diff --git a/MDANSE/Src/MDANSE/Trajectory/H5MDTrajectory.py b/MDANSE/Src/MDANSE/Trajectory/H5MDTrajectory.py
index 2684e54bf..351de1208 100644
--- a/MDANSE/Src/MDANSE/Trajectory/H5MDTrajectory.py
+++ b/MDANSE/Src/MDANSE/Trajectory/H5MDTrajectory.py
@@ -52,19 +52,36 @@ def __init__(self, h5_filename):
self._h5_filename = h5_filename
self._h5_file = h5py.File(self._h5_filename, "r")
- # Load the chemical system
- try:
+ particle_types = self._h5_file["/particles/all/species"]
+ particle_lookup = h5py.check_enum_dtype(
+ self._h5_file["/particles/all/species"].dtype
+ )
+ if particle_lookup is None:
+ # Load the chemical system
+ try:
+ symbols = self._h5_file["/parameters/atom_symbols"]
+ except KeyError:
+ LOG.error(
+ f"No information about chemical elements in {self._h5_filename}"
+ )
+ return
+ else:
+ chemical_elements = [byte.decode() for byte in symbols]
+ else:
+ reverse_lookup = {item: key for key, item in particle_lookup.items()}
chemical_elements = [
- byte.decode() for byte in self._h5_file["/parameters/atom_symbols"]
+ reverse_lookup[type_number] for type_number in particle_types
- except KeyError:
- chemical_elements = self._h5_file["/particles/all/species"]
self._chemical_system = ChemicalSystem(
- self._chemical_system.initialise_atoms(chemical_elements)
+ try:
+ self._chemical_system.initialise_atoms(chemical_elements)
+ except Exception:
+ LOG.error(
+ "It was not possible to read chemical element information from an H5MD file."
+ )
+ return
# Load all the unit cells
@@ -72,10 +89,10 @@ def __init__(self, h5_filename):
coords = self._h5_file["/particles/all/position/value"][0, :, :]
pos_unit = self._h5_file["/particles/all/position/value"].attrs["unit"]
- except:
+ except Exception:
conv_factor = 1.0
- if pos_unit == "Ang":
+ if pos_unit == "Ang" or pos_unit == "Angstrom":
pos_unit = "ang"
conv_factor = measure(1.0, pos_unit).toval("nm")
coords *= conv_factor
@@ -94,6 +111,7 @@ def file_is_right(self, filename):
except KeyError:
result = False
+ temp.close()
return result
def close(self):
@@ -117,7 +135,7 @@ def __getitem__(self, frame):
conv_factor = 1.0
- if pos_unit == "Ang":
+ if pos_unit == "Ang" or pos_unit == "Angstrom":
pos_unit = "ang"
conv_factor = measure(1.0, pos_unit).toval("nm")
configuration = {}
@@ -195,7 +213,7 @@ def coordinates(self, frame):
conv_factor = 1.0
- if pos_unit == "Ang":
+ if pos_unit == "Ang" or pos_unit == "Angstrom":
pos_unit = "ang"
conv_factor = measure(1.0, pos_unit).toval("nm")
@@ -245,10 +263,10 @@ def _load_unit_cells(self):
self._unit_cells = []
box_unit = self._h5_file["/particles/all/box/edges/value"].attrs["unit"]
- except:
- conv_factor = 1.0
+ except (AttributeError, KeyError):
+ conv_factor = 0.1
- if box_unit == "Ang":
+ if box_unit == "Ang" or box_unit == "Angstrom":
box_unit = "ang"
conv_factor = measure(1.0, box_unit).toval("nm")
@@ -258,9 +276,16 @@ def _load_unit_cells(self):
if len(cells.shape) > 1:
for cell in cells:
- temp_array = np.array(
- [[cell[0], 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, cell[1], 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, cell[2]]]
- )
+ if cell.shape == (3, 3):
+ temp_array = np.array(cell)
+ else:
+ temp_array = np.array(
+ [
+ [cell[0], 0.0, 0.0],
+ [0.0, cell[1], 0.0],
+ [0.0, 0.0, cell[2]],
+ ]
+ )
uc = UnitCell(temp_array)
@@ -272,14 +297,17 @@ def _load_unit_cells(self):
def time(self):
time_unit = self._h5_file["/particles/all/position/time"].attrs["unit"]
- except:
+ except KeyError:
conv_factor = 1.0
conv_factor = measure(1.0, time_unit).toval("ps")
time = self._h5_file["/particles/all/position/time"] * conv_factor
- except:
- time = []
+ except TypeError:
+ try:
+ time = self._h5_file["/particles/all/position/time"][:] * conv_factor
+ except Exception:
+ time = []
return time
def unit_cell(self, frame):
@@ -371,7 +399,7 @@ def read_com_trajectory(
conv_factor = 1.0
- if pos_unit == "Ang":
+ if pos_unit == "Ang" or pos_unit == "Angstrom":
pos_unit = "ang"
conv_factor = measure(1.0, pos_unit).toval("nm")
@@ -469,7 +497,7 @@ def read_atomic_trajectory(
conv_factor = 1.0
- if pos_unit == "Ang":
+ if pos_unit == "Ang" or pos_unit == "Angstrom":
pos_unit = "ang"
conv_factor = measure(1.0, pos_unit).toval("nm")
coords = grp[first:last:step, index, :].astype(np.float64) * conv_factor
diff --git a/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/InputWidgets/MoleculePreviewWidget.py b/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/InputWidgets/MoleculePreviewWidget.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ef8ddbbfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/InputWidgets/MoleculePreviewWidget.py
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+import numpy as np
+from qtpy.QtWidgets import QWidget, QSizePolicy, QVBoxLayout, QLabel, QDialog
+from qtpy.Qt3DRender import QDirectionalLight
+from qtpy.QtGui import QColor, QVector3D, QQuaternion, QFont
+from qtpy.Qt3DExtras import (
+ QPhongMaterial,
+ QCylinderMesh,
+ QSphereMesh,
+ Qt3DWindow,
+ QOrbitCameraController,
+from qtpy.QtCore import Qt as _Qt
+from qtpy.Qt3DCore import QEntity, QTransform
+class MoleculePreviewWidget(QDialog):
+ def __init__(self, parent, molecule_information, molecule_name, atom_database):
+ super().__init__(parent)
+ self.setWindowTitle("Molecule Preview")
+ self.resize(800, 600)
+ self.view = Qt3DWindow()
+ self.view.defaultFrameGraph().setClearColor(
+ QColor(0x4D4D4F)
+ ) # molecular viewer mdansechemistry atoms.json
+ container = QWidget.createWindowContainer(
+ self.view
+ ) # from mdanse chemistry atoms database
+ screenSize = self.view.screen().size()
+ container.setMinimumSize(200, 100)
+ container.setMaximumSize(screenSize)
+ container.setSizePolicy(
+ QSizePolicy.Policy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.Policy.MinimumExpanding
+ )
+ layout = QVBoxLayout()
+ layout.addWidget(container)
+ self.rootEntity = QEntity()
+ self.cuboidTransform = QTransform()
+ self.axes = []
+ mass = []
+ coords = []
+ info_text = f"Molecule name: {molecule_name}\n"
+ for key, value in molecule_information["atom_number"].items():
+ info_text += f"Number of {key} atoms: {value}\n"
+ info_text += f"Number of such molecules in trajectory: {molecule_information['no_of_molecules']}\n"
+ coordinates = molecule_information["atom_coordinates"]
+ indices = molecule_information["atom_indices"]
+ atom_symbols = molecule_information["atom_symbols"]
+ bonds = molecule_information["bond_list"]
+ for at_number in range(len(coordinates)):
+ x, y, z = coordinates[at_number]
+ x, y, z = (20 * x - 10, 20 * y - 10, 20 * z - 10)
+ symbol = atom_symbols[at_number]
+ colour = atom_database.get_atom_property(symbol, "color")
+ radius = atom_database.get_atom_property(symbol, "covalent_radius")
+ mass.append(atom_database.get_atom_property(symbol, "atomic_weight"))
+ coords.append(coordinates[at_number])
+ r, g, b = [int(x) for x in colour.split(";")]
+ colour = QColor(r, g, b)
+ m_sphereEntity = QEntity(self.rootEntity)
+ sphereMesh = QSphereMesh()
+ sphereMesh.setRings(20)
+ sphereMesh.setSlices(20)
+ sphereMesh.setRadius(radius * 10)
+ sphereTransform = QTransform()
+ sphereTransform.setScale(1.0)
+ sphereTransform.setTranslation(QVector3D(x, y, z))
+ sphereMaterial = QPhongMaterial()
+ sphereMaterial.setDiffuse(colour)
+ sphereMaterial.setAmbient(colour) # Set ambient to the same as diffuse.
+ # sphereMaterial.setSpecular(QColor(0, 0, 0)) # Eliminate specular reflection.
+ # sphereMaterial.setShininess(0.0) # Eliminate shininess.
+ m_sphereEntity.addComponent(sphereMesh)
+ m_sphereEntity.addComponent(sphereMaterial)
+ m_sphereEntity.addComponent(sphereTransform)
+ atom_information = molecule_information["atom_information"]
+ for bond in bonds:
+ coord1, coord2 = bond[0], bond[1]
+ coord1 = (20 * coord1[0] - 10, 20 * coord1[1] - 10, 20 * coord1[2] - 10)
+ coord2 = (20 * coord2[0] - 10, 20 * coord2[1] - 10, 20 * coord2[2] - 10)
+ direction = QVector3D(
+ coord2[0] - coord1[0], coord2[1] - coord1[1], coord2[2] - coord1[2]
+ )
+ length = direction.length()
+ direction.normalize()
+ # Compute rotation
+ up_vector = QVector3D(0, 1, 0)
+ axis = QVector3D.crossProduct(up_vector, direction)
+ angle = float(
+ np.degrees(np.arccos(QVector3D.dotProduct(up_vector, direction)))
+ )
+ # Create cylinder mesh
+ cylinder_mesh = QCylinderMesh()
+ cylinder_mesh.setRadius(radius)
+ cylinder_mesh.setLength(length)
+ # Create material
+ material = QPhongMaterial()
+ # material.setDiffuse(QColor(color))
+ # Set transformation
+ transform = QTransform()
+ transform.setTranslation(QVector3D(*coord1) + direction * length / 2)
+ transform.setRotation(QQuaternion.fromAxisAndAngle(axis, angle))
+ # Create entity
+ entity = QEntity(self.rootEntity)
+ entity.addComponent(cylinder_mesh)
+ entity.addComponent(material)
+ entity.addComponent(transform)
+ info_label = QLabel(info_text)
+ font = QFont("Arial", 12)
+ info_label.setFont(font)
+ info_label.setWordWrap(True)
+ layout.addWidget(info_label)
+ self.setLayout(layout)
+ mass = np.array(mass)
+ coords = np.array(coords)
+ com = np.einsum("i,ik->k", mass, coords) / np.sum(mass)
+ x_com, y_com, z_com = 20 * com - 10
+ # Camera
+ self.camera = self.view.camera()
+ self.camera.lens().setPerspectiveProjection(45.0, 16.0 / 9.0, 0.1, 1000.0)
+ self.camera.setPosition(QVector3D(x_com + 5, y_com + 5, z_com + 10))
+ self.camera.setViewCenter(QVector3D(x_com, y_com, z_com))
+ self.camera.setUpVector(QVector3D(0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
+ # add light
+ lightEntity = QEntity(self.rootEntity)
+ light = QDirectionalLight(lightEntity)
+ light.setColor(_Qt.white)
+ light.setIntensity(1)
+ lightEntity.addComponent(light)
+ lightTransform = QTransform(lightEntity)
+ lightTransform.setTranslation(self.camera.position())
+ lightEntity.addComponent(lightTransform)
+ # For camera controls
+ camController = QOrbitCameraController(self.rootEntity)
+ camController.setLinearSpeed(-20)
+ camController.setLookSpeed(-90)
+ camController.setCamera(self.camera)
+ self.view.setRootEntity(self.rootEntity)
+ # # info_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Close)
diff --git a/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/InputWidgets/MoleculeWidget.py b/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/InputWidgets/MoleculeWidget.py
index 8d5a691eb..910ac1758 100644
--- a/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/InputWidgets/MoleculeWidget.py
+++ b/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/InputWidgets/MoleculeWidget.py
@@ -13,9 +13,13 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
-from qtpy.QtWidgets import QComboBox
+import numpy as np
+from qtpy.QtCore import Slot
+from qtpy.QtWidgets import QComboBox, QPushButton
from MDANSE_GUI.InputWidgets.WidgetBase import WidgetBase
+from MDANSE_GUI.InputWidgets.MoleculePreviewWidget import MoleculePreviewWidget
