Either run the application dh_generate_json on a dedicated Streaming Analytics service instance or generate the test data on the same Streaming Analytics service, wait for completion and cancel the job before launching the dh_json_parquet application.
From command line you could launch the application with streamsx-runner to the Streaming Analytics service:
streamsx-runner --service-name $STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE_NAME --main-composite com.ibm.streamsx.datahistorian.generate.json::Main --toolkits dh_generate_json --submission-parameters mh.topic=dh mh.topic.numPartitions=6 numMessages.per.partition=2000000
The command above launches the application that writes to 6
partitions, 2000000
messages each with the topic name dh
It is recommended to launch the application dh_json_parquet to a Streaming Analytics service with "premium container" plan (16 cores and 128GB RAM)
export COS_URI="s3a://<YOUR_BUCKET_NAME>"
Replace <YOUR_BUCKET_NAME> with your target COS bucket.
Set the toolkit location of the com.ibm.streamsx.messagehub toolkit (version 1.5):
export MH_TOOLKIT=../../../streamsx.messagehub/com.ibm.streamsx.messagehub
Set the toolkit location of the com.ibm.streamsx.objectstorage toolkit (version 1.6).
For example:
export COS_TOOLKIT=../../com.ibm.streamsx.objectstorage
From command line you could launch the application with streamsx-runner to the Streaming Analytics service:
streamsx-runner --service-name $STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE_NAME --main-composite com.ibm.streamsx.datahistorian.json.parquet::Main --toolkits dh_json_parquet $MH_TOOLKIT $COS_TOOLKIT --trace info --submission-parameters mh.consumer.group.size=6 mh.topic=dh cos.number.writers=4 cos.uri=$COS_URI
The command above launches the application read from Event Streams with the topic name dh
using 6
consumers and writing to COS using 4
Restart any Processing Element (PE) of the dh_json_parquet application while running in the Streaming Analytics service.
The Job Control Plane will reset the region and the operators recover from their checkpoints. Consumer operators proceed processing with last saved checkpoint.
Open the UI of the SQL query service and run the following queries to check that the expected 12.000.000 messages are processed with exactly once semantics.
Replace the bucket name "datahistorian-001" with your bucket name in the queries below.
SELECT COUNT(id) FROM cos://us-geo/datahistorian-001/DataHistorian/*.parquet STORED AS PARQUET
Validate that the messages are distinct:
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id, channel) FROM cos://us-geo/datahistorian-001/DataHistorian/*.parquet STORED AS PARQUET
The result should look like this: