # Inputs
+ string = 'test_string'
+ elements_false = ['z', 'u', 'warning']
+ elements_true = ['z', 'u', 'warning', '_']
+ # Create a Nipype Node using elements_in_string
+ test_node = Node(Function(
+ function = co.elements_in_string,
+ input_names = ['input_str', 'elements'],
+ output_names = ['output']
+ ), name = 'test_node')
+ test_node.inputs.input_str = string
+ test_node.inputs.elements = elements_true
+ out = test_node.run().outputs.output
+ # Check return value
+ assert out == string
+ # Change input and check return value
+ test_node = Node(Function(
+ function = co.elements_in_string,
+ input_names = ['input_str', 'elements'],
+ output_names = ['output']
+ ), name = 'test_node')
+ test_node.inputs.input_str = string
+ test_node.inputs.elements = elements_false
+ out = test_node.run().outputs.output
+ assert out is None
+ @staticmethod
+ @mark.unit_test
+ def test_connect_elements_in_string(remove_test_dir):
+ """ Test the elements_in_string function as evaluated in a connect """
+ # Inputs
+ string = 'test_string'
+ elements_false = ['z', 'u', 'warning']
+ elements_true = ['z', 'u', 'warning', '_']
+ function = lambda in_value: in_value
+ # Create Nodes
+ node_1 = Node(Function(
+ function = function,
+ input_names = ['in_value'],
+ output_names = ['out_value']
+ ), name = 'node_1')
+ node_1.inputs.in_value = string
+ node_true = Node(Function(
+ function = function,
+ input_names = ['in_value'],
+ output_names = ['out_value']
+ ), name = 'node_true')
+ node_false = Node(Function(
+ function = function,
+ input_names = ['in_value'],
+ output_names = ['out_value']
+ ), name = 'node_false')
+ # Create Workflow
+ test_workflow = Workflow(
+ base_dir = TEMPORARY_DIR,
+ name = 'test_workflow'
+ )
+ test_workflow.connect([
+ # elements_in_string is evaluated as part of the connection
+ (node_1, node_true, [(
+ ('out_value', co.elements_in_string, elements_true), 'in_value')]),
+ (node_1, node_false, [(
+ ('out_value', co.elements_in_string, elements_false), 'in_value')])
+ ])
+ test_workflow.run()
+ test_file_t = join(TEMPORARY_DIR, 'test_workflow', 'node_true', '_report', 'report.rst')
+ with open(test_file_t, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as file:
+ assert '* out_value : test_string' in file.read()
+ test_file_f = join(TEMPORARY_DIR, 'test_workflow', 'node_false', '_report', 'report.rst')
+ with open(test_file_f, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as file:
+ assert '* out_value : None' in file.read()
+ @staticmethod
+ @mark.unit_test
+ def test_node_clean_list():
+ """ Test the clean_list function as a nipype.Node """
+ # Inputs
+ input_list = ['z', '_', 'u', 'warning', '_', None]
+ element_to_remove_1 = '_'
+ output_list_1 = ['z', 'u', 'warning', None]
+ element_to_remove_2 = None
+ output_list_2 = ['z', '_', 'u', 'warning', '_']
+ # Create a Nipype Node using clean_list
+ test_node = Node(Function(
+ function = co.clean_list,
+ input_names = ['input_list', 'element'],
+ output_names = ['output']
+ ), name = 'test_node')
+ test_node.inputs.input_list = input_list
+ test_node.inputs.element = element_to_remove_1
+ # Check return value
+ assert test_node.run().outputs.output == output_list_1
+ # Change input and check return value
+ test_node = Node(Function(
+ function = co.clean_list,
+ input_names = ['input_list', 'element'],
+ output_names = ['output']
+ ), name = 'test_node')
+ test_node.inputs.input_list = input_list
+ test_node.inputs.element = element_to_remove_2
+ assert test_node.run().outputs.output == output_list_2
+ @staticmethod
+ @mark.unit_test
+ def test_connect_clean_list(remove_test_dir):
+ """ Test the clean_list function as evaluated in a connect """
+ # Inputs
+ input_list = ['z', '_', 'u', 'warning', '_', None]
+ element_to_remove_1 = '_'
+ output_list_1 = ['z', 'u', 'warning', None]
+ element_to_remove_2 = None
+ output_list_2 = ['z', '_', 'u', 'warning', '_']
+ function = lambda in_value: in_value
+ # Create Nodes
+ node_0 = Node(Function(
+ function = function,
+ input_names = ['in_value'],
+ output_names = ['out_value']
+ ), name = 'node_0')
+ node_0.inputs.in_value = input_list
+ node_1 = Node(Function(
+ function = function,
+ input_names = ['in_value'],
+ output_names = ['out_value']
+ ), name = 'node_1')
+ node_2 = Node(Function(
+ function = function,
+ input_names = ['in_value'],
+ output_names = ['out_value']
+ ), name = 'node_2')
+ # Create Workflow
+ test_workflow = Workflow(
+ base_dir = TEMPORARY_DIR,
+ name = 'test_workflow'
+ )
+ test_workflow.connect([
+ # elements_in_string is evaluated as part of the connection
+ (node_0, node_1, [(('out_value', co.clean_list, element_to_remove_1), 'in_value')]),
+ (node_0, node_2, [(('out_value', co.clean_list, element_to_remove_2), 'in_value')])
+ ])
+ test_workflow.run()
+ test_file_1 = join(TEMPORARY_DIR, 'test_workflow', 'node_1', '_report', 'report.rst')
+ with open(test_file_1, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as file:
+ assert f'* out_value : {output_list_1}' in file.read()
+ test_file_2 = join(TEMPORARY_DIR, 'test_workflow', 'node_2', '_report', 'report.rst')
+ with open(test_file_2, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as file:
+ assert f'* out_value : {output_list_2}' in file.read()
+ @staticmethod
+ @mark.unit_test
+ def test_node_list_intersection():
+ """ Test the list_intersection function as a nipype.Node """
+ # Inputs / outputs
+ input_list_1 = ['001', '002', '003', '004']
+ input_list_2 = ['002', '004']
+ input_list_3 = ['001', '003', '005']
+ output_list_1 = ['002', '004']
+ output_list_2 = ['001', '003']
+ # Create a Nipype Node using list_intersection
+ test_node = Node(Function(
+ function = co.list_intersection,
+ input_names = ['list_1', 'list_2'],
+ output_names = ['output']
+ ), name = 'test_node')
+ test_node.inputs.list_1 = input_list_1
+ test_node.inputs.list_2 = input_list_2
+ # Check return value
+ assert test_node.run().outputs.output == output_list_1
+ # Change input and check return value
+ test_node = Node(Function(
+ function = co.list_intersection,
+ input_names = ['list_1', 'list_2'],
+ output_names = ['output']
+ ), name = 'test_node')
+ test_node.inputs.list_1 = input_list_1
+ test_node.inputs.list_2 = input_list_3
+ assert test_node.run().outputs.output == output_list_2
+ @staticmethod
+ @mark.unit_test
+ def test_connect_list_intersection(remove_test_dir):
+ """ Test the list_intersection function as evaluated in a connect """
+ # Inputs / outputs
+ input_list_1 = ['001', '002', '003', '004']
+ input_list_2 = ['002', '004']
+ input_list_3 = ['001', '003', '005']
+ output_list_1 = ['002', '004']
+ output_list_2 = ['001', '003']
+ function = lambda in_value: in_value
+ # Create Nodes
+ node_0 = Node(Function(
+ function = function,
+ input_names = ['in_value'],
+ output_names = ['out_value']
+ ), name = 'node_0')
+ node_0.inputs.in_value = input_list_1
+ node_1 = Node(Function(
+ function = function,
+ input_names = ['in_value'],
+ output_names = ['out_value']
+ ), name = 'node_1')
+ node_2 = Node(Function(
+ function = function,
+ input_names = ['in_value'],
+ output_names = ['out_value']
+ ), name = 'node_2')
+ # Create Workflow
+ test_workflow = Workflow(
+ base_dir = TEMPORARY_DIR,
+ name = 'test_workflow'
+ )
+ test_workflow.connect([
+ # elements_in_string is evaluated as part of the connection
+ (node_0, node_1, [(('out_value', co.list_intersection, input_list_2), 'in_value')]),
+ (node_0, node_2, [(('out_value', co.list_intersection, input_list_3), 'in_value')])
+ ])
+ test_workflow.run()
+ test_file_1 = join(TEMPORARY_DIR, 'test_workflow', 'node_1', '_report', 'report.rst')
+ with open(test_file_1, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as file:
+ assert f'* out_value : {output_list_1}' in file.read()
+ test_file_2 = join(TEMPORARY_DIR, 'test_workflow', 'node_2', '_report', 'report.rst')
+ with open(test_file_2, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as file:
+ assert f'* out_value : {output_list_2}' in file.read()
diff --git a/tests/core/test_image.py b/tests/core/test_image.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d3b83ac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/core/test_image.py
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+""" Tests of the 'narps_open.core.image' module.
+Launch this test with PyTest
+ pytest -q test_image.py
+ pytest -q test_image.py -k
+from os.path import abspath, join
+from numpy import isclose
+from pytest import mark
+from nipype import Node, Function
+from narps_open.utils.configuration import Configuration
+import narps_open.core.image as im
+class TestCoreImage:
+ """ A class that contains all the unit tests for the image module."""
+ @staticmethod
+ @mark.unit_test
+ def test_get_voxel_dimensions():
+ """ Test the get_voxel_dimensions function """
+ # Path to the test image
+ test_file_path = abspath(join(
+ Configuration()['directories']['test_data'],
+ 'core',
+ 'image',
+ 'test_image.nii.gz'))
+ # Create a Nipype Node using get_voxel_dimensions
+ test_get_voxel_dimensions_node = Node(Function(
+ function = im.get_voxel_dimensions,
+ input_names = ['image'],
+ output_names = ['voxel_dimensions']
+ ), name = 'test_get_voxel_dimensions_node')
+ test_get_voxel_dimensions_node.inputs.image = test_file_path
+ outputs = test_get_voxel_dimensions_node.run().outputs
+ # Check voxel sizes
+ assert isclose(outputs.voxel_dimensions, [8.0, 8.0, 9.6]).all()
diff --git a/tests/data/test_description.py b/tests/data/test_description.py
index c66e23b3..9c8d633c 100644
--- a/tests/data/test_description.py
+++ b/tests/data/test_description.py
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ def test_arguments_properties():
assert description['analysis.RT_modeling'] == 'duration'
assert description['categorized_for_analysis.analysis_SW_with_version'] == 'SPM12'
assert description['derived.func_fwhm'] == '8'
- assert description['comments.excluded_from_narps_analysis'] == 'no'
+ assert description['comments.excluded_from_narps_analysis'] == 'No'
# 4 - Check properties
assert isinstance(description.general, dict)
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ def test_arguments_properties():
assert description.analysis['RT_modeling'] == 'duration'
assert description.categorized_for_analysis['analysis_SW_with_version'] == 'SPM12'
assert description.derived['func_fwhm'] == '8'
- assert description.comments['excluded_from_narps_analysis'] == 'no'
+ assert description.comments['excluded_from_narps_analysis'] == 'No'
# 6 - Test another team
description = TeamDescription('9Q6R')
diff --git a/tests/data/test_participants.py b/tests/data/test_participants.py
index d30cd23e..f36f0a05 100644
--- a/tests/data/test_participants.py
+++ b/tests/data/test_participants.py
@@ -10,28 +10,46 @@
pytest -q test_participants.py
pytest -q test_participants.py -k
+from os.path import join
-from pytest import mark
+from pytest import mark, fixture
import narps_open.data.participants as part
+from narps_open.utils.configuration import Configuration
+def mock_participants_data(mocker):
+ """ A fixture to provide mocked data from the test_data directory """
+ mocker.patch(
+ 'narps_open.data.participants.Configuration',
+ return_value = {
+ 'directories': {
+ 'dataset': join(
+ Configuration()['directories']['test_data'],
+ 'data', 'participants')
+ }
+ }
+ )
class TestParticipants:
""" A class that contains all the unit tests for the participants module."""
