The class PipelineRunner
is available from the narps_open.runner
module. You can use it from inside python code, as follows :
from narps_open.runner import PipelineRunner
# Initialize a PipelineRunner by choosing the team ID
runner = PipelineRunner(team_id = '2T6S')
# Set input and output directories
runner.pipeline.directories.dataset_dir = '/data/ds001734/'
runner.pipeline.directories.results_dir = '/output/'
# Set participants / subjects
runner.subjects = ['001', '006', '020', '100']
# Alternatively, ask the runner to pick a random number of subjects
# runner.random_nb_subjects = 4
# Start the runner
# Or start the first level only (preprocessing + run level + subject level)
runner.start(True, False)
# Or start the second level only (group level)
runner.start(True, True)
# Get the list of missing files (if any) after the pipeline finished
The narps_open.runner
module also allows to run pipelines from the command line :
python narps_open/ -h
usage: [-h] -t TEAM (-r RANDOM | -s SUBJECTS [SUBJECTS ...]) [-g | -f]
Run the pipelines from NARPS.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TEAM, --team TEAM the team ID
-r RANDOM, --random RANDOM the number of subjects to be randomly selected
-s SUBJECTS [SUBJECTS ...], --subjects SUBJECTS [SUBJECTS ...] a list of subjects
-g, --group run the group level only
-f, --first run the first levels only (preprocessing + subjects + runs)
-c, --check check pipeline outputs (runner is not launched)
python narps_open/ -t 2T6S -s 001 006 020 100
python narps_open/ -t 2T6S -r 4
python narps_open/ -t 2T6S -r 4 -f
python narps_open/ -t 2T6S -r 4 -f -c # Check the output files without launching the runner
In this usecase, the paths where to store the outputs and to the dataset are picked by the runner from the configuration.