+# main()
+# File "windows-exploit-suggester/windows-exploit-suggester.py", line 354, in main
+# wb = xlrd.open_workbook(ARGS.database)
+# File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/xlrd/__init__.py", line 370, in open_workbook
+# biff_version = bk.getbof(XL_WORKBOOK_GLOBALS)
+# File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/xlrd/__init__.py", line 1323, in getbof
+# raise XLRDError('Expected BOF record; found 0x%04x' % opcode)
+# xlrd.biffh.XLRDError: Expected BOF record; found 0x4b50
+# Currently, if the 'systeminfo' command reveals 'File 1' as the output for
+# the hotfixes, it will not be able to determine which are installed on
+# the target. If this occurs, the list of hotfixes will need to be
+# retrieved from the target host and passed in using the --hotfixes flag
+# It currently does not seperate 'editions' of the Windows OS such as
+# 'Tablet' or 'Media Center' for example, or different architectures, such as
+# Itanium-based only
+# False positives also occur where it assumes EVERYTHING is installed
+# on the target Windows operating system. If you receive the 'File 1'
+# output, try executing 'wmic qfe list full' and feed that as input
+# with the --hotfixes flag, along with the 'systeminfo'
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+# TODO better if/then/case when detecting OS. more flexibility with parsing
+# different systeminfo output
+# TODO seperate by editions? may result in false positives
+# TODO count the number of exploits in the summary prior to outputting it?
+# TODO finish -s --search function so that all info on an MS number can be
+# returned
+# TODO add titles to exploit list so that it is more portable
+# TODO test for Windows RT systeminfo output
+# TODO improved msf/poc output? perhaps adding details on each MS number?
+# TODO if it's running on windows, then try and execute the systeminfo command?
+# TODO SPEED. this is now way too slow... somewhat improved!
+# TODO automatically install python module? xlrd.
+# TODO manually override MS11-011 for Non-Affected Products. The bulletin
+# database is wrong.
+# Windows 7 for 32-bit Systems Service Pack 1
+# Windows 7 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 1
+# Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 1
+# Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-based Systems Service Pack 1
+# v33 2017-02-13
+# - added links to exploits and resources for each bulletins. can be ignored with the -q/--quiet flag
+# - hard coded ms11-011 to ignore false positives
+# - added additional resources
+# v31 2016-02-10
+# - changed bulletin url, microsoft 404'd it
+# v30 2016-01-04
+# - added exploits and bulletins from the past six months
+# v29 2015-09-16
+# - adding support for windows 10
+# v28 2015-07-30
+# - added bulletin scraping for xlsx and xls files using regex. thanks to
+# edebernis for reporting the bug
+# - added ms15-022, ms15-015 update to msf
+# v27 2015-06-18
+# - added new bulletin url that is only xls and not xlsx. thanks to bstork for
+# reporting the bug
+# - added ms15-010, ms15-051, and ms15-052
+# v26 2015-06-02
+# - small bug fix with linked output
+# - added duplicates flag that can allow for bulletins to be displayed
+# multiple times. this will allow for greater analysis on linked bulletins
+# v25 2015-05-18
+# - added ms15-051 local priv
+# v24 2015-01-30
+# - added --sub/-s command in order to display output of msids as linked
+# this aides in demonstrating what patches need to be applied precisely.
+# this change was implemented in v23, but only followed the depth to level
+# 1 instead of the entire way.
+# - fixed a bug that know allows for multiple supercedes msids in the db
+# - allowed for getarchitecture to be recursive, and reduced redunancy when
+# it is called throughout the program
+# - added ms14-070
+# v23 2015-01-26
+# - typo in --local flag case (pontential vs potential). issue #5 closed.
+# v22 2015-01-23
+# - speed optimisations! it was too slow beforehand. realised i could easily
+# make it a bit more efficient
+# v21 2015-01-22
+# - changed display formatting to include nested/linked MS numbers. makes it
+# easier to determine the dependencies
+# - made args global
+# - changed some code formatting, including double-space instead of \t
+# - added some additional comments
+# - disable ANSI output if on windows platform
+# - added recent exploits
+# v20 2014-12-16
+# - added ms14-068,ms14-064,ms14-060, and ms14-058 to the internal vuln list
+# v19 2014-10-08
+# - added support for windows server 2012, this includes ignoring the
+# architecture for 2012, and forcing from 32-bit to 64-bit
+# v18 2014-09-02
+# - added ms14-029 poc
+# v17 2014-08-05
+# - fixed a bug where it would not detect OS version when a unicode char comes
+# before search string
+# v16 2014-07-28
+# - improved reading of various file encodings for systeminfo. now attempts to
+# detect the file first, otherwise loops through common encodings
+# - improved OS, service pack, architecture, and release detection. this is now
+# not English-dependent as it was previously
+# - better architecture detection of systeminfo input (look for -based string)
+# - added /usr/bin/env python
+# - added ms14-035 poc
+# v15 2014-07-15
+# - changed file open to io, and attempt to decode as utf-8; otherwise attempt
+# utf-16
+# v14 2014-07-13
+# - allowed for --ostext flag to properly supersede OS detection of systeminfo
+# input
+# v13a 2014-07-01
+# - added new msf flags for ms13-097, and ms14-009
+# v12a 2014-06-06
+# - quick cleanup for release
+# v11a 2014-05-02
+# - fixed the bulletin scrape regex for the update command. ms changed it
+# v10a 2014-03-24
+# - added a hotfixes argument, that can be used to supplement the list
+# of hotfixes detected in the systeminfo input
+# - added severity at the end of the output when reporting bulletins
+# - added a 'patches' argument, that can be used to determine any
+# of the hotfixes for a specific bulletin. this is good for debugging.
+# v09a 2014-03-18
+# - again, another massive bug on the linked kb searching function
+# getlinkedms(). should be fixed now
+# - also checks columns 11 and 12 for superseded, i think it has to
+# do with dos and *nix output
+# v08a 2014-02-14
+# - bug where the superseded column wasn't being checked
+# this may be because it's only xlsx and it parsed differently in csv
+# - added some new exploits from edb
+# v07a 2014-02-12
+# - added indicator for os version, and in green
+# - better parsing of architecture for itanium based support
+# v06a 2014-01-19
+# - added 'ostext' or 'o' option, when don't have any patch information
+# but just know the OS
+# v05a
+# - added a check for "Kernel version" column, as well as "OS version"
+# v04a
+# - added support for XLSX files directly with the updated XLRD library, this
+# requires the python-xlrd library to be installed and upgraded with:
+# $ pip install xlrd --upgrade
+# - changed MS13-101 to E, as there isn't a metasploit module (yet!)
+# v03a
+# - fixed an issue where component KB wasn't being checked
+# def main():
+# def run(database):
+# def detect_encoding(filename):
+# def trace(database):
+# def patches(database):
+# def getversion(name, release, servicepack, architecture):
+# def getname(ostext):
+# def getrelease(ostext):
+# def getservicepack(ostext):
+# def getarchitecture(ostext):
+# def getitanium(ostext):
+# def getpatch(ostext):
+# def getbulletinids(haystack):
+# def isaffected(name, release, servicepack, architecture, haystack):
+# def getlinkedms(msids, database):
+# def getexploit(msid = 0):
+# def update():
+# def merge_list(li):
+import re
+import platform
+import argparse
+import subprocess
+import csv
+import StringIO
+import os
+import datetime
+import urllib2
+import io
+from random import randint
+from time import sleep
+from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
+from sys import exit
+# constants/globals
+MSSB_URL = 'http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/confirmation.aspx?id=36982'
+BULLETIN_URL = 'http://download.microsoft.com/download/6/7/3/673E4349-1CA5-40B9-8879-095C72D5B49D/BulletinSearch.xlsx'
+VERSION = "3.3"
+# global parser
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="search microsoft security bulletins for exploits based upon the patch level of the machine by feeding in systeminfo command")
+parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="verbose output", action="store_true")
+parser.add_argument("-i", "--systeminfo", help="feed in an input file that contains the 'systeminfo' command")
+parser.add_argument("-d", "--database", help="the file that contains the microsoft security bulletin database")
+parser.add_argument("-u", "--update", help="required flag to even run the script", action="store_true")
+parser.add_argument("-a", "--audit", help="show all entries, not only exploits", action="store_true")
+parser.add_argument("-t", "--trace", help="used to determine linked ms bulletins")
+parser.add_argument("-p", "--patches", help="used to determine specific patches for a ms bulletin")
+parser.add_argument("-o", "--ostext", help="a loose text representation of the windows OS (ex: \"windows xp home edition sp2\")")
+parser.add_argument("-s", "--sub", help="generate output using linked/sub bulletins. WARNING: SLOW!", action="store_true")
+parser.add_argument("-2", "--duplicates", help="allow duplicate ms bulletin output within the results. this will produce a lot of output, but is useful when determining linked ms bulletins", action="store_true")
+parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="don't show exploit information. shorter output", action="store_true")
+# hotfixes
+# used to parse "wmic qfe list full" input, and to solve the 'File 1' errors
+parser.add_argument("-H", "--hotfixes", help="a loose list of hotfixes to be added, for use with the following command: 'wmic qfe list full'")
+# search by exploit type only
+exptypegroup = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+exptypegroup.add_argument("-r", "--remote", help="search remote exploits only", action="store_true")
+exptypegroup.add_argument("-l", "--local", help="search local exploits only", action="store_true")
+# global args parsed
+ARGS = parser.parse_args()
+def main():
+ ALERT("initiating winsploit version %s..." % VERSION)
+ database = ''
+ # if there is a database switch
+ if ARGS.database:
+ # split name and extension
+ name, extension = os.path.splitext(ARGS.database)
+ # csv
+ if 'csv' in extension:
+ ALERT("database file detected as csv based on extension", ALERT.NORMAL)
+ # attempt to open the file
+ try:
+ dbfile = open(ARGS.database, 'r')
+ except IOError, e:
+ ALERT("could not open the file %s" % filename, ALERT.BAD)
+ exit(1)
+ data = ''
+ for line in dbfile:
+ data += line
+ database = data
+ dbfile.close()
+ # xls or xslx
+ elif 'xls' in extension:
+ ALERT("database file detected as xls or xlsx based on extension", ALERT.NORMAL)
+ try:
+ import xlrd
+ except ImportError as e:
+ ALERT("please install and upgrade the python-xlrd library", ALERT.BAD)
+ exit(1)
+ # open the xls file
+ try:
+ wb = xlrd.open_workbook(ARGS.database)
+ except IOError as e:
+ ALERT("no such file or directory '%s'. ensure you have the correct database file passed in --database/-d" % ARGS.database, ALERT.BAD)
+ exit(1)
+ #sh = wb.sheet_by_name('Export Bulletin Search Spreadsh')
+ sh = wb.sheet_by_index(0)
+ # read the spreadsheet into a temp file
+ f = NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wb')
+ wr = csv.writer(f, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, delimiter=',')
+ data = ''
+ # loop through xls
+ for rownum in xrange(sh.nrows):
+ values = sh.row_values(rownum)
+ # loop through row values, and process input
+ for i in range(len(values)):
+ values[i] = unicode(values[i]).encode('utf8')
+ values[i] = values[i].replace('\n',' ')
+ values[i] = values[i].replace(',','')
+ values[i] = values[i].replace('.0','')
+ data += ",".join(values)
+ data += '\n'
+ # set the database to the csv data
+ database = data
+ # unknown filetype, error
+ else:
+ ALERT("unknown filetype. change file extension to indicate csv or xls/xlsx", ALERT.BAD)
+ exit(1)
+ if ARGS.trace: trace(database)
+ elif ARGS.systeminfo or ARGS.ostext: run(database)
+ elif ARGS.update: update()
+ elif ARGS.patches: patches(database)
+ # error
+ else:
+ ALERT("an error occured while running, not enough arguments", ALERT.BAD)
+ exit(1)
+ ALERT("done")
+ # end main()
+def run(database):
+ # variables used
+ ostext=None
+ name=None
+ release=None
+ servicepack=None
+ # will default to 32-bit, but can be 64 bit or itanium
+ architecture=None
+ hotfixes=set([])
+ bulletinids=set([])
+ potential=[]
+ vulns={}
+ ids=set([])
+ cmdoutput = []
+ # test for database
+ if not ARGS.database:
+ ALERT("please supply a MSSB database file with the --database or -d flag, this can be downloaded using the --update command", ALERT.BAD)
+ exit(1)
+ # read from ostext first
+ if ARGS.ostext:
+ ALERT("getting OS information from command line text")
+ name=getname(ARGS.ostext)
+ release=getrelease(ARGS.ostext)
+ servicepack=getservicepack(ARGS.ostext)
+ architecture=getarchitecture(ARGS.ostext)
+ # the os name at least has to be identified
+ if not name:
+ ALERT("unable to determine the windows version command line text from '%s'" % ARGS.ostext, ALERT.BAD)
+ exit(1)
+ # get the systeminfo information from the input file
+ if ARGS.systeminfo:
+ ALERT("attempting to read from the systeminfo input file")
+ # when reading the systeminfo file, we want to attempt to detect it using chardet
+ # if this doesn't work, we will loop through a list of common encodings and try them all
+ encodings = ['utf-8', 'utf-16', 'utf-16-le', 'utf-16-be', 'iso-8859-2']
+ detected_encoding = detect_encoding(ARGS.systeminfo)
+ # insert detected encoding to the front of the list
+ if detected_encoding:
+ if ARGS.verbose: ALERT("detected encoding of file as '%s'" % detected_encoding)
+ encodings.insert(0, detected_encoding)
+ cmdfile = None
+ cmdoutput = None
+ # now loop through all encodings, with the detected one first (if it was possible)
+ for encoding in encodings:
+ if ARGS.verbose: ALERT(" attempting to read with '%s' encoding" % encoding)
+ # if we can read the file, and read the command output, we are done with the loop
+ try:
+ cmdfile = io.open(ARGS.systeminfo, "r", encoding=encoding) # throws UnicodeDecodeError
+ cmdoutput = cmdfile.readlines() # throws UnicodeError
+ break
+ except (UnicodeError, UnicodeDecodeError) as e:
+ ALERT("could not read file using '%s' encoding: %s" % (encoding, e), ALERT.BAD)
+ # file might not exist
+ except:
+ ALERT("could not read from input file specified: %s" % ARGS.systeminfo, ALERT.BAD)
+ exit(1)
+ # general catchall if somehow it was able to keep processing
+ if not cmdfile or not cmdoutput:
+ ALERT("could not read from input file, or could not detect encoding", ALERT.BAD)
+ exit(1)
+ # file read successfully
+ ALERT("systeminfo input file read successfully (%s)" % encoding, ALERT.GOOD)
+ # error
+ if not ARGS.systeminfo and not ARGS.ostext and platform.system() != 'Windows':
+ ALERT("please run from a Windows machine, or provide an input file using --systeminfo, or use the --ostext option to get data with no patch information", ALERT.BAD)
