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OQS (Open Quick Script) Language Guidelines

Version: 0.10


This document establishes the comprehensive guidelines for the OQS (Open Quick Script) language. OQS aims to be a universally adoptable, streamlined, and system-neutral scripting language that integrates effortlessly into diverse platforms. OQS is not designed to be a feature complete programming language. Rather, it is designed to be a simple, yet powerful, expression engine. It is specifically crafted to process expressions encompassing fundamental types and operations, interpreting a solitary expression—optionally accompanied by a dictionary, map, or JSON containing variables—to yield a consistent and logical outcome.

Language Design Principles

In creating these guidelines, OQS has been meticulously designed to empower seamless implementation of scripting across a multitude of systems. It supports straightforward mathematical, logical, list computations, and function invocations within a contained environment, devoid of dependencies on the host system's intricacies. All developers are encouraged to build language engines in compliance with these guidelines to ensure consistency and reliability across implementations.

Language Guidelines

Expression Input

OQS engines are required to accept input expressions as strings, incorporating variables, literals, and operators in alignment with the specifications set forth herein.

Variables Input

Engines must be capable of processing an optional input of key-value pairs that represent variable names and corresponding definitions—applicable formats include JSON objects, dictionaries, or maps. This input is not mandatory; engines should default to no variable substitutions if such input is absent.

Output Format

An efficient OQS engine should produce outputs in the form of a JSON object or a map that encapsulates the result and any ancillary evaluation data, such as errors encountered during the process.

String-Embedded Expressions

Engines are mandated to consider an optional boolean parameter string_embedded, which is false by default. If set to true, the engine must interpret the input expression as a string wherein segments framed by <{ and }> are processed as embedded expressions. Subsequent to evaluation, the resultant expressions replace the original segments, with the modified string being returned.

Type System

OQS supports a core set of types, which are essential for numerous scenarios:

  • Number: Including the subtypes:
    • Integer: Contains any numeric value not in quotations not containing any decimals ..
    • Decimal: Contains any numeric value not in quotations containing a single decimal .. Values not containing a leading number such as .5 are still considered valid Decimals. The same goes for values ending with a decimal such as 5.
  • Boolean: Contains the values true and false.
  • List: Any number of values surrounded by square brackets [] and commas seperated when containing more than 1 value. Examples include [1, "5"] or [1]. Lists can contain a mixture of types. Lists maintain their order.
  • String: Values surrounded by double-quotes "value" or single-quotes 'value'. Empty Strings are valid strings as well such as ''.
  • Function: Functions can be callable using () after the function name. Function names must start with an alphabetic character followed by any number of alphanumeric characters and underscores or combination thereof.
  • Null: Contains only the value null to indicate nothing.
  • Key-Value Store (KVS): Enclosed in {}, keys are strings, values van be any type, including nested KVS. It can be empty.
  • Temporal: Including the subtypes:
    • DateTime: Represents both date and time - Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS, e.g., 2023-12-25T15:30:00.
    • Date: Represents only the date - Format: YYYY-MM-DD, e.g., 2023-12-25.
    • Time: Represents only the time - Format: HH:MM:SS, e.g., 15:30:00.
    • Duration: Represents a duration of time - Format: HH:MM:SS, e.g., 02:15:30 for 2 hours, 15 minutes, and 30 seconds.

Supported Operators

Operators, which are foundational to the interaction between types, are clarified below (Using unsupported operators or misapplying operators to incomplete types must trigger an error.):

Numerical Operators

  • Addition +, subtraction -, multiplication *, division /: To be used with number types only.
  • Exponentiation **: Used to raise a number to the power of another number. (This is valid so long as the second value is a real number)
  • Modulus %: Used to find the remainder of division of one number by another.

Comparison Operators

  • Less-than <, greater-than >, less-than-or-equal-to <=, greater-than-or-equal-to >=, not-equal !=, equal ==, strictly equal ===, strictly not-equal !==: Comparisons require identical operand types (for === and !==) or equivalent values (for == and !=) and return a Boolean value. For == and !=, type conversions are allowed (e.g., integer 0 equals decimal 0.0, and "0.0" equals 0.0).

Logical Operators

  • Logical AND (&): Returns true if both operands are truthy, otherwise false.
  • Logical OR (|): Returns true if at least one operand is truthy, otherwise false.


  • Logical operators (& and |) evaluate the truthiness of operands. An operand is considered truthy if it is not false, zero, empty, null, or undefined. Otherwise, it is considered falsy.
  • For example, non-zero numbers, non-empty strings/lists, and true are truthy. Zero, null, empty strings/lists, and false are falsy.
  • Short-circuit evaluation should be implemented for efficiency. For the & operator, if the first operand is falsy, the second operand is not evaluated. For the | operator, if the first operand is truthy, the second operand is not evaluated.

List Operators

  • Concatenation +: Required to merge two lists.
  • Subtraction -: Removes elements of the second list from the first one, if they are present.

KVS Operators

  • Concatenation +: Required to merge two KVSs. If there are duplicate keys, it prioritizes the later declaration.

String Operators

  • Concatenation +: Combined two strings into one.
  • Subtraction -: Removes all instances of the entirety of the second string from the first string.
  • Repetition *L Repeats a string by the multiplier specified (must be a non-negative integer).

Temporal Operators

  • Addition (+):
    • For DateTime + Duration: Adds the duration to the date-time.
    • For Date + Duration: Adds the duration to the date.
    • For Time + Duration: Adds the duration to the time.
    • For Duration + Duration: Adds two durations together.
  • Subtraction (-):
    • For DateTime - Duration: Subtracts the duration from the date-time.
    • For Date - Duration: Subtracts the duration from the date.
    • For Time - Duration: Subtracts the duration from the time.
    • For Duration - Duration: Subtracts one duration from another.
    • For DateTime - DateTime: Calculates the duration between two date-times.
    • For Date - Date: Calculates the duration between two dates.
  • Comparison (<, >, <=, >=, ==, !=, !==, !==):
    • Less-than (<) and Greater-than (>): Used to determine if one Temporal value is chronologically earlier or later than another.
    • Less-than-or-equal-to (<=) and Greater-than-or-equal-to (>=): Similar to < and >, but also return True if the values are equal.
    • Equal (==) and Not-equal (!=): Check if two Temporal values are exactly the same or not.
    • Strictly equal (===) and Strictly not equal (!==): Similar to == and !=, but also consider the type of temporal values.

Function Invocation

  • The syntax for invoking functions is an identifier that starts with a letter followed by any combination of letters, numbers, or underscores, then an opening parenthesis (, an optional comma-seperated list of arguments, and a closing parentheses ).

Order of Operations

The OQS language adheres to a conventional order of operations to ensure predictable and logical results in expressions. This hierarchy is particularly crucial in expressions involving multiple operators:

  1. Parentheses: Expressions within parentheses are evaluated first.
  2. Exponentiation: Operations involving exponentiation are next.
  3. Multiplication and Division: These operations are performed from left to right.
  4. Addition and Subtraction: Finally, addition and subtraction are performed, also from left to right.

Failing to respect this order will lead to incorrect results and may cause errors in the execution of scripts.

Parentheses in Expressions

  • In OQS, parentheses () play a pivotal role in structuring expressions. They not only clarify the sequence in which operations are performed but also allow for overriding the default order of operations. Parentheses ensure that the enclosed expression is evaluated first, regardless of the types of operations involved.

Unpacking Syntax

OQS includes an unpacking feature using the *** notation. This allows for the expansion of list items directly into function arguments or for the creation of new lists.

  • In function calls, such as INTEGER(***variable_1) where variable_1 contains ["1"], it will unpack the list and pass "1" as an argument to the INTEGER function, effectively calling INTEGER("1").
  • For lists, the syntax [***variable_1, ***variable_2] will combine the elements of variable_1 and variable_2 into a single list. For instance, if variable_1 = [1, 2, 3] and variable_2 = [4, 5, 6], the result would be [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. This is functionally equivalent to using the + operator for list concatenation. OQS also includes unpacking KVS using the *** notation. This allows for the expansion of KVS items directly into function arguments or for the creation of new KVSs.
  • In all standard cases such as LIST(***variable_1) where variable_1 contains {"hello": 5}, it will unpack the kvs and pass "hello" and 5 as two arguments to the LIST function effectively calling LIST("hello", 5).
  • For KVS creation, the syntax {***kvs1, ***kvs_2} will combine the elements of kvs1 and kvs2 into a single KVS. For instance is kvs1 = {"hello": 5} and kvs2 = {"yello": 3}, the result would be {"hello": 5, "yello": 3}. This is functionally equivalent to using the + operator for KVS concatenation.

Type Interactions

Interactions between types are explicitly defined within OQS as follows:

Operator Operand 1 Operand 2 Result
+ Number Number Number
+ List List List
+ String String String
+ DateTime Duration DateTime
+ Date Duration Date
+ Time Duration Time
+ Duration Duration Duration
- Number Number Number
- List List List
- String String String
- DateTime Duration DateTime
- Date Duration Date
- Time Duration Time
- Duration Duration Duration
- DateTime DateTime Duration
- Date Date Duration
* Number Number Number
* String Integer String
/ Number Number Number
** Number Number Number
% Number Number Number
< Number Number Boolean
< Temporal Temporal Boolean
> Number Number Boolean
> Temporal Temporal Boolean
<= Number Number Boolean
<= Temporal Temporal Boolean
>= Number Number Boolean
>= Temporal Temporal Boolean
== Any Type Any Type Boolean
!= Any Type Any Type Boolean
=== Any Type Any Type Boolean
!== Any Type Any Type Boolean
& Any Type Any Type Boolean
| Any Type Any Type Boolean

("Any Type" indicates compatibility for comparisons between operands sharing a type.)

Error Handling

OQS language engines must implement comprehensive error handling to ensure robust and predictable scripting experiences. The following error types and their contexts of occurrence are detailed:

Error Types and Contexts

  • Invalid Argument Quantity Error
    • Raised when a function receives fewer or more arguments than expected.
    • Example: ADD(1) or ADD(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) if ADD expects two arguments.
  • Syntax Error
    • Raised for general syntax mistakes in expressions.
    • Example: {"string": variable} 5 (missing operator).
    • Sub-Errors:
      • Unexpected Character Error
        • Raised when an unexpected character is encountered in the expression.
        • Example: 5, 5 (unexpected ,).
      • Missing Expected Character Error
        • Raised when an expected character is missing in the expression.
        • Example: ADD(5, 6 (missing closing parenthesis).
  • Type Error:
    • Raised when an operation is performed on incompatible types.
    • Example: "Hello" - 5 (string and integer).
  • Value Error:
    • Raised when a function or operation receives inputs with invalid values.
    • Example: DATE(2023, 2, 31) → "Value Error: Day '31' is not valid for month '2'."
  • Undefined Variable Error:
    • Raised when an expression refers to a variable that has not been defined.
    • Example: x + 2 where x is undefined.
  • Undefined Function Error:
    • Raised when an expression calls a function that does not exist.
    • Example: NONEXISTENT_FUNCTION(1, 2).
  • Function Evaluation Error:
    • Raised when an error occurs within the execution of a function.
  • Division By Zero Error:
    • Raised when an attempt is made to divide by zero.
    • Example: 10 / 0.

Implementing Error Handling

  • Errors must provide clear and informative messages to aid in debugging.
  • Errors should be specific to the type of issue encountered to facilitate easier identification and resolution.
  • Implementations should include error handling as part of the language engine to maintain consistency across different environments.

Examples of Error Handling in Action:

  • Invalid Argument Quantity: ADD(1) → "Invalid Argument Quantity Error: Expected 2 arguments, but got 1."
  • Syntax Error: "Hello" "World" → "Syntax Error: Missing operator between expressions."
  • Type Error: "Hello" - 5 → "Type Error: Cannot subtract Integer from String."
  • Undefined Variable: x + 2 → "Undefined Variable Error: Variable 'x' is not defined."
  • Undefined Function: NONEXISTENT_FUNCTION(1, 2) → "Undefined Function Error: Function 'NONEXISTENT_FUNCTION' is not a valid function."
  • Function Evaluation: DIVIDE(1, 0) inside a function → "Function Evaluation Error: Division by zero in function 'DIVIDE'."
  • Division By Zero: 10 / 0 → "Division By Zero Error: Division by zero results in undefined."
  • Unexpected Character: 2 * 5 @ 3 → "Unexpected Character Error: '@' is not a valid character in expressions."
  • Missing Expected Character: ADD(5, 6 → "Missing Expected Character Error: Expected ')'."

Built-in Functions

OQS should support a set of built-in functions, with each implementation having the freedom to include additional functions. (Functions must handle invalid inputs by raising appropriate errors.)

