Fork the repository, so you have your own working copy of it.
First, install Datalad. This will allow you to access the NARPS data easily, as it is included in the repository as datalad subdatasets.
Then, clone the project :
# Replace YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME in the following command.
datalad install --recursive
It is still possible to clone the fork using git ; but by doing this, you will only get the code.
# Replace YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME in the following command.
git clone
Now that you cloned the repository using Datalad, you are able to get the data :
# Move inside the root directory of the repository.
cd narps_open_pipelines
# Select the data you want to download. Here is an example to get data of the first 4 subjects.
datalad get data/original/ds001734/sub-00[1-4] -J 12
datalad get data/original/ds001734/derivatives/fmriprep/sub-00[1-4] -J 12
For further information and alternatives on how to get the data, see the corresponding documentation page docs/
Install Docker then pull the Docker image :
docker pull elodiegermani/open_pipeline:latest
Once it's done you can check the image is available on your system :
docker images
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE latest 0f3c74d28406 9 months ago 22.7 GB
Feel free to read this documentation page docs/ to get further information about this environment.
Start a Docker container from the Docker image :
# Replace PATH_TO_THE_REPOSITORY in the following command (e.g.: with /home/user/dev/narps_open_pipelines/)
docker run -it -v PATH_TO_THE_REPOSITORY:/home/neuro/code/ elodiegermani/open_pipeline
Install NARPS Open Pipelines inside the container :
source activate neuro
cd /home/neuro/code/
pip install .
Finally, you are able to run pipelines :
python narps_open/
usage: [-h] -t TEAM (-r RSUBJECTS | -s SUBJECTS [SUBJECTS ...] | -n NSUBJECTS) [-g | -f] [-c]
For further information, read this documentation page docs/