- def test_get_participants_information():
+ def test_get_participants_information(mock_participants_data):
""" Test the get_participants_information function """
- """p_info = part.get_participants_information()
- assert len(p_info) == 108
- assert p_info.at[5, 'participant_id'] == 'sub-006'
- assert p_info.at[5, 'group'] == 'equalRange'
- assert p_info.at[5, 'gender'] == 'M'
- assert p_info.at[5, 'age'] == 30
- assert p_info.at[12, 'participant_id'] == 'sub-015'
- assert p_info.at[12, 'group'] == 'equalIndifference'
- assert p_info.at[12, 'gender'] == 'F'
- assert p_info.at[12, 'age'] == 26"""
+ p_info = part.get_participants_information()
+ assert len(p_info) == 4
+ assert p_info.at[1, 'participant_id'] == 'sub-002'
+ assert p_info.at[1, 'group'] == 'equalRange'
+ assert p_info.at[1, 'gender'] == 'M'
+ assert p_info.at[1, 'age'] == 25
+ assert p_info.at[2, 'participant_id'] == 'sub-003'
+ assert p_info.at[2, 'group'] == 'equalIndifference'
+ assert p_info.at[2, 'gender'] == 'F'
+ assert p_info.at[2, 'age'] == 27
@@ -87,3 +105,12 @@ def test_get_participants_subset():
assert len(participants_list) == 80
assert participants_list[0] == '020'
assert participants_list[-1] == '003'
+ @staticmethod
+ @mark.unit_test
+ def test_get_group(mock_participants_data):
+ """ Test the get_group function """
+ assert part.get_group('') == []
+ assert part.get_group('equalRange') == ['sub-002', 'sub-004']
+ assert part.get_group('equalIndifference') == ['sub-001', 'sub-003']
diff --git a/tests/test_data/core/image/test_image.nii.gz b/tests/test_data/core/image/test_image.nii.gz
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06fb9aa3
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/test_data/core/image/test_image.nii.gz differ
diff --git a/tests/test_data/data/description/test_markdown.md b/tests/test_data/data/description/test_markdown.md
index 1749e7c1..3763eee3 100644
--- a/tests/test_data/data/description/test_markdown.md
+++ b/tests/test_data/data/description/test_markdown.md
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ Model EVs (2): eq_indiff, eq_range
* `func_fwhm` : 5
* `con_fwhm` :
## Comments
-* `excluded_from_narps_analysis` : no
+* `excluded_from_narps_analysis` : No
* `exclusion_comment` : N/A
-* `reproducibility` :
+* `reproducibility` : 2
* `reproducibility_comment` :
diff --git a/tests/test_data/data/description/test_str.json b/tests/test_data/data/description/test_str.json
index c2550fcd..a5919f4b 100644
--- a/tests/test_data/data/description/test_str.json
+++ b/tests/test_data/data/description/test_str.json
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
"derived.excluded_participants": "018, 030, 088, 100",
"derived.func_fwhm": "5",
"derived.con_fwhm": "",
- "comments.excluded_from_narps_analysis": "no",
+ "comments.excluded_from_narps_analysis": "No",
"comments.exclusion_comment": "N/A",
- "comments.reproducibility": "",
+ "comments.reproducibility": "2",
"comments.reproducibility_comment": ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/test_data/data/participants/participants.tsv b/tests/test_data/data/participants/participants.tsv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..312dbcde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_data/data/participants/participants.tsv
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+participant_id group gender age
+sub-001 equalIndifference M 24
+sub-002 equalRange M 25
+sub-003 equalIndifference F 27
+sub-004 equalRange M 25
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/test_data/utils/status/test_markdown.md b/tests/test_data/utils/status/test_markdown.md
index 7e0ff2d2..500bbc52 100644
--- a/tests/test_data/utils/status/test_markdown.md
+++ b/tests/test_data/utils/status/test_markdown.md
@@ -3,11 +3,18 @@ The *status* column tells whether the work on the pipeline is :
:red_circle: not started yet
:orange_circle: in progress
:green_circle: completed
The *softwares used* column gives a simplified version of what can be found in the team descriptions under the `general.software` column.
-| team_id | status | softwares used | fmriprep used ? | related issues | related pull requests |
-| --- |:---:| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| Q6O0 | :green_circle: | SPM | Yes | | |
-| UK24 | :orange_circle: | SPM | No | [2](url_issue_2), | |
-| 2T6S | :orange_circle: | SPM | Yes | [5](url_issue_5), | [3](url_pull_3), |
-| 1KB2 | :red_circle: | FSL | No | | |
-| C88N | :red_circle: | SPM | Yes | | |
The *main software* column gives a simplified version of what can be found in the team descriptions under the `general.software` column.
The *reproducibility* column rates the pipeline as follows:
+ * default score is :star::star::star::star:;
+ * -1 if the team did not use fmriprep data;
+ * -1 if the team used several pieces of software (e.g.: FSL and AFNI);
+ * -1 if the team used custom or marginal software (i.e.: something else than SPM, FSL, AFNI or nistats);
+ * -1 if the team did not provided his source code.
