The only exhaustive list of commands I could find is in gmic/src/gmic_stdlib.gmic.
Ideally this program (or G'MIC...) should parse the gmic file and allow something like gmic help commands
or gmic help fx_upscale_smart
or gmic help upscale_smart
. Example of gmic file content:
#@gui Upscale [Diffusion] : fx_upscale_smart, fx_upscale_smart_preview(0)
#@gui : Width = text("200%")
#@gui : Height = text("200%")
#@gui : Smoothness = float(2,0,20)
#@gui : Anisotropy = float(0.4,0,1)
#@gui : Sharpness = float(50,0,100)
#@gui : sep = separator()
#@gui : note = note("<small>Author: <i>David Tschumperlé</i>. Latest Update: <i>2010/29/12</i>.</small>")
fx_upscale_smart :
to_rgb upscale_smart $1,$2,1,$3,$4,$5 c 0,255
(The GIMP plugin is defined in a SCM file in
Example ffmpeg
commands that could be improved with moreffmpeg
ffmpeg -threads 0 -analyzeduration 150M -probesize 150M -i input.vob -map 0:v -preset veryslow -vf crop=720:464:0:4,scale=1024:-2:flags=print_info+lanczos+accurate_rnd+full_chroma_int:param0=5,unsharp=7:7:1.0:7:7:0.0,vaguedenoiser=method=1:threshold=4 -profile:v high -level:v 4.0 -vcodec libx264 -crf 22 -tune film -allow_skip_frames 1 -g 120 -bf 0 -pix_fmt yuv420p -x264-params look_ahead_depth=60 -map 0:a:0 -acodec copy output.mkv
ffmpeg -threads 0 -analyzeduration 150M -probesize 150M -i input.vob -map 0:v -preset veryslow -vf crop=720:464:0:4,scale=1024:-2:flags=lanczos:param0=5,unsharp=7:7:1.0:7:7:0.0,vaguedenoiser=method=1:threshold=4 -profile:v high -level:v 4.0 -vcodec libx264 -crf 22 -tune film -allow_skip_frames 1 -g 120 -bf 0 -pix_fmt yuv420p -x264-params look_ahead_depth=60 -map 0:a:0 -acodec copy output.mkv
This section provides some examples of commands that should be allowed and passed to moreffmpeg
after --gmic
Based on ffmpeg frei0r syntax frei0r=filter_name=pixeliz0r:filter_params=0.02|0.02
and gmic CLI syntax gmic vlcsnap-2024-10-07-08h23m00s709.png fx_upscale_smart 178%,150%,0,0.4,35 output output_image.png
-vf "gmic=filter_name=fx_upscale_smart:filter_params=178%|150%|0|0.4|35"
- Maybe allow multiple filters like
-vf "gmic=sharpen 1, frei0r=glow:0.5"
- Maybe allow multiple filters like
upscale_smart G'MIC documentation:
smart_upscale width[%],_height[%],_depth,_smoothness>=0,_anisotropy=[0,1],sharpening>=0
- but you actually have to do
- but you actually have to do
rescale2d ,100 +upscale_smart 500%,500% append x
- but rescale2d is see gmic commands instead.
gmic help
gmic image.jpg denoise 30,10 output denoised.jpg
PIL gmic-py documentation: