From 801d99630d268be8b3dd4cfd0133c8c4c4d99209 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Boris=20Cl=C3=A9net?=
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2024 15:08:23 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] T54A refactoring (#77)

* Dummy change to test 2T6S pipeline on CI with rectified results data

* [T54A] refactoring

* [TEST] test updates for T54A pipeline

* Remove changes on 2T6S

* [TEST] change pipeline test_utils to avoid having to rewrite it at every repro

* [CI] from now on, unit_test workflow must run on self hosted runner

* [BUG] Cleaning connections

* [TEST] test_conftest was not supposed to belong to this branch

* Wildcard to create parameters dir

* Set default file type for FSL

* [BUG] inside unit_tests workflow

* Use computed masks

* Bug with output folder names

* PEP8 related refac

* Issue with contrasts ids

* Run level outputs

* [REFAC] refactoring T54A + adding groups to MultipleRegressDesign [skip ci]

* [TEST] adding unit tests for T54A [skip ci]

* Removed get_contrasts method to write run level contrasts as class attributes instead [skip ci]

* [REFAC] end of refactoring T54A [TEST] end of unit_tests for T54A

* Dealing with subjects selection in SelectFiles Nodes

* [REFAC] group level : better identify groups

* [BUG] with participants ids [skip ci]

* Dummy commit to run CI

* [DATALAD] change results url

* [BUG] session information

* [BUG] session information

* Correct value for fractional intensity threshold

* Run level contrast file

* Merge run level masks for FLAMEo

* T54A conditional removing files [skip ci]

* [SRC][TEST] level outputs & mask intersection for group level analysis

* helper for testing pipeline outputs [skip ci]
 narps_open/pipelines/           |    2 +-
 narps_open/pipelines/          | 1444 +++++++++++---------                                   |    1 +
 tests/                          |   26 +
 tests/pipelines/          |  208 +++
 tests/                     |   45 +-
 tests/test_data/pipelines/events_resp.tsv  |    5 +
 tests/test_data/pipelines/participants.tsv |    5 +
 8 files changed, 1109 insertions(+), 627 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/pipelines/
 create mode 100644 tests/test_data/pipelines/events_resp.tsv
 create mode 100644 tests/test_data/pipelines/participants.tsv

diff --git a/narps_open/pipelines/ b/narps_open/pipelines/
index e0dba921..ae22664b 100644
--- a/narps_open/pipelines/
+++ b/narps_open/pipelines/
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
     'R7D1': None,
     'R9K3': None,
     'SM54': None,
-    'T54A': None,
+    'T54A': 'PipelineTeamT54A',
     'U26C': None,
     'UI76': None,
     'UK24': None,
diff --git a/narps_open/pipelines/ b/narps_open/pipelines/
index 1bb10dcd..ae34b848 100644
--- a/narps_open/pipelines/
+++ b/narps_open/pipelines/
@@ -1,630 +1,824 @@
-from nipype.interfaces.fsl import (BET, ICA_AROMA, FAST, MCFLIRT, FLIRT, FNIRT, ApplyWarp, SUSAN, 
-                                   Info, ImageMaths, IsotropicSmooth, Threshold, Level1Design, FEATModel, 
-                                   L2Model, Merge, FLAMEO, ContrastMgr,Cluster,  FILMGLS, Randomise, MultipleRegressDesign)
-from nipype.algorithms.modelgen import SpecifyModel
+# coding: utf-8
+""" Write the work of NARPS team T54A using Nipype """
+from os.path import join
+from itertools import product
-from niflow.nipype1.workflows.fmri.fsl import create_susan_smooth
-from nipype.interfaces.utility import IdentityInterface, Function
-from import SelectFiles, DataSink
-from nipype.algorithms.misc import Gunzip
 from nipype import Workflow, Node, MapNode
-from nipype.interfaces.base import Bunch
-from os.path import join as opj
-import os
-def get_session_infos(event_file):
-    '''
-    Create Bunchs for specifyModel.
-    Parameters :
-    - event_file : str, file corresponding to the run and the subject to analyze
-    Returns :
-    - subject_info : list of Bunch for 1st level analysis.
-    '''
-    from os.path import join as opj
-    from nipype.interfaces.base import Bunch
-    import numpy as np
-    cond_names = ['trial', 'gain', 'loss', 'difficulty','response']
-    onset = {}
-    duration = {}
-    amplitude = {}
-    for c in cond_names:  # For each condition.
-        onset.update({c : []}) # creates dictionary items with empty lists
-        duration.update({c : []}) 
-        amplitude.update({c : []})
-    with open(event_file, 'rt') as f:
-        next(f)  # skip the header
-        for line in f:
-            info = line.strip().split()
-            # Creates list with onsets, duration and loss/gain for amplitude (FSL)
-            for c in cond_names:
+from nipype.interfaces.utility import IdentityInterface, Function, Split
+from import SelectFiles, DataSink
+from nipype.interfaces.fsl import (
+    BET, IsotropicSmooth, Level1Design, FEATModel, L2Model, Merge, FLAMEO,
+    FILMGLS, Randomise, MultipleRegressDesign, FSLCommand
+    )
+from nipype.algorithms.modelgen import SpecifyModel
+from nipype.interfaces.fsl.maths import MultiImageMaths
+from narps_open.utils.configuration import Configuration
+from narps_open.pipelines import Pipeline
+from import TaskInformation
+from import get_group
+from narps_open.core.common import list_intersection, elements_in_string, clean_list
+from narps_open.core.interfaces import InterfaceFactory
+# Setup FSL
+class PipelineTeamT54A(Pipeline):
+    """ A class that defines the pipeline of team T54A """
+    def __init__(self):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.fwhm = 4.0
+        self.team_id = 'T54A'
+        self.contrast_list = ['1', '2']
+        self.run_level_contrasts = [
+            ('gain', 'T', ['trial', 'gain', 'loss'], [0, 1, 0]),
+            ('loss', 'T', ['trial', 'gain', 'loss'], [0, 0, 1])
+            ]
+    def get_preprocessing(self):
+        """ No preprocessing has been done by team T54A """
+        return None
+    def get_subject_information(event_file):
+        """
+        Create Bunchs for specifyModel.
+        Parameters :
+        - event_file : str, file corresponding to the run and the subject to analyze
+        Returns :
+        - subject_info : list of Bunch for 1st level analysis.
+        """
+        from nipype.interfaces.base import Bunch
+        condition_names = ['trial', 'gain', 'loss', 'difficulty', 'response', 'missed']
+        onsets = {}
+        durations = {}
+        amplitudes = {}
+        for condition in condition_names:
+            # Create dictionary items with empty lists
+            onsets.update({condition : []})
+            durations.update({condition : []})
+            amplitudes.update({condition : []})
+        with open(event_file, 'rt') as file:
+            next(file)  # skip the header
+            for line in file:
+                info = line.strip().split()
                 if info[5] != 'NoResp':
-                    if c == 'gain':
-                        onset[c].append(float(info[0]))
-                        duration[c].append(float(info[4]))
-                        amplitude[c].append(float(info[2]))
-                    elif c == 'loss':
-                        onset[c].append(float(info[0]))
-                        duration[c].append(float(info[4]))
-                        amplitude[c].append(float(info[3]))
-                    elif c == 'trial':
-                        onset[c].append(float(info[0]))
-                        duration[c].append(float(info[4]))
-                        amplitude[c].append(float(1))
-                    elif c == 'difficulty':
-                        onset[c].append(float(info[0]))
-                        duration[c].append(float(info[4]))
-                        amplitude[c].append(abs(0.5 * float(info[2]) - float(info[3])))
-                    elif c == 'response':
-                        onset[c].append(float(info[0]) + float(info[4]))
-                        duration[c].append(float(0))
-                        amplitude[c].append(float(1))   
+                    onsets['trial'].append(float(info[0]))
+                    durations['trial'].append(float(info[4]))
+                    amplitudes['trial'].append(1.0)
+                    onsets['gain'].append(float(info[0]))
+                    durations['gain'].append(float(info[4]))
+                    amplitudes['gain'].append(float(info[2]))
+                    onsets['loss'].append(float(info[0]))
+                    durations['loss'].append(float(info[4]))
+                    amplitudes['loss'].append(float(info[3]))
+                    onsets['difficulty'].append(float(info[0]))
+                    durations['difficulty'].append(float(info[4]))
+                    amplitudes['difficulty'].append(
+                        abs(0.5 * float(info[2]) - float(info[3]))
+                        )
+                    onsets['response'].append(float(info[0]) + float(info[4]))
+                    durations['response'].append(0.0)
+                    amplitudes['response'].append(1.0)
-                    if c=='missed':
-                        onset[c].append(float(info[0]))
-                        duration[c].append(float(0))
-    #for c in ['gain', 'loss']:
-    #    amplitude[c] = amplitude[c] - np.mean(amplitude[c])
-    subject_info = []
-    subject_info.append(Bunch(conditions=cond_names,
-                             onsets=[onset[k] for k in cond_names],
-                             durations=[duration[k] for k in cond_names],
-                             amplitudes=[amplitude[k] for k in cond_names],
-                             regressor_names=None,
-                             regressors=None))
-    return subject_info
-def get_parameters_file(file, subject_id, run_id, result_dir, working_dir):
-    '''
-    Create new tsv files with only desired parameters per subject per run. 
-    Parameters :
-    - filepaths : paths to subject parameters file (i.e. one per run)
-    - subject_id : subject for whom the 1st level analysis is made
-    - run_id: run for which the 1st level analysis is made
-	- result_dir: str, directory where results will be stored
-	- working_dir: str, name of the sub-directory for intermediate results
-    Return :
-    - parameters_file : paths to new files containing only desired parameters.
-    '''
-    import pandas as pd
-    import numpy as np 
-    from os.path import join as opj
-    import os
-    parameters_file = []
-    df = pd.read_csv(file, sep = '\t', header=0)
-    if 'NonSteadyStateOutlier00' in df.columns:
-        temp_list = np.array([df['X'], df['Y'], df['Z'],
-                              df['RotX'], df['RotY'], df['RotZ'], 
-                             df['NonSteadyStateOutlier00']])
-    else:
-        temp_list = np.array([df['X'], df['Y'], df['Z'],
-                              df['RotX'], df['RotY'], df['RotZ']])# Parameters we want to use for the model
-    retained_parameters = pd.DataFrame(np.transpose(temp_list))
-    new_path =opj(result_dir, working_dir, 'parameters_file', f"parameters_file_sub-{subject_id}_run{run_id}.tsv")
-    if not os.path.isdir(opj(result_dir, working_dir, 'parameters_file')):
-        os.mkdir(opj(result_dir, working_dir, 'parameters_file'))
-    writer = open(new_path, "w")
-    writer.write(retained_parameters.to_csv(sep = '\t', index = False, header = False, na_rep = '0.0'))
-    writer.close()
-    parameters_file = new_path
-    os.system('export PATH=$PATH:/local/egermani/ICA-AROMA')
-    return parameters_file
-# Linear contrast effects: 'Gain' vs. baseline, 'Loss' vs. baseline.
-def get_contrasts(subject_id):
-    '''
-    Create the list of tuples that represents contrasts. 
-    Each contrast is in the form : 
-    (Name,Stat,[list of condition names],[weights on those conditions])
-    Parameters:
-    	- subject_id: str, ID of the subject 
-    Returns:
-    	- contrasts: list of tuples, list of contrasts to analyze
-    '''
-    # list of condition names     
-    conditions = ['trial', 'gain', 'loss']
-    # create contrasts
-    gain = ('gain', 'T', conditions, [0, 1, 0])
-    loss = ('loss', 'T', conditions, [0, 0, 1])
-    # contrast list
-    contrasts = [gain, loss]
-    return contrasts
-def rm_smoothed_files(files, subject_id, run_id, result_dir, working_dir):
-    import shutil
-    from os.path import join as opj
-    smooth_dir = opj(result_dir, working_dir, 'l1_analysis', f"_run_id_{run_id}_subject_id_{subject_id}", 'smooth')
-    try:
-        shutil.rmtree(smooth_dir)
-    except OSError as e:
-        print(e)
-    else:
-        print("The directory is deleted successfully")
-def get_l1_analysis(subject_list, run_list, TR, fwhm, exp_dir, output_dir, working_dir, result_dir):
-	"""
-	Returns the first level analysis workflow.
-	Parameters: 
-		- exp_dir: str, directory where raw data are stored
-		- result_dir: str, directory where results will be stored
-		- working_dir: str, name of the sub-directory for intermediate results
-		- output_dir: str, name of the sub-directory for final results
-		- subject_list: list of str, list of subject for which you want to do the analysis
-		- run_list: list of str, list of runs for which you want to do the analysis 
-		- fwhm: float, fwhm for smoothing step
-		- TR: float, time repetition used during acquisition
-	Returns: 
-		- l1_analysis : Nipype WorkFlow 
-	"""
-	# Infosource Node - To iterate on subject and runs 
-	infosource = Node(IdentityInterface(fields = ['subject_id', 'run_id']), name = 'infosource')
-	infosource.iterables = [('subject_id', subject_list),
-	                       ('run_id', run_list)]
-	# Templates to select files node
-	func_file = opj('derivatives', 'fmriprep', 'sub-{subject_id}', 'func', 
-	                'sub-{subject_id}_task-MGT_run-{run_id}_bold_space-MNI152NLin2009cAsym_preproc.nii.gz')
-	event_file = opj('sub-{subject_id}', 'func', 'sub-{subject_id}_task-MGT_run-{run_id}_events.tsv')
-	param_file = opj('derivatives', 'fmriprep', 'sub-{subject_id}', 'func', 
-                    'sub-{subject_id}_task-MGT_run-{run_id}_bold_confounds.tsv')
-	template = {'func' : func_file, 'event' : event_file, 'param' : param_file}
-	# SelectFiles node - to select necessary files
-	selectfiles = Node(SelectFiles(template, base_directory=exp_dir), name = 'selectfiles')
-	# DataSink Node - store the wanted results in the wanted repository
-	datasink = Node(DataSink(base_directory=result_dir, container=output_dir), name='datasink')
-	## Skullstripping
-	skullstrip = Node(BET(frac = 0.1, functional = True, mask = True), name = 'skullstrip')
-	## Smoothing
-	smooth = Node(IsotropicSmooth(fwhm = 6), name = 'smooth')
-	# Node contrasts to get contrasts 
-	contrasts = Node(Function(function=get_contrasts,
-	                          input_names=['subject_id'],
-	                          output_names=['contrasts']),
-	                 name='contrasts')
-	# Get Subject Info - get subject specific condition information
-	get_subject_infos = Node(Function(input_names=['event_file'],
-	                               output_names=['subject_info'],
-	                               function=get_session_infos),
-	                      name='get_subject_infos')
-	specify_model = Node(SpecifyModel(high_pass_filter_cutoff = 100,
-	                                 input_units = 'secs',
-	                                 time_repetition = TR), name = 'specify_model')
-	parameters = Node(Function(function=get_parameters_file,
-                              input_names=['file', 'subject_id', 'run_id', 'result_dir', 'working_dir'],
-                              output_names=['parameters_file']), 
-                     name='parameters')
-	parameters.inputs.result_dir = result_dir
-	parameters.inputs.working_dir = working_dir
-	# First temporal derivatives of the two regressors were also used, 
-	# along with temporal filtering (60 s) of all the independent variable time-series. 
-	# No motion parameter regressors used. 
-	l1_design = Node(Level1Design(bases = {'dgamma':{'derivs' : True}},
-	                             interscan_interval = TR, 
-	                             model_serial_correlations = True), name = 'l1_design')
-	model_generation = Node(FEATModel(), name = 'model_generation')
-	model_estimate = Node(FILMGLS(), name='model_estimate')
-	remove_smooth = Node(Function(input_names = ['subject_id', 'run_id', 'files', 'result_dir', 'working_dir'],
-		function = rm_smoothed_files), name = 'remove_smooth')
-	remove_smooth.inputs.result_dir = result_dir
-	remove_smooth.inputs.working_dir = working_dir
-	# Create l1 analysis workflow and connect its nodes
-	l1_analysis = Workflow(base_dir = opj(result_dir, working_dir), name = "l1_analysis")
-	l1_analysis.connect([(infosource, selectfiles, [('subject_id', 'subject_id'),
-	                                               ('run_id', 'run_id')]),
-	                    (selectfiles, get_subject_infos, [('event', 'event_file')]),
-                        (selectfiles, parameters, [('param', 'file')]),
-	                    (infosource, contrasts, [('subject_id', 'subject_id')]),
-                        (infosource, parameters, [('subject_id', 'subject_id'), 
-                                                  ('run_id', 'run_id')]),
-                        (selectfiles, skullstrip, [('func', 'in_file')]),
-	                    (skullstrip, smooth, [('out_file', 'in_file')]),
-                        (parameters, specify_model, [('parameters_file', 'realignment_parameters')]),
-	                    (smooth, specify_model, [('out_file', 'functional_runs')]),
-	                    (get_subject_infos, specify_model, [('subject_info', 'subject_info')]),
-	                    (contrasts, l1_design, [('contrasts', 'contrasts')]),
-	                    (specify_model, l1_design, [('session_info', 'session_info')]),
-	                    (l1_design, model_generation, [('ev_files', 'ev_files'), ('fsf_files', 'fsf_file')]),
-	                    (smooth, model_estimate, [('out_file', 'in_file')]),
-	                    (model_generation, model_estimate, [('con_file', 'tcon_file'), 
-	                                                        ('design_file', 'design_file')]),
-	                    (infosource, remove_smooth, [('subject_id', 'subject_id'), ('run_id', 'run_id')]),
-	                    (model_estimate, remove_smooth, [('results_dir', 'files')]),
-	                    (model_estimate, datasink, [('results_dir', 'l1_analysis.@results')]),
-	                    (model_generation, datasink, [('design_file', 'l1_analysis.@design_file'),
-	                                                 ('design_image', 'l1_analysis.@design_img')]),
-                        (skullstrip, datasink, [('mask_file', 'l1_analysis.@skullstriped')])
-	                    ])
-	return l1_analysis
-def get_l2_analysis(subject_list, contrast_list, run_list, exp_dir, output_dir, working_dir, result_dir, data_dir):
-	"""
-	Returns the 2nd level of analysis workflow.
-	Parameters: 
-		- exp_dir: str, directory where raw data are stored
-		- result_dir: str, directory where results will be stored
-		- working_dir: str, name of the sub-directory for intermediate results
-		- output_dir: str, name of the sub-directory for final results
-		- subject_list: list of str, list of subject for which you want to do the preprocessing
-		- contrast_list: list of str, list of contrasts to analyze
-		- run_list: list of str, list of runs for which you want to do the analysis 
-	Returns: 
-	- l2_analysis: Nipype WorkFlow 
-	"""      
-	# Infosource Node - To iterate on subject and runs
-	infosource_2ndlevel = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=['subject_id', 'contrast_id']), name='infosource_2ndlevel')
-	infosource_2ndlevel.iterables = [('subject_id', subject_list), ('contrast_id', contrast_list)]
-	# Templates to select files node
-	copes_file = opj(output_dir, 'l1_analysis', '_run_id_*_subject_id_{subject_id}', 'results', 
-	                 'cope{contrast_id}.nii.gz')
-	varcopes_file = opj(output_dir, 'l1_analysis', '_run_id_*_subject_id_{subject_id}', 'results', 
-	                    'varcope{contrast_id}.nii.gz')
-	mask_file = opj(data_dir, 'NARPS-T54A', 'hypo1_cope.nii.gz')
-	template = {'cope' : copes_file, 'varcope' : varcopes_file, 'mask':mask_file}
-	# SelectFiles node - to select necessary files
-	selectfiles_2ndlevel = Node(SelectFiles(template, base_directory=result_dir), name = 'selectfiles_2ndlevel')
-	datasink_2ndlevel = Node(DataSink(base_directory=result_dir, container=output_dir), name='datasink_2ndlevel')
-	# Generate design matrix
-	specify_model_2ndlevel = Node(L2Model(num_copes = len(run_list)), name='l2model_2ndlevel')
-	# Merge copes and varcopes files for each subject
-	merge_copes_2ndlevel = Node(Merge(dimension='t'), name='merge_copes_2ndlevel')
-	merge_varcopes_2ndlevel = Node(Merge(dimension='t'), name='merge_varcopes_2ndlevel')
-	# Second level (single-subject, mean of all four scans) analyses: Fixed effects analysis.
-	flame = Node(FLAMEO(run_mode = 'flame1'), 
-	             name='flameo')
-	l2_analysis = Workflow(base_dir = opj(result_dir, working_dir), name = "l2_analysis")
-	l2_analysis.connect([(infosource_2ndlevel, selectfiles_2ndlevel, [('subject_id', 'subject_id'), 
-	                                                                  ('contrast_id', 'contrast_id')]),
-	                    (selectfiles_2ndlevel, merge_copes_2ndlevel, [('cope', 'in_files')]),
-	                    (selectfiles_2ndlevel, merge_varcopes_2ndlevel, [('varcope', 'in_files')]),
-                        (selectfiles_2ndlevel, flame, [('mask', 'mask_file')]),
-	                    (merge_copes_2ndlevel, flame, [('merged_file', 'cope_file')]),
-	                    (merge_varcopes_2ndlevel, flame, [('merged_file', 'var_cope_file')]),
-	                    (specify_model_2ndlevel, flame, [('design_mat', 'design_file'), 
-	                                                     ('design_con', 't_con_file'),
-	                                                     ('design_grp', 'cov_split_file')]),
-	                    (flame, datasink_2ndlevel, [('zstats', 'l2_analysis.@stats'),
-	                                               ('tstats', 'l2_analysis.@tstats'),
-	                                               ('copes', 'l2_analysis.@copes'),
-	                                               ('var_copes', 'l2_analysis.@varcopes')])])
-	return l2_analysis
-def get_subgroups_contrasts(copes, varcopes, subject_ids, participants_file):
-    ''' 
-    Parameters :
-    - copes: original file list selected by selectfiles node 
-    - varcopes: original file list selected by selectfiles node
-    - subject_ids: list of subject IDs that are analyzed
-    - participants_file: str, file containing participants characteristics
-    This function return the file list containing only the files belonging to subject in the wanted group.
-    '''
-    from os.path import join as opj
-    equalRange_id = []
-    equalIndifference_id = []
-    subject_list = ['sub-' + str(i) for i in subject_ids]
-    with open(participants_file, 'rt') as f:
-            next(f)  # skip the header
-            for line in f:
-                info = line.strip().split()
-                if info[0] in subject_list and info[1] == "equalIndifference":
-                    equalIndifference_id.append(info[0][-3:])
-                elif info[0] in subject_list and info[1] == "equalRange":
-                    equalRange_id.append(info[0][-3:])
-    copes_equalIndifference = []
-    copes_equalRange = []
-    copes_global = []
-    varcopes_equalIndifference = []
-    varcopes_equalRange = []
-    varcopes_global = []
-    for file in copes:
-        sub_id = file.split('/')
-        if sub_id[-1][4:7] in equalIndifference_id:
-            copes_equalIndifference.append(file)
-        elif sub_id[-1][4:7] in equalRange_id:
-            copes_equalRange.append(file) 
-        if sub_id[-1][4:7] in subject_ids:
-            copes_global.append(file)
-    for file in varcopes:
-        sub_id = file.split('/')
-        if sub_id[-1][4:7] in equalIndifference_id:
-            varcopes_equalIndifference.append(file)
-        elif sub_id[-1][4:7] in equalRange_id:
-            varcopes_equalRange.append(file) 
-        if sub_id[-1][4:7] in subject_ids:
-            varcopes_global.append(file)
-    return copes_equalIndifference, copes_equalRange, varcopes_equalIndifference, varcopes_equalRange, equalIndifference_id, equalRange_id, copes_global, varcopes_global
-def get_regs(equalRange_id, equalIndifference_id, method, subject_list):
-	"""
-	Create dictionary of regressors for group analysis. 
-	Parameters: 
-		- equalRange_id: list of str, ids of subjects in equal range group
-		- equalIndifference_id: list of str, ids of subjects in equal indifference group
-		- method: one of "equalRange", "equalIndifference" or "groupComp"
-		- subject_list: list of str, ids of subject for which to do the analysis
-	Returns:
-		- regressors: dict, dictionary of regressors used to distinguish groups in FSL group analysis
-	"""
-	if method == "equalRange":
-		regressors = dict(group_mean = [1 for i in range(len(equalRange_id))])
-	elif method == "equalIndifference":
-		regressors = dict(group_mean = [1 for i in range(len(equalIndifference_id))])
-	elif method == "groupComp":   
-		equalRange_reg = [1 for i in range(len(equalRange_id) + len(equalIndifference_id))]
-		equalIndifference_reg = [0 for i in range(len(equalRange_id) + len(equalIndifference_id))]
-		for i, sub_id in enumerate(subject_list): 
-			if sub_id in equalIndifference_id:
-				index = i
-				equalIndifference_reg[index] = 1
-				equalRange_reg[index] = 0
-		regressors = dict(equalRange = equalRange_reg, 
-                      equalIndifference = equalIndifference_reg)
-	return regressors
-def get_group_workflow(subject_list, n_sub, contrast_list, method, exp_dir, output_dir, 
-                       working_dir, result_dir, data_dir):
-	"""
-	Returns the group level of analysis workflow.
-	Parameters: 
-		- exp_dir: str, directory where raw data are stored
-		- result_dir: str, directory where results will be stored
-		- working_dir: str, name of the sub-directory for intermediate results
-		- output_dir: str, name of the sub-directory for final results
-		- subject_list: list of str, list of subject for which you want to do the preprocessing
-		- contrast_list: list of str, list of contrasts to analyze
-		- method: one of "equalRange", "equalIndifference" or "groupComp"
-		- n_sub: int, number of subjects
-	Returns: 
-		- l2_analysis: Nipype WorkFlow 
-	"""     
-	# Infosource Node - To iterate on subject and runs 
-	infosource_3rdlevel = Node(IdentityInterface(fields = ['contrast_id', 'exp_dir', 'result_dir', 
-                                                          'output_dir', 'working_dir', 'subject_list', 'method'],
-                                                exp_dir = exp_dir, result_dir = result_dir, 
-                                                 output_dir = output_dir, working_dir = working_dir, 
-                                                 subject_list = subject_list, method = method), 
-                               name = 'infosource_3rdlevel')
-	infosource_3rdlevel.iterables = [('contrast_id', contrast_list)]
-	# Templates to select files node
-	copes_file = opj(data_dir, 'NARPS-T54A', 'sub-*_contrast-{contrast_id}_cope.nii.gz') # contrast_id = ploss ou pgain 
-	varcopes_file = opj(data_dir, 'NARPS-T54A', 'sub-*_contrast-{contrast_id}_varcope.nii.gz')
-	participants_file = opj(exp_dir, 'participants.tsv')
-	mask_file = opj(data_dir, 'NARPS-T54A', 'hypo2_unthresh_Z.nii.gz')
-	template = {'cope' : copes_file, 'varcope' : varcopes_file, 'participants' : participants_file,
-               'mask' : mask_file}
-    # SelectFiles node - to select necessary files
-	selectfiles_3rdlevel = Node(SelectFiles(template, base_directory=result_dir), name = 'selectfiles_3rdlevel')
-	datasink_3rdlevel = Node(DataSink(base_directory=result_dir, container=output_dir), name='datasink_3rdlevel')
-	merge_copes_3rdlevel = Node(Merge(dimension = 't'), name = 'merge_copes_3rdlevel')
-	merge_varcopes_3rdlevel = Node(Merge(dimension = 't'), name = 'merge_varcopes_3rdlevel')
-	subgroups_contrasts = Node(Function(input_names = ['copes', 'varcopes', 'subject_ids', 'participants_file'], 
-                                  output_names = ['copes_equalIndifference', 'copes_equalRange',
-                                                  'varcopes_equalIndifference', 'varcopes_equalRange', 
-                                                 'equalIndifference_id', 'equalRange_id', 'copes_global', 
-                                                 'varcopes_global'],
-                                  function = get_subgroups_contrasts), 
-                         name = 'subgroups_contrasts')
-	specifymodel_3rdlevel = Node(MultipleRegressDesign(), name = 'specifymodel_3rdlevel')
-	flame_3rdlevel = Node(FLAMEO(run_mode = 'flame1'), 
-	             name='flame_3rdlevel')
-	regs = Node(Function(input_names = ['equalRange_id', 'equalIndifference_id', 'method', 'subject_list'],
-                                        output_names = ['regressors'],
-                                        function = get_regs), name = 'regs')
-	regs.inputs.method = method
-	regs.inputs.subject_list = subject_list
-	randomise = Node(Randomise(num_perm = 10000, tfce=True, vox_p_values=True, c_thresh=0.05, tfce_E=0.01),
-                     name = "randomise")
-	l3_analysis = Workflow(base_dir = opj(result_dir, working_dir), name = f"l3_analysis_{method}_nsub_{n_sub}")
-	l3_analysis.connect([(infosource_3rdlevel, selectfiles_3rdlevel, [('contrast_id', 'contrast_id')]),
-                        (infosource_3rdlevel, subgroups_contrasts, [('subject_list', 'subject_ids')]),
-                        (selectfiles_3rdlevel, subgroups_contrasts, [('cope', 'copes'), ('varcope', 'varcopes'),
-                                                                    ('participants', 'participants_file')]),
-                        (selectfiles_3rdlevel, flame_3rdlevel, [('mask', 'mask_file')]),
-                        (selectfiles_3rdlevel, randomise, [('mask', 'mask')]),
-                        (subgroups_contrasts, regs, [('equalRange_id', 'equalRange_id'),
-                                                    ('equalIndifference_id', 'equalIndifference_id')]),
-                        (regs, specifymodel_3rdlevel, [('regressors', 'regressors')])])
-	if method == 'equalIndifference' or method == 'equalRange':
-		specifymodel_3rdlevel.inputs.contrasts = [["group_mean", "T", ["group_mean"], [1]], ["group_mean_neg", "T", ["group_mean"], [-1]]]
-		if method == 'equalIndifference':
-			l3_analysis.connect([(subgroups_contrasts, merge_copes_3rdlevel, 
-                                 [('copes_equalIndifference', 'in_files')]), 
-                                (subgroups_contrasts, merge_varcopes_3rdlevel, 
-                                 [('varcopes_equalIndifference', 'in_files')])])
-		elif method == 'equalRange':
-			l3_analysis.connect([(subgroups_contrasts, merge_copes_3rdlevel, [('copes_equalRange', 'in_files')]),
-                                (subgroups_contrasts, merge_varcopes_3rdlevel, [('varcopes_equalRange', 'in_files')])])
-	elif method == "groupComp":
-		specifymodel_3rdlevel.inputs.contrasts = [["equalRange_sup", "T", ["equalRange", "equalIndifference"],
-                                                   [1, -1]]]
-		l3_analysis.connect([(subgroups_contrasts, merge_copes_3rdlevel, [('copes_global', 'in_files')]),
-                            (subgroups_contrasts, merge_varcopes_3rdlevel, [('varcopes_global', 'in_files')])])
-	l3_analysis.connect([(merge_copes_3rdlevel, flame_3rdlevel, [('merged_file', 'cope_file')]),
-                         (merge_varcopes_3rdlevel, flame_3rdlevel, [('merged_file', 'var_cope_file')]),
-                        (specifymodel_3rdlevel, flame_3rdlevel, [('design_mat', 'design_file'),
-                                                           ('design_con', 't_con_file'), 
-                                                           ('design_grp', 'cov_split_file')]),
-                        (merge_copes_3rdlevel, randomise, [('merged_file', 'in_file')]),
-                        (specifymodel_3rdlevel, randomise, [('design_mat', 'design_mat'),
-                                                           ('design_con', 'tcon')]),
-                        (randomise, datasink_3rdlevel, [('t_corrected_p_files', 
-                                                         f"l3_analysis_{method}_nsub_{n_sub}.@tcorpfile"),
-                                                       ('tstat_files', f"l3_analysis_{method}_nsub_{n_sub}.@tstat")]),
-                        (flame_3rdlevel, datasink_3rdlevel, [('zstats', 
-                                                         f"l3_analysis_{method}_nsub_{n_sub}.@zstats"), 
-                                                            ('tstats', 
-                                                         f"l3_analysis_{method}_nsub_{n_sub}.@tstats")]), 
+                    onsets['missed'].append(float(info[0]))
+                    durations['missed'].append(0.0)
+                    amplitudes['missed'].append(1.0)
+        # Check if there where missed trials for this run
+        if not onsets['missed']:
+            condition_names.remove('missed')
+        return [
+            Bunch(
+                conditions = condition_names,
+                onsets = [onsets[k] for k in condition_names],
+                durations = [durations[k] for k in condition_names],
+                amplitudes = [amplitudes[k] for k in condition_names],
+                regressor_names = None,
+                regressors = None)
+            ]
+    def get_parameters_file(filepath, subject_id, run_id, working_dir):
+        """
+        Create a tsv file with only desired parameters per subject per run.
+        Parameters :
+        - filepath : path to the subject parameters file (i.e. one per run)
+        - subject_id : subject for whom the 1st level analysis is made
+        - run_id: run for which the 1st level analysis is made
+        - working_dir: str, name of the directory for intermediate results
+        Return :
+        - parameters_file : paths to new files containing only desired parameters.
+        """
+        from os import makedirs
+        from os.path import join
+        from pandas import read_csv, DataFrame
+        from numpy import array, transpose
+        data_frame = read_csv(filepath, sep = '\t', header=0)
+        if 'NonSteadyStateOutlier00' in data_frame.columns:
+            temp_list = array([
+                data_frame['X'], data_frame['Y'], data_frame['Z'],
+                data_frame['RotX'], data_frame['RotY'], data_frame['RotZ'],
+                data_frame['NonSteadyStateOutlier00']])
+        else:
+            temp_list = array([
+                data_frame['X'], data_frame['Y'], data_frame['Z'],
+                data_frame['RotX'], data_frame['RotY'], data_frame['RotZ']])
+        retained_parameters = DataFrame(transpose(temp_list))
+        parameters_file = join(working_dir, 'parameters_file',
+            f'parameters_file_sub-{subject_id}_run-{run_id}.tsv')
+        makedirs(join(working_dir, 'parameters_file'), exist_ok = True)
+        with open(parameters_file, 'w') as writer:
+            writer.write(retained_parameters.to_csv(
+                sep = '\t', index = False, header = False, na_rep = '0.0'))
+        return parameters_file
+    def get_run_level_analysis(self):
+        """
+        Create the run level analysis workflow.
+        Returns:
+            - run_level_analysis : nipype.WorkFlow
+        """
+        # IdentityInterface Node - To iterate on subject and runs
+        information_source = Node(IdentityInterface(
+            fields = ['subject_id', 'run_id']),
+            name = 'information_source')
+        information_source.iterables = [
+            ('subject_id', self.subject_list),
+            ('run_id', self.run_list)
+            ]
+        # SelectFiles - to select necessary files
+        template = {
+            # Parameter file
+            'param' : join('derivatives', 'fmriprep', 'sub-{subject_id}', 'func',
+                'sub-{subject_id}_task-MGT_run-{run_id}_bold_confounds.tsv'),
+            # Functional MRI
+            'func' : join('derivatives', 'fmriprep', 'sub-{subject_id}', 'func',
+            'sub-{subject_id}_task-MGT_run-{run_id}_bold_space-MNI152NLin2009cAsym_preproc.nii.gz'
+            ),
+            # Event file
+            'event' : join('sub-{subject_id}', 'func',
+                'sub-{subject_id}_task-MGT_run-{run_id}_events.tsv')
+        }
+        select_files = Node(SelectFiles(template), name = 'select_files')