+| team_id | status | main software | fmriprep used ? | related issues | related pull requests | excluded from NARPS analysis | reproducibility |
+| --- |:---:| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| Q6O0 | :green_circle: | SPM | Yes | | | No | :star::star::star::black_small_square:
+| UK24 | :orange_circle: | SPM | No | [2](url_issue_2), | | No | :star::star::black_small_square::black_small_square:
+| 2T6S | :orange_circle: | SPM | Yes | [5](url_issue_5), | [3](url_pull_3), | No | :star::star::star::black_small_square:
+| 1KB2 | :red_circle: | FSL | No | | | No | :star::star::black_small_square::black_small_square:
+| C88N | :red_circle: | SPM | Yes | | | No | :star::star::star::black_small_square:
diff --git a/tests/test_data/utils/status/test_str.json b/tests/test_data/utils/status/test_str.json
index 638a06f7..3c590881 100644
--- a/tests/test_data/utils/status/test_str.json
+++ b/tests/test_data/utils/status/test_str.json
@@ -1,14 +1,20 @@
"Q6O0": {
- "softwares": "SPM",
+ "software": "SPM",
"fmriprep": "Yes",
+ "excluded": "No",
+ "reproducibility": 3,
+ "reproducibility_comment": "",
"issues": {},
"pulls": {},
"status": "0-done"
"UK24": {
- "softwares": "SPM",
+ "software": "SPM",
"fmriprep": "No",
+ "excluded": "No",
+ "reproducibility": 2,
+ "reproducibility_comment": "",
"issues": {
"2": "url_issue_2"
@@ -16,8 +22,11 @@
"status": "1-progress"
"2T6S": {
- "softwares": "SPM",
+ "software": "SPM",
"fmriprep": "Yes",
+ "excluded": "No",
+ "reproducibility": 3,
+ "reproducibility_comment": "",
"issues": {
"5": "url_issue_5"
@@ -27,15 +36,21 @@
"status": "1-progress"
"1KB2": {
- "softwares": "FSL",
+ "software": "FSL",
"fmriprep": "No",
+ "excluded": "No",
+ "reproducibility": 2,
+ "reproducibility_comment": "",
"issues": {},
"pulls": {},
"status": "2-idle"
"C88N": {
- "softwares": "SPM",
+ "software": "SPM",
"fmriprep": "Yes",
+ "excluded": "No",
+ "reproducibility": 3,
+ "reproducibility_comment": "",
"issues": {},
"pulls": {},
"status": "2-idle"
diff --git a/tests/utils/test_status.py b/tests/utils/test_status.py
index 17170b71..2e0df22a 100644
--- a/tests/utils/test_status.py
+++ b/tests/utils/test_status.py
@@ -232,32 +232,42 @@ def test_generate(mock_api_issue, mocker):
test_pipeline = report.contents['2T6S']
- assert test_pipeline['softwares'] == 'SPM'
+ assert test_pipeline['software'] == 'SPM'
assert test_pipeline['fmriprep'] == 'Yes'
+ assert test_pipeline['excluded'] == 'No'
+ assert test_pipeline['reproducibility'] == 3
assert test_pipeline['issues'] == {5: 'url_issue_5'}
assert test_pipeline['pulls'] == {3: 'url_pull_3'}
assert test_pipeline['status'] == '1-progress'
test_pipeline = report.contents['UK24']
- assert test_pipeline['softwares'] == 'SPM'
+ assert test_pipeline['software'] == 'SPM'
assert test_pipeline['fmriprep'] == 'No'
+ assert test_pipeline['excluded'] == 'No'
+ assert test_pipeline['reproducibility'] == 2
assert test_pipeline['issues'] == {2: 'url_issue_2'}
assert test_pipeline['pulls'] == {}
assert test_pipeline['status'] == '1-progress'
test_pipeline = report.contents['Q6O0']
- assert test_pipeline['softwares'] == 'SPM'
+ assert test_pipeline['software'] == 'SPM'
assert test_pipeline['fmriprep'] == 'Yes'
+ assert test_pipeline['excluded'] == 'No'
+ assert test_pipeline['reproducibility'] == 3
assert test_pipeline['issues'] == {}
assert test_pipeline['pulls'] == {}
assert test_pipeline['status'] == '0-done'
test_pipeline = report.contents['1KB2']
- assert test_pipeline['softwares'] == 'FSL'
+ assert test_pipeline['software'] == 'FSL'
assert test_pipeline['fmriprep'] == 'No'
+ assert test_pipeline['excluded'] == 'No'
+ assert test_pipeline['reproducibility'] == 2
assert test_pipeline['issues'] == {}
assert test_pipeline['pulls'] == {}
assert test_pipeline['status'] == '2-idle'
test_pipeline = report.contents['C88N']
- assert test_pipeline['softwares'] == 'SPM'
+ assert test_pipeline['software'] == 'SPM'
assert test_pipeline['fmriprep'] == 'Yes'
+ assert test_pipeline['excluded'] == 'No'
+ assert test_pipeline['reproducibility'] == 3
assert test_pipeline['issues'] == {}
assert test_pipeline['pulls'] == {}
assert test_pipeline['status'] == '2-idle'