  • ADD(argument1, argument2, ...) - Adds Numbers, concatenates Strings, merges Lists or merges KVSs:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: A minimum of two inputs with no maximum.
      • Types: All input types must be of the same type being one of the following:
        • Number
        • Temporal
        • String
        • List
        • KVS
    • Outputs: The same type that the inputs were. If one of the inputs was a Decimal, it will return a Decimal.
  • SUBTRACT(argument1, argument2) - Subtracts numbers or removes instances from strings/lists:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly two inputs required.
        • Types:
          • For numbers: Both Number.
          • For strings/lists: Both String or List.
          • For temporal: First argument should be a Temporal and the second argument should be a Duration.
    • Outputs: The same type as the inputs.
  • MULTIPLY(argument1, argument2, ...) - Multiplies numbers or repeats strings/lists:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: A minimum of two inputs with no maximum.
      • Types: Either all Number or the first String/List and the rest Number.
    • Outputs: The same type as the first input.
  • DIVIDE(argument1, argument2) - Divides the first number by the second:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly two inputs.
      • Types: Both inputs must be Number.
      • Error Handling: Raises an error if the second argument is zero.
    • Outputs: Number.
  • EXPONENTIATE(base, exponent) - Raises a number to the power of another:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly two inputs.
      • Types: Both inputs must be Number.
    • Outputs: Number.
  • MODULO(number1, number2) - Calculates the remainder of division:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly two inputs.
      • Types: Both inputs must be Number.
    • Outputs: Number.
  • LESS_THAN(argument1, argument2, ...) - Compares if each preceding argument is less than its following argument:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Two or more inputs.
      • Types: All inputs must be Number or all inputs must be of the same Temporal subtype.
    • Outputs: Boolean - Returns true if each argument is less than the next one, otherwise false.
  • GREATER_THAN(argument1, argument2, ...) - Compares if each preceding argument is greater than its following argument:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Two or more inputs.
      • Types: All inputs must be Number or all inputs must be of the same Temporal subtype.
    • Outputs: Boolean - Returns true if each argument is greater than the next one, otherwise false.
  • LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL(argument1, argument2, ...) - Compares if each preceding argument is less than or equal to its following argument:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Two or more inputs.
      • Types: All inputs must be Number or all inputs must be of the same Temporal subtype.
    • Outputs: Boolean - Returns true if each argument is less than or equal to the next one, otherwise false.
  • GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL(argument1, argument2, ...) - Compares if each preceding argument is greater than or equal to its following argument:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Two or more inputs.
      • Types: All inputs must be Number or all inputs must be of the same Temporal subtype.
    • Outputs: Boolean - Returns true if each argument is greater than or equal to the next one, otherwise false.
  • EQUALS(argument1, argument2, ...) - Compares if all arguments are equal:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Two or more inputs.
      • Types: Any types, but all must be of the same type.
    • Outputs: Boolean - Returns true if all arguments are equal, otherwise false.
  • NOT_EQUALS(argument1, argument2, ...) - Compares if any of the arguments are not equal:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Two or more inputs.
      • Types: Any types, but all must be of the same type.
    • Outputs: Boolean - Returns true if any argument is not equal to the others, otherwise false.
  • STRICTLY_EQUALS(argument1, argument2, ...) - Compares if all arguments are strictly equal (identical in type and value):
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Two or more inputs.
      • Types: Any types, but all must be of the same type.
    • Outputs: Boolean - Returns true if all arguments are strictly equal, otherwise false.
  • STRICTLY_NOT_EQUALS(argument1, argument2, ...) - Compares if any of the arguments are strictly not equal (different in type or value):
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Two or more inputs.
      • Types: Any types, but all must be of the same type.
    • Outputs: Boolean - Returns true if any argument is strictly not equal to the others, otherwise false.
  • AND(argument1, argument2, ...) - Performs a logical AND operation on all provided arguments:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Two or more inputs.
      • Types: Any types, evaluated for their truthiness.
    • Outputs: Boolean - Returns true if all arguments are truthy, otherwise false.
    • Examples:
      • Input: AND(true, 1, "text") Output: true
      • Input: AND(true, 0) Output: false
  • OR(argument1, argument2, ...) - Performs a logical OR operation on all provided arguments:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Two or more inputs.
      • Types: Any types, evaluated for their truthiness.
    • Outputs: Boolean - Returns true if at least one argument is truthy, otherwise false.
    • Examples:
      • Input: OR(false, 0, null, "text") Output: true
      • Input: OR(false, 0, "") Output: false
  • NOT(argument) - Performs a logical NOT operation on the provided argument:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly one input.
      • Types: Any type, evaluated for its truthiness.
    • Outputs: Boolean - Returns true if the argument is falsy, otherwise false.
    • Examples:
      • Input: NOT(true) Output: false
      • Input: NOT(0) Output: true
      • Input: NOT("text") Output: false (since "text" is truthy)
      • Input: NOT(null) Output: true
  • INTEGER(argument) - Converts to an integer representation:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly one input.
      • Types: Decimal, String, Integer, or Boolean.
    • Outputs: Integer.
  • DECIMAL(argument) - Converts to a decimal representation:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly one input.
      • Types: Integer, String, or Decimal.
    • Outputs: Decimal.
  • STRING(argument) - Converts to a string representation:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly one input.
      • Types: Any single type.
    • Outputs: String.
  • LIST(argument1, argument2, ...) - Creates a list from provided arguments:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: One or more inputs.
      • Types: Any types.
    • Outputs: List.
  • KVS(key1, value1, key2, value2, ..., keyN, valueN) - Creates a key-value store:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Even number of inputs (pairs of keys and values).
      • Types: Keys must be String, values can be any type.
      • Error Handling: Raises an error if an odd number of arguments is provided.
    • Outputs: KVS.
  • BOOLEAN(argument) / BOOL(argument) - Evaluates the truthiness of an argument:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly one input.
      • Types: Any single type.
    • Outputs: Boolean.Great! To include the AND and OR functions in the OQS language guidelines, we can expand the "Built-in Functions" section. These functions will provide an alternative way to perform logical operations, particularly useful for handling multiple operands or integrating into more complex expressions.
  • KEYS(kvs) - Retrieves a list of all keys in a KVS:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly one input.
      • Types: KVS.
    • Outputs: List of keys.
  • VALUES(kvs) - Retrieves a list of all values in a KVS:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly one input.
      • Types: KVS.
    • Outputs: List of values.
  • UNIQUE(list) - Returns a list of unique values:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly one input.
      • Types: List.
    • Outputs: List containing unique elements.
  • REVERSE(list) - Reverses the order of a list:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly one input.
      • Types: List.
    • Outputs: List in reverse order.
  • MAX(number1, number2, ..., numberN) - Finds the maximum number:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: A minimum of two inputs with no maximum.
      • Types: All inputs must be Number or all inputs must be of the same Temporal subtype.
    • Outputs: Number.
  • MIN(number1, number2, ..., numberN) - Finds the minimum number:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: A minimum of two inputs with no maximum.
      • Types: All inputs must be Number or all inputs must be of the same Temporal subtype.
    • Outputs: Number.
  • SUM(list) - Adds up items in a list:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly one input.
      • Types: List with all elements of the same base type.
      • Error Handling: Raises an error for mixed types.
    • Outputs: The sum or concatenation of list items.
  • LENGTH(object)/LEN(object) - Returns the count of items or characters:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly one input.
      • Types: List, String, Integer, or Decimal.
    • Outputs: Integer.
  • APPEND(list, item) - Appends an item to a list:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly two inputs.
      • Types: First input must be a List, second can be any type.
    • Outputs: List.
  • UPDATE(kvs/list, key/index, value) - Updates a KVS or List with a new value:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly three inputs.
      • Types:
        • For lists: First List, second Integer (index), third any type.
        • For KVS: First KVS, second and third any type (key and value).
      • Error Handling: Raises an error if the index does not exist for lists. For KVS, adds or updates the key.
    • Outputs: Updated List or KVS.
  • REMOVE_ITEM(list/kvs, item, max_occurrences=unlimited) - Removes an item from a list or KVS:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Two or three inputs.
      • Types: First input must be List or KVS, second input is the item to remove, third (optional) is Integer for maximum occurrences.
    • Outputs: Adjusted List or KVS.
  • REMOVE(list/kvs, index/key) - Removes an item from a list or KVS by index or key:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly two inputs.
      • Types:
        • For lists: First List, second Integer (index).
        • For KVS: First KVS, second String (key).
      • Error Handling: Raises an error if the index does not exist for lists; does not raise an error if a key does not exist in KVS.
    • Outputs: Adjusted List or KVS.
  • ACCESS(list/kvs, index/key, [optional default value]) - Accesses an item in a list or KVS:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Two or three inputs.
      • Types:
        • For lists: First List, second Integer (index).
        • For KVS: First KVS, second String (key), third (optional) any type (default value).
      • Error Handling: Raises an error if the index does not exist for lists; returns null or default value if the key does not exist in KVS.
    • Outputs: The accessed item or default value.
  • IF(condition1, result1, ..., conditionN, resultN, [else_result]) - Evaluates conditions and returns corresponding results:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: A minimum of two arguments up to an unlimited amount.
      • Types: Alternating between conditions (any type evaluated for truthiness) and results (any type).
    • Outputs: The result corresponding to the first true condition or the else result.
  • TYPE(argument) - Determines the type of the given argument:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly one input.
      • Types: Any single type.
    • Outputs: A String representing the type of the argument, such as "number", "integer", "decimal", "boolean", "list", "string", "function", "null", or "kvs".
    • Examples:
      • Input: TYPE(5) Output: "integer"
      • Input: TYPE([1, 2, 3]) Output: "list"
  • IS_TYPE(argument, type_string) - Evaluates whether the argument's type matches the specified type string:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly two inputs.
      • Types: First input of any type, second input a String.
      • Case Insensitivity: The type_string input is case-insensitive.
    • Outputs: A Boolean indicating the type match.
    • Superiority Rules: Types "integer" and "decimal" are considered subtypes of "number". An argument matching "integer" or "decimal" also returns true for "number".
    • Examples:
      • Input: IS_TYPE(5, "number") Output: true
      • Input: IS_TYPE("hello", "string") Output: true
  • TRY(expression, error_type1, result1, ..., error_typeN, resultN) - Attempts to evaluate an expression and handles specific errors with corresponding fallback expressions:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Minimum of three, odd number, no maximum.
      • Types: The first input is an expression of any type, followed by alternating String error types and their corresponding expressions.
      • Case Insensitivity: The error_type inputs are case-insensitive.
      • Superiority Rules: Error types follow a hierarchy, with specific error types taking precedence over general ones.
    • Outputs: The result of the first expression if no error occurs, or the result of the corresponding expression for the first true matching error.
    • Examples:
      • Input: TRY(1/0, "Division By Zero Error", "Infinity", "Syntax Error", "Check expression") Output: "Infinity"
  • RANGE(start, stop, step) - Generates a list of integers starting from start, ending before stop, incrementing by step:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Between 1 and 3, all integers.
      • Defaults: If only one argument is provided, it is considered as stop with start defaulting to 0 and step defaulting to 1.
    • Outputs: A List of integers.
    • Examples:
      • Input: RANGE(3) Output: [0, 1, 2]
      • Input: RANGE(1, 3) Output: [1, 2]
      • Input: RANGE(2, 10, 2) Output: [2, 4, 6, 8]
  • FOR(list, variable_name, expression) / MAP(list, variable_name, expression)- Iterates over each item in a list, executing an expression for each item:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly three inputs.
      • Types: First input must be a List, second a String for the variable name that will be set to the current item from the list, and third an expression.
      • Variable: During each iteration, the variable with the name set in the second argument is set to the current item from the list.
    • Outputs: A List of the results from evaluating the expression for each list item.
    • Examples:
      • Input: FOR([1, 2, 3], FOR_LIST_ITEM * 2) Output: [2, 4, 6]
  • RAISE(error_name, error_message) - Triggers a specified error or creates a custom error:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly two inputs, both String.
      • Types: First input for the error name, second for the error message.
      • Custom Error Handling: If error_name is not a predefined error, a custom error with that name is raised.
    • Outputs: Raises the specified error.
    • Examples:
      • Input: RAISE("Syntax Error", "Invalid syntax") Output: Raises a Syntax Error with the message "Invalid syntax".
      • Input: RAISE("NewError", "Custom error occurred") Output: Raises a custom error named "NewError" with the message "Custom error occurred".
  • FILTER(list/kvs, variable_name, predicate) - Filters elements of a List or key-value pairs of a KVS based on a provided predicate expression:
    • Inputs:
      • list/kvs: The List or KVS to be filtered.
      • variable_name: A String representing the name of the variable that will be assigned each item or key-value pair during evaluation.
      • predicate: An expression that returns a Boolean value. It is evaluated for each item (or key-value pair in the case of KVS) in the List/KVS.
    • Outputs: A new List or KVS containing only those elements (or key-value pairs) for which the predicate returns true.
    • Examples:
      • Input: FILTER([1, 2, 3, 4], "x", x > 2) Output: [3, 4]
      • Input: FILTER({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}, "value", value == 2) Output: {"b": 2}
  • SORT(list, variable_name, key_expression, [descending=false]) - Sorts a List based on a key generated by an expression for each element:
    • Inputs:
      • list: The List to be sorted.
      • variable_name: A String representing the name of the variable that will be assigned each item during evaluation.
      • key_expression: An expression that computes a key for each element in the List.
      • descending (optional): A Boolean indicating whether the sort should be in descending order. Defaults to false.
    • Outputs: A new List sorted based on the keys generated by the key_expression.
    • Examples:
      • Input: SORT([1, 2, 3, 4], "x", x, true) Output: [4, 3, 2, 1]
      • Input: SORT(["apple", "banana", "cherry"], "fruit", LEN(fruit)) Output: ["apple", "cherry", "banana"]
  • FLATTEN(list) - Flattens a nested List (a List of Lists) into a single-level List:
    • Inputs:
      • list: A List potentially containing other Lists as elements.
    • Outputs: A new List where all elements are not Lists.
    • Examples:
      • Input: FLATTEN([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]) Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
      • Input: FLATTEN([[["a", "b"], "c"], ["d"]]) Output: ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
  • SLICE(list/string, start, [end]) - Extracts a subsection of a List or String:
    • Inputs:
      • list/string: The List or String from which a subsection is to be extracted.
      • start: An Integer representing the starting index of the subsection (inclusive).
      • end (optional): An Integer representing the ending index of the subsection (exclusive). If omitted, the slice includes all elements from the start to the end of the List/String.
    • Outputs: A new List or String that is a subsection of the input List/String.
    • Examples:
      • Input: SLICE([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 1, 3) Output: [2, 3]
      • Input: SLICE("Hello World", 6) Output: "World"
  • IN(value, list/kvs) - Checks if a given value is present in a List or if a given key exists in a KVS:
    • Inputs:
      • value: The value or key to be checked. This can be of any type.
      • list/kvs: The List or KVS to be searched. If a List is provided, the function checks for the presence of the value in the List. If a KVS is provided, the function checks if the value is a key in the KVS.
    • Outputs: Boolean. Returns true if the value is found in the List or if the value is a key in the KVS. Returns false otherwise.
    • Examples:
      • Input: IN(3, [1, 2, 3, 4]) Output: true
      • Input: IN("b", {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}) Output: true
      • Input: IN("z", [1, 2, 3, 4]) Output: false
      • Input: IN("d", {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}) Output: false
  • DATE(year, month, day) - Creates a Date from specified year, month, and day:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly three inputs.
      • Types: All inputs must be Integer.
    • Outputs: Date.
  • TIME(hour, minute, second, [millisecond]) - Creates a Time from specified hour, minute, second, and optionally millisecond:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Three or four inputs.
      • Types: All inputs must be Integer.
    • Outputs: Time.
  • DATETIME(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, [millisecond]) - Creates a DateTime from specified year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and optionally millisecond:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Six or seven inputs.
      • Types: All inputs must be Integer.
    • Outputs: DateTime.
  • DURATION(days, hours, minutes, seconds, [milliseconds]) - Creates a Duration from specified days, hours, minutes, seconds, and optionally milliseconds:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Four or five inputs.
      • Types: All inputs must be Integer.
    • Outputs: Duration.
  • NOW() - Returns the current UTC DateTime:
    • Outputs: DateTime.
  • TODAY() - Returns the current UTC Date.
    • Outputs: Date.
  • TIME_NOW() - Returns the current UTC Time.
    • Outputs: Time.
  • PARSE_TEMPORAL(string, type, [format]) - Converts a String to the appropriate Temporal type (DateTime, Date, Time, Duration), optionally using a specified format. The optional format input will be ignored if the specified type is Duration:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: One or two inputs.
      • Types: First String, second String one of the Temporal subtypes (case-insensitive), third (optional) String (format pattern).
    • Outputs: The appropriate Temporal type based on the input String.
    • Examples:
      • Input: PARSE_TEMPORAL("2023-12-25T15:30:00", "DateTime") Output: DateTime(2023, 12, 25, 15, 30, 0)
      • Input: PARSE_TEMPORAL("2023-12-25", "Date") Output: Date(2023, 12, 25)
      • Input: PARSE_TEMPORAL("15:30:00", "Time") Output: Time(15, 30, 0)
      • Input: PARSE_TEMPORAL("1 02:15:30", "Duration") Output: Duration(1, 2, 15, 30)
  • FORMAT_TEMPORAL(temporal, format) - Formats a Temporal (Date, Time, DateTime, Duration) into a String using the specified format:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly two inputs.
      • Types: First Temporal (Date, Time, DateTime, Duration), second String (format pattern).
    • Outputs: String.
  • EXTRACT_DATE(datetime) - Extracts the Date component from a DateTime:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly one input.
      • Types: DateTime.
    • Outputs: Date.
  • EXTRACT_TIME(datetime) - Extracts the Time component from a DateTime:
    • Inputs:
      • Amount: Exactly one input.
      • Types: DateTime.
    • Outputs: Time.

Implementation Notes:

  • Format Strings: The optional format strings in PARSE_ and FORMAT_TEMPORAL functions should conform to standard date-time formatting conventions, allowing for custom date-time representations. It should follow the POSIX specification and the C standard for format codes.

Case Sensitivity

Function Name Case Insensitivity

  • In OQS, function names are case-insensitive. This means that a function can be called using any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, and it will be interpreted as the same function.
    • Example: ADD(1, 2), add(1, 2), and AdD(1, 2) will all be interpreted as calls to the same addition function.
  • This design choice is intended to reduce errors and confusion related to function naming conventions, thereby making the language more user-friendly.

Variable Name Case Sensitivity

  • Unlike function names, variable names in OQS are case-sensitive. This means that variables with the same spelling but different cases will be treated as distinct.
    • Example: Variable, variable, and VARIABLE are considered three separate variables.
  • Case sensitivity in variable names allows for more precise and controlled scripting, as it enables distinct naming for different variables even with similar spellings.

Guidelines for Developers and Users

  • Developers implementing OQS engines and users writing scripts in OQS should be mindful of these case sensitivity rules.
  • It is recommended to follow consistent naming conventions for clarity and maintainability. For instance, using camelCase or snake_case consistently for variable names can enhance readability.


Consistency Across Implementations:

Expressions evaluated in OQS should yield identical results across different implementations. This consistency is vital, except in cases where custom features or extensions have been introduced. The following are sample expressions and their expected outputs:

  • Numerical Operations:
    • Input: 2 * 5 Output: 10
    • Input: 10 / 2 Output: 5
    • Input: 9 % 2 Output: 1
  • String Operations:
    • Input: "Hello " + "World" Output: Hello World"
    • Input: "repeat" * 2 Output: "repeatrepeat"
    • Input: "remove" - "move" Output: "re"
  • Logical Operations:
    • Input: 1 & 0 Output: false (1 is truthy, 0 is falsy)
    • Input: "text" | "" Output: true ("text" is truthy, "" is falsy)
    • Input: (3 > 2) & [1] Output: true (both expressions are truthy)
    • Input: null | "hello" Output: true (null is falsy, "hello" is truthy)
  • Boolean Operations:
    • Input: true == false Output: false
    • Input: true != false Output: true
  • List Operations:
    • Input: [1, 2] + [3, 4] Output: [1, 2, 3, 4]
    • Input: [1, 2, 3, 4] - [3] Output: [1, 2, 4]
  • Key-Value Store Operations::
    • Input: { "a": 1, "b": 2 } + { "c": 3 } Output: { "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3 }
    • Input: { "name": "OQS", "type": "script" } + { "type": "language" } Output: { "name": "OQS", "type": "language" }
  • Function Examples:
    • Input: ADD(1, 2) Output: 3
    • Input: SUBTRACT(5, 2) Output: 3
    • Input: MULTIPLY(3, 4) Output: 12
    • Input: DIVIDE(8, 4) Output: 2
    • Input: EXPONENTIATE(2, 3) Output: 8
    • Input: MODULO(5, 3) Output: 2
  • Complex Function Calls and Expressions:
    • Input: INTEGER(3.5) Output: 3
    • Input: DECIMAL("42") Output: 42.0
    • Input: STRING([1, 2, 3]) Output: "[1, 2, 3]"
    • Input: LIST("a", "b", "c") Output: ["a", "b", "c"]
    • Input: KVS("key1", "value1", "key2", "value2") Output: { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" }
    • Input: BOOLEAN(1) Output: true
    • Input: KEYS({ "name": "OQS", "type": "script" }) Output: ["name", "type"]
    • Input: VALUES({ "name": "OQS", "type": "script" }) Output: ["OQS", "script"]
    • Input: UNIQUE([1, 1, 2, 2, 3]) Output: [1, 2, 3]
    • Input: REVERSE([1, 2, 3]) Output: [3, 2, 1]
    • Input: MAX(1, 3, 2) Output: 3
    • Input: MIN(1, 3, 2) Output: 1
    • Input: SUM([1, 2, 3]) Output: 6
    • Input: LEN("Hello") Output: 5
    • Input: APPEND([1, 2], 3) Output: [1, 2, 3]
    • Input: UPDATE([1, 2, 3], 1, 4) Output: [1, 4, 3]
    • Input: REMOVE_ITEM([1, 2, 3, 2], 2) Output: [1, 3]
    • Input: REMOVE([1, 2, 3], 0) Output: [2, 3]
    • Input: ACCESS([1, 2, 3], 1) Output: 2
    • Input: IF(1 > 0, "positive", "negative") Output: "positive"
  • Unpacking and KVS Expansion:
    • Input: INTEGER(**["5"]) Output: 5
    • Input: {***{"key1": "value1"}, ***{"key2": "value2"}} Output: { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" }
  • String Embedded Expressions:
    • Input: <{3 + 5}> is the answer with string_embedded set to true Output: "8 is the answer"
  • Complex Nested Expressions:
    • Input: IF(LEN("test") == 4, "valid", "invalid") Output: "valid"
    • Input: ADD(*[1, 2, 3, 4]) Output: 10
    • Input: MULTIPLY(STRING(2), 3) Output: "222"
  • Order of Operations:
    • Input: 2 + 3 * 4 Output: 14 (Multiplication is performed before addition)
    • Input: (2 + 3) * 4 Output: 20 (Parentheses alter the order, causing addition to be performed first)
  • Parentheses:
    • Input: 4 * (2 + 3) Output: 20 (Parentheses cause addition to be prioritized over multiplication)
    • Input: ((2 + 3) * 4) / 2 Output: 10 (Nested parentheses guide the sequence of operations)
  • Temporal Addition and Subtraction:
    • Input: ADD(DATETIME(2023, 12, 25, 10, 30, 0), DURATION(0, 2, 0, 0)) Output: DATETIME(2023, 12, 25, 12, 30, 0) (Adds 2 hours to the datetime)
    • Input: SUBTRACT(DATE(2023, 12, 25), DURATION(1, 0, 0, 0)) Output: DATE(2023, 12, 24) (Subtracts 1 day from the date)
  • Temporal Comparisons:
    • Input: LESS_THAN(DATE(2023, 12, 25), DATE(2024, 1, 1)) Output: true (Checks if one date is earlier than another)
    • Input: GREATER_THAN(TIME(15, 30, 0), TIME(14, 30, 0)) Output: true (Compares two times)
  • Temporal Formatting and Parsing:
    • Input: FORMAT_TEMPORAL(DATETIME(2023, 12, 25, 10, 30, 0), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") Output: "2023-12-25 10:30:00"
    • Input: PARSE_TEMPORAL("2023-12-25", "Date", "%Y-%m-%d") Output: DATE(2023, 12, 25)
  • Advanced Temporal Operations:
    • Input: IF(GREATER_THAN(NOW(), DATETIME(2023, 12, 25, 0, 0, 0)), "After Christmas", "Before Christmas") (Evaluates current time in relation to a specific datetime)
    • Input: LEN(SLICE("2023-12-25T15:30:00", 0, 10)) Output: 10 (Extracts the date part from a datetime string and calculates its length)
  • Using Temporal Types in Complex Expressions:
    • Input: ADD(DURATION(1, 0, 0, 0), IF(LESS_THAN(TIME_NOW(), TIME(12, 0, 0)), DURATION(0, 1, 0, 0), DURATION(0, 2, 0, 0))) (Adds either 1 or 2 hours to a duration based on the current time)
    • Input: STRING(EXTRACT_DATE(NOW())) + " is today's date" (Extracts the current date and converts it to a string for display)

These examples highlight the versatility of OQS in handling temporal data, providing a clear demonstration of how the new temporal types can be effectively utilized in various scenarios.

Implementation Recommendations

  • Accessibility of these guidelines is paramount for developers, hence they should be publicly available.
  • Adherence to the stipulated type system and operator interactions is obligatory for implementers.
  • Error reporting ought to be as transparent and informative as possible without introducing security risks.
  • While implementations may be proprietary, open-source contributions are highly encouraged.

Publication and Evolution

  • The recommended format for these guidelines is a Markdown (.md) file within a committed GitHub repository for the project.
  • Language development should be recorded through systematic versioning of this document.
  • Community discourse and proposals for alterations are advised to take place via GitHub issues and pull requests to ensure an open and structured record of evolution.

Reference Implementation

A model open-source implementation exemplifying these guidelines will be published to offer a standard for comparison and adherence for alternative implementations.

Future Plans

In the future OQS hopes to build types and functions to interact with the following:

  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Lat-Long (Location)

Additionally, OQS hopes to implement handling of timezones and we encourage contribution in that area.


The OQS language is designed to enhance ease of adoption, establish a system-neutral scripting solution, and ensure uniformity and straightforwardness. Your contributions and feedback on these guidelines are warmly welcomed to guarantee that OQS can adequately satisfy a broad spectrum of applications and remain adaptable for impending developments.