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📦 Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) for the NARPS open pipelines project

📣 This file describes how CI/CD works for the project.

🐙 CI on GitHub

GitHub allows to launch CI workflows using Actions.

See GitHub's documentation on workflow syntax to write your own workflows.

These workflows are YAML files, located in the .github/workflows/ directory.

CI scheme

The following scheme shows the currently set up CI workflows on GitHub, their location for running, as well as their trigger.

Scheme of CI for NARPS open pipelines

Dedicated runners

Because the testing and running NARPS open pipelines highly rely on large amount of data (subject images, teams results) and sizeable Docker images, dedicated self-hosted runners were assigned to the project by Inria-Empenn. They ensure CI jobs are run in a proper environment, with all the data at hand.

Workflow triggers

Most workflows are triggered by pull requests (PR) because their purpose is to test code coming from contributors. Some workflows are triggered by pushes to allow contributors to test their code before creating pull requests. Because the main branch is supposed to be safe and stable, no testing workflows are triggered when pushing to this branch.

Furthermore, you can always prevent GitHub from running workflows by adding a [skip ci] in your commit message.

CI workflows

For now, the following workflows are set up:

Name / File What does it do ? When is it launched ? Where does it run ? How can I see the results ?
code_quality A static analysis of the python code (see the testing topic of the documentation for more information). For every push or pull_request if there are changes on .py files. On GitHub servers. Outputs (logs of pylint) are stored as downloadable artifacts during 15 days after the push.
codespell A static analysis of the text files for commonly made typos using [codespell](codespell-project/codespell: check code for common misspellings). For every push or pull_request to the maint branch. On GitHub servers. Outputs (logs of codespell) are stored as downloadable artifacts during 15 days after the push.
pipeline_tests Runs all the tests for changed pipelines. For every push or pull_request, if a pipeline file changed. On Empenn runners. Outputs (logs of pytest) are stored as downloadable artifacts during 15 days after the push.
test_changes It runs all the changed tests for the project. For every push or pull_request, if a test file changed. On Empenn runners. Outputs (logs of pytest) are stored as downloadable artifacts during 15 days after the push.
unit_testing It runs all the unit tests for the project (see the testing topic of the documentation for more information). For every push or pull_request, if a file changed inside narps_open/, or a file related to test execution. On GitHub servers. Outputs (logs of pytest) are stored as downloadable artifacts during 15 days after the push.


In order to avoid downloading dependencies at each package install launched by a CI workflow, the dependencies installed via pip are cached by GitHub, using the cache action. The hash of the file is part of the cache name, allowing to create an new cache for each new version of the file (hence for each change of dependencies).


We take these precautions following GitHub good security practices, and in order to avoid malicious code to be run through GitHub Actions workflows.

  • The CODEOWNERS file assigns owners for .github/workflows and .gitlab-ci.yml (see CODEOWNERS reference). This prevents unwanted changes to these files that could alter the CI-CD workflows integrity.
  • Workflows triggered by pull requests from forks of the repository are submitted to approval, as described in GitHub's documentation about managing actions for a public repository

🦊 CI on GitLab

A .gitlab-ci.yml file is provided in the repository as an example for contributors who would like to trigger GitLab CI scripts from a GitLab mirror repository of their fork of Inria-Empenn/narps_open_pipelines.