Run unit and funtional tests with:
npm test
Test your server and Visual Recognition classification by exectuting the following in a shell:
export API_KEY=<your_api_key>
curl -u "apikey:$API_KEY" ""
export CLASSIFIER=<your_classifer>
export IMAGE_FILE=brokenWindowTest.jpg
curl -X POST -u "apikey:$API_KEY" -F "images_file=@data/$IMAGE_FILE" "$CLASSIFIER&version=2018-03-19"
Note that running the functional tests in TravisCI require credentials for the Conversation Service and a Conversation workspace ID. Travis Environment Variables
With travis installed via
gem install travis
encrypt with:
travis encrypt VISUAL_RECOGNITION_API_KEY=<your_API_key>
The output will look like:
Please add the following to your .travis.yml file:
secure: "r7R+dsmsMYOwPSwq32EG2+qtw49/2nIiEvU1pj1GtATfGnDkt4YjdS6LWKZ2KpE4F3hjx9QqQsJVnZS2O/1EZmZWeS6Gjv3g/uTxvuz8djfrBGkT65tL9pILT1mviQxt3Uf4W/mZxAveVHq6aYST7NI716+1eTBEUXCHR2TEA0zbsaPvbMprRz2Kz8ixLc0eT9umXjlvK+EUP6H+wtlKUltN2k1PYd<snip_for_brevity>"
Put this in your .travis.yml file like this:
- secure: <some_string_of_encrypted_data>
Note: You can add directly to the .travis.yml file with the following, but beware that it can add artifacts to the file that will render it non-working:
travis encrypt VISUAL_RECOGNITION_API_KEY=<your_API_key> --add .travis.yml