Q: What's a payment gateway ? A: That's what that prepare the form and the management of the transaction for a specific payment method (ex: paypal, stripe, ...)
Q: How does it work ? A: (schema)
All of the payment gateway extends from AbstractPaymentGateway so it must contains the following methods :
* Example inspired by PaypalPaymentGateway
namespace MyBundle\Gateway;
use IDCI\Bundle\PaymentBundle\Model\GatewayResponse;
use IDCI\Bundle\PaymentBundle\Model\PaymentGatewayConfigurationInterface;
use IDCI\Bundle\PaymentBundle\Model\Transaction;
use IDCI\Bundle\PaymentBundle\Payment\PaymentStatus;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
class ExemplePaymentGateway extends AbstractPaymentGateway
// Return the data that will be used in payment gateway view
public function initialize(
PaymentGatewayConfigurationInterface $paymentGatewayConfiguration,
Transaction $transaction
): array {
return [
'clientId' => $paymentGatewayConfiguration->get('client_id'),
'transaction' => $transaction,
'callbackUrl' => $paymentGatewayConfiguration->get('callback_url'),
'returnUrl' => $paymentGatewayConfiguration->get('return_url'),
'environment' => $paymentGatewayConfiguration->get('environment'),
// Return the builded view in HTML format by using twig templating
public function buildHTMLView(
PaymentGatewayConfigurationInterface $paymentGatewayConfiguration,
Transaction $transaction
): string {
return $this->templating->render('@IDCIPayment/Gateway/paypal.html.twig', [
'initializationData' => $this->initialize($paymentGatewayConfiguration, $transaction),
// If you want to pre-validate the transaction on customer return
public function getReturnResponse(
Request $request,
PaymentGatewayConfigurationInterface $paymentGatewayConfiguration
): GatewayResponse {
$gatewayResponse = new GatewayResponse();
if (null === $request->get('transactionID')) {
return $gatewayResponse;
if ('failed' === $result->getState()) {
return $gatewayResponse->setStatus(PaymentStatus::STATUS_FAILED);
return $gatewayResponse->setStatus(PaymentStatus::STATUS_APPROVED);
// Return the bank response in formalized GatewayResponse format to let PaymentContext verify that the transaction is correct
public function getCallbackResponse(
Request $request,
PaymentGatewayConfigurationInterface $paymentGatewayConfiguration
): GatewayResponse {
// ...
// normalize the return parameters into the GatewayReponse object
$amount = $paypalPayment->getTransactions()[0]->getAmount();
->setAmount($amount->total * 100)
// ...
// don't forget to set the payment status (failed or approved)
if ('approved' !== $result->getState()) {
return $gatewayResponse->setMessage('Transaction unauthorized');
return $gatewayResponse->setStatus(PaymentStatus::STATUS_APPROVED);
// Return the available parameters used in payment gateway configuration commands and configuration file
public static function getParameterNames(): ?array
return array_merge(
Now add the following configuration in your service.yml
# service.yml
- { name: idci_payment.gateways, alias: exemple }
Warning : The payment gateway getCallbackResponse()
method will never be call by the client but by the bank itself in backend controller for security reason.
Use console command and choose your payment gateway:
$ php bin/console app:payment-gateway-configuration:create
You can also add it to your config.yml
gateway_name: exemple
enabled: true
client_id: (id)
client_secret: (secret)
environment: sandbox
return_url: www.example.com
callback_url: www.example.com