📣 This is the starting point for the documentation of the NARPS open pipelines project.
Here are the available topics :
- 🏃 running tells you how to run pipelines in NARPS open pipelines
- 🧠 data contains instructions to handle the data needed by the project
- 🛠️ environment contains instructions to handle the software environment needed by the project
- 🥽 description tells you how to get convenient descriptions of the pipelines, as written by the teams involved in NARPS.
- 🔬 testing details the testing features of the project, i.e.: how is the code tested ?
- 📦 ci-cd contains the information on how continuous integration and delivery (knowned as CI/CD) is set up.
- ✍️ pipeline tells you all you need to know in order to write pipelines
- 🧭 core a list of helpful functions when writing pipelines
- 🚦 status contains the information on how to get the work progress status for a pipeline.