+        select_files.inputs.base_directory = self.directories.dataset_dir
+        # DataSink Node - store the wanted results in the wanted directory
+        data_sink = Node(DataSink(), name = 'data_sink')
+        data_sink.inputs.base_directory = self.directories.output_dir
+        # BET Node - Skullstripping data
+        skull_stripping_func = Node(BET(), name = 'skull_stripping_func')
+        skull_stripping_func.inputs.frac = 0.3
+        skull_stripping_func.inputs.functional = True
+        skull_stripping_func.inputs.mask = True
+        # IsotropicSmooth Node - Smoothing data
+        smoothing_func = Node(IsotropicSmooth(), name = 'smoothing_func')
+        smoothing_func.inputs.fwhm = self.fwhm # TODO : Previously set to 6 mm ?
+        # Function Node get_subject_infos - Get subject specific condition information
+        subject_information = Node(Function(
+            function = self.get_subject_information,
+            input_names = ['event_file'],
+            output_names = ['subject_info']
+            ), name = 'subject_information')
+        # SpecifyModel Node - Generate run level model
+        specify_model = Node(SpecifyModel(), name = 'specify_model')
+        specify_model.inputs.high_pass_filter_cutoff = 100
+        specify_model.inputs.input_units = 'secs'
+        specify_model.inputs.time_repetition = TaskInformation()['RepetitionTime']
+        # Function Node get_parameters_file - Get files with movement parameters
+        parameters = Node(Function(
+            function = self.get_parameters_file,
+            input_names = ['filepath', 'subject_id', 'run_id', 'working_dir'],
+            output_names = ['parameters_file']),
+            name = 'parameters')
+        parameters.inputs.working_dir = self.directories.working_dir
+        # Level1Design Node - Generate files for run level computation
+        model_design = Node(Level1Design(), name = 'model_design')
+        model_design.inputs.bases = {'dgamma':{'derivs' : True}}
+        model_design.inputs.interscan_interval = TaskInformation()['RepetitionTime']
+        model_design.inputs.model_serial_correlations = True
+        model_design.inputs.contrasts = self.run_level_contrasts
+        # FEATModel Node - Generate run level model
+        model_generation = Node(FEATModel(), name = 'model_generation')
+        # FILMGLS Node - Estimate first level model
+        model_estimate = Node(FILMGLS(), name = 'model_estimate')
+        # Create l1 analysis workflow and connect its nodes
+        run_level_analysis = Workflow(
+            base_dir = self.directories.working_dir,
+            name = 'run_level_analysis'
+            )
+        run_level_analysis.connect([
+            (information_source, select_files, [
+                ('subject_id', 'subject_id'),
+                ('run_id', 'run_id')]),
+            (select_files, subject_information, [('event', 'event_file')]),
+            (select_files, parameters, [('param', 'filepath')]),
+            (information_source, parameters, [
+                ('subject_id', 'subject_id'),
+                ('run_id', 'run_id')]),
+            (select_files, skull_stripping_func, [('func', 'in_file')]),
+            (skull_stripping_func, smoothing_func, [('out_file', 'in_file')]),
+            (parameters, specify_model, [('parameters_file', 'realignment_parameters')]),
+            (smoothing_func, specify_model, [('out_file', 'functional_runs')]),
+            (subject_information, specify_model, [('subject_info', 'subject_info')]),
+            (specify_model, model_design, [('session_info', 'session_info')]),
+            (model_design, model_generation, [
+                ('ev_files', 'ev_files'),
+                ('fsf_files', 'fsf_file')]),
+            (smoothing_func, model_estimate, [('out_file', 'in_file')]),
+            (model_generation, model_estimate, [
+                ('con_file', 'tcon_file'),
+                ('design_file', 'design_file')]),
+            (model_estimate, data_sink, [('results_dir', 'run_level_analysis.@results')]),
+            (model_generation, data_sink, [
+                ('design_file', 'run_level_analysis.@design_file'),
+                ('design_image', 'run_level_analysis.@design_img')]),
+            (skull_stripping_func, data_sink, [('mask_file', 'run_level_analysis.@skullstriped')])
+        ])
+        # Remove large files, if requested
+        if Configuration()['pipelines']['remove_unused_data']:
+            # Remove Node - Remove skullstriped func files once they are no longer needed
+            remove_skullstrip = Node(
+                InterfaceFactory.create('remove_parent_directory'),
+                name = 'remove_skullstrip')
+            # Remove Node - Remove smoothed files once they are no longer needed
+            remove_smooth = Node(
+                InterfaceFactory.create('remove_parent_directory'),
+                name = 'remove_smooth')
+            # Add connections
+            run_level_analysis.connect([
+                (data_sink, remove_skullstrip, [('out_file', '_')]),
+                (skull_stripping_func, remove_skullstrip, [('out_file', 'file_name')]),
+                (model_estimate, remove_smooth, [('results_dir', '_')]),
+                (smoothing_func, remove_smooth, [('out_file', 'file_name')])
+                ])
+        return run_level_analysis
+    def get_run_level_outputs(self):
+        """ Return the names of the files the run level analysis is supposed to generate. """
+        return_list = []
+        output_dir = join(self.directories.output_dir, 'run_level_analysis',
+            '_run_id_{run_id}_subject_id_{subject_id}')
+        # Handle results dir
+        parameters = {
+            'run_id' : self.run_list,
+            'subject_id' : self.subject_list,
+            'contrast_id' : self.contrast_list
+        }
+        parameter_sets = product(*parameters.values())
+        templates = [
+            join(output_dir, 'results', 'cope{contrast_id}.nii.gz'),
+            join(output_dir, 'results', 'tstat{contrast_id}.nii.gz'),
+            join(output_dir, 'results', 'varcope{contrast_id}.nii.gz'),
+            join(output_dir, 'results', 'zstat{contrast_id}.nii.gz')
+            ]
+        return_list = [template.format(**dict(zip(parameters.keys(), parameter_values)))\
+            for parameter_values in parameter_sets for template in templates]
+        # Handle mask file
+        parameters = {
+            'run_id' : self.run_list,
+            'subject_id' : self.subject_list,
+        }
+        parameter_sets = product(*parameters.values())
+        template = join(output_dir, 'sub-{subject_id}_task-MGT_run-{run_id}_bold_space-MNI152NLin2009cAsym_preproc_brain_mask.nii.gz')
+        return_list += [template.format(**dict(zip(parameters.keys(), parameter_values)))\
+            for parameter_values in parameter_sets]
+        return return_list
+    def get_subject_level_analysis(self):
+        """
+        Create the subject level analysis workflow.
+        Returns:
+        - subject_level_analysis : nipype.WorkFlow
+        """
+        # Infosource Node - To iterate on subject and runs
+        information_source = Node(IdentityInterface(
+            fields = ['subject_id', 'contrast_id']),
+            name = 'information_source')
+        information_source.iterables = [
+            ('subject_id', self.subject_list),
+            ('contrast_id', self.contrast_list)
+            ]
+        # Templates to select files node
+        templates = {
+            'cope' : join(self.directories.output_dir,
+                'run_level_analysis', '_run_id_*_subject_id_{subject_id}', 'results',
+                'cope{contrast_id}.nii.gz'),
+            'varcope' : join(self.directories.output_dir,
+                'run_level_analysis', '_run_id_*_subject_id_{subject_id}', 'results',
+                'varcope{contrast_id}.nii.gz'),
+            'masks': join(self.directories.output_dir,
+                'run_level_analysis', '_run_id_*_subject_id_{subject_id}',
+                'sub-{subject_id}_task-MGT_run-*_bold_space-MNI152NLin2009cAsym_preproc_brain_mask.nii.gz')
+        }
+        # SelectFiles Node - to select necessary files
+        select_files = Node(SelectFiles(templates), name = 'select_files')
+        select_files.inputs.base_directory = self.directories.results_dir
+        # DataSink Node - store the wanted results in the wanted directory
+        data_sink = Node(DataSink(), name = 'data_sink')
+        data_sink.inputs.base_directory = self.directories.output_dir
+        # L2Model Node - Generate subject specific second level model
+        generate_model = Node(L2Model(), name = 'generate_model')
+        generate_model.inputs.num_copes = len(self.run_list)
+        # Merge Node - Merge copes files for each subject
+        merge_copes = Node(Merge(), name = 'merge_copes')
+        merge_copes.inputs.dimension = 't'
+        # Merge Node - Merge varcopes files for each subject
+        merge_varcopes = Node(Merge(), name = 'merge_varcopes')
+        merge_varcopes.inputs.dimension = 't'
+        # Split Node - Split mask list to serve them as inputs of the MultiImageMaths node.
+        split_masks = Node(Split(), name = 'split_masks')
+        split_masks.inputs.splits = [1, len(self.run_list) - 1]
+        split_masks.inputs.squeeze = True # Unfold one-element splits removing the list
+        # MultiImageMaths Node - Create a subject mask by
+        #   computing the intersection of all run masks.
+        mask_intersection = Node(MultiImageMaths(), name = 'mask_intersection')
+        mask_intersection.inputs.op_string = '-mul %s ' * (len(self.run_list) - 1)
+        # FLAMEO Node - Estimate model
+        estimate_model = Node(FLAMEO(), name = 'estimate_model')
+        estimate_model.inputs.run_mode = 'flame1'
+        # Second level (single-subject, mean of all four scans) analyses: Fixed effects analysis.
+        subject_level_analysis = Workflow(
+            base_dir = self.directories.working_dir,
+            name = 'subject_level_analysis')
+        subject_level_analysis.connect([
+            (information_source, select_files, [
+                ('subject_id', 'subject_id'),
+                ('contrast_id', 'contrast_id')]),
+            (select_files, merge_copes, [('cope', 'in_files')]),
+            (select_files, merge_varcopes, [('varcope', 'in_files')]),
+            (select_files, split_masks, [('masks', 'inlist')]),
+            (split_masks, mask_intersection, [('out1', 'in_file')]),
+            (split_masks, mask_intersection, [('out2', 'operand_files')]),
+            (mask_intersection, estimate_model, [('out_file', 'mask_file')]),
+            (merge_copes, estimate_model, [('merged_file', 'cope_file')]),
+            (merge_varcopes, estimate_model, [('merged_file', 'var_cope_file')]),
+            (generate_model, estimate_model, [
+                ('design_mat', 'design_file'),
+                ('design_con', 't_con_file'),
+                ('design_grp', 'cov_split_file')]),
+            (mask_intersection, data_sink, [('out_file', 'subject_level_analysis.@mask')]),
+            (estimate_model, data_sink, [
+                ('zstats', 'subject_level_analysis.@stats'),
+                ('tstats', 'subject_level_analysis.@tstats'),
+                ('copes', 'subject_level_analysis.@copes'),
+                ('var_copes', 'subject_level_analysis.@varcopes')])])
+        return subject_level_analysis
+    def get_subject_level_outputs(self):
+        """ Return the names of the files the subject level analysis is supposed to generate. """
+        parameters = {
+            'contrast_id' : self.contrast_list,
+            'subject_id' : self.subject_list,
+        }
+        parameter_sets = product(*parameters.values())
+        output_dir = join(self.directories.output_dir, 'subject_level_analysis',
+            '_contrast_id_{contrast_id}_subject_id_{subject_id}')            
+        templates = [
+            join(output_dir, 'cope1.nii.gz'),
+            join(output_dir, 'tstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(output_dir, 'varcope1.nii.gz'),
+            join(output_dir, 'zstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(output_dir, 'sub-{subject_id}_task-MGT_run-01_bold_space-MNI152NLin2009cAsym_preproc_brain_mask_maths.nii.gz')
+            ]
+        return [template.format(**dict(zip(parameters.keys(), parameter_values)))\
+            for parameter_values in parameter_sets for template in templates]
+    def get_one_sample_t_test_regressors(subject_list: list) -> dict:
+        """
+        Create dictionary of regressors for one sample t-test group analysis.
+        Parameters:
+            - subject_list: ids of subject in the group for which to do the analysis
+        Returns:
+            - dict containing named lists of regressors.
+        """
+        return dict(group_mean = [1 for _ in subject_list])
+    def get_two_sample_t_test_regressors(
+        equal_range_ids: list,
+        equal_indifference_ids: list,
+        subject_list: list,
+        ) -> dict:
+        """
+        Create dictionary of regressors for two sample t-test group analysis.
+        Parameters:
+            - equal_range_ids: ids of subjects in equal range group
+            - equal_indifference_ids: ids of subjects in equal indifference group
+            - subject_list: ids of subject for which to do the analysis
+        Returns:
+            - regressors, dict: containing named lists of regressors.
+            - groups, list: group identifiers to distinguish groups in FSL analysis.
+        """
+        # Create 2 lists containing n_sub values which are
+        #  * 1 if the participant is on the group
+        #  * 0 otherwise
+        equal_range_regressors = [1 if i in equal_range_ids else 0 for i in subject_list]
+        equal_indifference_regressors = [
+            1 if i in equal_indifference_ids else 0 for i in subject_list
+            ]
+        # Create regressors output : a dict with the two list
+        regressors = dict(
+            equalRange = equal_range_regressors,
+            equalIndifference = equal_indifference_regressors
+        )
+        # Create groups outputs : a list with 1 for equalRange subjects and 2 for equalIndifference
+        groups = [1 if i == 1 else 2 for i in equal_range_regressors]
+        return regressors, groups
+    def get_group_level_analysis(self):
+        """
+        Return all workflows for the group level analysis.
+        Returns;
+            - a list of nipype.WorkFlow
+        """
+        methods = ['equalRange', 'equalIndifference', 'groupComp']
+        return [self.get_group_level_analysis_sub_workflow(method) for method in methods]
+    def get_group_level_analysis_sub_workflow(self, method):
+        """
+        Return a workflow for the group level analysis.
+        Parameters:
+            - method: one of 'equalRange', 'equalIndifference' or 'groupComp'
+        Returns:
+            - group_level_analysis: nipype.WorkFlow
+        """
+        # Infosource Node - iterate over the contrasts generated by the subject level analysis
+        information_source = Node(IdentityInterface(
+            fields = ['contrast_id']),
+            name = 'information_source')
+        information_source.iterables = [('contrast_id', self.contrast_list)]
+        # SelectFiles Node - select necessary files
+        templates = {
+            'cope' : join(self.directories.output_dir,
+                'subject_level_analysis', '_contrast_id_{contrast_id}_subject_id_*',
+                'cope1.nii.gz'),
+            'varcope' : join(self.directories.output_dir,
+                'subject_level_analysis', '_contrast_id_{contrast_id}_subject_id_*',
+                'varcope1.nii.gz'),
+            'masks': join(self.directories.output_dir,
+                'subject_level_analysis', '_contrast_id_1_subject_id_*',
+                'sub-*_task-MGT_run-*_bold_space-MNI152NLin2009cAsym_preproc_brain_mask_maths.nii.gz')
+            }
+        select_files = Node(SelectFiles(templates), name = 'select_files')
+        select_files.inputs.base_directory = self.directories.results_dir
+        # Datasink Node - save important files
+        data_sink = Node(DataSink(), name = 'data_sink')
+        data_sink.inputs.base_directory = self.directories.output_dir
+        # Function Node elements_in_string
+        #   Get contrast of parameter estimates (cope) for these subjects
+        # Note : using a MapNode with elements_in_string requires using clean_list to remove
+        #   None values from the out_list
+        get_copes = MapNode(Function(
+            function = elements_in_string,
+            input_names = ['input_str', 'elements'],
+            output_names = ['out_list']
+            ),
+            name = 'get_copes', iterfield = 'input_str'
+        )
+        # Function Node elements_in_string
+        #   Get variance of the estimated copes (varcope) for these subjects
+        # Note : using a MapNode with elements_in_string requires using clean_list to remove
+        #   None values from the out_list
+        get_varcopes = MapNode(Function(
+            function = elements_in_string,
+            input_names = ['input_str', 'elements'],
+            output_names = ['out_list']
+            ),
+            name = 'get_varcopes', iterfield = 'input_str'
+        )
+        # Merge Node - Merge cope files
+        merge_copes = Node(Merge(), name = 'merge_copes')
+        merge_copes.inputs.dimension = 't'
+        # Merge Node - Merge cope files
+        merge_varcopes = Node(Merge(), name = 'merge_varcopes')
+        merge_varcopes.inputs.dimension = 't'
+        # Split Node - Split mask list to serve them as inputs of the MultiImageMaths node.
+        split_masks = Node(Split(), name = 'split_masks')
+        split_masks.inputs.splits = [1, len(self.subject_list) - 1]
+        split_masks.inputs.squeeze = True # Unfold one-element splits removing the list
+        # MultiImageMaths Node - Create a subject mask by
+        #   computing the intersection of all run masks.
+        mask_intersection = Node(MultiImageMaths(), name = 'mask_intersection')
+        mask_intersection.inputs.op_string = '-mul %s ' * (len(self.subject_list) - 1)
+        # MultipleRegressDesign Node - Specify model
+        specify_model = Node(MultipleRegressDesign(), name = 'specify_model')
+        # FLAMEO Node - Estimate model
+        estimate_model = Node(FLAMEO(), name = 'estimate_model')
+        estimate_model.inputs.run_mode = 'flame1'
+        # Randomise Node -
+        randomise = Node(Randomise(), name = 'randomise')
+        randomise.inputs.num_perm = 10000
+        randomise.inputs.tfce = True
+        randomise.inputs.vox_p_values = True
+        randomise.inputs.c_thresh = 0.05
+        randomise.inputs.tfce_E = 0.01
+        # Compute the number of participants used to do the analysis
+        nb_subjects = len(self.subject_list)
+        # Declare the workflow
+        group_level_analysis = Workflow(
+            base_dir = self.directories.working_dir,
+            name = f'group_level_analysis_{method}_nsub_{nb_subjects}')
+        group_level_analysis.connect([
+            (information_source, select_files, [('contrast_id', 'contrast_id')]),
+            (select_files, get_copes, [('cope', 'input_str')]),
+            (select_files, get_varcopes, [('varcope', 'input_str')]),
+            (get_copes, merge_copes, [(('out_list', clean_list), 'in_files')]),
+            (get_varcopes, merge_varcopes,[(('out_list', clean_list), 'in_files')]),
+            (select_files, split_masks, [('masks', 'inlist')]),
+            (split_masks, mask_intersection, [('out1', 'in_file')]),
+            (split_masks, mask_intersection, [('out2', 'operand_files')]),
+            (mask_intersection, estimate_model, [('out_file', 'mask_file')]),
+            (mask_intersection, randomise, [('out_file', 'mask')]),
+            (merge_copes, estimate_model, [('merged_file', 'cope_file')]),
+            (merge_varcopes, estimate_model, [('merged_file', 'var_cope_file')]),
+            (specify_model, estimate_model, [
+                ('design_mat', 'design_file'),
+                ('design_con', 't_con_file'),
+                ('design_grp', 'cov_split_file')
+                ]),
+            (merge_copes, randomise, [('merged_file', 'in_file')]),
+            (specify_model, randomise, [
+                ('design_mat', 'design_mat'),
+                ('design_con', 'tcon')
+                ]),
+            (randomise, data_sink, [
+                ('t_corrected_p_files', f'group_level_analysis_{method}_nsub_{nb_subjects}.@tcorpfile'),
+                ('tstat_files', f'group_level_analysis_{method}_nsub_{nb_subjects}.@tstat')
+                ]),
+            (estimate_model, data_sink, [
+                ('zstats', f'group_level_analysis_{method}_nsub_{nb_subjects}.@zstats'),
+                ('tstats', f'group_level_analysis_{method}_nsub_{nb_subjects}.@tstats')
+                ])
+            ])
+        if method in ('equalIndifference', 'equalRange'):
+            # Setup a one sample t-test
+            specify_model.inputs.contrasts = [
+                ['group_mean', 'T', ['group_mean'], [1]],
+                ['group_mean_neg', 'T', ['group_mean'], [-1]]
+                ]
+            # Function Node get_group_subjects - Get subjects in the group and in the subject_list
+            get_group_subjects = Node(Function(
+                function = list_intersection,
+                input_names = ['list_1', 'list_2'],
+                output_names = ['out_list']
+                ),
+                name = 'get_group_subjects'
+            )
+            get_group_subjects.inputs.list_1 = get_group(method)
+            get_group_subjects.inputs.list_2 = self.subject_list
+            # Function Node get_one_sample_t_test_regressors
+            #   Get regressors in the equalRange and equalIndifference method case
+            regressors_one_sample = Node(
+                Function(
+                    function = self.get_one_sample_t_test_regressors,
+                    input_names = ['subject_list'],
+                    output_names = ['regressors']
+                ),
+                name = 'regressors_one_sample',
+            )
+            # Add missing connections
+            group_level_analysis.connect([
+                (get_group_subjects, get_copes, [('out_list', 'elements')]),
+                (get_group_subjects, get_varcopes, [('out_list', 'elements')]),
+                (get_group_subjects, regressors_one_sample, [('out_list', 'subject_list')]),
+                (regressors_one_sample, specify_model, [('regressors', 'regressors')])
-	return l3_analysis
-def reorganize_results(result_dir, output_dir, n_sub, team_ID):
-    """
-    Reorganize the results to analyze them. 
-    Parameters: 
-        - result_dir: str, directory where results will be stored
-        - output_dir: str, name of the sub-directory for final results
-        - n_sub: float, number of subject used for the analysis
-        - team_ID: str, ID of the team to reorganize results
-    """
-    from os.path import join as opj
-    import os
-    import shutil
-    import gzip
-    import nibabel as nib
-    import numpy as np
-    h1 = opj(result_dir, output_dir, f"l3_analysis_equalIndifference_nsub_{n_sub}", '_contrast_id_pgain')
-    h2 = opj(result_dir, output_dir, f"l3_analysis_equalRange_nsub_{n_sub}", '_contrast_id_pgain')
-    h3 = opj(result_dir, output_dir, f"l3_analysis_equalIndifference_nsub_{n_sub}", '_contrast_id_pgain')
-    h4 = opj(result_dir, output_dir, f"l3_analysis_equalRange_nsub_{n_sub}", '_contrast_id_pgain')
-    h5 = opj(result_dir, output_dir, f"l3_analysis_equalIndifference_nsub_{n_sub}", '_contrast_id_ploss')
-    h6 = opj(result_dir, output_dir, f"l3_analysis_equalRange_nsub_{n_sub}", '_contrast_id_ploss')
-    h7 = opj(result_dir, output_dir, f"l3_analysis_equalIndifference_nsub_{n_sub}", '_contrast_id_ploss')
-    h8 = opj(result_dir, output_dir, f"l3_analysis_equalRange_nsub_{n_sub}", '_contrast_id_ploss')
-    h9 = opj(result_dir, output_dir, f"l3_analysis_groupComp_nsub_{n_sub}", '_contrast_id_ploss')
-    h = [h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7, h8, h9]
-    repro_unthresh = [opj(filename, "zstat2.nii.gz") if i in [4, 5] else opj(filename, "zstat1.nii.gz") for i, filename in enumerate(h)]
-    repro_thresh = [opj(filename, "randomise_tfce_corrp_tstat2.nii.gz") if i in [4, 5] else opj(filename, 'randomise_tfce_corrp_tstat1.nii.gz')  for i, filename in enumerate(h)]
-    if not os.path.isdir(opj(result_dir, "NARPS-reproduction")):
-        os.mkdir(opj(result_dir, "NARPS-reproduction"))
-    for i, filename in enumerate(repro_unthresh):
-        f_in = filename
-        f_out = opj(result_dir, "NARPS-reproduction", f"team_{team_ID}_nsub_{n_sub}_hypo{i+1}_unthresholded.nii.gz")
-        shutil.copyfile(f_in, f_out)
-    for i, filename in enumerate(repro_thresh):
-        f_in = filename 
-        f_out = opj(result_dir, "NARPS-reproduction", f"team_{team_ID}_nsub_{n_sub}_hypo{i+1}_thresholded.nii.gz")
-        shutil.copyfile(f_in, f_out)
-    for i, filename in enumerate(repro_thresh):
-        f_in = filename
-        img = nib.load(filename)
-        original_affine = img.affine.copy()
-        spm = nib.load(repro_unthresh[i])
-        new_img = img.get_fdata().astype(float) > 0
-        new_img = new_img.astype(float)
-        print(np.unique(new_img))
-        print(np.unique(spm.get_fdata()))
-        new_img = new_img * spm.get_fdata()
-        print(np.unique(new_img))
-        new_spm = nib.Nifti1Image(new_img, original_affine)
-, opj(result_dir, "NARPS-reproduction",
-                          f"team_{team_ID}_nsub_{n_sub}_hypo{i+1}_thresholded.nii.gz")) 
-    print(f"Results files of team {team_ID} reorganized.")
+        elif method == 'groupComp':
+            # Select copes and varcopes corresponding to the selected subjects
+            #   Indeed the SelectFiles node asks for all (*) subjects available
+            get_copes.inputs.elements = self.subject_list
+            get_varcopes.inputs.elements = self.subject_list
+            # Setup a two sample t-test
+            specify_model.inputs.contrasts = [
+                ['equalRange_sup', 'T', ['equalRange', 'equalIndifference'], [1, -1]]
+            ]
+            # Function Node get_equal_range_subjects
+            #   Get subjects in the equalRange group and in the subject_list
+            get_equal_range_subjects = Node(Function(
+                function = list_intersection,
+                input_names = ['list_1', 'list_2'],
+                output_names = ['out_list']
+                ),
+                name = 'get_equal_range_subjects'
+            )
+            get_equal_range_subjects.inputs.list_1 = get_group('equalRange')
+            get_equal_range_subjects.inputs.list_2 = self.subject_list
+            # Function Node get_equal_indifference_subjects
+            #   Get subjects in the equalIndifference group and in the subject_list
+            get_equal_indifference_subjects = Node(Function(
+                function = list_intersection,
+                input_names = ['list_1', 'list_2'],
+                output_names = ['out_list']
+                ),
+                name = 'get_equal_indifference_subjects'
+            )
+            get_equal_indifference_subjects.inputs.list_1 = get_group('equalIndifference')
+            get_equal_indifference_subjects.inputs.list_2 = self.subject_list
+            # Function Node get_two_sample_t_test_regressors
+            #   Get regressors in the groupComp method case
+            regressors_two_sample = Node(
+                Function(
+                    function = self.get_two_sample_t_test_regressors,
+                    input_names = [
+                        'equal_range_ids',
+                        'equal_indifference_ids',
+                        'subject_list',
+                    ],
+                    output_names = ['regressors', 'groups']
+                ),
+                name = 'regressors_two_sample',
+            )
+            regressors_two_sample.inputs.subject_list = self.subject_list
+            # Add missing connections
+            group_level_analysis.connect([
+                (get_equal_range_subjects, regressors_two_sample, [
+                    ('out_list', 'equal_range_ids')
+                    ]),
+                (get_equal_indifference_subjects, regressors_two_sample, [
+                    ('out_list', 'equal_indifference_ids')
+                    ]),
+                (regressors_two_sample, specify_model, [
+                    ('regressors', 'regressors'),
+                    ('groups', 'groups')])
+            ])
+        return group_level_analysis
+    def get_group_level_outputs(self):
+        """ Return all names for the files the group level analysis is supposed to generate. """
+        # Handle equalRange and equalIndifference
+        parameters = {
+            'contrast_id': self.contrast_list,
+            'method': ['equalRange', 'equalIndifference'],
+            'file': [
+                'randomise_tfce_corrp_tstat1.nii.gz',
+                'randomise_tfce_corrp_tstat2.nii.gz',
+                'randomise_tstat1.nii.gz',
+                'randomise_tstat2.nii.gz',
+                'tstat1.nii.gz',
+                'tstat2.nii.gz',
+                'zstat1.nii.gz',
+                'zstat2.nii.gz'
+                ],
+            'nb_subjects' : [str(len(self.subject_list))]
+        }
+        parameter_sets = product(*parameters.values())
+        template = join(
+            self.directories.output_dir,
+            'group_level_analysis_{method}_nsub_{nb_subjects}',
+            '_contrast_id_{contrast_id}',
+            '{file}'
+            )
+        return_list = [template.format(**dict(zip(parameters.keys(), parameter_values)))\
+            for parameter_values in parameter_sets]
+        # Handle groupComp
+        files = [
+            'randomise_tfce_corrp_tstat1.nii.gz',
+            'randomise_tstat1.nii.gz',
+            'zstat1.nii.gz',
+            'tstat1.nii.gz'
+            ]
+        return_list += [join(
+            self.directories.output_dir,
+            f'group_level_analysis_groupComp_nsub_{len(self.subject_list)}',
+            '_contrast_id_2', f'{file}') for file in files]
+        return return_list
+    def get_hypotheses_outputs(self):
+        """ Return all hypotheses output file names. """
+        nb_sub = len(self.subject_list)
+        files = [
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalIndifference_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_1', 'randomise_tfce_corrp_tstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalIndifference_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_1', 'zstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalRange_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_1', 'randomise_tfce_corrp_tstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalRange_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_1', 'zstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalIndifference_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_1', 'randomise_tfce_corrp_tstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalIndifference_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_1', 'zstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalRange_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_1', 'randomise_tfce_corrp_tstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalRange_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_1', 'zstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalIndifference_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_2', 'randomise_tfce_corrp_tstat2.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalIndifference_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_2', 'zstat2.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalRange_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_2', 'randomise_tfce_corrp_tstat2.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalRange_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_2', 'zstat2.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalIndifference_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_2', 'randomise_tfce_corrp_tstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalIndifference_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_2', 'zstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalRange_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_2', 'randomise_tfce_corrp_tstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalRange_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_2', 'zstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_groupComp_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_2', 'randomise_tfce_corrp_tstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_groupComp_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_2', 'zstat1.nii.gz')
+        ]
+        return [join(self.directories.output_dir, f) for f in files]
diff --git a/ b/
index 91a2d63a..185c8418 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 extras_require = {
     'tests': [
+        'pathvalidate',
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index e01e4a00..d46df024 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@
 from shutil import rmtree
 from pytest import helpers
+from pathvalidate import is_valid_filepath
+from narps_open.pipelines import Pipeline
 from narps_open.runner import PipelineRunner
 from narps_open.utils import get_subject_id
 from narps_open.utils.correlation import get_correlation_coefficient
@@ -21,6 +23,30 @@
 # Init configuration, to ensure it is in testing mode
+def test_pipeline_outputs(pipeline: Pipeline, number_of_outputs: list):
+    """ Test the outputs of a Pipeline.
+        Arguments:
+        - pipeline, Pipeline: the pipeline to test
+        - number_of_outputs, list: a list containing the expected number of outputs for each
+          stage of the pipeline (preprocessing, run_level, subject_level, group_level, hypotheses)
+        Return: True if the outputs are in sufficient number and each ones name is valid,
