On all platforms you need JDK ({current-java-ver}+) and Apache Maven installed.
On Windows jpackage
has a couple of pre-requisites,
which it will let you know about if they’re not already installed.
If I have been using a pre-release of darwinsys-api, which I often do, you will also have to clone
https://github.com/IanDarwin/darwinsys-api, then cd darwinsys-api; mvn package install
which should install the latest darwinsys-api into your ~/.m2/repository.
Then in pdfshow
you can do mvn package
, or open it in your Maven-aware IDE and run Main.java
On Linux, for RPMs, you need rpm-build
or you will get told that 'rpm' is an invalid type
(sudo dnf install rpm-build).
On Linux, for DEBs, you need fakeroot
(sudo apt install fakeroot).
The install formats are:
OS | Default Format | Other formats with mkinstaller -t |
macOS (Apple Silicon only) |
DMG, with copy-to-Applications iconage. |
pkg |
Linux |
rpm and deb |
- |
Windows |
MSI installer |
exe |
Download the repository from {gh-url}.
Install Apache-Maven if not already installed.
Using command-line tools:
git clone https://github.com/IanDarwin/pdfshow cd pdfshow
Using IntelliJ IDEA
From the startup screen, "Get from Version Control" Enter the URL https://github.com/IanDarwin/pdfshow and click Clone Accept or choose the directory and click Clone On "Open or Import" popup (with choice of how to open), select "Maven Project"
Using Eclipse (no longer actively tested):
Window->Show View->Git->Git Repositories. In the Repos window, Clone (the third icon at the right side of this window). Enter the URL https://github.com/IanDarwin/pdfshow and click Next On the next dialog, be sure to check Import Existing Projects before Next. PdfShow should show up in the Package Explorer
To try out the program in a supported, Maven-enabled Java IDE,
just open and run Main.java
If you use some other IDE, and get it working, please
submit a pull request with that IDE’s config files, as long as
it doesn’t require changing the directory structure (i.e., moving existing files around).
To run the program in command-line Maven, use mvn exec:java
To make a JAR file with just the program and its images (without the dependencies), do mvn package
To make a clickable runnable JAR file, run mvn package assembly:single
You’ll then find a jar
with dependencies in the target folder.
It’ll be named something like target/pdfshow-x.y.z-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
You can run it with java -jar target/pdfshow*dependencies.jar
(see scripts/pdfshow
or just click on it in a file manager window in most windowed environments.
The full-blown, platform-specific installers we release are built by the mkinstaller
This makes a clickable runnable JAR file as above and then runs the Java
jpackage tool.
You can run that script yourself if you want.
You can only build the Mac installer on macOS, the Windows installer on Windows, etc.
This may not be optimal, but should work. Newer versions may be available.
sudo dnf search jdk
Pick and install the latest (probably 23; N.B. 21 did not work as they forgot to install the jmod files, which are needed to build the installers).
sudo dnf install rpm-build
mkdir git cd git git clone https://github.com/IanDarwin/pdfshow
Some Linux systems' packaging have Maven depending on dark ages' JDK-1.8; if yours does, do:
cd ~/Downloads curl -o apache-maven-3.8.4-bin.tar.gz \ https://dlcdn.apache.org/maven/maven-3/3.8.4/binaries/apache-maven-3.8.4-bin.tar.gz cd /usr/local; sudo tar xzvf ~/Downloads/apache-maven-3.8.4.tar.gz PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/apache-maven-3.8.4/bin
Then you can build it.
cd pdfshow mkinstaller # If some tests fail on Linux with infra-related errs, don't care: add -s
This should create an installer or two in the pdfshow
Fork the repo, clone your forked copy, make changes, test changes, send a pull request.
Q: Why didn’t I use this for the drawing:
PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(document, page); contentStream.setNonStrokingColor(Color.DARK_GRAY); contentStream.addRect(200, 650, 100, 100);
A: The problem is that it would be much harder (if not impossible) to implement Undo processing when using that approach. Perhaps a later Save PDF function could insert the GObjects into the PDF using this technique.
Q: Why not use the built-in contains()
method for hit detection?
A: The GObject
hierarchy is intentionally light-weight, not JComponent, and
it’s gotta be the same amount of work.