class MoleculeWidget(WidgetBase):
@@ -36,24 +40,98 @@ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
option_list = configurator.choices
default_option = configurator.default
- field = QComboBox(self._base)
- field.addItems(option_list)
- field.setCurrentText(default_option)
- field.currentTextChanged.connect(self.updateValue)
+ traj_config = self._configurator._configurable[
+ self._configurator._dependencies["trajectory"]
+ ]
+ hdf_traj = traj_config["hdf_trajectory"]
+ unique_molecules = hdf_traj.chemical_system.unique_molecules()
+ traj_bond_list = hdf_traj.chemical_system._bonds
+ self.atom_database = hdf_traj
+ self.mol_dict = {}
+ coords_0 = hdf_traj.trajectory.coordinates(0)
+ for mol_name in unique_molecules:
+ no_of_molecules = len(hdf_traj.chemical_system._clusters[mol_name])
+ atom_indices = hdf_traj.chemical_system._clusters[mol_name][0]
+ atom_symbols = [
+ hdf_traj.chemical_system.atom_list[index] for index in atom_indices
+ ]
+ coordinates = coords_0[atom_indices]
+ unique_atoms, atom_counts = np.unique(atom_symbols, return_counts=True)
+ atom_counts = {
+ unique_atoms[n]: atom_counts[n] for n in range(len(unique_atoms))
+ }
+ bonds = [
+ (coords_0[bond[0]], coords_0[bond[1]])
+ for bond in traj_bond_list
+ if bond[0] in atom_indices or bond[1] in atom_indices
+ ]
+ self.mol_dict[mol_name] = {
+ "no_of_molecules": no_of_molecules,
+ "atom_coordinates": coordinates,
+ "atom_number": atom_counts,
+ "atom_indices": atom_indices,
+ "atom_symbols": atom_symbols,
+ "bond_list": bonds,
+ }
+ self.field = QComboBox(self._base)
+ self.field.addItems(option_list)
+ self.field.setCurrentText(default_option)
+ self.selected_name = self.field.currentText()
+ if self.selected_name in self.mol_dict.keys():
+ self.selected_mol = self.mol_dict[self.selected_name]
+ else:
+ self.selected_mol = None
+ self.field.currentTextChanged.connect(self.updateValue)
+ self.field.currentTextChanged.connect(self.molecule_changed)
+ button = QPushButton(self._base)
+ button.setText("Molecule Preview")
+ button.clicked.connect(self.button_clicked)
if self._tooltip:
tooltip_text = self._tooltip
tooltip_text = (
"A single option can be picked out of all the options listed."
- field.setToolTip(tooltip_text)
- self._field = field
- self._layout.addWidget(field)
+ self.field.setToolTip(tooltip_text)
+ self._field = self.field
+ self._layout.addWidget(self.field)
+ self._layout.addWidget(button)
self._configurator = configurator
+ @Slot()
+ def molecule_changed(self):
+ """
+ Change molecule preview and molecule information
+ """
+ self.selected_name = self.field.currentText()
+ try:
+ self.selected_mol = self.mol_dict[self.selected_name]
+ except KeyError:
+ self.selected_mol = None
+ else:
+ self.window = MoleculePreviewWidget(
+ self._base, self.selected_mol, self.selected_name, self.atom_database
+ )
+ @Slot()
+ def button_clicked(self):
+ """
+ Opens a window that shows a preview of selected molecule
+ """
+ if self.selected_mol is None:
+ return
+ self.window = MoleculePreviewWidget(
+ self._base, self.selected_mol, self.selected_name, self.atom_database
+ )
+ if self.window.isVisible():
+ self.window.close()
+ else:
+ self.window.show()
def configure_using_default(self):
"""This is too complex to have a default value"""
@@ -68,4 +146,6 @@ def default_labels(self):
self._tooltip = "You only have one option. Choose wisely."
def get_widget_value(self):
- return self._field.currentText()
+ mol_key = self._field.currentText()
+ if mol_key in self.mol_dict.keys():
+ return mol_key
diff --git a/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/TabbedWindow.py b/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/TabbedWindow.py
index af0e29d32..0a1232eec 100644
--- a/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/TabbedWindow.py
+++ b/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/TabbedWindow.py
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
from MDANSE_GUI.Tabs.PlotSelectionTab import PlotSelectionTab
from MDANSE_GUI.Tabs.PlotTab import PlotTab
from MDANSE_GUI.Tabs.InstrumentTab import InstrumentTab
+from MDANSE_GUI.Tabs.Views.PlotDataView import PlotDataView
from MDANSE_GUI.Widgets.StyleDialog import StyleDialog, StyleDatabase
from MDANSE_GUI.Widgets.NotificationTabWidget import NotificationTabWidget
@@ -109,10 +110,10 @@ def __init__(
self._tabs["Plot Creator"]._visualiser.create_new_text.connect(
self._tabs["Plot Holder"]._visualiser.new_text
def createCommonModels(self):
@@ -326,6 +327,11 @@ def createPlotSelection(self):
self._tabs[name] = plot_tab
+ plot_tab._view.fast_plotting_data.connect(self.accept_external_data)
+ def accept_external_data(self, model):
+ self._tabs["Plot Creator"]._visualiser.new_plot()
+ self._tabs["Plot Holder"].accept_external_data(model)
def createPlotHolder(self):
name = "Plot Holder"
diff --git a/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/Tabs/JobTab.py b/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/Tabs/JobTab.py
index 937165f34..4ccea7aee 100644
--- a/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/Tabs/JobTab.py
+++ b/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/Tabs/JobTab.py
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
from MDANSE_GUI.Tabs.Visualisers.TextInfo import TextInfo
from MDANSE_GUI.Tabs.Models.JobTree import JobTree
from MDANSE_GUI.Tabs.Views.ActionsTree import ActionsTree
+from MDANSE_GUI.InputWidgets.MoleculeWidget import MoleculeWidget
job_tab_label = """This is the list of jobs
diff --git a/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/Tabs/Models/PlottingContext.py b/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/Tabs/Models/PlottingContext.py
index 5ea30bc5e..a05991230 100644
--- a/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/Tabs/Models/PlottingContext.py
+++ b/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/Tabs/Models/PlottingContext.py
@@ -57,11 +57,12 @@ def get_mpl_colours():
class SingleDataset:
- def __init__(self, name: str, source: "h5py.File"):
+ def __init__(self, name: str, source: "h5py.File", linestyle: str = "-"):
self._name = name
self._filename = source.filename
self._curves = {}
self._curve_labels = {}
+ self._linestyle = linestyle
self._planes = {}
self._plane_labels = {}
self._data_limits = None
@@ -425,7 +426,7 @@ def add_dataset(self, new_dataset: SingleDataset):
- "-",
+ new_dataset._linestyle,
diff --git a/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/Tabs/PlotSelectionTab.py b/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/Tabs/PlotSelectionTab.py
index 3d798ac44..b3b72c169 100644
--- a/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/Tabs/PlotSelectionTab.py
+++ b/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/Tabs/PlotSelectionTab.py
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
data sets. Load the files and assign the data sets
to a plot. The plotting interface will appear
in a new tab of the interface.
diff --git a/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/Tabs/Views/PlotDataView.py b/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/Tabs/Views/PlotDataView.py
index 4aff58457..3c58b69fd 100644
--- a/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/Tabs/Views/PlotDataView.py
+++ b/MDANSE_GUI/Src/MDANSE_GUI/Tabs/Views/PlotDataView.py
@@ -14,12 +14,13 @@
# along with this program. If not, see .
from typing import Union
+import time
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QTreeView, QAbstractItemView, QApplication, QMenu
from qtpy.QtCore import Signal, Slot, QModelIndex, Qt, QMimeData
from qtpy.QtGui import QMouseEvent, QDrag, QContextMenuEvent, QStandardItem
from MDANSE_GUI.Tabs.Visualisers.DataPlotter import DataPlotter
+from MDANSE_GUI.Tabs.Models.PlottingContext import PlottingContext, SingleDataset
from MDANSE_GUI.Tabs.Visualisers.PlotDataInfo import PlotDataInfo
from MDANSE_GUI.Widgets.DataDialog import DataDialog
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ class PlotDataView(QTreeView):
execute_action = Signal(object)
item_details = Signal(object)
error = Signal(str)
+ fast_plotting_data = Signal(object)
free_name = Signal(str)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -40,6 +42,30 @@ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# self.data_dialog = DataDialog(self)
self._data_packet = None
+ def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent) -> None:
+ self.click_position = e.position()
+ if self.model() is None:
+ return None
+ index = self.indexAt(e.pos())
+ model = self.model()
+ mda_data_structure = model.inner_object(index)
+ model = PlottingContext()
+ for key in mda_data_structure._file.keys():
+ try:
+ if "main" in mda_data_structure._file[key].attrs["tags"]:
+ if "partial" in mda_data_structure._file[key].attrs["tags"]:
+ dataset = SingleDataset(
+ key, mda_data_structure._file, linestyle="--"
+ )
+ else:
+ dataset = SingleDataset(key, mda_data_structure._file)
+ model.add_dataset(dataset)
+ except KeyError:
+ print(f"No attribute called Tag found in {key}, skipping")
+ self.fast_plotting_data.emit(model)
+ return super().mouseDoubleClickEvent(e)
def mousePressEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent) -> None:
self.click_position = e.position()
if self.model() is None: