Temperature Range -40 deg. C to 40 deg. C
Humidity 0 to 100% RH
Pressure 0 to 1100mbar
- Component cost < 30 UK pounds
Weight with battery 15g max
Weight with Solar 10g max
Suitable for hand or automated assembly
0.8mm thick PCB
Battery Lithium Primary Cell 1.5V AAA size. Life > 10 days
Solar cells
Efficient power control of all devices to achieve lowest power standby
UbLox M8
Onboard antenna
Good sensitivity
Output to GPS discipline radio clocks
Accelerometer and Magnetometer (option)
Temperature, Pressure and humidity (option)
Light sensor (option)
Battery or solar voltage
TCXO stable
GPS discipline clocks
433 MHz RTTY
433/868/ 916 MHz LoRa/LoRaWAN
144 MHz APRS
Onboard Antenna
Low power ARM 32 bit processor
At least 64K Flash memory
At least 16K RAM memory
USB field programming
Spare I2C
LED, buttons and display (option). Enable the tracker to be used a LoRaWAN or APRS terrestrial tracker
Robust power on reset
- Arduino or Similar free IDE C/C++ development environment