+ exit(1)
+ # parse the systeminfo information
+ hotfix=False
+ # loop through the systeminfo input
+ for haystack in cmdoutput:
+ # only attempt to set the version, arch, service pack if there is no
+ # ostext flag
+ if not ARGS.ostext:
+ # when detecting the operating system version, every line (independent of language)
+ # appears to have Microsoft Windows in it, sometimes with (R)
+ if "Microsoft" in haystack and "Windows" in haystack and not name:
+ name = getname(haystack)
+ # the windows release is similar to the above and has the text 'Microsoft Windows' in the text
+ if "Microsoft" in haystack and "Windows" in haystack and not release:
+ release = getrelease(haystack)
+ # similar to OS, there is the words 'Service Pack'
+ if "Service Pack" in haystack and not servicepack:
+ servicepack = getservicepack(haystack)
+ # get architecture only if -based is in the line, and --ostext hasn't been used
+ if "-based" in haystack and not architecture:
+ architecture=getarchitecture(haystack)
+ # look for kbs
+ if ("KB" in haystack or "]: " in haystack):
+ patch=getpatch(haystack)
+ # if a patch was parsed
+ if patch:
+ if ARGS.verbose: ALERT("found hotfix %s" % patch)
+ hotfixes.add(patch)
+ # now process the hotfixes argument input
+ if ARGS.hotfixes:
+ encodings = ['utf-8', 'utf-16', 'utf-16-le', 'utf-16-be', 'iso-8859-2']
+ detected_encoding = detect_encoding(ARGS.systeminfo)
+ # insert detected encoding to the front of the list
+ if detected_encoding:
+ if ARGS.verbose: ALERT("detected encoding of file as '%s'" % detected_encoding)
+ encodings.insert(0, detected_encoding)
+ cmdfile = None
+ hotfixesfile = None
+ # now loop through all encodings, with the detected one first (if it was possible)
+ for encoding in encodings:
+ if ARGS.verbose: ALERT(" attempting to read with '%s' encoding" % encoding)
+ # if we can read the file, and read the command output, we are done with the loop
+ try:
+ cmdfile = io.open(ARGS.hotfixes, "r", encoding=encoding) # throws UnicodeDecodeError
+ hotfixesfile = cmdfile.readlines() # throws UnicodeError
+ break
+ except (UnicodeError, UnicodeDecodeError) as e:
+ if ARGS.verbose: ALERT("could not read file using '%s' encoding: %s" % (encoding, e), ALERT.BAD)
+ # file might not exist
+ except:
+ ALERT("could not read from input file specified: %s" % ARGS.hotfixes, ALERT.BAD)
+ exit(1)
+ # general catchall if somehow it was able to keep processing
+ if not cmdfile or not hotfixesfile:
+ ALERT("could not read from input file, or could not detect encoding", ALERT.BAD)
+ exit(1)
+ # file read successfully
+ ALERT("hotfixes input file read successfully (%s)" % encoding, ALERT.GOOD)
+ # loop through hotfixes file input
+ for haystack in hotfixesfile:
+ # look for kbs
+ if ("KB" in haystack or "]: " in haystack):
+ patch=getpatch(haystack)
+ # if a patch was parsed
+ if patch:
+ if ARGS.verbose: ALERT("found hotfix %s" % patch)
+ hotfixes.add(patch)
+ if ARGS.verbose:
+ ALERT("name: %s; release: %s; servicepack: %s; architecture: %s" % (name, release, servicepack, architecture))
+ # verify that a windows os was at least able to be parsed
+ if not name:
+ if ARGS.systeminfo:
+ ALERT("unable to determine the windows versions from the input file specified. consider using --ostext option to force detection (example: --ostext 'windows 7 sp1 64-bit')", ALERT.BAD)
+ exit(1)
+ if ARGS.verbose:
+ ALERT("name: %s" % name)
+ ALERT("release: %s" % release)
+ ALERT("service pack: %s" % servicepack)
+ ALERT("architecture: %s" % architecture)
+ ALERT("querying database file for potential vulnerabilities")
+ # potential, all matches within the CSV database for the name,release,sp,arch
+ # bulletinds, set of the above with MSIDs (good to keep count)
+ # get the potential bulletins
+ try:
+ for row in csv.reader(StringIO.StringIO(database)):
+ bulletinid=row[1]
+ affected=row[6]
+ if isaffected(name, release, servicepack, architecture, affected):
+ # only add the bulletin if it's not already in the list
+ if bulletinid not in bulletinids:
+ potential.append(row)
+ bulletinids.add(bulletinid)
+ if ARGS.verbose:
+ ALERT("%s has been added to potential list '%s'" % (bulletinid, affected))
+ except csv.Error, e:
+ ALERT('could not parse database file, make sure it is in the proper format', ALERT.BAD)
+ exit(1)
+ # there should always be some potential vulns, because of the amount of windows software and false positives
+ if len(bulletinid) == 0:
+ ALERT("there are no potential vulnerabilities for, ensure you're searching a valid windows OS", ALERT.BAD)
+ exit(1)
+ ALERT("comparing the %s hotfix(es) against the %s potential bulletins(s) with a database of %s known exploits" % (len(hotfixes), len(bulletinids), getexploit()))
+ # start removing the vulns because of hotfixes
+ for row in list(potential):
+ # ms bulletin
+ bulletinid=row[1]
+ kb=row[2]
+ componentkb=row[7]
+ for hotfix in hotfixes:
+ # if either the hotfixes match the kb or componentkb columns, and the bulletin is in the list
+ # of potential bulletins
+ if (hotfix == kb or hotfix == componentkb) and bulletinid in bulletinids:
+ if ARGS.verbose:
+ ALERT(" %s hotfix triggered a removal of %skb and the %s bulletin; componentkb is %s" % (hotfix,kb,bulletinid,componentkb))
+ # get the linked ms, this will automatically calculate the superseded by as well
+ linkedms = getlinkedms([bulletinid], csv.reader(StringIO.StringIO(database)))
+ linkedmsstr = ''
+ # calculate the pretty string, only care when verbose
+ if len(linkedms) > 0:
+ for m in linkedms:
+ linkedmsstr += ' ' + m
+ if ARGS.verbose:
+ if hotfix == kb:
+ ALERT(" due to presence of KB%s (Bulletin KB) removing%s bulletin(s)" % (kb, linkedmsstr))
+ elif componentkb == kb:
+ ALERT(" due to presence of KB%s (Component KB) removing%s bulletin(s)" % (componentkb, linkedmsstr))
+ bulletinids = bulletinids.difference(linkedms)
+ potential.remove(row)
+ ALERT("there are now %s remaining vulns" % len(bulletinids))
+ # search local exploits only
+ if ARGS.local:
+ ALERT("searching for local exploits only")
+ for row in list(potential):
+ bulletinid = row[1]
+ impact = row[4]
+ if bulletinid in bulletinids and not "elevation of privilege" in impact.lower():
+ remove = getlinkedms([bulletinid], csv.reader(StringIO.StringIO(database)))
+ if ARGS.verbose:
+ ALERT(" removing %s (total of %s MS ids), because of its impact %s" % (bulletinid, len(remove), impact))
+ bulletinids = bulletinids.difference(remove)
+ potential.remove(row)
+ # search remote exploits only
+ if ARGS.remote:
+ ALERT("searching for remote exploits only")
+ for row in list(potential):
+ bulletinid = row[1]
+ impact = row[4]
+ if bulletinid in bulletinids and not "remote code execution" in impact.lower():
+ remove = getlinkedms([bulletinid], csv.reader(StringIO.StringIO(database)))
+ if ARGS.verbose:
+ ALERT(" removing %s (total of %s MS ids), because of its impact %s" % (bulletinid, len(remove), impact))
+ bulletinids = bulletinids.difference(remove)
+ potential.remove(row)
+ # print windows version
+ version=getversion(name, release, servicepack, architecture)
+ ALERT("[E] exploitdb PoC, [M] Metasploit module, [*] missing bulletin", ALERT.GOOD)
+ ALERT("windows version identified as '%s'" % version, ALERT.GOOD)
+ # spacer
+ ALERT("")
+ # vulns, the dictionary of the bulletins based off of the potential bulletins
+ # also, a good opportunity to remove false-positives due to the
+ # differences in the technet post and bulletin
+ for row in potential:
+ id = row[1]
+ # start removing vulns because of false-positives
+ # Manual override for MS11-011 to reduce false positives. The article was updated, but the bulletin database wasn't (https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/security/ms11-011.aspx)
+ # V1.2 (March 18, 2011): Added Windows 7 for 32-bit Systems Service Pack 1, Windows 7 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 1, Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 1, and Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-based Systems Service Pack 1 to Non-Affected Software. This is an informational change only. There were no changes to the security update files or detection logic.
+ if id == 'MS11-011':
+ ms11_011 = ['Windows 7 for 32-bit Systems Service Pack 1', 'Windows 7 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 1', 'Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 1','Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-based Systems Service Pack 1']
+ for not_affected in ms11_011:
+ compare_version = getversion(getname(not_affected),getrelease(not_affected),getservicepack(not_affected),getarchitecture(not_affected))
+ if version == compare_version:
+ if ARGS.verbose: ALERT("Ignoring MS11-011 false positive due to it not affecting '%s'" % compare_version)
+ id = False
+ for bulletinid in bulletinids:
+ if bulletinid == id:
+ title = row[5]
+ kb = row[2]
+ severity = row[3]
+ if id not in ids:
+ vulns[id] = [title,kb,severity]
+ ids.add(id)
+ # alerted, if a bulletin has been alerted to the user so that it doesn't appear twice
+ # this occurs when a bulletin has multiple parents
+ # msids, the actual data for all of the relevant msids (the row from the CSV)
+ alerted = set()
+ msids = sorted(vulns, reverse=True)
+ # loop through the bulletinids which is the set of the actual bulletins that are to
+ # be alerted
+ for msid in msids:
+ ## don't alert twice, no matter the case
+ if msid not in alerted:
+ # get the msid, exploitability alert rating, and resources
+ m,exploit,resources = getexploit(msid)
+ # only display the message, if the exploit flag isn't used
+ # or if it is used, and the alert level is MSF or EXP
+ if ARGS.audit or (exploit == ALERT.MSF or exploit == ALERT.EXP):
+ alert = ALERT.NORMAL
+ if exploit: alert = exploit
+ ALERT("%s: %s (%s) - %s" % (msid, vulns[msid][0], vulns[msid][1], vulns[msid][2]), alert)
+ if resources and not ARGS.quiet:
+ for resource in resources:
+ ALERT(" %s" % resource)
+ ALERT("")
+ alerted.add(msid)
+ # only attempt to display linked/sub msids based on cli arguments
+ if ARGS.sub:
+ # linked ms, the children of this msid
+ linked = set(getlinkedms([msid], csv.reader(StringIO.StringIO(database))))
+ linked = linked.intersection(msids)
+ # loop through the linked msids, and only display those that qualify and
+ # those that have not been alerted yet
+ for lmsid in sorted(linked, reverse=True):
+ if lmsid in msids and lmsid not in alerted:
+ lexploit = getexploit(lmsid)
+ lalert = ALERT.NORMAL
+ if ARGS.audit or (lexploit == ALERT.MSF or lexploit == ALERT.EXP):
+ if lexploit: lalert = lexploit
+ ALERT("|_%s: %s (%s) - %s" % (lmsid, vulns[lmsid][0], vulns[lmsid][1], vulns[lmsid][2]), lalert)
+ # only allow duplicate events to be displayed when command-line args passed
+ if not ARGS.duplicates: alerted.add(lmsid)
+ # end run()
+# attempt to detect character encoding of a file
+# otherwise return None
+# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3323770/character-detection-in-a-text-file-in-python-using-the-universal-encoding-detect
+def detect_encoding(filename):
+ try:
+ import chardet
+ data = open(filename, "r").read()
+ result = chardet.detect(data)
+ encoding = result['encoding']
+ return encoding
+ except:
+ return None
+# the trace command is used to determine linked MS bulletins
+# TODO much of this is duplicated from run(). should be merged
+def trace(database):
+ # convert to upper
+ bulletinid = ARGS.trace.upper()
+ ALERT("searching for bulletin id %s" % bulletinid)
+ # get linked msids
+ lmsids = getlinkedms([bulletinid], csv.reader(StringIO.StringIO(database)))
+ msids = []
+ if ARGS.ostext:
+ ALERT("getting OS information from command line text")
+ name=getname(ARGS.ostext)
+ release=getrelease(ARGS.ostext)
+ servicepack=getservicepack(ARGS.ostext)
+ architecture=getarchitecture(ARGS.ostext)
+ if ARGS.verbose:
+ ALERT("name: %s" % name)
+ ALERT("release: %s" % release)
+ ALERT("service pack: %s" % servicepack)
+ ALERT("architecture: %s" % architecture)
+ # the os name at least has to be identified
+ if not name:
+ ALERT("unable to determine the windows version command line text from '%s'" % ARGS.ostext, ALERT.BAD)
+ exit(1)
+ # get linked msids, loop through the row
+ for row in csv.reader(StringIO.StringIO(database)):
+ msid = row[1]
+ affected = row[6]
+ if msid in lmsids:
+ # debug
+ #print ("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % (msid, name, release, servicepack, architecture, affected))
+ if isaffected(name, release, servicepack, architecture, affected) and msid not in msids: msids.append(msid)
+ else: msids = lmsids
+ ALERT("linked msids %s" % msids, ALERT.GOOD)
+def patches(database):
+ kbs = []
+ # convert to upper
+ bulletinid = ARGS.patches.upper()
+ ALERT("searching all kb's for bulletin id %s" % bulletinid)
+ # get linked msids, loop through the row
+ for row in csv.reader(StringIO.StringIO(database)):
+ bulletinkb=row[2]
+ componentkb=row[7]
+ # if there's a match
+ if bulletinid in row[1]:
+ kbs.append(bulletinkb)
+ kbs.append(componentkb)
+ ALERT("relevant kbs %s" % (sorted(set(kbs), reverse=True)), ALERT.GOOD)
+def getversion(name, release, servicepack, architecture):
+ version = "Windows " + name
+ # append release first
+ if release: version += " R" + release
+ # then service pack
+ if servicepack: version += " SP" + servicepack
+ # architecture
+ if architecture == "Itanium": version += " Itanium-based"
+ else: version += " %s-bit" % architecture
+ return version
+def getname(ostext):
+ if ostext == False:
+ return False
+ osname=False
+ osnamearray=[["xp","XP"],
+ ["2000","2000"],
+ ["2003","2003"],
+ ["vista","Vista"],
+ ["2008","2008"],
+ [" 7","7"],
+ [" 8","8"],
+ ["2012","2012"],
+ ["8.1","8.1"],
+ [" 10","10"]]
+ for needle in osnamearray:
+ ostext = ostext.lower()
+ if "windows" + needle[0] in ostext or "windows " + needle[0] in ostext or "server" + needle[0] in ostext or "server " + needle[0] in ostext:
+ osname = needle[1]
+ # the first loop is a more restrictive detection of the OS name, but it does not detect the following
+ # > Microsoft Windows\xFF7 Entreprise
+ # so if there is no detection from the first attempt, then search on a more loosely based string of
+ # needle and space
+ if not osname:
+ for needle in osnamearray:
+ if needle[0] + " " in ostext.lower():
+ osname = needle[1]
+ return osname
+def getrelease(ostext):
+ if ostext == False:
+ return False
+ osrelease=False
+ regex="( r| rc|release|rel)[ ]*(\d)"
+ m=re.search(regex, ostext.lower())
+ if m and m.group(2):
+ osrelease=m.group(2)
+ return osrelease
+def getservicepack(ostext):
+ if ostext == False:
+ return False
+ servicepack=False
+ regex="(sp|pack|pack:)[ ]*(\d)"
+ m=re.search(regex, ostext.lower())
+ if m and m.group(2):
+ servicepack=m.group(2)
+ return servicepack
+ # architecture defaults to 32, but can be 64-bit
+ # or itanium based
+def getarchitecture(ostext):
+ # default to 32-bit
+ architecture="32"
+ # haystack
+ s = ostext.lower()
+ # attempt to be as flexible as possible
+ # matching '64-based', 'x64', ' 64', 'i64', '64bit', '64 bit', '64-bit'
+ if ("64-based" in s) or ("x64" in s) or (" 64" in s) or ("i64" in s) or ("64bit" in s) or ("64 bit" in s) or ("64-bit" in s): architecture="64"
+ # target Itanium with a simple search for 'tani'
+ if "tani" in s: architecture="Itanium"
+ if getname(ostext) == "2008" and getrelease(ostext) == "2" and architecture == "32":
+ if ARGS.verbose:
+ ALERT("forcing unidentified architecture to 64-bit because OS identified as Windows 2008 R2 (although could be Itanium and wasn't detected?)")
+ architecture = "64"
+ # windows server 2012 is only 64-bit arch
+ if getname(ostext) == "2012" and architecture == "32":
+ if ARGS.verbose:
+ ALERT("forcing unidentified architecture to 64-bit because OS identified as Windows Server 2012 does not support 32-bit")
+ architecture = "64"
+ return architecture
+# itanium build search string
+def getitanium(ostext):
+ if ostext == False:
+ return False
+ regex="(tanium)"
+ m=re.search(regex, ostext.lower())
+ if m:
+ return True
+ return False
+def getpatch(ostext):
+ patch=False
+ regex="(\d){5,10}"
+ m=re.search(regex, ostext.lower())
+ if m and m.group():
+ patch=m.group()
+ return patch
+# get the bulletin ids from the haystack
+# these are typically in the form of:
+# MS14-009[2898860]
+# MS13-052[2833940],MS14-009[2898856]
+# will return a list if found, otherwise false
+def getbulletinids(haystack):
+ regex="MS[\d]{2,3}-[\d]{2,3}"
+ m = re.findall(regex, haystack)
+ if len(m) > 0: return m
+ return False
+def isaffected(name, release, servicepack, architecture, haystack):
+ if name == getname(haystack):
+ # ensure None are set to False
+ # example, if getservicepack() does not get called in the systeminfo parsing
+ # then servicepack will be None. this will then fail when comparing to False.
+ if release == None: release = False
+ if servicepack == None: servicepack = False
+ if architecture == None: architecture = False
+# print "%s,%s,%s,%s" % (name, release, servicepack, architecture)
+# print "%s,%s,%s,%s" % (getname(haystack),getrelease(haystack),getservicepack(haystack),getarchitecture(haystack))
+ n = (name == getname(haystack))
+ r = (release == getrelease(haystack))
+ s = (servicepack == getservicepack(haystack))
+ a = (architecture == getarchitecture(haystack))
+ # we ignore the architecture for 2012 servers, as there is only 64-bit
+ if name == "2012": return r and s
+# print "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % (name, release, servicepack, architecture, (a and r and s))
+ return a and r and s
+# search entire database for linked msids
+# this will also search the superseded column (11)
+def getlinkedms(msids, database):
+ lmsids = []
+ # go through each row in the database
+ for row in database:
+ # base MS-XX
+ rowid=row[1]
+ # superseded MS-XX
+ # first try row 12, and then row 11 for the supercedes column due to
+ # differences in csv and xlrd parsing. this was a bug that might be
+ # fixed now
+ rowidsuper = getbulletinids(row[12])
+ if rowidsuper == False: rowidsuper=getbulletinids(row[11])
+ rowidsuper = merge_list(rowidsuper)
+ # loop through each msid for each row
+ for msid in msids:
+ # debug output, what we're working with
+ #print "%s,%s,%s" % (msid, rowid, rowidsuper)
+ # MS14-053,MS14-053,['MS13-052', 'MS14-009']
+ # MS14-053,MS14-053,['MS13-004']
+ # MS14-053,MS14-053,['MS13-004']
+ # MS14-053,MS14-053,['MS13-004']
+ # MS14-053,MS14-053,['MS13-004']
+ # MS14-053,MS14-053,[]
+ # if the msid matches the row, get the supercedes column (which is a list)
+ if msid == rowid or rowid in lmsids:
+ #print "%s,%s,%s" % (msid, rowid, rowidsuper)
+ lmsids.append(msid)
+ lmsids = lmsids + rowidsuper
+ return sorted(set(lmsids), reverse=True)
+# determines whether or not an msid is in a list of exploits. if msid = 0
+# then it will just return the count
+def getexploit(msid = 0):
+# search using searchsploit
+#MS Windows (ListBox/ComboBox Control) Local Exploit (MS03-045) /windows/local/122.c
+#MS Windows Utility Manager Local SYSTEM Exploit (MS04-011) /windows/local/271.c
+#MS Windows 2000 Utility Manager Privilege Elevation Exploit (MS04-019) /windows/local/350.c
+#MS Windows 2K POSIX Subsystem Privilege Escalation Exploit (MS04-020) /windows/local/351.c
+#MS Windows 2000 Universal Language Utility Manager Exploit (MS04-019) /windows/local/352.c
+#MS Windows 2K/XP Task Scheduler .job Exploit (MS04-022) /windows/local/353.c
+#MS Windows 2k Utility Manager (All-In-One) Exploit (MS04-019) /windows/local/355.c
+#MS Windows XP Task Scheduler (.job) Universal Exploit (MS04-022) /windows/local/368.c
+#MS Windows (HTA) Script Execution Exploit (MS05-016) /windows/local/938.cpp
+#MS Windows COM Structured Storage Local Exploit (MS05-012) /windows/local/1019.c
+#MS Windows CSRSS Local Privilege Escalation Exploit (MS05-018) /windows/local/1198.c
+#MS Windows 2k Kernel APC Data-Free Local Escalation Exploit (MS05-055) /windows/local/1407.c
+#MS Windows Telephony Service Command Execution Exploit (MS05-040) /windows/local/1584.cpp
+#MS Windows (NtClose DeadLock) Vulnerability PoC (MS06-030) /windows/local/1910.c
+#MS Windows XP/2K (Mrxsmb.sys) Privilege Escalation PoC (MS06-030) /windows/local/1911.c
+#Microsoft IIS ASP Stack Overflow Exploit (MS06-034) /windows/local/2056.c
+#MS Windows (Windows Kernel) Privilege Escalation Exploit (MS06-049) /windows/local/2412.c
+#MS Windows GDI Local Privilege Escalation Exploit (MS07-017) /windows/local/3688.c
+#MS Windows GDI Local Privilege Escalation Exploit (MS07-017) 2 /windows/local/3755.c
+#Kodak Image Viewer TIF/TIFF Code Execution Exploit PoC (MS07-055) /windows/local/4584.c
+#Microsoft Office .WPS File Stack Overflow Exploit (MS08-011) /windows/local/5107.c
+#Microsoft Office Excel Code Execution Exploit (MS08-014) /windows/local/5287.txt
+#Microsoft Office XP SP3 PPT File Buffer Overflow Exploit (ms08-016) /windows/local/5320.txt
+#MS Windows GDI Image Parsing Stack Overflow Exploit (MS08-021) /windows/local/5442.cpp
+#MS Word Record Parsing Buffer Overflow (MS09-027) /windows/local/14693.py
+#MS Excel Malformed FEATHEADER Record Exploit (MS09-067) /windows/local/14706.py
+#MS Word Record Parsing Buffer Overflow MS09-027 (meta) /windows/local/17177.rb
+#MS Internet Explorer Object Tag Exploit (MS03-020) /windows/remote/37.pl
+#MS Windows Media Services Remote Exploit (MS03-022) /windows/remote/48.c
+#Microsoft WordPerfect Document Converter Exploit (MS03-036) /windows/remote/92.c
+#MS Windows (RPC DCOM) Scanner (MS03-039) /windows/remote/97.c
+#MS Windows (RPC DCOM) Long Filename Overflow Exploit (MS03-026) /windows/remote/100.c
+#MS Windows (RPC DCOM2) Remote Exploit (MS03-039) /windows/remote/103.c
+#MS Windows (RPC2) Universal Exploit & DoS (RPC3) (MS03-039) /windows/remote/109.c
+#MS Windows 2000/XP Workstation Service Overflow (MS03-049) /windows/remote/119.c
+#MS Frontpage Server Extensions fp30reg.dll Exploit (MS03-051) /windows/remote/121.c
+#MS Windows Workstation Service WKSSVC Remote Exploit (MS03-049) /windows/remote/123.c
+#MS Windows XP Workstation Service Remote Exploit (MS03-049) /windows/remote/130.c
+#MS Windows Messenger Service Remote Exploit FR (MS03-043) /windows/remote/135.c
+#MS Internet Explorer URL Injection in History List (MS04-004) /windows/remote/151.txt
+#MS Windows IIS 5.0 SSL Remote buffer overflow Exploit (MS04-011) /windows/remote/275.c
+#MS Windows Lsasrv.dll RPC Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit (MS04-011) /windows/remote/293.c
+#MS Windows XP/2K Lsasrv.dll Remote Universal Exploit (MS04-011) /windows/remote/295.c
+#MS Windows JPEG GDI+ Overflow Administrator Exploit (MS04-028) /windows/remote/475.sh
+#MS Windows JPEG GDI+ Overflow Download Shellcode Exploit (MS04-028) /windows/remote/478.c
+#MS Windows JPEG GDI+ Remote Heap Overflow Exploit (MS04-028) /windows/remote/480.c
+#MS Windows Metafile (.emf) Heap Overflow Exploit (MS04-032) /windows/remote/584.c
+#MS Windows Compressed Zipped Folders Exploit (MS04-034) /windows/remote/640.c
+#MS Windows NetDDE Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit (MS04-031) /windows/remote/734.c
+#MS Internet Explorer .ANI files handling Universal Exploit (MS05-002) /windows/remote/765.c
+#MS Internet Explorer .ANI files handling Downloader Exploit (MS05-002) /windows/remote/771.cpp
+#MS Exchange Server Remote Code Execution Exploit (MS05-021) /windows/remote/947.pl
+#MS Outlook Express NNTP Buffer Overflow Exploit (MS05-030) /windows/remote/1066.cpp
+#MS Windows Message Queuing BoF Universal Exploit (MS05-017) (v.0.3) /windows/remote/1075.c
+#MS Internet Explorer (blnmgr.dll) COM Object Remote Exploit (MS05-038) /windows/remote/1144.html
+#MS Windows Plug-and-Play Service Remote Overflow (MS05-039) /windows/remote/1146.c
+#MS Windows Plug-and-Play Service Remote Universal Exploit (MS05-039) /windows/remote/1149.c
+#Microsoft Windows DTC Remote Exploit (PoC) (MS05-051) (updated) /windows/remote/1352.cpp
+#Windows Media Player 7.1 <= 10 BMP Heap Overflow PoC (MS06-005) (2) /windows/remote/1502.py
+#MS Windows Media Player 9 Plugin Overflow Exploit (MS06-006) (meta) /windows/remote/1504.pm
+#MS Windows Media Player 10 Plugin Overflow Exploit (MS06-006) /windows/remote/1505.html
+#MS Windows Color Management Module Overflow Exploit (MS05-036) (2) /windows/remote/1506.c
+#MS Windows Media Player Plugin Overflow Exploit (MS06-006)(3) /windows/remote/1520.pl
+#MS Windows RRAS Remote Stack Overflow Exploit (MS06-025) /windows/remote/1940.pm
+#MS Windows RRAS RASMAN Registry Stack Overflow Exploit (MS06-025) /windows/remote/1965.pm
+#MS Internet Explorer (MDAC) Remote Code Execution Exploit (MS06-014) /windows/remote/2052.sh
+#MS Windows DHCP Client Broadcast Attack Exploit (MS06-036) /windows/remote/2054.txt
+#MS Windows NetpIsRemote() Remote Overflow Exploit (MS06-040) /windows/remote/2162.pm
+#Internet Explorer (MDAC) Remote Code Execution Exploit (MS06-014) (2) /windows/remote/2164.pm
+#MS Windows CanonicalizePathName() Remote Exploit (MS06-040) /windows/remote/2223.c
+#MS Windows NetpIsRemote() Remote Overflow Exploit (MS06-040) (2) /windows/remote/2265.c
+#MS Windows NetpIsRemote() Remote Overflow Exploit (MS06-040) (2k3) /windows/remote/2355.pm
+#MS Windows NetpManageIPCConnect Stack Overflow Exploit (MS06-070) /windows/remote/2789.cpp
+#MS Windows Wkssvc NetrJoinDomain2 Stack Overflow Exploit (MS06-070) /windows/remote/2800.cpp
+#MS Windows ASN.1 Remote Exploit (MS04-007) /windows/remote/3022.txt
+#MS Internet Explorer VML Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit (MS07-004) /windows/remote/3137.html
+#MS Internet Explorer VML Download and Execute Exploit (MS07-004) /windows/remote/3148.pl
+#MS Internet Explorer Recordset Double Free Memory Exploit (MS07-009) /windows/remote/3577.html
+#MS Windows (.ANI) GDI Remote Elevation of Privilege Exploit (MS07-017) /windows/remote/3804.txt
+#MS Internet Explorer <= 7 Remote Arbitrary File Rewrite PoC (MS07-027) /windows/remote/3892.html
+#Microsoft Internet Explorer TIF/TIFF Code Execution (MS07-055) /windows/remote/4616.pl
+#MS Windows Message Queuing Service RPC BOF Exploit (MS07-065) /windows/remote/4745.cpp
+#MS Windows 2000 AS SP4 Message Queue Exploit (MS07-065) /windows/remote/4760.txt
+#Windows Media Encoder wmex.dll ActiveX BOF Exploit (MS08-053) /windows/remote/6454.html
+#MS Windows GDI (EMR_COLORMATCHTOTARGETW) Exploit MS08-021 /windows/remote/6656.txt
+#MS Windows Server Service Code Execution Exploit (MS08-067) (Univ) /windows/remote/6841.txt
+#MS Windows Server Service Code Execution Exploit (MS08-067) /windows/remote/7104.c
+#SmbRelay3 NTLM Replay Attack Tool/Exploit (MS08-068) /windows/remote/7125.txt
+#MS Windows Server Service Code Execution Exploit (MS08-067) (2k/2k3) /windows/remote/7132.py
+#Microsoft XML Core Services DTD Cross-Domain Scripting PoC MS08-069 /windows/remote/7196.html
+#MS Internet Explorer 7 Memory Corruption Exploit (MS09-002) (xp sp2) /windows/remote/8079.html
+#MS Internet Explorer 7 Memory Corruption Exploit (MS09-002) (py) /windows/remote/8080.py
+#MS Internet Explorer 7 Memory Corruption PoC (MS09-002) (win2k3sp2) /windows/remote/8082.html
+#MS Internet Explorer 7 Memory Corruption Exploit (MS09-002) (fast) /windows/remote/8152.py
+#Microsoft SRV2.SYS SMB Negotiate ProcessID Function Table Dereference (MS09-050) /windows/remote/14674.txt
+#Microsoft Services MS06-066 nwwks.dll /windows/remote/16369.rb
+#Microsoft Services MS06-066 nwapi32.dll /windows/remote/16373.rb
+#MS03-020 Internet Explorer Object Type /windows/remote/16581.rb
+#MS03-046 Exchange 2000 XEXCH50 Heap Overflow /windows/remote/16820.rb
+# no ms number yet?
+ # bulletin, type, details
+ exploits = [
+ ['MS16-135', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE-2016-7255
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/40745/ -- Microsoft Windows Kernel - win32k Denial of Service (MS16-135)",
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/41015/ -- Microsoft Windows Kernel - 'win32k.sys' 'NtSetWindowLongPtr' Privilege Escalation (MS16-135) (2)",
+ "https://github.com/tinysec/public/tree/master/CVE-2016-7255"]],
+ ['MS16-129', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE 2016-7200, CVE-2016-7201
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/40990/ -- Microsoft Edge (Windows 10) - 'chakra.dll' Info Leak / Type Confusion Remote Code Execution",
+ "https://github.com/theori-io/chakra-2016-11"]],
+ ['MS16-098', ALERT.EXP, [
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/41020/ -- Microsoft Windows 8.1 (x64) - RGNOBJ Integer Overflow (MS16-098)"]],
+ ['MS16-075', ALERT.MSF, [
+ "https://github.com/foxglovesec/RottenPotato",
+ "https://github.com/Kevin-Robertson/Tater",
+ "https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=222 -- Windows: Local WebDAV NTLM Reflection Elevation of Privilege",
+ "https://foxglovesecurity.com/2016/01/16/hot-potato/ -- Hot Potato - Windows Privilege Escalation"]],
+ ['MS16-074', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE 2016-3216
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/39990/ -- Windows - gdi32.dll Multiple DIB-Related EMF Record Handlers Heap-Based Out-of-Bounds Reads/Memory Disclosure (MS16-074), PoC",
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/39991/ -- Windows Kernel - ATMFD.DLL NamedEscape 0x250C Pool Corruption (MS16-074), PoC"]], # CVE 2016-3220
+ ['MS16-063', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE 2016-0199
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/39994/ -- Internet Explorer 11 - Garbage Collector Attribute Type Confusion (MS16-063), PoC"]],
+ ['MS16-042', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE 2016-0122
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/39694/ -- Microsoft Office Excel Out-of-Bounds Read Remote Code Execution (MS16-042), PoC"]],
+ ['MS16-059', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE 2016-0185
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/39805/ -- Microsoft Windows Media Center - .MCL File Processing Remote Code Execution (MS16-059), PoC"]],
+ ['MS16-056', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE-2015-1730
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/40881/ -- Microsoft Internet Explorer - jscript9 JavaScriptStackWalker Memory Corruption (MS15-056)",
+ "http://blog.skylined.nl/20161206001.html -- MSIE jscript9 JavaScriptStackWalker memory corruption"]],
+ ['MS16-032', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE 2016-0099
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/40107/ -- MS16-032 Secondary Logon Handle Privilege Escalation, MSF",
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/39574/ -- Microsoft Windows 8.1/10 - Secondary Logon Standard Handles Missing Sanitization Privilege Escalation (MS16-032), PoC",
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/39719/ -- Microsoft Windows 7-10 & Server 2008-2012 (x32/x64) - Local Privilege Escalation (MS16-032) (PowerShell), PoC",
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/39809/ -- Microsoft Windows 7-10 & Server 2008-2012 (x32/x64) - Local Privilege Escalation (MS16-032) (C#)"]],
+ ['MS16-016', ALERT.MSF, [ # CVE 2016-0051
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/40085/ -- MS16-016 mrxdav.sys WebDav Local Privilege Escalation, MSF",
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/39788/ -- Microsoft Windows 7 - WebDAV Privilege Escalation Exploit (MS16-016) (2), PoC",
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/39432/ -- Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 x86 - WebDAV Privilege Escalation (MS16-016) (1), PoC"]],
+ ['MS16-014', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE 2016-0400
+ "Windows 7 SP1 x86 - Privilege Escalation (MS16-014), https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/40039/, PoC"]],
+ ['MS16-007', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE 2016-0015, CVE 2016-0016
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/39232/ -- Microsoft Windows devenum.dll!DeviceMoniker::Load() - Heap Corruption Buffer Underflow (MS16-007), PoC",
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/39233/ -- Microsoft Office / COM Object DLL Planting with WMALFXGFXDSP.dll (MS-16-007), PoC"]],
+ ['MS15-134', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE 2015-6131
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/38911/ -- Microsoft Windows Media Center Library Parsing RCE Vulnerability aka self-executing' MCL File, PoC",
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/38912/ -- Microsoft Windows Media Center Link File Incorrectly Resolved Reference, PoC",
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/38918/ -- Microsoft Office / COM Object - 'els.dll' DLL Planting (MS15-134)",
+ "https://code.google.com/p/google-security-research/issues/detail?id=514 -- Microsoft Office / COM Object DLL Planting with els.dll"]],
+ ['MS15-132', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE 2015-6132, CVE 2015-6128
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/38968/ -- Microsoft Office / COM Object DLL Planting with comsvcs.dll Delay Load of mqrt.dll (MS15-132), PoC",
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/38918/ -- Microsoft Office / COM Object els.dll DLL Planting (MS15-134), PoC"]],
+ ['MS15-112', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE 2015-6086
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/39698/ -- Internet Explorer 9/10/11 - CDOMStringDataList::InitFromString Out-of-Bounds Read (MS15-112)"]],
+ ['MS15-111', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE 2015-2553
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/38474/ -- Windows 10 Sandboxed Mount Reparse Point Creation Mitigation Bypass (MS15-111), PoC"]],
+ ['MS15-102', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE 2015-2524, CVE 2015-2525, CVE 2015-2528
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/38202/ -- Windows CreateObjectTask SettingsSyncDiagnostics Privilege Escalation, PoC",
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/38200/ -- Windows Task Scheduler DeleteExpiredTaskAfter File Deletion Privilege Escalation, PoC",
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/38201/ -- Windows CreateObjectTask TileUserBroker Privilege Escalation, PoC"]],
+ ['MS15-100', ALERT.MSF, [ # CVE 2015-2509
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/38195/ -- MS15-100 Microsoft Windows Media Center MCL Vulnerability, MSF",
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/38151/ -- Windows Media Center - Command Execution (MS15-100), PoC"]],
+ ['MS15-097', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE 2015-2508, CVE 2015-2527
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/38198/ -- Windows 10 Build 10130 - User Mode Font Driver Thread Permissions Privilege Escalation, PoC",
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/38199/ -- Windows NtUserGetClipboardAccessToken Token Leak, PoC"]],
+ ['MS15-078', ALERT.MSF, [ # CVE 2015-2426, CVE 2015-2433
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/38222/ -- MS15-078 Microsoft Windows Font Driver Buffer Overflow"]],
+ ['MS15-052', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE 2015-1674
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/37052/ -- Windows - CNG.SYS Kernel Security Feature Bypass PoC (MS15-052), PoC"]],
+ ['MS15-051', ALERT.MSF, [ # CVE 2015-1701
+ "https://github.com/hfiref0x/CVE-2015-1701, Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability, PoC",
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/37367/ -- Windows ClientCopyImage Win32k Exploit, MSF"]],
+ ['MS15-022', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE 2015-0097
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/37657/ -- Microsoft Word Local Machine Zone Remote Code Execution Vulnerability, PoC",
+ "https://github.com/offensive-security/exploit-database-bin-sploits/raw/master/sploits/37657.zip"]],
+ ['MS15-010', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE 2015-0057
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/39035/ -- Microsoft Windows 8.1 - win32k Local Privilege Escalation (MS15-010), PoC",
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/37098/ -- Microsoft Windows - Local Privilege Escalation (MS15-010), PoC",
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/39035/ -- Microsoft Windows win32k Local Privilege Escalation (MS15-010), PoC"]],
+ ['MS15-001', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE 2015-0002
+ "http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/35661/ -- Windows 8.1 (32/64 bit) - Privilege Escalation (ahcache.sys/NtApphelpCacheControl), PoC"]],
+ ['MS14-070', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE 2014 4076
+ "http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/35936/ -- Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP2 - Privilege Escalation, PoC"]],
+ ['MS14-068', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE 2014-6324
+ "http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/35474/ -- Windows Kerberos - Elevation of Privilege (MS14-068), PoC"]],
+ ['MS14-064', ALERT.MSF, [ # CVE 2014-6332
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/37800// -- Microsoft Windows HTA (HTML Application) - Remote Code Execution (MS14-064), PoC",
+ "http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/35308/ -- Internet Explorer OLE Pre-IE11 - Automation Array Remote Code Execution / Powershell VirtualAlloc (MS14-064), PoC",
+ "http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/35229/ -- Internet Explorer <= 11 - OLE Automation Array Remote Code Execution (#1), PoC",
+ "http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/35230/ -- Internet Explorer < 11 - OLE Automation Array Remote Code Execution (MSF), MSF",
+ "http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/35235/ -- MS14-064 Microsoft Windows OLE Package Manager Code Execution Through Python, MSF",
+ "http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/35236/ -- MS14-064 Microsoft Windows OLE Package Manager Code Execution, MSF"]],
+ ['MS14-062', ALERT.MSF, [ # CVE 2014-4971
+ "http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/34112/ -- Microsoft Windows XP SP3 MQAC.sys - Arbitrary Write Privilege Escalation, PoC",
+ "http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/34982/ -- Microsoft Bluetooth Personal Area Networking (BthPan.sys) Privilege Escalation"]],
+ ['MS14-060', ALERT.MSF, [ # CVE 2014-4114
+ "http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/35055/ -- Windows OLE - Remote Code Execution 'Sandworm' Exploit (MS14-060), PoC",
+ "http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/35020/ -- MS14-060 Microsoft Windows OLE Package Manager Code Execution, MSF"]],
+ ['MS14-058', ALERT.MSF, [ # CVE 2014-4113
+ "http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/35101/ -- Windows TrackPopupMenu Win32k NULL Pointer Dereference, MSF"]],
+ ['MS14-040', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE 2014-1767
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/39525/ -- Microsoft Windows 7 x64 - afd.sys Privilege Escalation (MS14-040), PoC",
+ "https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/39446/ -- Microsoft Windows - afd.sys Dangling Pointer Privilege Escalation (MS14-040), PoC"]],
+ ['MS14-035', ALERT.EXP],
+ ['MS14-029', ALERT.EXP, [
+ "http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/34458/"]],
+ ['MS14-026', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE 2014-1806
+ "http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/35280/, -- .NET Remoting Services Remote Command Execution, PoC"]],
+ ['MS14-017', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS14-012', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS14-009', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS14-002', ALERT.EXP],
+ ['MS13-101', ALERT.EXP],
+ ['MS13-097', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS13-096', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS13-090', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS13-080', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS13-071', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS13-069', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS13-067', ALERT.EXP],
+ ['MS13-059', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS13-055', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS13-053', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS13-009', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS13-005', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS12-037', ALERT.EXP, [ # CVE 2012-1876
+ "http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/35273/ -- Internet Explorer 8 - Fixed Col Span ID Full ASLR, DEP & EMET 5., PoC",
+ "http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/34815/ -- Internet Explorer 8 - Fixed Col Span ID Full ASLR, DEP & EMET 5.0 Bypass (MS12-037), PoC"]],
+ ['MS12-022', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS11-080', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS11-011', ALERT.EXP],
+ ['MS10-073', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS10-061', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS10-059', ALERT.EXP],
+ ['MS10-047', ALERT.EXP],
+ ['MS10-015', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS10-002', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS09-072', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS09-067', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS09-065', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS09-053', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS09-050', ALERT.MSF, [
+ "https://www.rapid7.com/db/modules/exploit/windows/smb/ms09_050_smb2_negotiate_func_index -- MS09-050 Microsoft SRV2.SYS SMB Negotiate ProcessID Function Table Dereference"]],
+ ['MS09-050', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS09-043', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS09-020', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS09-004', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS09-002', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS09-001', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS08-078', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS08-070', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS08-067', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS08-067', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS08-053', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS08-041', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS08-025', ALERT.EXP],
+ ['MS07-065', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS07-065', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS07-064', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS07-029', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS07-029', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS07-017', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS06-071', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS06-070', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS06-070', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS06-067', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS06-066', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS06-066', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS06-063', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS06-057', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS06-055', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS06-049', ALERT.EXP],
+ ['MS06-040', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS06-040', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS06-035', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS06-025', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS06-025', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS06-019', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS06-013', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS06-001', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS05-054', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS05-047', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS05-039', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS05-039', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS05-030', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS05-017', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS05-017', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS04-045', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS04-031', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS04-031', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS04-011', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS04-011', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS04-007', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS04-007', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS03-051', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS03-049', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS03-049', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS03-046', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS03-026', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS03-026', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS03-022', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS03-020', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS03-007', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS02-065', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS02-063', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS02-056', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS02-039', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS02-018', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS01-033', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS01-026', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS01-023', ALERT.MSF],
+ ['MS00-094', ALERT.MSF]
+ ]
+ # return the count of exploits
+ if msid == 0: return len(exploits)
+ for exploit in exploits:
+ if msid == exploit[0]:
+ # need 3 values to unpack, in case there are resources
+ if len(exploit) == 2:
+ exploit.append(None)
+ return exploit
+ # otherwise there are 3 values
+ return exploit
+ return [False,False,False]
+# the update function
+def update():
+ # compute the filenames to be used
+ filenames = '%s-mssb' % datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+ xlsFile = '%s.%s' % (filenames, 'xls')
+ csvFile = '%s.%s' % (filenames, 'csv')
+ # url request opener with user-agent
+ opener = urllib2.build_opener()
+ opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.57 Safari/537.36')]
+ # grab the new data from ms and scrape the site
+ #try:
+ # response = opener.open(MSSB_URL)
+ #except urllib2.URLError, e:
+ # ALERT("error getting url %s" % MSSB_URL, ALERT.BAD)
+ # exit(1)
+ #
+ #ALERT("successfully requested base url")
+ # 2016-02-10, ms changed link to http://download.microsoft.com/download/6/7/3/673E4349-1CA5-40B9-8879-095C72D5B49D/BulletinSearch.xlsx
+ #
+ # now parse the data, ensure we have an mssb link
+ # BulletinSearch_20131111_151603.xlsx (recommended) |
+ #html = response.read()
+ #m = re.findall('url=(.*BulletinSearch.*.xls[x]*)', html)
+ # m = re.findall('href="(.*BulletinSearch.*.xlsx)"', html) # old bulletin request url, 20140502
+ # ensure we get the bulletin search
+ #if m and m[0]:
+ bulletinUrl = BULLETIN_URL
+ # ALERT("scraped ms download url")
+ # if the file was xlsx, add an x to the extension
+ # if "xlsx" in bulletinUrl: xlsFile += "x"
+ #else:
+ # ALERT("error finding the ms download url from previous response", ALERT.BAD)
+ # exit(1)
+ # now download the mssb file, with a random sleep
+ try:
+ #sleep(randint(1,3))
+ response = opener.open(bulletinUrl)
+ except urllib2.URLError, e:
+ ALERT("error getting ms sb url %s" % bulletinUrl, ALERT.BAD)
+ exit(1)
+ bulletinData = response.read()
+ ALERT("writing to file %s" % xlsFile, ALERT.GOOD)
+ f = open(xlsFile, 'wb')
+ f.write(bulletinData)
+ f.close
+# modified ALERT class for exploit and metasploit level logging
+class ALERT(object):
+ def __init__(self, message, level=0, ansi=True):
+ # default to ansi alerting, if it's detected as windows platform then disable
+ if platform.system() is "Windows": ansi = False
+ good = '[+]'
+ bad = '[-]'
+ normal = '[*]'
+ msf = '[M]'
+ exploit = '[E]'
+ if ansi == True:
+ if level == ALERT.GOOD: print("%s%s%s" % ('\033[1;32m',good,"\033[0;0m")),
+ elif level == ALERT.BAD: print("%s%s%s" % ('\033[1;31m',bad,"\033[0;0m")),
+ elif level == ALERT.MSF: print("%s%s%s" % ('\033[1;32m',msf,"\033[0;0m")),
+ elif level == ALERT.EXP: print("%s%s%s" % ('\033[1;32m',exploit,"\033[0;0m")),
+ else: print("%s%s%s" % ('\033[1;34m',normal,"\033[0;0m")),
+ else:
+ if level == ALERT.GOOD: print('%s' % good),
+ elif level == ALERT.BAD: print('%s' % bad),
+ elif level == ALERT.MSF: print('%s' % msf),
+ elif level == ALERT.EXP: print('%s' % exploit),
+ else: print('%s' % normal),
+ print message
+ @staticmethod
+ @property
+ def BAD(self): return -1
+ @staticmethod
+ @property
+ def NORMAL(self): return 0
+ @staticmethod
+ @property
+ def GOOD(self): return 1
+ @staticmethod
+ @property
+ def MSF(self): return 2
+ @staticmethod
+ @property
+ def EXP(self): return 3
+# this helper function will merge a list of lists into one sorted set
+def merge_list(li):
+ s = []
+ if li:
+ for l in li:
+ if isinstance(l, list): s = s + l
+ else: s.append(l)
+ return s
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()