Releases: I-am-Erk/CDDA-Tilesets
UltiCa Updates, 2021-01-17
acepleiades: messenger bag, sling pack, keletal shocker, amoebic mold, hulking horror, ashen brawler, SWAT zombie, katana, halberd, peasant flail, update older weapon sprites to new standards
bombasticSlacks: rifle case, leather rifle case, double rifle case, leather double rifle case, military rucksack
int-ua: omnidirectional ramps, add seasonal background for splitrail
UltiCa Updates, 2021-01-11
Acepleiades: howling waif, snotgobbler, shriekling, creepy crawler, sproglodyte, pupating decoys, shady pupating zombie, grabber zombie, anklebiter, 3 sprites for prisoner zombies, dissoluted devourer, huge boomer edit, bile filler, batwing zombie, garghoul, eyebot
Mr Asbestos: misc repairkit, halligan bar, car battery, lit cigar, codeine, raw fiddlehead, peephole, purse, two-way radio, wristwatch, overlay_male_wielded_cigar, overlay_male_wielded_cigar_lit, overlay_wielded_battery_car, overlay_wielded_misc_repairkit, overlay_wielded_tourniquet, overlay_wielded_two_way_radio, overlay_female_worn_wristwatch, overlay_male_worn_wristwatch
BombasticSlacks: phase shrike, phase skulker
Fris0uman: wet and soiled variants of towels
UltiCa Updates, 2021-01-07
Acepleiades: huckleberry shrub, mossberg shotguns ground and wielded sprites, blackberry shrubs, update trees, Remington shotguns, Treadmill, Skull zombie, Headless zombie variants update, Listener zombie, tough zombie with more neutral colors, Howling waif, Strawberry shrubs, more shrubs
BombasticSlacks: Axe Ring Holster, Spear Strap, Scabbard, Back Scabbard, Holster, duffel bag, Tool Belt and Leather Belt
MrAsbestos: Purse, and PR 24 baton
MrAsbestos and Acepleiades: Breifcase item sprite
Kivnova and Acepleiades: Black eyed susan and Blueberry shrubs
UltiCa Updates, 2020-12-30
int_ua and acepleiades: grass made the default background, related recolors and fixes
acepleiades: taller zchildren
MrAsbestos: expandable baton, portable game
int_ua: goo pit, slime
Green item indicator, saddle and seat items now look better, wetsuit_hood and disposable batteries IDs fixed.
UltiCa Updates, 2020-12-27
acepleiades: maple trees, light and misc survivor gear, rocks and corrosive zombies updated
MrAsbestos: cigar, tourniquets
int_ua: stained glass windows
UltiCa Updates, 2020-12-25
acepleiades: diving gear, kasaya, teapots tuned
int_ua: clay pot, bowl, quern, jug, larger hydria
int_ua with acepleiades: vp chargers
MrAsbestos with acepleiades: cellphone
UltiCa Updates, 2020-12-23
acepleiades: winter survivor gear, AEP suit, survivor firegear, multitile blood, mask and belt updates
MrAsbestos: grenades, codeine, ear_plugs, hip flask, peephole, smoke bomb
UltiCa Updates, 2020-12-20
Small items centered horizontally.
@acepleiades: more survivor gear, duffelbag, runner_bag
MrAsbestos: grenade
UltiCa Updates, 2020-12-18
@acepleiades contributions: army, SWAT and survivor gear, spring forage
@int-ua : clay hydria, clay pot, scrap copper, plastic
Reduced contrast of snow tile borders, reduced vending machine sprites height, pools now use new water sprite, other small fixes.
UltiCa Updates, 2020-12-12
Fixes some trees using wrong sprite or being invisible.