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Xun Gong edited this page Jul 8, 2019 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the ppca-dht-test wiki!

DHT (beta)


  • A DHT can be viewed as a dictionary service distributed over a network: it provides access to a common shared key->value data-store, distributed over participating nodes with great performance and scalability.
  • From a user perspective, a DHT essentially provides a map interface, with two main operations: put(key, value) and get(key). Get will retrieve values stored at a certain key while put (often called announce) will store a value on the network. Note that many values can be stored under the same key.
  • There are many algorithms to implement dht, where Kademlia DHT algorithm requires to contact only O(log(N)) nodes for a get operation, N being the number of nodes in the network. This property makes DHTs very scalable as demonstrated.

Mor info in Wiki:DHT


  • Use go-lang to implement a DHT with basic functions
  • Use this DHT to implement an easy application
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