This guide contains the lightweight setup version (that only requires you to have node.js installed). If you wish to be able to run vscode from source, please see VSCode's How to Contribute.
This repository contains no source code, it only contains the scripts to package everything together and ship the monaco-editor
npm module:
These packages are described in the root file called metadata.js
and it is possible to create an editor distribution that contains only certain plugins by editing that file.
repository | npm module | explanation |
vscode | monaco-editor-core | editor core functionality (language agnostic) is shipped out of vscode. |
monaco-languages | monaco-languages | plugin that adds colorization and basic supports for dozens of languages. |
monaco-typescript | monaco-typescript | plugin that adds rich language support for JavaScript and TypeScript. |
monaco-css | monaco-css | plugin that adds rich language support for CSS, LESS and SCSS. |
monaco-json | monaco-json | plugin that adds rich language support for JSON. |
monaco-html | monaco-html | plugin that adds rich language support for HTML. |
You need to have all the build setup of being able to build VS Code to be able to build the Monaco Editor.
- Install all the prerequisites:
/src> git clone
/src> cd vscode
# install npm deps for vscode
/src/vscode> ./scripts/ install
# start the compiler in the background
/src/vscode> npm run watch
/src> git clone
/src> cd vscode
# install npm deps for vscode
/src/vscode> scripts\npm.bat install
# start the compiler in the background
/src/vscode> npm run watch
- For the monaco editor test pages:
# clone monaco-editor (note the folders must be siblings!)
/src> git clone
# install npm deps for monaco-editor
/src/monaco-editor> npm install .
# start a local http server in the background
/src/monaco-editor> npm run simpleserver
Open http://localhost:8080/monaco-editor/test/?editor=dev to run.
# clone monaco-typescript
/src> git clone
# install npm deps for monaco-typescript
/src/monaco-typescript> npm install .
# start the compiler in the background
/src/monaco-typescript> npm run watch
Open http://localhost:8080/monaco-editor/test/?editor=dev&monaco-typescript=dev to run.
/src/vscode> npm run monaco-editor-test
# or run a test page http://localhost:8080/monaco-editor/test/?editor=dev
Tip: All folders must be cloned as siblings.
Tip: When running the test pages, use the control panel in the top right corner to switch between running from source, running from npm or running from the local release:
# create a local release
/src/monaco-editor> npm run release
# open http://localhost:8080/monaco-editor/website/
# build the website
/src/monaco-editor> npm run website
# open http://localhost:8080/monaco-editor-website/
# publish the website
/src/monaco-editor-website> git push origin gh-pages --force
- bump version in
- [important] push all local changes to the remote to get a good public commit id.
- generate npm package
/src/vscode> node_modules/.bin/gulp editor-distro
- publish npm package
/src/vscode/out-monaco-editor-core> npm publish
- if there are breaking API changes that affect the language plugins, adopt the new API in:
- publish new versions of those plugins to npm as necessary.
- edit
and update the version (as necessary): - [important] fetch latest deps by running
/src/monaco-editor> npm install .
/src/monaco-editor> npm run release
- try as many test pages as you think are relevant. e.g.:
- open
- open
- open
- open
- open
/src/monaco-editor> npm version minor
/src/monaco-editor/release> npm publish
/src/monaco-editor> git push --tags