+          False otherwise.
+    """
+    assert len(number_of_outputs) == 5
+    for outputs, number in zip([
+        pipeline.get_preprocessing_outputs(),
+        pipeline.get_run_level_outputs(),
+        pipeline.get_subject_level_outputs(),
+        pipeline.get_group_level_outputs(),
+        pipeline.get_hypotheses_outputs()], number_of_outputs):
+        assert len(outputs) == number
+        for output in outputs:
+            assert is_valid_filepath(output, platform = 'auto')
+            assert not any(c in output for c in ['{', '}'])
 def test_pipeline_execution(
     team_id: str,
diff --git a/tests/pipelines/ b/tests/pipelines/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..05ecc003
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/pipelines/
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+""" Tests of the 'narps_open.pipelines.team_T54A' module.
+Launch this test with PyTest
+    pytest -q
+    pytest -q -k <selected_test>
+from os import mkdir
+from os.path import exists, join
+from shutil import rmtree
+from pytest import helpers, mark, fixture
+from numpy import isclose
+from nipype import Workflow
+from nipype.interfaces.base import Bunch
+from narps_open.pipelines.team_T54A import PipelineTeamT54A
+from narps_open.utils.configuration import Configuration
+TEMPORARY_DIR = join(Configuration()['directories']['test_runs'], 'test_T54A')
+def remove_test_dir():
+    """ A fixture to remove temporary directory created by tests """
+    rmtree(TEMPORARY_DIR, ignore_errors = True)
+    mkdir(TEMPORARY_DIR)
+    yield # test runs here
+    rmtree(TEMPORARY_DIR, ignore_errors = True)
+def compare_float_2d_arrays(array_1, array_2):
+    """ Assert array_1 and array_2 are close enough """
+    assert len(array_1) == len(array_2)
+    for reference_array, test_array in zip(array_1, array_2):
+        assert len(reference_array) == len(test_array)
+        assert isclose(reference_array, test_array).all()
+class TestPipelinesTeamT54A:
+    """ A class that contains all the unit tests for the PipelineTeamT54A class."""
+    @staticmethod
+    @mark.unit_test
+    def test_create():
+        """ Test the creation of a PipelineTeamT54A object """
+        pipeline = PipelineTeamT54A()
+        # 1 - check the parameters
+        assert pipeline.fwhm == 4.0
+        assert pipeline.team_id == 'T54A'
+        assert pipeline.contrast_list == ['1', '2']
+        assert pipeline.run_level_contrasts == [
+            ('gain', 'T', ['trial', 'gain', 'loss'], [0, 1, 0]),
+            ('loss', 'T', ['trial', 'gain', 'loss'], [0, 0, 1])
+            ]
+        # 2 - check workflows
+        assert pipeline.get_preprocessing() is None
+        assert isinstance(pipeline.get_run_level_analysis(), Workflow)
+        assert isinstance(pipeline.get_subject_level_analysis(), Workflow)
+        group_level = pipeline.get_group_level_analysis()
+        assert len(group_level) == 3
+        for sub_workflow in group_level:
+            assert isinstance(sub_workflow, Workflow)
+    @staticmethod
+    @mark.unit_test
+    def test_outputs():
+        """ Test the expected outputs of a PipelineTeamT54A object """
+        pipeline = PipelineTeamT54A()
+        # 1 - 1 subject outputs
+        pipeline.subject_list = ['001']
+        helpers.test_pipeline_outputs(pipeline, [0, 9*4*1, 5*2*1, 8*2*2 + 4, 18])
+        # 2 - 4 subjects outputs
+        pipeline.subject_list = ['001', '002', '003', '004']
+        helpers.test_pipeline_outputs(pipeline, [0, 9*4*4, 5*2*4, 8*2*2 + 4, 18])
+    @staticmethod
+    @mark.unit_test
+    def test_subject_information():
+        """ Test the get_subject_information method """
+        # Get test files
+        test_file = join(Configuration()['directories']['test_data'], 'pipelines', 'events.tsv')
+        test_file_2 = join(Configuration()['directories']['test_data'],
+            'pipelines', 'events_resp.tsv')
+        # Prepare several scenarii
+        info_missed = PipelineTeamT54A.get_subject_information(test_file)
+        info_ok = PipelineTeamT54A.get_subject_information(test_file_2)
+        # Compare bunches to expected
+        bunch = info_missed[0]
+        assert isinstance(bunch, Bunch)
+        assert bunch.conditions == ['trial', 'gain', 'loss', 'difficulty', 'response', 'missed']
+        compare_float_2d_arrays(bunch.onsets, [
+            [4.071, 11.834, 27.535, 36.435],
+            [4.071, 11.834, 27.535, 36.435],
+            [4.071, 11.834, 27.535, 36.435],
+            [4.071, 11.834, 27.535, 36.435],
+            [6.459, 14.123, 29.615, 38.723],
+            [19.535]
+            ])
+        compare_float_2d_arrays(bunch.durations, [
+            [2.388, 2.289, 2.08, 2.288],
+            [2.388, 2.289, 2.08, 2.288],
+            [2.388, 2.289, 2.08, 2.288],
+            [2.388, 2.289, 2.08, 2.288],
+            [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+            [0.0]
+            ])
+        compare_float_2d_arrays(bunch.amplitudes, [
+            [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+            [14.0, 34.0, 10.0, 16.0],
+            [6.0, 14.0, 15.0, 17.0],
+            [1.0, 3.0, 10.0, 9.0],
+            [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+            [1.0]
+            ])
+        assert bunch.regressor_names == None
+        assert bunch.regressors == None
+        bunch = info_ok[0]
+        assert isinstance(bunch, Bunch)
+        assert bunch.conditions == ['trial', 'gain', 'loss', 'difficulty', 'response']
+        compare_float_2d_arrays(bunch.onsets, [
+            [4.071, 11.834, 27.535, 36.435],
+            [4.071, 11.834, 27.535, 36.435],
+            [4.071, 11.834, 27.535, 36.435],
+            [4.071, 11.834, 27.535, 36.435],
+            [6.459, 14.123, 29.615, 38.723]
+            ])
+        compare_float_2d_arrays(bunch.durations, [
+            [2.388, 2.289, 2.08, 2.288],
+            [2.388, 2.289, 2.08, 2.288],
+            [2.388, 2.289, 2.08, 2.288],
+            [2.388, 2.289, 2.08, 2.288],
+            [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
+            ])
+        compare_float_2d_arrays(bunch.amplitudes, [
+            [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+            [14.0, 34.0, 10.0, 16.0],
+            [6.0, 14.0, 15.0, 17.0],
+            [1.0, 3.0, 10.0, 9.0],
+            [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+            ])
+        assert bunch.regressor_names == None
+        assert bunch.regressors == None
+    @staticmethod
+    @mark.unit_test
+    def test_parameters_file(remove_test_dir):
+        """ Test the get_parameters_file method """
+        confounds_file_path = join(
+            Configuration()['directories']['test_data'], 'pipelines', 'confounds.tsv')
+        PipelineTeamT54A.get_parameters_file(
+            confounds_file_path,
+            'fake_subject_id',
+            'fake_run_id',
+            TEMPORARY_DIR
+            )
+        # Check parameter file was created
+        assert exists(join(
+            TEMPORARY_DIR,
+            'parameters_file',
+            'parameters_file_sub-fake_subject_id_run-fake_run_id.tsv')
+        )
+    @staticmethod
+    @mark.unit_test
+    def test_one_sample_t_test_regressors():
+        """ Test the get_one_sample_t_test_regressors method """
+        regressors = PipelineTeamT54A.get_one_sample_t_test_regressors(['001', '002'])
+        assert regressors == {'group_mean': [1, 1]}
+    @staticmethod
+    @mark.unit_test
+    def test_two_sample_t_test_regressors():
+        """ Test the get_two_sample_t_test_regressors method """
+        regressors, groups = PipelineTeamT54A.get_two_sample_t_test_regressors(
+            ['001', '003'], # equalRange group
+            ['002', '004'], # equalIndifference group
+            ['001', '002', '003', '004'] # all subjects
+            )
+        assert regressors == dict(
+                equalRange = [1, 0, 1, 0],
+                equalIndifference = [0, 1, 0, 1]
+            )
+        assert groups == [1, 2, 1, 2]
+    @staticmethod
+    @mark.pipeline_test
+    def test_execution():
+        """ Test the execution of a PipelineTeamT54A and compare results """
+        helpers.test_pipeline_evaluation('T54A')
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index de7d72cb..658f5d89 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 from datetime import datetime
-from pytest import mark, helpers, fixture
+from pytest import mark, helpers, fixture, raises
 from nipype import Node, Workflow
 from nipype.interfaces.utility import Function
@@ -239,6 +239,49 @@ def download(self):
 class TestConftest:
     """ A class that contains all the unit tests for the conftest module."""
+    @staticmethod
+    @mark.unit_test
+    def test_test_outputs(set_test_directory):
+        """ Test the test_pipeline_outputs helper """
+        # Test pipeline
+        pipeline = MockupPipeline()
+        pipeline.subject_list = ['001', '002']
+        # Wrong length for nb_of_outputs
+        with raises(AssertionError):
+            helpers.test_pipeline_outputs(pipeline, [1,2,3])
+        # Wrong number of outputs
+        with raises(AssertionError):
+            helpers.test_pipeline_outputs(pipeline, [0, 2, 2, 20, 18])
+        with raises(AssertionError):
+            helpers.test_pipeline_outputs(pipeline, [2, 0, 2, 20, 18])
+        with raises(AssertionError):
+            helpers.test_pipeline_outputs(pipeline, [2, 2, 0, 20, 18])
+        with raises(AssertionError):
+            helpers.test_pipeline_outputs(pipeline, [2, 2, 2, 0, 18])
+        with raises(AssertionError):
+            helpers.test_pipeline_outputs(pipeline, [2, 2, 2, 20, 0])
+        # Right number of outputs
+        helpers.test_pipeline_outputs(pipeline, [2, 2, 2, 20, 18])
+        # Not a valid path name
+        pipeline.get_group_level_outputs = lambda : 'not_fo\rmatted'
+        with raises(AssertionError):
+            helpers.test_pipeline_outputs(pipeline, [2, 2, 2, 1, 18])
+        # Not a valid path name
+        pipeline.get_group_level_outputs = lambda : '{not_formatted'
+        with raises(AssertionError):
+            helpers.test_pipeline_outputs(pipeline, [2, 2, 2, 1, 18])
+        # Not a valid path name
+        pipeline.get_group_level_outputs = lambda : '{not_formatted'
+        with raises(AssertionError):
+            helpers.test_pipeline_outputs(pipeline, [2, 2, 2, 1, 18])
     def test_test_correlation_results(mocker):
diff --git a/tests/test_data/pipelines/events_resp.tsv b/tests/test_data/pipelines/events_resp.tsv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd5ea1a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_data/pipelines/events_resp.tsv
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+onset	duration	gain	loss	RT	participant_response
+4.071	4	14	6	2.388	weakly_accept
+11.834	4	34	14	2.289	strongly_accept
+27.535	4	10	15	2.08	strongly_reject
+36.435	4	16	17	2.288	weakly_reject
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/test_data/pipelines/participants.tsv b/tests/test_data/pipelines/participants.tsv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..312dbcde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_data/pipelines/participants.tsv
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+participant_id	group	gender	age
+sub-001	equalIndifference	M	24
+sub-002	equalRange	M	25
+sub-003	equalIndifference	F	27
+sub-004	equalRange	M	25
\ No newline at end of file