{% trans "An overview of active and past submissions and projects" %}
+ {% adminbar %}
+ {% slot header %}{% trans "Dashboard" %}{% endslot %}
+ {% slot sub_heading %}{% trans "An overview of active and past submissions and projects" %}{% endslot %}
{% trans 'Invoices' %}
{% if active_invoices.count %}
{% render_table active_invoices.table %}
{% else %}
- {% trans "No Active Invoices" %}
+ {% trans "No Active Invoices" %}
{% endif %}
@@ -65,7 +65,9 @@
{% trans 'Invoices' %}
{% if invoices_for_approval.count %}
{% render_table invoices_for_approval.table %}
{% else %}
- {% trans "No Invoices for Approval " %}
+ {% trans "No Invoices for Approval " %}
{% endif %}
@@ -74,7 +76,9 @@
{% trans 'Invoices' %}
{% if invoices_to_convert.count %}
{% render_table invoices_to_convert.table %}
{% else %}
- {% trans "No Invoices for Conversion " %}
+ {% trans 'PAF waiting for internal approval' %}
{% if paf_waiting_for_approval.approved_by_you.count %}
{% render_table paf_waiting_for_approval.approved_by_you.table %}
{% else %}
- {% trans "No PAF is approved by you yet " %}
{% if projects_in_contracting.waiting_for_contract_approval.count %}
{% render_table projects_in_contracting.waiting_for_contract_approval.table %}
{% else %}
- {% trans "No project is waiting for contract approval " %}
+ {% trans "No project is waiting for contract approval " %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}Please enter one of the backup codes to login to your account.
- Those codes were generated for you during 2FA setup to print or keep safe in a password manager.{% endblocktrans %}
- {% for field in form %}
- {% include "forms/includes/field.html" %}
- {% endfor %}
- {% if settings.users.AuthSettings.extra_text %}
- {{ settings.users.AuthSettings.extra_text|richtext}}
+ {% if wizard.steps.current == 'token' %}
+ {% if device.method == 'call' %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}We are calling your phone right now, please enter the
+ digits you hear.{% endblocktrans %}
+ {% elif device.method == 'sms' %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}We sent you a text message, please enter the tokens we
+ sent.{% endblocktrans %}
+ {% else %}
Two Factor Verification
{% blocktrans trimmed %}Please enter the 6-digit verification code generated by your Authenticator App.{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}Please enter one of the backup codes to login to your account.
+ Those codes were generated for you during 2FA setup to print or keep safe in a password manager.{% endblocktrans %}
- {% for field in form %}
- {%if field.id_for_label != 'id_is_superuser' and field.label != 'Groups' %}
- {% include "forms/includes/field.html" %}
- {%endif%}
- {% endfor %}