All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Function for adding members to a group
- Function for removing members from a group
- Function for changing the name and/or the parent of a group
- Function for returning the sso url of an appliance
- Function for returning the sso url of a server hardware
- Function for returning the sso url of an enclosure
- Function for importing a server certificate
- Function for removing a server certificate
- Function for listing the configuration of the network interfaces
- Function for configuring a network interface
- Support paging (#8)
- Scriptanalyzer test
- Changed Get-OVGDResourceAlert so it supports queries for ServiceEvents
- Support queries (#9)
- Changed Entity parameter to Id for all functions (added Entity as alias)
- Reworked output to fix issue with outputting a single object (#10)
- Fixed missing query for state on Get-OVGDServerHardware
- Function for listing Storage pools (#4)
- Function for listing Storage volumes (#5)
- Function for listing SAN Managers (#6)
- Function for listing Managed SANs (#7)
- Minor change to help text (server parameter) on most functions
- Output on Get-OVGDTask
- Nothing.. Skipped due to mismatch of versioning
- Function for listing Tasks (#3)
- Renamed Resource Alerts function
- Support PSCredential (#1)
- Function for listing Resource Alerts (#2)
- Output format
- Validating method variable in the Invoke-OVGDRequest function
- Tags in manifest file
- Specified test in pipeline
- CI pipeline
- Help text
- Renamed group Add-OVGDGroup to New-OVGDGroup
- Pester tests
- Renamed the module manifest file to the correct name
- Function for Updating an appliance
- Function for Removing an appliance
- Adding support for contenttype in Invoke-OVGDRequest cmdlet
- Function for Adding an appliance
- Fixed some syntax based on PSScriptAnalyzer tests
- Added README
- Added changelog
- Module manifest
- Moved functions to separate files
- Changed name of function that creates resource path
- Initial commit of module. All contained in a single psm1 file
- Following functions are added:
- Connect-OVGD
- New-OVGDSessionKey
- Disconnect-OVGD
- Remove-OVGDSessionKey
- Get-OVGDAppliance
- Get-OVGDCertificate
- Get-OVGDConvergedSystem
- Get-OVGDEnclosure
- Get-OVGDGroup
- Add-OVGDGroup
- Remove-OVGDGroup
- Get-OVGDGroupMember
- Get-OVGDServerHardware
- Get-OVGDServerProfile
- Get-OVGDServerProfileTemplate
- Get-OVGDStorageSystem
- BuildResource (private function)
- Invoke-OVGDRequest (private function)
- Set-InsecureSSL (private function)
- Following functions are added: